/** * 在遗传算法中每次突变或者是交配产生出新的种群时,可能会出现板件与旋转角度不适配的结果,需要重新检查并适配。 * @param binPolygon * @param tree * @return */ private static List <int> checkIfCanBePlaced(NestPath binPolygon, List <NestPath> tree) { List <int> CanBePlacdPolygonIndex = new List <int>(); Bound binBound = GeometryUtil.getPolygonBounds(binPolygon); for (int i = 0; i < tree.Count; i++) { NestPath nestPath = tree[i]; if (nestPath.getRotation() == 0) { Bound bound = GeometryUtil.getPolygonBounds(nestPath); if (bound.width < binBound.width && bound.height < binBound.height) { CanBePlacdPolygonIndex.Add(i); continue; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < nestPath.getRotation(); j++) { Bound rotatedBound = GeometryUtil.rotatePolygon(nestPath, (360 / nestPath.getRotation()) * j); if (rotatedBound.width < binBound.width && rotatedBound.height < binBound.height) { CanBePlacdPolygonIndex.Add(i); break; } } } } return(CanBePlacdPolygonIndex); }
/** * 为一个polygon 返回一个角度 * @param part * @return */ private double randomAngle(NestPath part) { List <double> angleList = new List <double>(); double rotate = Math.Max(1, part.getRotation()); if (rotate == 0) { angleList.Add(0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < rotate; i++) { angleList.Add((360 / rotate) * i); } } //打乱角度列表的排序 angleList.Shuffle(); //Collections.shuffle(angleList); for (int i = 0; i < angleList.Count; i++) { Bound rotatedPart = GeometryUtil.rotatePolygon(part, angleList[i]); if (rotatedPart.getWidth() < binBounds.getWidth() && rotatedPart.getHeight() < binBounds.getHeight()) { return(angleList[i]); } } /** * 没有找到合法的角度 */ return(-1); }
/** * 根据板件列表与旋转角列表,通过nfp,计算板件在底板上的位置,并返回这个种群的fitness * @param paths * @return */ public Result placePaths(List <NestPath> paths) { List <NestPath> rotated = new List <NestPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++) { NestPath r = GeometryUtil.rotatePolygon2Polygon(paths[i], paths[i].getRotation()); r.setRotation(paths[i].getRotation()); r.setSource(paths[i].getSource()); r.setId(paths[i].getId()); rotated.Add(r); } paths = rotated; List <List <Vector> > allplacements = new List <List <Vector> >(); double fitness = 0; double binarea = Math.Abs(GeometryUtil.polygonArea(this.binPolygon)); String key = null; List <NestPath> nfp = null; while (paths.Count > 0) { List <NestPath> placed = new List <NestPath>(); List <Vector> placements = new List <Vector>(); fitness += 1; double minwidth = Double.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++) { NestPath path = paths[i]; //inner NFP key = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new NfpKey(-1, path.getId(), true, 0, path.getRotation())); //key = gson.toJson(new NfpKey(-1, path.getId(), true, 0, path.getRotation())); if (!nfpCache.ContainsKey(key)) { continue; } List <NestPath> binNfp = nfpCache[key]; // ensure exists bool error = false; for (int j = 0; j < placed.Count; j++) { key = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new NfpKey(placed[j].getId(), path.getId(), false, placed[j].getRotation(), path.getRotation())); // key = gson.toJson(new NfpKey(placed[j].getId(), path.getId(), false, placed[j].getRotation(), path.getRotation())); if (nfpCache.ContainsKey(key)) { nfp = nfpCache[key]; } else { error = true; break; } } if (error) { continue; } Vector position = null; if (placed.Count == 0) { // first placement , put it on the lefth for (int j = 0; j < binNfp.Count; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < binNfp[j].size(); k++) { if (position == null || binNfp[j].get(k).x - path.get(0).x < position.x) { position = new Vector( binNfp[j].get(k).x - path.get(0).x, binNfp[j].get(k).y - path.get(0).y, path.getId(), path.getRotation() ); } } } placements.Add(position); placed.Add(path); continue; } Paths clipperBinNfp = new Paths(); for (int j = 0; j < binNfp.Count; j++) { NestPath binNfpj = binNfp[j]; clipperBinNfp.Add(scaleUp2ClipperCoordinates(binNfpj)); } Clipper clipper = new Clipper(); Paths combinedNfp = new Paths(); for (int j = 0; j < placed.Count; j++) { key = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new NfpKey(placed[j].getId(), path.getId(), false, placed[j].getRotation(), path.getRotation())); //key = gson.toJson(new NfpKey(placed[j].getId(), path.getId(), false, placed[j].getRotation(), path.getRotation())); nfp = nfpCache[key]; if (nfp == null) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < nfp.Count; k++) { Path clone = PlacementWorker.scaleUp2ClipperCoordinates(nfp[k]); for (int m = 0; m < clone.Count; m++) { long clx = (long)clone[m].X; long cly = (long)clone[m].Y; IntPoint intPoint = clone[m]; intPoint.X = (clx + (long)(placements[j].x * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE)); intPoint.Y = (cly + (long)(placements[j].y * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE)); clone[m] = intPoint; } //clone = clone.Cleaned(0.0001 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE); clone = Clipper.CleanPolygon(clone, 0.0001 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE); double areaPoly = Math.Abs(Clipper.Area(clone)); if (clone.Count > 2 && areaPoly > 0.1 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE) { clipper.AddPath(clone, PolyType.ptSubject, true); } } } if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, combinedNfp, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero)) { continue; } //difference with bin polygon Paths finalNfp = new Paths(); clipper = new Clipper(); clipper.AddPaths(combinedNfp, PolyType.ptClip, true); clipper.AddPaths(clipperBinNfp, PolyType.ptSubject, true); if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctDifference, finalNfp, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero)) { continue; } // finalNfp = finalNfp.Cleaned(0.0001 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE); finalNfp = Clipper.CleanPolygons(finalNfp, 0.0001 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE); for (int j = 0; j < finalNfp.Count(); j++) { //double areaPoly = Math.Abs(finalNfp[j].Area); double areaPoly = Math.Abs(Clipper.Area(finalNfp[j])); if (finalNfp[j].Count < 3 || areaPoly < 0.1 * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE) { finalNfp.RemoveAt(j); j--; } } if (finalNfp == null || finalNfp.Count == 0) { continue; } List <NestPath> f = new List <NestPath>(); for (int j = 0; j < finalNfp.Count; j++) { f.Add(toNestCoordinates(finalNfp[j])); } List <NestPath> finalNfpf = f; double minarea = Double.MinValue; double minX = Double.MaxValue; NestPath nf = null; double area = Double.MinValue; Vector shifvector = null; for (int j = 0; j < finalNfpf.Count; j++) { nf = finalNfpf[j]; if (Math.Abs(GeometryUtil.polygonArea(nf)) < 2) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < nf.size(); k++) { NestPath allpoints = new NestPath(); for (int m = 0; m < placed.Count; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < placed[m].size(); n++) { allpoints.add(new Segment(placed[m].get(n).x + placements[m].x, placed[m].get(n).y + placements[m].y)); } } shifvector = new Vector(nf.get(k).x - path.get(0).x, nf.get(k).y - path.get(0).y, path.getId(), path.getRotation(), combinedNfp); for (int m = 0; m < path.size(); m++) { allpoints.add(new Segment(path.get(m).x + shifvector.x, path.get(m).y + shifvector.y)); } Bound rectBounds = GeometryUtil.getPolygonBounds(allpoints); area = rectBounds.getWidth() * 2 + rectBounds.getHeight(); if (minarea == Double.MinValue || area < minarea || (GeometryUtil.almostEqual(minarea, area) && (minX == Double.MinValue || shifvector.x < minX))) { minarea = area; minwidth = rectBounds.getWidth(); position = shifvector; minX = shifvector.x; } } } if (position != null) { placed.Add(path); placements.Add(position); } } if (minwidth != Double.MinValue) { fitness += minwidth / binarea; } for (int i = 0; i < placed.Count; i++) { int index = paths.IndexOf(placed[i]); if (index >= 0) { paths.RemoveAt(index); } } if (placements != null && placements.Count > 0) { allplacements.Add(placements); } else { break; // something went wrong } } // there were paths that couldn't be placed fitness += 2 * paths.Count; return(new Result(allplacements, fitness, paths, binarea)); }
/** * 一次迭代计算 * @param tree 板件列表(去掉了带孔的多边形内孔的点集) * @param binPolygon 底板 * @param config 设置 * @return */ public Result launchWorkers(List <NestPath> tree, NestPath binPolygon, Config config) { launchcount++; if (GA == null) { List <NestPath> adam = new List <NestPath>(); foreach (var nestPath in tree) { var clone = new NestPath(nestPath); adam.Add(clone); } foreach (NestPath nestPath in adam) { nestPath.area = GeometryUtil.polygonArea(nestPath); } //按零件的面积由大到小排序 adam.Sort((x, y) => x.area.CompareTo(y.area)); //Collections.sort(adam); GA = new GeneticAlgorithm(adam, binPolygon, config); } Individual individual = null; for (int i = 0; i < GA.population.Count; i++) { if (GA.population[i].getFitness() < 0) { individual = GA.population[i]; break; } } // if(individual == null ){ // GA.generation(); // individual = GA.population.get(1); // } if (launchcount > 1 && individual == null) { GA.generation(); individual = GA.population[1]; } // 以上为GA List <NestPath> placelist = individual.getPlacement(); List <double> rotations = individual.getRotation(); List <int> ids = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < placelist.Count; i++) { ids.Add(placelist[i].getId()); placelist[i].setRotation(rotations[i]); } List <NfpPair> nfpPairs = new List <NfpPair>(); NfpKey key = null; /** * 如果在nfpCache里没找到nfpKey 则添加进nfpPairs */ for (int i = 0; i < placelist.Count; i++) { NestPath part = placelist[i]; //这个是零件和底板之间形成的nfp,所以inside这个参数为true key = new NfpKey(binPolygon.getId(), part.getId(), true, 0, part.getRotation()); if (!nfpCache.ContainsKey(serialize.Serialize(key))) { nfpPairs.Add(new NfpPair(binPolygon, part, key)); } else { } //这个是零件之间相互形成的nfp,所以inside这个参数为false for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { NestPath placed = placelist[j]; NfpKey keyed = new NfpKey(placed.getId(), part.getId(), false, rotations[j], rotations[i]); nfpPairs.Add(new NfpPair(placed, part, keyed)); } } /** * 第一次nfpCache为空 ,nfpCache存的是nfpKey所对应的两个polygon所形成的Nfp( List<NestPath> ) */ List <ParallelData> generatedNfp = new List <ParallelData>(); foreach (NfpPair nfpPair in nfpPairs) { ParallelData dataTemp = NfpUtil.nfpGenerator(nfpPair, config); generatedNfp.Add(dataTemp); } for (int i = 0; i < generatedNfp.Count; i++) { ParallelData Nfp = generatedNfp[i]; //TODO remove gson & generate a new key algorithm String tkey = serialize.Serialize(Nfp.getKey()); //gson.toJson(Nfp.getKey()); if (!nfpCache.ContainsKey(tkey)) { nfpCache.Add(tkey, Nfp.value); } else { } } PlacementWorker worker = new PlacementWorker(binPolygon, config, nfpCache); List <NestPath> placeListSlice = new List <NestPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < placelist.Count; i++) { placeListSlice.Add(new NestPath(placelist[i])); } List <List <NestPath> > data = new List <List <NestPath> >(); data.Add(placeListSlice); List <Result> placements = new List <Result>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { Result result = worker.placePaths(data[i]); placements.Add(result); } if (placements.Count == 0) { return(null); } individual.fitness = placements[0].fitness; Result bestResult = placements[0]; for (int i = 1; i < placements.Count; i++) { if (placements[i].fitness < bestResult.fitness) { bestResult = placements[i]; } } return(bestResult); }