Пример #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @After public void tearDown()
        public virtual void TearDown()
            if (_neoStores != null)
Пример #2
        public RecordStorageEngine(DatabaseLayout databaseLayout, Config config, PageCache pageCache, FileSystemAbstraction fs, LogProvider logProvider, LogProvider userLogProvider, TokenHolders tokenHolders, SchemaState schemaState, ConstraintSemantics constraintSemantics, JobScheduler scheduler, TokenNameLookup tokenNameLookup, LockService lockService, IndexProviderMap indexProviderMap, IndexingService.Monitor indexingServiceMonitor, DatabaseHealth databaseHealth, ExplicitIndexProvider explicitIndexProvider, IndexConfigStore indexConfigStore, IdOrderingQueue explicitIndexTransactionOrdering, IdGeneratorFactory idGeneratorFactory, IdController idController, Monitors monitors, RecoveryCleanupWorkCollector recoveryCleanupWorkCollector, OperationalMode operationalMode, VersionContextSupplier versionContextSupplier)
            this._tokenHolders   = tokenHolders;
            this._schemaState    = schemaState;
            this._lockService    = lockService;
            this._databaseHealth = databaseHealth;
            this._explicitIndexProviderLookup      = explicitIndexProvider;
            this._indexConfigStore                 = indexConfigStore;
            this._constraintSemantics              = constraintSemantics;
            this._explicitIndexTransactionOrdering = explicitIndexTransactionOrdering;

            this._idController = idController;
            StoreFactory factory = new StoreFactory(databaseLayout, config, idGeneratorFactory, pageCache, fs, logProvider, versionContextSupplier);

            _neoStores = factory.OpenAllNeoStores(true);

                _schemaCache   = new SchemaCache(constraintSemantics, Collections.emptyList(), indexProviderMap);
                _schemaStorage = new SchemaStorage(_neoStores.SchemaStore);

                NeoStoreIndexStoreView neoStoreIndexStoreView = new NeoStoreIndexStoreView(lockService, _neoStores);
                bool readOnly = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.read_only) && operationalMode == OperationalMode.single;
                monitors.AddMonitorListener(new LoggingMonitor(logProvider.GetLog(typeof(NativeLabelScanStore))));
                _labelScanStore = new NativeLabelScanStore(pageCache, databaseLayout, fs, new FullLabelStream(neoStoreIndexStoreView), readOnly, monitors, recoveryCleanupWorkCollector);

                _indexStoreView        = new DynamicIndexStoreView(neoStoreIndexStoreView, _labelScanStore, lockService, _neoStores, logProvider);
                this._indexProviderMap = indexProviderMap;
                _indexingService       = IndexingServiceFactory.createIndexingService(config, scheduler, indexProviderMap, _indexStoreView, tokenNameLookup, Iterators.asList(_schemaStorage.loadAllSchemaRules()), logProvider, userLogProvider, indexingServiceMonitor, schemaState, readOnly);

                _integrityValidator = new IntegrityValidator(_neoStores, _indexingService);
                _cacheAccess        = new BridgingCacheAccess(_schemaCache, schemaState, tokenHolders);

                _explicitIndexApplierLookup = new Org.Neo4j.Kernel.Impl.Api.ExplicitIndexApplierLookup_Direct(explicitIndexProvider);

                _labelScanStoreSync = new WorkSync <Supplier <LabelScanWriter>, LabelUpdateWork>(_labelScanStore.newWriter);

                _commandReaderFactory = new RecordStorageCommandReaderFactory();
                _indexUpdatesSync     = new WorkSync <IndexingUpdateService, IndexUpdatesWork>(_indexingService);

                _denseNodeThreshold = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.dense_node_threshold);
                _recordIdBatchSize  = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.record_id_batch_size);
            catch (Exception failure)
                throw failure;
Пример #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public synchronized void close() throws java.io.IOException
        public override void Close()
            lock (this)
                if (_asPartOfStoreCopy)
                    /* A checkpoint which points to the beginning of all the log files, meaning that
                     * all the streamed transactions will be applied as part of recovery. */
                    long        logVersion         = _logFiles.LowestLogVersion;
                    LogPosition checkPointPosition = new LogPosition(logVersion, LOG_HEADER_SIZE);

                    _log.info("Writing checkpoint as part of store copy: " + checkPointPosition);

                    // * comment copied from old StoreCopyClient *
                    // since we just create new log and put checkpoint into it with offset equals to
                    // LOG_HEADER_SIZE we need to update last transaction offset to be equal to this newly defined max
                    // offset otherwise next checkpoint that use last transaction offset will be created for non
                    // existing offset that is in most of the cases bigger than new log size.
                    // Recovery will treat that as last checkpoint and will not try to recover store till new
                    // last closed transaction offset will not overcome old one. Till that happens it will be
                    // impossible for recovery process to restore the store
                    File neoStore = _databaseLayout.metadataStore();
                    MetaDataStore.setRecord(_pageCache, neoStore, LAST_CLOSED_TRANSACTION_LOG_BYTE_OFFSET, checkPointPosition.ByteOffset);


                if (_lastTxId != -1)
                    File neoStoreFile = _databaseLayout.metadataStore();
                    MetaDataStore.setRecord(_pageCache, neoStoreFile, LAST_TRANSACTION_ID, _lastTxId);
Пример #4
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @After public void tearDown()
        public virtual void TearDown()
Пример #5
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @After public void after()
        public virtual void After()