/// <summary>Creates a new node with the right part of this node.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Creates a new node with the right part of this node. This should only be
        /// called on a full node
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual NeoDatis.Btree.IBTreeNode ExtractRightPart()
            if (!IsFull())
                throw new NeoDatis.Btree.Exception.BTreeException("extract right part called on non full node"
            // Creates an empty new node
            NeoDatis.Btree.IBTreeNode rightPart = btree.BuildNode();
            int j = 0;

            for (int i = degree; i < maxNbKeys; i++)
                rightPart.SetKeyAndValueAt(keys[i], values[i], j, false, false);
                keys[i]   = null;
                values[i] = null;
                rightPart.SetChildAt(this, i, j, false);
                // TODO must we load all nodes to set new parent
                NeoDatis.Btree.IBTreeNode c = rightPart.GetChildAt(j, false);
                if (c != null)
                // rightPart.setChildAt(getChildAt(i,false), j);
            // rightPart.setChildAt(getLastPositionChild(), j);
            rightPart.SetChildAt(this, GetMaxNbChildren() - 1, j, false);
            // correct father id
            NeoDatis.Btree.IBTreeNode c1 = rightPart.GetChildAt(j, false);
            if (c1 != null)
            SetNullChildAt(maxNbChildren - 1);
            // resets last child
            keys[degree - 1] = null;
            // resets median element
            values[degree - 1] = null;
            // set numbers
            nbKeys = degree - 1;
            int originalNbChildren = nbChildren;

            nbChildren = System.Math.Min(nbChildren, degree);
            rightPart.SetNbKeys(degree - 1);
            rightPart.SetNbChildren(originalNbChildren - nbChildren);
            NeoDatis.Btree.Tool.BTreeValidator.CheckDuplicateChildren(this, rightPart);