public async Task GetRandomNeko() { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("neko"); string description = "Randomly generated neko just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Neko!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("neko", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = "Randomly generated neko just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Neko!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomCuddle(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("cuddle"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} cuddled with themselves... Maybe you can cuddle with a friend? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!cuddle <person you want to cuddle with>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} cuddled with {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Cuddle!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("cuddle", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} cuddled themselves, that's some intense self-love right there.. \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!cuddle <person you want to cuddle>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} cuddled with {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Cuddle!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task bakaUser(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("baka"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} called themselves a baka! I kind of agree with that.. \n**(Include a user with your command! Example: n!baka <person you want to call a baka>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} cuddled with {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Baka!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("baka", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention}, baka desuka? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!baka <person you want to call a baka>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} called {user.Mention} a baka!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Baka!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomFeed(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("feed"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} fed themselves... Let's hope they don't get fat... \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!feed <person you want to feed>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} fed {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Munch!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("feed", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} fed themselves, I think that's a bit too normal. \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!feed <person you want to feed>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} fed {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Munch!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomTickle(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("tickle"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} tickled themselves... I'll stay out of this for now... \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!tickle <person you want to tickle>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} tickled {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Tickle!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("tickle", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} tickled themselves, apparently you can get this lonely? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!tickle <person you want to tickle>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} tickled {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Tickle!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomNHug(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("hug"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} hugged themselves... Aw, don't be sad, you can hug me! \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!hug <person you want to hug>)**" : $"❤ **|** {Context.User.Username} hugged {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Hug!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("hug", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} hugged themselves, how is that even physically possible? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!hug <person you want to hug>)**" : $"❤ **|** {Context.User.Username} hugged {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Hug!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
private async void OnTimerTicked(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { var config = BotAccounts.GetAccount(); foreach (var guild in config.AutoLewdGuilds) { Embed embed = null; var rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { var nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("lewd"); embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife); } else if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; var webReq = new WebRequest(); var result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("neko", tags, FileType.Any, NsfwSearch.Only, false); var url = result.Url; embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh); } var guildAcc = GlobalGuildAccounts.GetGuildAccount(guild); await Program._client.GetGuild(guildAcc.Id).GetTextChannel(guildAcc.AutoLewdChannel) .SendMessageAsync("", embed: embed); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent Autolewd"); }
public async Task GetRandomPoke(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("poke"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} poked themselves... I guess you can poke yourself if you're lonely... \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!poke <person you want to poke>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} poked {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Poke!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("poke", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} poked themselves, yes, I know the human body is *i n t e r e s t i n g* :3. \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!poke <person you want to poke>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} poked {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Poke!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomPat(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("pat"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} patted thin air... You can pat me if you would like! \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!pat <person you want to pat>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} patted {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Pat!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("pat", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} patted themselves, how lonely can you be? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!pat <person you want to pat>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} patted {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Pat!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task KemonomimiIMG() { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("kemonomimi"); string description = "Randomly generated kemonomimi just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = new[] { "" }; Helpers.WebRequest webReq = new Helpers.WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("kemonomimi", tags, FileType.Any, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; string id = result.Id; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Global.NayuColor); embed.WithTitle("Kemonomimi!"); embed.WithDescription( $"{Context.User.Mention} here's some kemonomimi pics at your disposal :3"); embed.WithImageUrl(url); embed.WithFooter($"Powered by | ID: {id}"); await SendMessage(Context, embed.Build()); } }
public async Task GetRandomKiss(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("kiss"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} you can't really kiss yourself... Don't worry, how about a kiss from me?... \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!kiss <person you want to kiss>)**" : $"❤ **|** {Context.User.Username} kissed {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Kiss!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("kiss", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} kissed themselves, welcome to quantum mechanics class everybody. \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!kiss <kiss you want to hug>)**" : $"❤ **|** {Context.User.Username} kissed {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Kiss!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomSlap(IGuildUser user = null) { int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("slap"); string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} slapped themselves... Don't do this to yourself! \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!slap <person you want to slap>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} slapped {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, "Slap!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("slap", tags, FileType.Gif, NsfwSearch.False, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = user == null ? $"{Context.User.Mention} slapped themselves, masochism much? \n **(Include a user with your command! Example: n!slap <person you want to slap>)**" : $"{Context.User.Username} slapped {user.Mention}!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, "Slap!", description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomNekoLewd() { var channel = Context.Channel as ITextChannel; if (!channel.IsNsfw) { var nsfwText = $"{Global.ENo} **|** You need to use this command in a NSFW channel, {Context.User.Username}!"; var errorEmbed = EmbedHandler.CreateEmbed(Context, "Error", nsfwText, EmbedHandler.EmbedMessageType.Exception); await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("", embed : errorEmbed); return; } int rand = Global.Rng.Next(1, 3); if (rand == 1) { string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("lewd"); string description = "Randomly generated lewd neko just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } if (rand == 2) { string[] tags = { "" }; WebRequest webReq = new WebRequest(); RandomData result = await webReq.GetTypesAsync("neko", tags, FileType.Any, NsfwSearch.Only, false); string url = result.Url; //string id = result.Id; string description = "Randomly generated lewd neko just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(url, Source.WeebDotSh, description); await SendMessage(Context, embed); } }
public async Task GetRandomClassic() { var channel = Context.Channel as ITextChannel; if (!channel.IsNsfw) { var nsfwText = $"{Global.ENo} **|** You need to use this command in a NSFW channel, {Context.User.Username}!"; var errorEmbed = EmbedHandler.CreateEmbed(Context, "Error", nsfwText, EmbedHandler.EmbedMessageType.Exception); await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("", embed : errorEmbed); return; } string nekoLink = NekosLifeHelper.GetNekoLink("classic"); var title = "Randomly generated classic hentai just for you <3!"; var embed = ImageEmbed.GetImageEmbed(nekoLink, Source.NekosLife, title); await SendMessage(Context, embed); }