Пример #1
        private NcvVector calc_d(NcvVector x, NcvVector y)
            int n = x.n;

            return((NcvVector.cat(x.sub(1, n - 1), x.sub(0, 1)) - x).abs()
                   + (NcvVector.cat(y.sub(1, n - 1), y.sub(0, 1)) - y).abs());
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deform snake in the given external force field
        /// [x,y] = snakedeform(x,y,alpha,beta,gamma,kappa,fx,fy,ITER)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">轮廓-X</param>
        /// <param name="y">轮廓-Y</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">elasticity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="beta">rigidity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="gamma">viscosity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="kappa">external force weight</param>
        /// <param name="fx">external force field (x)</param>
        /// <param name="fy">external force field (y)</param>
        /// <param name="ITER">iteration</param>
        public void SnakeDeform(ref NcvVector x, ref NcvVector y, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double kappa, double[] fx, double[] fy, int ITER)
            int       n        = x.n;
            NcvVector vecAlpha = alpha * NcvVector.Ones(n);
            NcvVector vecBeta  = beta * NcvVector.Ones(n);

            // produce the five diagnal vectors
            NcvVector alpham1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(1, n - 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector alphap1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(n - 1, 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, n - 1));
            NcvVector betam1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(1, n - 1), vecBeta.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector betap1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(n - 1, 1), vecBeta.sub(0, n - 1));

            NcvVector a = betam1;
            NcvVector b = -vecAlpha - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betam1;
            NcvVector c = vecAlpha + alphap1 + betam1 + 4 * vecBeta + betap1;
            NcvVector d = -alphap1 - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betap1;
            NcvVector e = betap1;

            // generate the parameters matrix
            NcvMatrix A = NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(0, n - 2), -2) + NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(n - 2, 2), n - 2);

            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(0, n - 1), -1) + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(n - 1, 1), n - 1);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(c);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(0, n - 1), 1) + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(n - 1, 1), -(n - 1));
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(0, n - 2), 2) + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(n - 2, 2), -(n - 2));

            //Logger.Info("A=" + A.ToString());

            NcvMatrix invAI = NcvMatrix.inv(A + gamma * NcvMatrix.diag(NcvVector.Ones(n)));

            //Logger.Info("invAI=" + invAI.ToString());

            //Logger.Info("fx=" + new Matrix(fx, m_Cols, m_Rows).ToString());
            //Logger.Info("fy=" + new Matrix(fy, m_Cols, m_Rows).ToString());

            for (int count = 0; count < ITER; count++)
                NcvVector vfx = NcvVector.interp2(fx, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");
                NcvVector vfy = NcvVector.interp2(fy, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");

                //Logger.Info("vfx=" + vfx.ToString());
                //Logger.Info("vfy=" + vfy.ToString());

                // deform snake
                x = invAI * (gamma * x + kappa * vfx);
                y = invAI * (gamma * y + kappa * vfy);

                //Logger.Info("x=" + x.ToString());
                //Logger.Info("y=" + y.ToString());
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Deform snake in the given external force field with pressure force added
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">轮廓-X</param>
        /// <param name="y">轮廓-Y</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">elasticity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="beta">rigidity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="gamma">viscosity parameter</param>
        /// <param name="kappa">external force weight</param>
        /// <param name="kappap">pressure force weight</param>
        /// <param name="fx">external force field (x)</param>
        /// <param name="fy">external force field (y)</param>
        /// <param name="ITER"></param>
        public void SnakeDeform2(ref NcvVector x, ref NcvVector y, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double kappa, double kappap, double[] fx, double[] fy, int ITER)
            int n = x.n;

            NcvVector vecAlpha = alpha * NcvVector.Ones(n);
            NcvVector vecBeta  = beta * NcvVector.Ones(n);

            // produce the five diagnal vectors
            NcvVector alpham1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(1, n - 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector alphap1 = NcvVector.cat(vecAlpha.sub(n - 1, 1), vecAlpha.sub(0, n - 1));
            NcvVector betam1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(1, n - 1), vecBeta.sub(0, 1));
            NcvVector betap1  = NcvVector.cat(vecBeta.sub(n - 1, 1), vecBeta.sub(0, n - 1));

            NcvVector a = betam1;
            NcvVector b = -vecAlpha - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betam1;
            NcvVector c = vecAlpha + alphap1 + betam1 + 4 * vecBeta + betap1;
            NcvVector d = -alphap1 - 2 * vecBeta - 2 * betap1;
            NcvVector e = betap1;

            // generate the parameters matrix
            NcvMatrix A = NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(0, n - 2), -2) + NcvMatrix.diag(a.sub(n - 2, 2), n - 2);

            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(0, n - 1), -1) + NcvMatrix.diag(b.sub(n - 1, 1), n - 1);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(c);
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(0, n - 1), 1) + NcvMatrix.diag(d.sub(n - 1, 1), -(n - 1));
            A = A + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(0, n - 2), 2) + NcvMatrix.diag(e.sub(n - 2, 2), -(n - 2));

            NcvMatrix invAI = NcvMatrix.inv(A + gamma * NcvMatrix.diag(NcvVector.Ones(n)));

            for (int count = 0; count < ITER; count++)
                NcvVector vfx = NcvVector.interp2(fx, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");
                NcvVector vfy = NcvVector.interp2(fy, m_Cols, m_Rows, x, y, "*linear");

                // adding the pressure force
                NcvVector xp = NcvVector.cat(x.sub(1, n - 1), x.sub(0, 1)); NcvVector yp = NcvVector.cat(y.sub(1, n - 1), y.sub(0, 1));
                NcvVector xm = NcvVector.cat(x.sub(n - 1, 1), x.sub(0, n - 1)); NcvVector ym = NcvVector.cat(y.sub(n - 1, 1), y.sub(0, n - 1));

                NcvVector qx = xp - xm; NcvVector qy = yp - ym;
                NcvVector pmag = NcvVector.Sqrt(NcvVector.DotProduct(qx, qx) + NcvVector.DotProduct(qy, qy));
                NcvVector px = NcvVector.DotDivide(qy, pmag); NcvVector py = NcvVector.DotDivide(-qx, pmag);

                // deform snake
                x = invAI * (gamma * x + kappa * vfx + kappap * px);
                y = invAI * (gamma * y + kappa * vfy + kappap * py);
Пример #4
        public void InitSnake()
            int xc     = m_Cols / 2;
            int yc     = m_Rows / 2;
            int radius = System.Math.Min(xc, yc) - 5;

            List <double> arrX = new List <double>();
            List <double> arrY = new List <double>();

            for (double t = 0; t <= 6.28; t += 0.05)
                arrX.Add(xc + radius * System.Math.Cos(t));
                arrY.Add(yc - radius * System.Math.Sin(t));

            x = new NcvVector(arrX.ToArray());
            y = new NcvVector(arrY.ToArray());
Пример #5
        public override double[] DoWork(System.Drawing.Image image, string archivePath)
            Bitmap             background = null;
            List <double>      feature    = new List <double>();
            List <DoublePoint> contour    = null;
            Graphics           g          = null;
            Bitmap             archiveBmp = null;

                background = new Bitmap(NcvGlobals.Background_Size, NcvGlobals.Background_Size, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                g          = Graphics.FromImage(background);
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, background.Width, background.Height);

                int imageDisplayWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(image.Width * (g.DpiX / image.HorizontalResolution));
                int imageDisplayHeight = Convert.ToInt32(image.Height * (g.DpiY / image.VerticalResolution));

                double ratio = 1.0d * imageDisplayWidth / imageDisplayHeight;
                double ww    = Math.Sqrt(ratio * ratio / (1 + ratio * ratio));
                double hh    = Math.Sqrt(1 / (1 + ratio * ratio));
                double xx    = (1 - ww) / 2;
                double yy    = (1 - hh) / 2;

                int x = Convert.ToInt32(xx * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int y = Convert.ToInt32(yy * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int w = Convert.ToInt32(ww * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int h = Convert.ToInt32(hh * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);

                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

                g.DrawImage(image, rect);

                int[][] mat;

                mat = ImageConvert.Bitmap2GreenScale(background);
                GrayValueFeatures features = new GrayValueFeatures(mat);

                int[][] rotated = GrayScaleAffineTransformation.Rotate(mat, -features.AngleOfEllipse, new DoublePoint(features.CenterX, features.CenterY), 0);

                if (NcvGlobals.FeatureExtractionType == FeatureExtractionType.Snake)
                    Snake2 s = new Snake2(rotated, NcvGlobals.NumDimension);
                    contour = s.DoIt();
                    RegionContourStitching s    = new RegionContourStitching(rotated);
                    List <DoublePoint>     temp = s.DoIt(rotated.Length / 2, 0);
                    contour = NcvVector.interp1(temp, NcvGlobals.NumDimension);

                // ======== Region/Geometric/Morphological Descriptor ========
                double[] region = features.GetRegionFeature();

                for (int i = 0; i < region.Length; i++)

                int    numContour = contour.Count;
                double perimeter  = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numContour; i++)
                    DoublePoint p     = contour[i];
                    DoublePoint pNext = contour[(i + 1) % numContour];
                    perimeter += (p - pNext).Magnitude;

                double aspectRatio = features.SemiMajorAxe / features.SemiMinorAxe;

                double formFactor = 4 * Math.PI * features.Area / perimeter;

                double rectangularity = features.SemiMajorAxe * features.SemiMinorAxe / features.Area;

                double perimeterRatio = perimeter / (features.SemiMajorAxe + features.SemiMinorAxe);
                if (background != null)
                if (archiveBmp != null)
                if (g != null)
                if (image != null)

Пример #6
        public override double[] DoWork(System.Drawing.Image image, string archivePath)
            Bitmap             background = null;
            List <double>      feature    = new List <double>();
            List <DoublePoint> contour    = null;
            Graphics           g          = null;
            Bitmap             archiveBmp = null;

                background = new Bitmap(NcvGlobals.Background_Size, NcvGlobals.Background_Size, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                g          = Graphics.FromImage(background);
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, background.Width, background.Height);

                int imageDisplayWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(image.Width * (g.DpiX / image.HorizontalResolution));
                int imageDisplayHeight = Convert.ToInt32(image.Height * (g.DpiY / image.VerticalResolution));

                double ratio = 1.0d * imageDisplayWidth / imageDisplayHeight;
                double ww    = Math.Sqrt(ratio * ratio / (1 + ratio * ratio));
                double hh    = Math.Sqrt(1 / (1 + ratio * ratio));
                double xx    = (1 - ww) / 2;
                double yy    = (1 - hh) / 2;

                int x = Convert.ToInt32(xx * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int y = Convert.ToInt32(yy * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int w = Convert.ToInt32(ww * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);
                int h = Convert.ToInt32(hh * NcvGlobals.Background_Size);

                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

                g.DrawImage(image, rect);

                int[][] mat;

                mat = ImageConvert.Bitmap2GreenScale(background);
                ThresholdLib.ThresholdSimple(mat, NcvGlobals.ThresholdMin, NcvGlobals.ThresholdMax);

                mat = GrayScaleImageLib.Open(mat, StructuringElement.N4);
                mat = GrayScaleImageLib.Close(mat, StructuringElement.N8);

                Convolution conv = new Convolution();
                conv.CalculateEdge(mat, ConvKernel.Sobel_Gx, ConvKernel.Sobel_Gy, out mat, ConvNorm.Norm_2);


                GrayValueFeatures features = new GrayValueFeatures(mat);

                int[][] rotated = GrayScaleAffineTransformation.Rotate(mat, -features.AngleOfEllipse, new DoublePoint(features.CenterX, features.CenterY), 0);

                // ======== Shape Descriptor ========
                if (NcvGlobals.FeatureExtractionType == FeatureExtractionType.Snake)
                    Snake2 s = new Snake2(rotated, NcvGlobals.NumDimension);
                    contour = s.DoIt();
                    RegionContourStitching s    = new RegionContourStitching(rotated);
                    List <DoublePoint>     temp = s.DoIt(rotated.Length / 2, 0);
                    contour = NcvVector.interp1(temp, NcvGlobals.NumDimension);

                double xc = 0;
                double yc = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < contour.Count; i++)
                    xc += contour[i].X / contour.Count;
                    yc += contour[i].Y / contour.Count;

                Complex[] data = new Complex[NcvGlobals.NumDimension];
                for (int i = 0; i < NcvGlobals.NumDimension; i++)
                    double r = Math.Sqrt((contour[i].X - xc) * (contour[i].X - xc) + (contour[i].Y - yc) * (contour[i].Y - yc));
                    //data[i] = new Complex(contour[i].X - xc, contour[i].Y - yc);
                    data[i] = new Complex(r, 0);
                FourierTransform.FFT(data, FourierTransform.Direction.Forward);

                for (int i = 1; i < NcvGlobals.NumDimension; i++)
                    double v = data[i].Magnitude / data[0].Magnitude;

                // ======== Archiving ========
                archiveBmp = ImageConvert.Mat2Bitmap(rotated);
                NComputerVision.Common.NcvDrawing.DrawContour(archiveBmp, contour);
                if (!Directory.Exists(@"D:\achive\"))
                //archiveBmp.Save(@"D:\achive\" + Path.GetFileName(path));
                if (background != null)
                if (archiveBmp != null)
                if (g != null)
                if (image != null)

Пример #7
        //  SNAKEINTERP -- Interpolate the snake adaptively
        //  [xi,yi] = snakeinterp(x,y,dmax,dmin)
        //  dmax: the maximum distance between two snake points
        //  dmin: the minimum distance between two snake points
        //  d(i,i+1)>dmax, then a new point is added between i and i+1
        //  d(i,i+1)<dmin, then either i or i+1 is removed
        private void SnakeInterp(ref NcvVector x, ref NcvVector y, double dmax, double dmin)
            NcvVector d = calc_d(x, y);

            List <int> IDX = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < x.n; i++)
                if (d[i] >= dmin)

            NcvVector xx = new NcvVector(IDX.Count);
            NcvVector yy = new NcvVector(IDX.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < IDX.Count; i++)
                xx[i] = x[IDX[i]];
                yy[i] = y[IDX[i]];
            x = xx; y = yy;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.n; i++)
                if (d[i] > dmax)

            NcvVector z = Snakeindex(IDX, x.n);

            NcvVector p = new NcvVector(x.n + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < x.n + 1; i++)
                p[i] = i;

            x = NcvVector.interp1(p, NcvVector.cat(x, x.sub(0, 1)), z);
            y = NcvVector.interp1(p, NcvVector.cat(y, y.sub(0, 1)), z);

            d = calc_d(x, y);

            while (d.max() > dmax)
                for (int i = 0; i < x.n; i++)
                    if (d[i] >= dmax)
                z = Snakeindex(IDX, x.n);

                p = new NcvVector(x.n + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < x.n + 1; i++)
                    p[i] = i;

                x = NcvVector.interp1(p, NcvVector.cat(x, x.sub(0, 1)), z);
                y = NcvVector.interp1(p, NcvVector.cat(y, y.sub(0, 1)), z);

                d = calc_d(x, y);