private static INawArrayUnordered InitializeTestsubject(int maxSize, int initialFilledSize, out NAW[] testSet, int?maxStringLenght = null) { testSet = RandomNawGenerator.NewArray(initialFilledSize); var array = new NawArrayUnordered(maxSize); Array.ForEach(testSet, naw => array.Add(naw)); // We have to clear the log because adding to the array will cause the logger to log as well. Logger.Instance.ClearLog(); return(array); }
int FindNaw(NawArrayUnordered array, NAW item, int maxIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) { if (array.Array[i].CompareTo(item) == 0) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // voorbeeld uitprobeercode var nieuwArray = new NawArrayUnordered(20); nieuwArray.Add(new NAW("Persoon1", "Adres1", "Woonplaats1")); var persoon = new NAW("Persoon 1", "Adres 5", "Woonplaats 1"); int index = nieuwArray.FindNaam(persoon.Naam); System.Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void week1_UnorderedArray_Testaanroepen() { // >>>> Testaanroepen week 1 - Unordered Array <<<< // Maak het console venster wat groter Console.BufferWidth = 160; Console.BufferHeight = 2000; NawArrayUnordered array = new NawArrayUnordered(20); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 1", "Adres 1", "Woonplaats 1")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 2", "Adres 2", "Woonplaats 2")); array.Add(new NAW("Persona non grata", "Adres 3", "Woonplaats 3")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 4", "Adres 4", "Woonplaats 2")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 1", "Adres 5", "Woonplaats 1")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 2", "Adres 6", "Woonplaats 2")); array.Add(new NAW("Persona non grata", "Adres 7", "Woonplaats 3")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 2", "Adres 8", "Woonplaats 2")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 9", "Adres 9", "Woonplaats 1")); array.Add(new NAW("Persoon 10", "Adres 10", "Woonplaats 2")); System.Console.WriteLine("De ongeordende array na initialisatie maar voor bewerkingen is:"); array.Show(); // Activeer onderstaande Huiswerk testaanroepen wanneer je de bijhorende methode hebt geimplementeerd door de commentaarhaken weg te halen. /* * array.RemoveAtIndex(3); * System.Console.WriteLine("\nNa verwijderen van index 3:"); * array.Show(); */ /* * array.RemoveFirstNaam("Persoon 1"); * System.Console.WriteLine("\nNa verwijderen 1e persoon met naam 'Persoon 1':"); * array.Show(); */ /* * array.RemoveLastNaam("Persoon 2"); * System.Console.WriteLine("\nNa verwijderen van laatste persoon met naam 'Persoon 2':"); * array.Show(); */ /* * array.RemoveAllNaam("Persona non grata"); * System.Console.WriteLine("\nNa verwijderen van alle personen met naam 'Persona non grata':"); * array.Show(); */ }
public void NawArrayUnordered_Add_FillWholeArray_ShouldFit() { // Arrange var expectedSize = 10; var expectedNaws = RandomNawGenerator.NewArray(expectedSize); var array = new NawArrayUnordered(expectedSize); // Act for (int i = 0; i < expectedSize; i++) { try { array.Add(expectedNaws[i]); Assert.AreEqual(i + 1, array.Count, "\n\nNawArrayUnordered.Add(): Het aantal elementen in de array komt niet overeen met het aantal toegevoegde items."); } catch (NawArrayUnorderedOutOfBoundsException) { // Assert Assert.Fail("\n\nNawArrayUnordered.Add(): Er konden maar {0} NAW-objecten aan een array die met omvang {1} is geinitialiseerd worden toegevoegd", i, expectedSize); } } }
public void SelectionSort_vs_BubbleSort_10_000Items() { // Arrange NAW[] testSet1; NAW[] testSet2; NAW[] testSet3; var expectedLength = 10000; var arrayb1 = ArrayExtensions.InitializeTestSubject(new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength), expectedLength, out testSet1); var arrayb2 = ArrayExtensions.InitializeTestSubject(new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength), expectedLength, out testSet2); var arrayb3 = ArrayExtensions.InitializeTestSubject(new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength), expectedLength, out testSet3); var arrays1 = new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength); var arrays2 = new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength); var arrays3 = new NawArrayUnordered(expectedLength); for (int i = 0; i < expectedLength; i++) { arrays1.Add(arrayb1.Array[i]); arrays2.Add(arrayb2.Array[i]); arrays3.Add(arrayb3.Array[i]); } Stopwatch stopwatchB1 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopwatchB2 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopwatchB3 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopwatchS1 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopwatchS2 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopwatchS3 = new Stopwatch(); // Act stopwatchS1.Start(); arrays1.SelectionSort(); stopwatchS1.Stop(); Console.Write("SelectionSort Array 1 :"); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchS1); Console.WriteLine(""); stopwatchS2.Start(); arrays2.SelectionSort(); stopwatchS2.Stop(); Console.Write("SelectionSort Array 2 :"); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchS2); Console.WriteLine(""); stopwatchS3.Start(); arrays3.SelectionSort(); stopwatchS3.Stop(); Console.Write("SelectionSort Array 3 :"); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchS3); Console.WriteLine(""); stopwatchB1.Start(); arrayb1.BubbleSort(); stopwatchB1.Stop(); Console.Write("BubbleSort Array 1 : "); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchB1); Console.WriteLine(""); stopwatchB2.Start(); arrayb2.BubbleSort(); stopwatchB2.Stop(); Console.Write("BubbleSort Array 2 : "); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchB2); Console.WriteLine(""); stopwatchB3.Start(); arrayb3.BubbleSort(); stopwatchB3.Stop(); Console.Write("BubbleSort Array 3 : "); PrintOutput(expectedLength, stopwatchB3); }