internal static IEnumerable <string> GetDependentPropertyNames(NavigationProperty navigationProperty, bool checkRelationshipType)
            if (checkRelationshipType)
                if (navigationProperty.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne &&
                    navigationProperty.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One)
                    // Get constraint when this association is on the "parent" (aka "from") side. This means
                    // that the navProperty represents a Children association in a 1-1 relationship. For example,
                    // this could be a Item-ItemDetail scenario where the ItemDetail table has a PK that is also an FK
                    // into the Item table (thus ensuring the 1-1 cardinality). We need to special case this situation because normally we would try
                    // to build a foreign key name of the form "Item.ItemID", but we want just "ItemID".
                    AssociationType       relationshipType = (AssociationType)navigationProperty.RelationshipType;
                    ReferentialConstraint constraint       = relationshipType.ReferentialConstraints.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ToRole == navigationProperty.ToEndMember);
                    if (constraint != null)
                        return(constraint.FromProperties.Select(p => p.Name));

                    // Fall back on the primary keys if no constraints were found but only if we are on the parent side. i.e the 1 side Item side in an Item-ItemDetail
                    // Get the primary keys on the "from" side of the relationship. i.e Product.Category -> ProductID
                    return(navigationProperty.FromEndMember.GetEntityType().KeyMembers.Select(m => m.Name));
            return(navigationProperty.GetDependentProperties().Select(m => m.Name));
        private static IPropertyConstraint GetForeignKeyConstraint(NavigationProperty navProp)
            if (navProp.GetDependentProperties().Count() != 1 ||
                navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType().KeyProperties.Count != 1)

            var dependencyProp = navProp.GetDependentProperties().Single();
            var keyProp        = navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType().KeyProperties.Single();
            var fromType       = navProp.FromEndMember.GetEntityType().GetClrType();
            var toType         = navProp.ToEndMember.GetEntityType().GetClrType();

            var navPropInfo        = navProp.GetProperty();
            var foreignKeyPropInfo = fromType.GetProperty(dependencyProp);
            var keyPropInfo        = toType.GetProperty(keyProp);
            var keyType            = keyPropInfo.PropertyType;

            var type = typeof(ForeignKeyConstraint <, ,>)
                       .MakeGenericType(fromType, toType, keyType);

            return((IPropertyConstraint)Activator.CreateInstance(type, navPropInfo, foreignKeyPropInfo, keyPropInfo));