Пример #1
    public void ResetControls()
        navStateForward = NavState.Off;
        navStateBack    = NavState.Off;
        navStateLeft    = NavState.Off;
        navStateRight   = NavState.Off;
        navValForward   = 0;
        navValBack      = 0;
        navValLeft      = 0;
        navValRight     = 0;

        navStateForwardLeft  = NavState.Off;
        navStateForwardRight = NavState.Off;
        navStateBackLeft     = NavState.Off;
        navStateBackRight    = NavState.Off;
        navValForwardLeft    = 0;
        navValForwardRight   = 0;
        navValBackLeft       = 0;
        navValBackRight      = 0;

        forwardKey = false;
        backKey    = false;

        inputVert = 0f;
        inputHorz = 0f;
Пример #2
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            m_state = serializedObject.targetObject as NavState;

            m_transitions    = serializedObject.FindProperty("Transitions");
            m_transitionList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, m_transitions, true, false, true, true);

            m_transitionList.drawElementCallback = DrawElement;
            m_transitionList.drawHeaderCallback  = DrawHeader;
Пример #3
    private void WebService_OnDisconnected(string ip)
        Debug.Log("Disconnected: " + ip);

        if (ip == firstConnectedIP)
            // Searchシーンに戻る
            NavigationState = NavState.Ready;
            actionDoMainThreads.Enqueue(() =>
Пример #4
        private void ChangeState(NavState state)
            switch (state)
            case NavState.GREEN:
                spriteRenderer.sprite = AntennaSprites[0];

            case NavState.YELLOW:
                spriteRenderer.sprite = AntennaSprites[1];

            case NavState.RED:
                spriteRenderer.sprite = AntennaSprites[2];

            case NavState.LOSTSIGNAL:
                spriteRenderer.sprite = AntennaSprites[3];
                Value = 5;
Пример #5
 private void OnRotateComplete(dynamic json)
     if (subState == NavState.Rotating && ((string)json.V).Equals("1"))
         Trace.t(cc.Good, "Rotate completed");
         subState = NavState.MoveStart;
Пример #6
        void OnNavigating()
            float distToMove;
            if (CurrentWayPoint.isAction)
                distToMove = DistanceToWayPoint - .6F;
                distToMove = DistanceToWayPoint;

            if (distToMove < 0)
                distToMove = 0;

            if (subState == NavState.MoveStart)
                Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Navigating MoveStart");
                lastHdg = hdgToWayPoint;
                if (CurrentWayPoint.isAction)
                    if (distToMove > 0)
                        Trace.t(cc.Norm, string.Format("action moving {0}", distToMove));
                        Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "MOV", Pwr = moveSpeed, Hdg = hdgToWayPoint, Dist = distToMove });
                        Trace.t(cc.Norm, "action moving; BeginApproach");
                    Trace.t(cc.Norm, string.Format("moving {0}", distToMove));
                    Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "MOV", Pwr = moveSpeed, Hdg = hdgToWayPoint, Dist = distToMove });

                lastMoveCmdAt = DateTime.Now;
                subState = NavState.Moving;
            else if (subState == NavState.Moving)
                if (DateTime.Now > lastMoveCmdAt + moveCmdInterval)
                    Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Move (update)");
                    Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "MOV", Pwr = moveSpeed, Hdg = hdgToWayPoint, Dist = distToMove });
                    lastMoveCmdAt = DateTime.Now;
Пример #7
        void OnIdle()
            Trace.t(cc.Norm, "OnIdle");
            if (Program.WayPoints == null || Program.WayPoints.Count == 0)
                Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "MOV", M1 = 0, M2 = 0 });    // make sure we're stopped
                Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Finished");
                Program.State = RobotState.Finished;
                CurrentWayPoint = null;
                Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "ROT", Hdg = 0 }); // todo for convience, rotate to 0 at end
                Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Pop Waypoint");
                CurrentWayPoint = Program.WayPoints.Pop();

                if (EscapeInProgress && CurrentWayPoint == EscapeWaypoint)
                    EscapeInProgress = false;

                Program.State = RobotState.Navigating;
                if (DistanceToWayPoint > .05)
                    subState = NavState.Rotating;
                    Timeout = DateTime.Now + rotateTimeout;
                    lastHdg = hdgToWayPoint;
                    Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Rotating");
                    Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "ROT", Hdg = lastHdg });
                    subState = NavState.Rotating;
                    Trace.t(cc.Norm, "Moving");
                    subState = NavState.MoveStart;
Пример #8
        void OnBumperEvent(dynamic json)
            //? should not get here during approach, because our spin flag will be set
            if (((string)json.V).Equals("1") )
                // obstacle!!!!!
                Trace.t(cc.Bad, "Unexpected Bumper");
                Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "Mov", M1 = 0, M2 = 0 });
                subState = NavState.BumperReverse;

                Program.Pilot.Send(new { Cmd = "Mov", Pwr = -30, Dist = .5F });

                // todo obstacle during escape
                Program.State = RobotState.eStop;

                // todo add avoidance

                // save current waypoint
                // if !escaping:
                //      (re)push current
                // push new Waypoint for avoid
                // escaping = true

                if (!EscapeInProgress)
                    EscapeInProgress = true;
                    EscapeWaypoint = CurrentWayPoint;       // when we get there we'll know the escape worked

                WayPoint bypassWaypoint = new WayPoint { };  // todo  finish

                Program.State = RobotState.Idle;
Пример #9
    private void UpdateNavChannel(NavState previousNavState, float previousNavVal, bool keyPressed, float incStep, float decStep)
        newNavState = previousNavState;
        newNavVal   = previousNavVal;

        switch (previousNavState)
        case NavState.Off:
            if (keyPressed)
                newNavState = NavState.Inc;
                newNavVal   = previousNavVal + incStep;
                if (newNavVal >= 1f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Full;
                    newNavVal   = 1f;
                newNavVal = 0f;

        case NavState.Inc:
            if (keyPressed)
                newNavVal = previousNavVal + incStep;
                if (newNavVal >= 1f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Full;
                    newNavVal   = 1f;
                newNavState = NavState.Dec;
                newNavVal   = previousNavVal - decStep;
                if (newNavVal <= 0f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Off;
                    newNavVal   = 0f;

        case NavState.Full:
            if (keyPressed)
                newNavVal = 1f;
                newNavState = NavState.Dec;
                newNavVal   = previousNavVal - decStep;
                if (newNavVal <= 0f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Off;
                    newNavVal   = 0f;

        case NavState.Dec:
            if (keyPressed)
                newNavState = NavState.Inc;
                newNavVal   = previousNavVal + incStep;
                if (newNavVal >= 1f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Full;
                    newNavVal   = 1f;
                newNavVal = previousNavVal - decStep;
                if (newNavVal <= 0f)
                    newNavState = NavState.Off;
                    newNavVal   = 0f;
Пример #10

    // ProcessControls()
    // This is the main entry point for input
    // processing, called at the beginning of
    // the main Update() function in LevelManager

    public void ProcessControls(string gameState)
        // initialize key states to 'off'
        bool keyStateForward   = false;
        bool keyStateBack      = false;
        bool keyStateDiagLeft  = false;
        bool keyStateDiagRight = false;
        bool keyStateTurnLeft  = false;
        bool keyStateTurnRight = false;

        // check for pressed mouse within any of the onscreen rects
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            float mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
            float mouseY = Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y;

            if (mouseX >= rectForward.xMin && mouseX <= rectForward.xMax && mouseY >= rectForward.yMin && mouseY <= rectForward.yMax)
                keyStateForward = true;
            if (mouseX >= rectBack.x && mouseX <= rectBack.x + rectBack.width && mouseY >= rectBack.y && mouseY <= rectBack.y + rectBack.height)
                keyStateBack = true;
            if (mouseX >= rectDiagLeft.x && mouseX <= rectDiagLeft.x + rectDiagLeft.width && mouseY >= rectDiagLeft.y && mouseY <= rectDiagLeft.y + rectDiagLeft.height)
                keyStateDiagLeft = true;
            if (mouseX >= rectDiagRight.x && mouseX <= rectDiagRight.x + rectDiagRight.width && mouseY >= rectDiagRight.y && mouseY <= rectDiagRight.y + rectDiagRight.height)
                keyStateDiagRight = true;
            if (mouseX >= rectTurnLeft.x && mouseX <= rectTurnLeft.x + rectTurnLeft.width && mouseY >= rectTurnLeft.y && mouseY <= rectTurnLeft.y + rectTurnLeft.height)
                keyStateTurnLeft = true;
            if (mouseX >= rectTurnRight.x && mouseX <= rectTurnRight.x + rectTurnRight.width && mouseY >= rectTurnRight.y && mouseY <= rectTurnRight.y + rectTurnRight.height)
                keyStateTurnRight = true;

        // check for relevant keys pressed on the physical keyboard
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.I) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
            keyStateForward = true;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.K) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
            keyStateBack = true;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.U))
            keyStateDiagLeft = true;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.O))
            keyStateDiagRight = true;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.J) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
            keyStateTurnLeft = true;
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.L) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
            keyStateTurnRight = true;

        // set the heading to either straight ahead or diagonal

        if (keyStateForward == true)
            levelManager.pumaHeadingOffset = 0f;

        if (keyStateDiagLeft == true)
            levelManager.pumaHeadingOffset = -60f;
            keyStateForward = true;
        else if (keyStateDiagRight == true)
            levelManager.pumaHeadingOffset = 60f;
            keyStateForward = true;

        // deal with interactions between forward and back keys

        if (inputVert == 0)
            if (forwardKey == false)
                forwardKey = keyStateForward;
            if (forwardKey == false)
                backKey = keyStateBack;
        else if (inputVert > 0)
            if (forwardKey == false)
                forwardKey = keyStateForward;
            else if (keyStateBack == true)
                forwardKey = false;
            if (backKey == false)
                backKey = keyStateBack;
            else if (keyStateForward == true)
                backKey = false;

        // now do main input processing

        UpdateNavChannel(navStateForward, navValForward, forwardKey, Time.deltaTime * 3, Time.deltaTime * 3);
        navStateForward = newNavState;
        navValForward   = newNavVal;

        UpdateNavChannel(navStateBack, -navValBack * 2, backKey, Time.deltaTime * 3, Time.deltaTime * 3);
        navStateBack = newNavState;
        navValBack   = -newNavVal / 2;

        UpdateNavChannel(navStateLeft, -navValLeft, keyStateTurnLeft, Time.deltaTime * ((gameState == "gameStateStalking") ? 3f : 4.4f), Time.deltaTime * 3);
        navStateLeft = newNavState;
        navValLeft   = -newNavVal;

        UpdateNavChannel(navStateRight, navValRight, keyStateTurnRight, Time.deltaTime * ((gameState == "gameStateStalking") ? 3f : 4.4f), Time.deltaTime * 3);
        navStateRight = newNavState;
        navValRight   = newNavVal;

        //inputVert = navValForward;				 // disable backward motion
        inputVert = navValForward + navValBack;                  // enable backward motion
        inputHorz = navValRight + navValLeft;

        if (inputVert == 0)
            // reset heading when puma stopped
            levelManager.pumaHeadingOffset = 0;