public ILockedFramebuffer Lock(Vector dpi) { Monitor.Enter(_lock); try { return(new LockedFramebuffer(Address, new PixelSize((int)_varInfo.xres, (int)_varInfo.yres), (int)_fixedInfo.line_length, dpi, _varInfo.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? PixelFormat.Rgb565 : == 16 ? PixelFormat.Rgba8888 : PixelFormat.Bgra8888, () => { try { NativeUnsafeMethods.ioctl(_fb, FbIoCtl.FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC, null); NativeUnsafeMethods.memcpy(_targetAddress, Address, new IntPtr(RowBytes * Size.Height)); } finally { Monitor.Exit(_lock); } })); } catch { Monitor.Exit(_lock); throw; } }
public input_event?NextEvent() { input_event ev; if (NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_next_event(_dev, 2, out ev) == 0) { return(ev); } return(null); }
static int OpenRestricted(IntPtr path, int flags, IntPtr userData) { var fd =, flags, 0); if (fd == -1) { return(-Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } return(fd); }
public static EvDevDevice Open(string device) { var fd =, 2048, 0); if (fd <= 0) { throw new Exception($"Unable to open {device} code {Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()}"); } IntPtr dev; var rc = NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_new_from_fd(fd, out dev); if (rc < 0) { NativeUnsafeMethods.close(fd); throw new Exception($"Unable to initialize evdev for {device} code {Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()}"); } return(new EvDevDevice(fd, dev)); }
private unsafe void InputThread(IntPtr ctx) { var fd = libinput_get_fd(ctx); var timeval = stackalloc IntPtr[2]; foreach (var f in Directory.GetFiles("/dev/input", "event*")) { libinput_path_add_device(ctx, f); } while (true) { IntPtr ev; libinput_dispatch(ctx); while ((ev = libinput_get_event(ctx)) != IntPtr.Zero) { var type = libinput_event_get_type(ev); if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL) { HandleTouch(ev, type); } if (type >= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION && type <= LibInputEventType.LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS) { HandlePointer(ev, type); } libinput_event_destroy(ev); libinput_dispatch(ctx); } pollfd pfd = new pollfd { fd = fd, events = 1 }; NativeUnsafeMethods.poll(&pfd, new IntPtr(1), 10); } }
public EvDevDevice(int fd, IntPtr dev) { Fd = fd; _dev = dev; Name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_get_name(_dev)); foreach (EvType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EvType))) { if (NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_has_event_type(dev, type) != 0) { EventTypes.Add(type); } } var ptr = NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_get_abs_info(dev, (int)AbsAxis.ABS_X); if (ptr != null) { AbsX = *ptr; } ptr = NativeUnsafeMethods.libevdev_get_abs_info(dev, (int)AbsAxis.ABS_Y); if (ptr != null) { AbsY = *ptr; } }
static void CloseRestricted(int fd, IntPtr userData) { NativeUnsafeMethods.close(fd); }