protected override void OnDestroy() { m_RpcData.Dispose(); m_RpcTypeHashToIndex.Dispose(); m_RpcErrors.Dispose(); }
public static void SwapCellAndUpdateBoard(ActionKey action, StateData state, Cell cell1, Cell cell2) { // Swap cell types (cell1.Type, cell2.Type) = (cell2.Type, cell1.Type); state.SetTraitOnObjectAtIndex(cell1, action[Cell1Index]); state.SetTraitOnObjectAtIndex(cell2, action[Cell2Index]); int newScore = 0; var cellsToDestroy = new NativeList <int>(1, Allocator.Temp); // Check match3 and destroy used Gem (set to Type = None) CheckMatchOnGem(state, cell1, action[Cell1Index], ref cellsToDestroy); CheckMatchOnGem(state, cell2, action[Cell2Index], ref cellsToDestroy); if (cellsToDestroy.Length > 0) { // Unset all destroyed cells var cellQueue = new NativeQueue <int>(Allocator.Temp); var cellsQueued = new NativeHashMap <int, byte>(3, Allocator.Temp); var cellChanged = new NativeHashMap <int, byte>(3, Allocator.Temp); while (cellsToDestroy.Length > 0) { foreach (var cellIndex in cellsToDestroy) { if (cellsQueued.ContainsKey(cellIndex)) { continue; } var cellTrait = state.GetTraitOnObjectAtIndex <Cell>(cellIndex); newScore += GetScore(cellTrait.Type); cellTrait.Type = CellType.None; state.SetTraitOnObjectAtIndex(cellTrait, cellIndex); cellQueue.Enqueue(cellIndex); cellsQueued.TryAdd(cellIndex, default); } cellsToDestroy.Clear(); // Stitch Unset Gems with Top Gem while (cellQueue.Count > 0) { var cellIndex = cellQueue.Dequeue(); cellsQueued.Remove(cellIndex); var cell = state.GetTraitOnObjectAtIndex <Cell>(cellIndex); if (cell.Top.Id == ObjectId.None) { continue; } if (cell.Type == CellType.None) { var cellTopObject = state.GetTraitBasedObject(cell.Top); var cellTop = state.GetTraitOnObject <Cell>(cellTopObject); // Find first cell with a known type on top while (cellTop.Type == CellType.None) { if (cellTop.Top.Id == ObjectId.None) { break; } cellTopObject = state.GetTraitBasedObject(cellTop.Top); cellTop = state.GetTraitOnObject <Cell>(cellTopObject); } if (cellTop.Type != CellType.None) { cell.Type = cellTop.Type; state.SetTraitOnObjectAtIndex(cell, cellIndex); var newCellTop = cellTop; newCellTop.Type = CellType.None; state.SetTraitOnObject(newCellTop, ref cellTopObject); var index = state.GetTraitBasedObjectIndex(cellTopObject); cellQueue.Enqueue(index); cellsQueued.TryAdd(index, default); // Queue all vertical cells for checking var cellTopIndex = state.GetTraitBasedObjectIndex(cell.Top); while (cellTop.Type != CellType.None) { cellChanged.TryAdd(cellTopIndex, default); if (cellTop.Top == TraitBasedObjectId.None) { break; } cellTopIndex = state.GetTraitBasedObjectIndex(cellTop.Top); cellTop = state.GetTraitOnObjectAtIndex <Cell>(cellTopIndex); } } } } // Check cells affected by stitching for chained-explosion using (var changedKeys = cellChanged.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp)) { for (int i = 0; i < changedKeys.Length; i++) { var cellIndex = changedKeys[i]; var cell = state.GetTraitOnObjectAtIndex <Cell>(cellIndex); CheckMatchOnGem(state, cell, cellIndex, ref cellsToDestroy); } } cellChanged.Clear(); } cellQueue.Dispose(); cellsQueued.Dispose(); cellChanged.Dispose(); } // Store information in Game state var gameId = state.GetTraitBasedObjectId(action[GameIndex]); var game = state.GetTraitBasedObject(gameId); var gameTrait = state.GetTraitOnObject <Game>(game); // Score is stored in the Game Object and apply later in the reward function gameTrait.Score = newScore; state.SetTraitOnObject(gameTrait, ref game); cellsToDestroy.Dispose(); }
private void Update() { List <Transform> children = new List <Transform>(); foreach (var child in transform) { children.Add(child as Transform); } var sdf = GetComponent <SDFBehaviour>().GetNode().Compile(); var pairArrays = new NativeArray <KeyValuePair <int3, float3> > [Chunks * Chunks]; for (int i = 0; i < pairArrays.Length; i++) { pairArrays[i] = new NativeArray <KeyValuePair <int3, float3> >(Resolution * Resolution * Resolution, Allocator.TempJob); } NativeArray <JobHandle> handles = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(Chunks * Chunks, Allocator.TempJob); var counts = new NativeArray <int>(Chunks * Chunks, Allocator.TempJob); var offsets = new NativeArray <int>(Chunks * Chunks, Allocator.TempJob); float size = (Resolution - 1) * GridSize; //STEP 1 { int pairIndex = 0; for (int dx = 0; dx < Chunks; dx++) { for (int dz = 0; dz < Chunks; dz++) { handles[pairIndex] = new BuildVertices() { Resolution = Resolution, GridSize = GridSize, GridCorner = transform.position + new Vector3(dx, 0, dz) * size, SDF = sdf, Vertices = pairArrays[pairIndex], Counts = counts, CountIndex = pairIndex, CellOffset = new int3(dx * (Resolution - 1), 0, dz * (Resolution - 1)), UseVoxelStyle = UseVoxelStyle }.Schedule(); pairIndex++; } } JobHandle.CompleteAll(handles); } //STEP 2 { new CalculateOffsets() { Counts = counts, Offsets = offsets }.Run(); } int totalVerts = 0; for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length; i++) { totalVerts += counts[i]; } var verts = new NativeArray <Vector3>(totalVerts, Allocator.TempJob); var map = new NativeHashMap <int3, int>(totalVerts, Allocator.TempJob); //STEP 3 { int pairIndex = 0; for (int dx = 0; dx < Chunks; dx++) { for (int dz = 0; dz < Chunks; dz++) { new BuildVertexArrayAndMap() { InVertices = pairArrays[pairIndex], Counts = counts, Offsets = offsets, CountIndex = pairIndex, Vertices = verts, VertexMap = map.AsParallelWriter() }.Schedule().Complete(); pairIndex++; } } } var triQueue = new NativeQueue <int3>(Allocator.TempJob); //STEP 4 { int pairIndex = 0; for (int dx = 0; dx < Chunks; dx++) { for (int dz = 0; dz < Chunks; dz++) { new BuildTriQueue() { InVertices = pairArrays[pairIndex], Counts = counts, CountIndex = pairIndex, TriQueue = triQueue.AsParallelWriter(), VertexMap = map, SDF = sdf, GridCorner = transform.position, GridSize = GridSize }.Schedule().Complete(); pairIndex++; } } } var triArray = new NativeArray <int>(triQueue.Count * 3, Allocator.TempJob); //STEP 5 new BuildTriArray() { TriQueue = triQueue, Triangles = triArray }.Schedule().Complete(); _mesh.Clear(); _mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray(); _mesh.triangles = triArray.ToArray(); _mesh.RecalculateNormals(); Graphics.DrawMesh(_mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, previewMat, 0); foreach (var pairArray in pairArrays) { pairArray.Dispose(); } counts.Dispose(); offsets.Dispose(); sdf.Dispose(); verts.Dispose(); map.Dispose(); triQueue.Dispose(); triArray.Dispose(); handles.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroyManager() { m_ShipArrivedQueue.Dispose(); base.OnDestroyManager(); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { var mapSettings = GetSingleton <MapSettings>(); var edgeSize = mapSettings.MapEdgeSize; var ores = GetComponentDataFromEntity <ResourceOre>(true); var tiles = mapSettings.Tiles; var neighborsLocal = _neighbors; var setTargetCMDBuffer = _cmdBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(); // TODO: Enable burst (native queue allocation problem) Entities .WithReadOnly(ores) .WithReadOnly(neighborsLocal) .WithReadOnly(tiles) .WithNativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction(tiles) .WithoutBurst() .WithAll <UnitTag, SeekingOresTag>() .WithNone <Waypoint, PathRequest>() .ForEach((Entity e, int entityInQueryIndex, in MapIndex mapIndex) => { #region Found ores int2 oreIndex = new int2(); bool founded = false; var tilesSize = tiles.Length; NativeQueue <int> toSearch = new NativeQueue <int>(Allocator.Temp); NativeArray <Boolean> searched = new NativeArray <Boolean>(tiles.Length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory); toSearch.Enqueue(mapIndex.Index1D); while (founded == false && toSearch.Count > 0) { var currentIndex = toSearch.Dequeue(); for (int i = 0; i < neighborsLocal.Length; i++) { var neighborIndex = neighborsLocal[i].Of(currentIndex, tilesSize); if (neighborIndex != -1 && searched[neighborIndex] == false) { toSearch.Enqueue(neighborIndex); } } var currentEntity = tiles[currentIndex]; searched[currentIndex] = true; if (ores.HasComponent(currentEntity) && ores[currentEntity].IsValid) { oreIndex = IndexUtils.Index2D(currentIndex, tilesSize); founded = true; } } toSearch.Dispose(); searched.Dispose(); #endregion Found ores setTargetCMDBuffer.AddComponent <PathRequest>(entityInQueryIndex, e, new PathRequest(mapIndex.Index2D, oreIndex)); }).ScheduleParallel(); _cmdBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(Dependency); }
/// <summary> /// Process all queued events. /// </summary> public void ProcessEvents() { // Early bail to avoid setting up job stuff unnecessarily if (_queuedEvents.Length == 0) { return; } NativeQueue <UnityEventJob> eventsToProcessQueue = new NativeQueue <UnityEventJob>(Allocator.TempJob); BuildEventQueueJob job = new BuildEventQueueJob(); job.queuedEvents = _queuedEvents; job.subscribers = _subscribers; job.eventsToProcess = eventsToProcessQueue.ToConcurrent(); job.Schedule(_queuedEvents.Length, 32).Complete(); int eventCount = eventsToProcessQueue.Count; NativeArray <UnityEventJob> eventsToProcess = new NativeArray <UnityEventJob>(eventCount, Allocator.TempJob); EventQueueToEventArrayJob setJob = new EventQueueToEventArrayJob(); setJob.eventsInQueue = eventsToProcessQueue; = eventsToProcess; JobHandle setArrayHandle = setJob.Schedule(); NativeArray <T_Job> jobsArray = new NativeArray <T_Job>(eventCount, Allocator.TempJob); CreateJobsArrayJob createJobArrayJob = new CreateJobsArrayJob(); = eventsToProcess; createJobArrayJob.subscribers = _subscribers; = jobsArray; JobHandle createJobArrayHandle = createJobArrayJob.Schedule( eventCount, _batchCount, setArrayHandle); ExecuteEventJobsJob executeJob = new ExecuteEventJobsJob(); executeJob.jobsResult = jobsArray; executeJob.evs = eventsToProcess; JobHandle executeHandle = executeJob.Schedule( eventCount, _batchCount, createJobArrayHandle); WriteBackToSubscribersJob writeBackJob = new WriteBackToSubscribersJob(); writeBackJob.subscribers = _subscribers; writeBackJob.evs = eventsToProcess; writeBackJob.jobsResult = jobsArray; JobHandle writeBackHandle = writeBackJob.Schedule( eventCount, _batchCount, executeHandle); writeBackHandle.Complete(); int count = eventsToProcess.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { UnityEventJob ev = eventsToProcess[i]; Subscription sub = _subscribers[ev.subscriberIndex]; try { _subscriberCallbacks[ev.subscriberIndex](sub.job); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } eventsToProcessQueue.Dispose(); eventsToProcess.Dispose(); jobsArray.Dispose(); _queuedEvents.Clear(); #if !DISABLE_EVENT_SAFETY_CHKS _cachedCurEvents.Clear(); #endif }
public void Shutdown() { m_DragHistory.Dispose(); }
void RunTest() { var em = World.All[0].EntityManager; if (!em.HasComponent <Navmesh>(Navmesh.Entity)) { return; } _runTest = true; BurstCompiler.Options.EnableBurstCompilation = BurstInsert; var r = new Random((uint)Seed); var l = new NativeList <float2>(Allocator.Persistent); var a = new NativeList <int>(Allocator.Persistent); _entities = new NativeList <Entity>(Amount, Allocator.Persistent); if (Select && P) { P.position = ((float2)SelectPos).ToXxY(); } for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { var p = Prefabs[r.NextInt(Prefabs.Length)]; var scale = (1 - ScaleOffset + r.NextFloat() * 2 * ScaleOffset); var rot = r.NextFloat(2 * math.PI); var vertices = p.Vertices.Select(f => Math.Rotate((float2)(scale * f), rot)).ToList(); if (p.Closed) { vertices.Add(vertices[0]); } var min = new float2(float.MaxValue); var max = new float2(float.MinValue); foreach (var f in vertices) { min = math.min(f, min); max = math.max(f, max); } var size = max - min; var range = Size - size; var offset = r.NextFloat2(range); if (Select) { var add = false; for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Count - 1; j++) { if (i < 10 || IntersectSegCircle(vertices[j] - min + offset, vertices[j + 1] - min + offset, SelectPos, SelectRadius) > 0) { add = true; break; } } if (!add) { DestroyImmediate(p.gameObject); continue; } } foreach (var f in vertices) { l.Add(f - min + offset); } a.Add(vertices.Count); } _points = l.Length; Warmup(); for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { _entities.Add(em.CreateEntity()); } var navmeshes = new NativeArray <Navmesh>(1, Allocator.TempJob); navmeshes[0] = em.GetComponentData <Navmesh>(Navmesh.Entity); var toRemove = new NativeQueue <Entity>(Allocator.TempJob); new InsertValidateJob { Navmesh = navmeshes, Destroyed = em.GetBuffer <DestroyedTriangleElement>(Navmesh.Entity), Points = l, Amounts = a, ObstacleEntities = _entities, Validation = Validation, ToRemove = toRemove } .RunTimed($"Insert and refine {_points} points"); em.SetComponentData(Navmesh.Entity, navmeshes[0]); if (Remove) { RunRemove(); } navmeshes.Dispose(); l.Dispose(); a.Dispose(); toRemove.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { m_Connections.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); triggeredProjectiles.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { //Debug.Log(sheet0NativeQueue.Count); bool useQuadrantSystem = Testing.Instance.useQuadrantSystem; bool sortSprite = Testing.Instance.sortSprite; if (useQuadrantSystem) { #region useQuadrantSystem NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node0NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node1NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node2NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node3NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node4NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node5NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node6NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node7NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node8NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); CopySpriteMultiGroupJob copyTileMultiJob = new CopySpriteMultiGroupJob { sheet0NativeQueue = node0NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet1NativeQueue = node1NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet2NativeQueue = node2NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet3NativeQueue = node3NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet4NativeQueue = node4NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet5NativeQueue = node5NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet6NativeQueue = node6NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet7NativeQueue = node7NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter(), sheet8NativeQueue = node8NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter() }; JobHandle jobHandle = copyTileMultiJob.Schedule(this); jobHandle.Complete(); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node0NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node0NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node1NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node2NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node2NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node3NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node3NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node4NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node4NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node5NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node5NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node6NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node6NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node7NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node7NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> node8NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(node8NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <JobHandle> jobHandleArray = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(9, Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueueToArrayJob node0NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node0NativeQueue, nativeArray = node0NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[0] = node0NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node1NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node1NativeQueue, nativeArray = node1NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[1] = node1NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node2NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node2NativeQueue, nativeArray = node2NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[2] = node2NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node3NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node3NativeQueue, nativeArray = node3NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[3] = node3NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node4NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node4NativeQueue, nativeArray = node4NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[4] = node4NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node5NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node5NativeQueue, nativeArray = node5NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[5] = node5NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node6NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node6NativeQueue, nativeArray = node6NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[6] = node6NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node7NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node7NativeQueue, nativeArray = node7NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[7] = node7NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node8NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node8NativeQueue, nativeArray = node8NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[8] = node8NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandleArray); node0NativeQueue.Dispose(); node1NativeQueue.Dispose(); node2NativeQueue.Dispose(); node3NativeQueue.Dispose(); node4NativeQueue.Dispose(); node5NativeQueue.Dispose(); node6NativeQueue.Dispose(); node7NativeQueue.Dispose(); node8NativeQueue.Dispose(); if (sortSprite) { SortLayerJob sortLayer0Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node0NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[0] = sortLayer0Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer1Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node1NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[1] = sortLayer1Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer2Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node2NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[2] = sortLayer2Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer3Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node3NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[3] = sortLayer3Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer4Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node4NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[4] = sortLayer4Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer5Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node5NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[5] = sortLayer5Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer6Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node6NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[6] = sortLayer6Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer7Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node7NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[7] = sortLayer7Job.Schedule(); SortLayerJob sortLayer8Job = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = node8NativeArray }; jobHandleArray[8] = sortLayer8Job.Schedule(); JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandleArray); } int visibleTileTotal = node0NativeArray.Length + node1NativeArray.Length + node2NativeArray.Length + node3NativeArray.Length + node4NativeArray.Length + node5NativeArray.Length + node6NativeArray.Length + node7NativeArray.Length + node8NativeArray.Length ; NativeArray <Matrix4x4> matrixArray = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <Vector4> uvArray = new NativeArray <Vector4>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <int> matIdArray = new NativeArray <int>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); int startingIndex = 0; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_0 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node0NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[0] = fillArrayForParalleJob_0.Schedule(node0NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node0NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_1 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node1NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[1] = fillArrayForParalleJob_1.Schedule(node1NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node1NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_2 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node2NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[2] = fillArrayForParalleJob_2.Schedule(node2NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node2NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_3 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node3NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[3] = fillArrayForParalleJob_3.Schedule(node3NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node3NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_4 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node4NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[4] = fillArrayForParalleJob_4.Schedule(node4NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node4NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_5 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node5NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[5] = fillArrayForParalleJob_5.Schedule(node5NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node5NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_6 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node6NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[6] = fillArrayForParalleJob_6.Schedule(node6NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node6NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_7 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node7NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[7] = fillArrayForParalleJob_7.Schedule(node7NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node7NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_8 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = node8NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[8] = fillArrayForParalleJob_8.Schedule(node8NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node8NativeArray.Length; JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandleArray); int sliceCount = matrixInstanceArray.Length; int off = 0; while (off < visibleTileTotal) { int sheetId = matIdArray[off]; int sliceSize = 0; while (off + sliceSize < visibleTileTotal && sliceSize < sliceCount) { if (matIdArray[off + sliceSize] != sheetId) { break; } sliceSize++; } NativeArray <Matrix4x4> .Copy(matrixArray, off, matrixInstanceArray, 0, sliceSize); NativeArray <Vector4> .Copy(uvArray, off, uvInstanceArray, 0, sliceSize); materialPropertyBlock.SetVectorArray(sharedPropertyId, uvInstanceArray); Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced( Testing.Instance.mesh, 0, GetMaterial(sheetId), matrixInstanceArray, sliceSize, materialPropertyBlock ); off += sliceSize; } matrixArray.Dispose(); uvArray.Dispose(); matIdArray.Dispose(); node0NativeArray.Dispose(); node1NativeArray.Dispose(); node2NativeArray.Dispose(); node3NativeArray.Dispose(); node4NativeArray.Dispose(); node5NativeArray.Dispose(); node6NativeArray.Dispose(); node7NativeArray.Dispose(); node8NativeArray.Dispose(); jobHandleArray.Dispose(); #endregion } else { NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> sheet0NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(Allocator.TempJob); CopySpriteJob copyTileJob = new CopySpriteJob { sheet0NativeQueue = sheet0NativeQueue.AsParallelWriter() }; JobHandle jobHandle = copyTileJob.Schedule(this); jobHandle.Complete(); NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent> sheet0NativeArray = new NativeArray <SpriteSheetAnimationComponent>(sheet0NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueueToArrayJob sheet0NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = sheet0NativeQueue, nativeArray = sheet0NativeArray, }; jobHandle = sheet0NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); jobHandle.Complete(); sheet0NativeQueue.Dispose(); if (sortSprite) { SortLayerJob sortLayerJob = new SortLayerJob { sortArray = sheet0NativeArray }; jobHandle = sortLayerJob.Schedule(); jobHandle.Complete(); } int visibleTileTotal = sheet0NativeArray.Length; NativeArray <Matrix4x4> matrixArray = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <Vector4> uvArray = new NativeArray <Vector4>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <int> matIdArray = new NativeArray <int>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, uvArray = uvArray, matIdArray = matIdArray, nativeArray = sheet0NativeArray, startingIndex = 0 }; jobHandle = fillArrayForParalleJob.Schedule(sheet0NativeArray.Length, 10); jobHandle.Complete(); int sliceCount = matrixInstanceArray.Length; int off = 0; while (off < visibleTileTotal) { int sheetId = matIdArray[off]; int sliceSize = 0; while (off + sliceSize < visibleTileTotal && sliceSize < sliceCount) { if (matIdArray[off + sliceSize] != sheetId) { break; } sliceSize++; } NativeArray <Matrix4x4> .Copy(matrixArray, off, matrixInstanceArray, 0, sliceSize); NativeArray <Vector4> .Copy(uvArray, off, uvInstanceArray, 0, sliceSize); materialPropertyBlock.SetVectorArray(sharedPropertyId, uvInstanceArray); Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced( Testing.Instance.mesh, 0, GetMaterial(sheetId), matrixInstanceArray, sliceSize, materialPropertyBlock ); off += sliceSize; } matrixArray.Dispose(); uvArray.Dispose(); matIdArray.Dispose(); sheet0NativeArray.Dispose(); } }
protected override void OnDestroyManager() { numNetworkIds.Dispose(); freeNetworkIds.Dispose(); m_Driver.Dispose(); }
static void NQDisposer <T>(NativeQueue <T> queue) where T : struct { queue.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { weaponFired.Dispose(); }
Mesh GenerateMesh(float[,,] voxels) { var grids = new NativeList <Gridcell>(Allocator.TempJob); var gridOffsets = new NativeList <Vector3Int>(Allocator.TempJob); for (int x = 0; x < dimensions.x - 1; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < dimensions.y; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < dimensions.z - 1; z++) { Gridcell gridcell; try { gridcell = new Gridcell { val1 = voxels[x, y, z], val2 = voxels[x, y, 1 + z], val3 = voxels[1 + x, y, 1 + z], val4 = voxels[1 + x, y, z], val5 = voxels[x, 1 + y, z], val6 = voxels[x, 1 + y, 1 + z], val7 = voxels[1 + x, 1 + y, 1 + z], val8 = voxels[1 + x, 1 + y, z], }; } catch { gridcell = new Gridcell { val1 = voxels[x, y, z], val2 = voxels[x, y, 1 + z], val3 = voxels[1 + x, y, 1 + z], val4 = voxels[1 + x, y, z], val5 = 0, val6 = 0, val7 = 0, val8 = 0, }; } if (gridcell.Equals( || gridcell.Equals( { continue; } int index = x + dimensions.y * (y + (dimensions.z - 1) * z); grids.Add(gridcell); gridOffsets.Add(new Vector3Int(x, y, z)); } } } var trianglesMC = new NativeQueue <Triangle>(Allocator.Persistent); new PolygoniseJob() { grids = grids, gridOffsets = gridOffsets, isolevel = isolevel, trianglesMC = trianglesMC, }.Schedule(grids.Length, 64).Complete(); grids.Dispose(); gridOffsets.Dispose(); Dictionary <Vector3, int> vertexDictionary = new Dictionary <Vector3, int>(Vec3EqComparer.c); NativeList <int> triangles = new NativeList <int>(Allocator.TempJob); while (trianglesMC.TryDequeue(out Triangle triangle)) { foreach (Vector3 vertex in triangle.Verts) { if (!vertexDictionary.TryGetValue(vertex, out int vertexIndex)) { vertexIndex = vertexDictionary.Count; vertexDictionary.Add(vertex, vertexIndex); } triangles.Add(vertexIndex); } } var vertices = new NativeArray <Vector3>(vertexDictionary.Keys.ToArray(), Allocator.TempJob); trianglesMC.Dispose(); var uv = new NativeArray <Vector2>(vertices.Length, Allocator.TempJob); new GetUVJob() { verts = vertices, uv = uv, dimensions = dimensions, }.Schedule(uv.Length, 64).Complete(); Mesh terrainMesh = new Mesh { name = "Terrain" + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime().ToString() + " Mesh", vertices = vertices.ToArray(), triangles = triangles.ToArray(), uv = uv.ToArray(), }; vertices.Dispose(); triangles.Dispose(); uv.Dispose(); terrainMesh.RecalculateBounds(); terrainMesh.RecalculateTangents(); terrainMesh.RecalculateNormals(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainMesh, "Assets/Terrain Data/" + + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); return((Mesh)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Terrain Data/" + + ".asset", typeof(Mesh))); }
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps) { NativeQueue <Entity> destroyedPlanetoidsQueue = new NativeQueue <Entity>(Allocator.TempJob); #region alternativeNoTWorking /* * NativeArray<int> keys = QuadrantSystem.quadrantMultiHashMap.GetKeyArray(Allocator.TempJob); * NativeArray<JobHandle> jobHandles = new NativeArray<JobHandle>(keys.Length, Allocator.TempJob); * * //make array of keys * //in a job make subarray of key, index of a key is number of array * //loop through array and add to queue * //place all the subarrays in array * //use * * for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) * { * NativeArray<EntityWithProps> entityWithPropsArray = new NativeArray<EntityWithProps>(QuadrantSystem.GetEntityCountInQuadrant(QuadrantSystem.quadrantMultiHashMap, keys[i]), Allocator.TempJob); * SortPositionsJob sortPositionsJob = new SortPositionsJob * { * quadrantMultiHashMap = QuadrantSystem.quadrantMultiHashMap, * sortedPositionsArray = entityWithPropsArray, * realTimeSinceStartUp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, * keys = keys, * index = i * }; * * jobHandles[i] = sortPositionsJob.Schedule(); * } * * JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandles); * keys.Dispose(); * jobHandles.Dispose(); * destroyedPlanetoidsQueue.Dispose(); */ #endregion CollisionDetectionInQuadrantsJob collisionDetectionInQuadrantsJob = new CollisionDetectionInQuadrantsJob { quadrantMultiHashMap = QuadrantSystem.quadrantMultiHashMap, destroyedPlanetoidsQueue = destroyedPlanetoidsQueue.ToConcurrent(), explosionCoordsQueue = AnimationHandler.explosionCoordsQueue.ToConcurrent(), //entityCommandBuffer = endSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(), realTimeSinceStartUp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, }; JobHandle jobHandle = collisionDetectionInQuadrantsJob.Schedule(this, inputDeps); //endSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(jobHandle); AddDisabledComponentJob removeTranslationJob = new AddDisabledComponentJob { destroyedPlanetoidQueue = destroyedPlanetoidsQueue, entityCommandBuffer = endSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer() }; jobHandle = removeTranslationJob.Schedule(jobHandle); endSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(jobHandle); //executes only after job has been completed jobHandle.Complete(); destroyedPlanetoidsQueue.Dispose(); AddTranslationJob addTranslationJob = new AddTranslationJob { seed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 1000000), realTimeSinceStartUp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, entityCommandBuffer = endPresentationSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(), cameraMaxLeftDown = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0)), cameraMaxRightUp = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 1)) }; jobHandle = addTranslationJob.Schedule(this, jobHandle); endPresentationSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.AddJobHandleForProducer(jobHandle); return(jobHandle); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); _messageQueue.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { m_Queue.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroyManager() { playerClearQueue.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { NativeQueue <RenderData> node0NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node1NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node2NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node3NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node4NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node5NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueue <RenderData> node6NativeQueue = new NativeQueue <RenderData>(Allocator.TempJob); CopyTileJob copyTileJob = new CopyTileJob { node0NativeQueue = node0NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node1NativeQueue = node1NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node2NativeQueue = node2NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node3NativeQueue = node3NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node4NativeQueue = node4NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node5NativeQueue = node5NativeQueue.ToConcurrent(), node6NativeQueue = node6NativeQueue.ToConcurrent() }; JobHandle jobHandle = copyTileJob.Schedule(this); jobHandle.Complete(); NativeArray <RenderData> node0NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node0NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node1NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node2NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node3NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node4NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node5NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <RenderData> node6NativeArray = new NativeArray <RenderData>(node1NativeQueue.Count, Allocator.TempJob); NativeArray <JobHandle> jobHandleArray = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(7, Allocator.TempJob); NativeQueueToArrayJob node0NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node0NativeQueue, nativeArray = node0NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[0] = node0NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node1NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node1NativeQueue, nativeArray = node1NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[1] = node1NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node2NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node2NativeQueue, nativeArray = node2NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[2] = node2NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node3NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node3NativeQueue, nativeArray = node3NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[3] = node3NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node4NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node4NativeQueue, nativeArray = node4NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[4] = node4NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node5NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node5NativeQueue, nativeArray = node5NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[5] = node5NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); NativeQueueToArrayJob node6NativeQueueToArrayJob = new NativeQueueToArrayJob { nativeQueue = node6NativeQueue, nativeArray = node6NativeArray, }; jobHandleArray[6] = node6NativeQueueToArrayJob.Schedule(); JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandleArray); node0NativeQueue.Dispose(); node1NativeQueue.Dispose(); node2NativeQueue.Dispose(); node3NativeQueue.Dispose(); node4NativeQueue.Dispose(); node5NativeQueue.Dispose(); node6NativeQueue.Dispose(); int visibleTileTotal = node0NativeArray.Length + node1NativeArray.Length; NativeArray <Matrix4x4> matrixArray = new NativeArray <Matrix4x4>(visibleTileTotal, Allocator.TempJob); int startingIndex = 0; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_0 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node0NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[0] = fillArrayForParalleJob_0.Schedule(node0NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node0NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_1 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node1NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[1] = fillArrayForParalleJob_1.Schedule(node1NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node1NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_2 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node2NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[2] = fillArrayForParalleJob_2.Schedule(node1NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node2NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_3 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node1NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[3] = fillArrayForParalleJob_3.Schedule(node3NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node3NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_4 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node4NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[4] = fillArrayForParalleJob_4.Schedule(node4NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node4NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_5 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node5NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[5] = fillArrayForParalleJob_5.Schedule(node5NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node5NativeArray.Length; FillArrayForParalleJob fillArrayForParalleJob_6 = new FillArrayForParalleJob { matrixArray = matrixArray, nativeArray = node6NativeArray, startingIndex = startingIndex }; jobHandleArray[6] = fillArrayForParalleJob_6.Schedule(node6NativeArray.Length, 10); startingIndex += node6NativeArray.Length; JobHandle.CompleteAll(jobHandleArray); int sliceCount = 1023; Matrix4x4[] matrixInstanceArray = new Matrix4x4[1023]; int off = 0; //while (off < visibleTileTotal) //{ // int tilePick = off < node0NativeArray.Length ? 0 : 0.34f; // int sliceSize = math.min(visibleTileTotal - off, sliceCount); // if (off < node0NativeArray.Length && off + sliceSize >= node0NativeArray.Length) // { // sliceSize = node0NativeArray.Length - off; // } // NativeArray<Matrix4x4>.Copy(matrixArray, off, matrixInstanceArray, 0, sliceSize); // Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced( // Bootstrap.Defines.ResourceNodesPrefab[tilePick].mesh, // 0, // Bootstrap.Defines.ResourceNodesPrefab[tilePick].material, // matrixInstanceArray, // sliceSize); // off += sliceSize; //} matrixArray.Dispose(); node0NativeArray.Dispose(); node1NativeArray.Dispose(); node2NativeArray.Dispose(); node3NativeArray.Dispose(); node4NativeArray.Dispose(); node5NativeArray.Dispose(); node6NativeArray.Dispose(); jobHandleArray.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { _eventQueue.Dispose(); }
protected override void OnDestroy() { explosionCoordsQueue.Dispose(); base.OnDestroy(); }