Пример #1
 private static void DrawOnHDC(IntPtr compatHdc, string text, Font font, Padding internalBounds, Rectangle bounds, Color color, TextFormatFlags formatFlags, AeroLabelMode mode, IThemeTextOption[] options)
     if (SystemSupports.IsAeroSupport && mode == AeroLabelMode.Aero)
         IntPtr hFont = font.ToHfont();
         NativeMethod.SelectObject(compatHdc, hFont);
         VisualStyleRenderer renderer = new VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyleElement.Window.Caption.Active);
         DTTOPTS             dttOpts  = default(DTTOPTS);
         dttOpts.dwSize  = Marshal.SizeOf(dttOpts);
         dttOpts.dwFlags = (DTTOPSFlags)8193;
         dttOpts.crText  = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(color);
         for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++)
             IThemeTextOption op = options[i];
             op.Apply(ref dttOpts);
         RECT RECT = new RECT(internalBounds.Left, internalBounds.Top, bounds.Width - internalBounds.Right, bounds.Height - internalBounds.Bottom);
         int  ret  = NativeMethod.DrawThemeTextEx(renderer.Handle, compatHdc, 0, 0, text, -1, (int)formatFlags, ref RECT, ref dttOpts);
         if (ret != 0)
         Graphics gc = Graphics.FromHdc(compatHdc);
         gc.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
         using (SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(254, color)))
             gc.DrawString(text, font, sb, bounds);
Пример #2
        public void Update(Graphics g, string text, Font font, Padding internalBounds, Rectangle bounds, Color color, Color backColor, TextFormatFlags formatFlags, IThemeTextOption[] options)
            IntPtr compatHdc = this._TextHDC;

            if (bounds.Equals(this._TextHDCBounds))
                IntPtr hClearBrush = NativeMethod.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(backColor));
                RECT   cleanRect   = new RECT(bounds);
                NativeMethod.FillRect(compatHdc, ref cleanRect, hClearBrush);
                IntPtr outputHdc = g.GetHdc();
                IntPtr DIB;
                compatHdc           = AeroText.CreateNewHDC(outputHdc, bounds, out DIB);
                this._TextHDC       = compatHdc;
                this._TextHDCBounds = bounds;
            AeroText.DrawOnHDC(compatHdc, text, font, internalBounds, bounds, color, formatFlags, this._mode, options);
Пример #3
 private static void CleanUpHDC(IntPtr DIB)
Пример #4
        public static byte[] CaptureRectangle(Rectangle r)
            IntPtr wndHWND, wndHDC, capHDC, capBMP, prvHDC;

            wndHWND = wndHDC = capHDC = capBMP = prvHDC = IntPtr.Zero;
            byte[] buffer    = null;
            Point  cursorPos = Point.Empty;

                wndHWND = NativeMethod.GetDesktopWindow();      // window handle for desktop

                int x, y, width, height;
                x      = r.X;
                y      = r.Y;
                width  = r.Width;
                height = r.Height;

                wndHDC = NativeMethod.GetDC(wndHWND);           // get context for window

                //	create compatibile capture context and bitmap
                capHDC = NativeMethod.CreateCompatibleDC(wndHDC);
                capBMP = NativeMethod.CreateCompatibleBitmap(wndHDC, width, height);

                //	make sure bitmap non-zero
                if (capBMP == IntPtr.Zero)                              // if no compatible bitmap
                    NativeMethod.ReleaseDC(wndHWND, wndHDC);            //   release window context
                    NativeMethod.DeleteDC(capHDC);                      //   delete capture context
                    throw new Exception("Not create compatible bitmap.");

                //	select compatible bitmap in compatible context
                //	copy window context to compatible context
                //  select previous bitmap back into compatible context
                prvHDC = (IntPtr)NativeMethod.SelectObject(capHDC, capBMP);
                //NativeMethod.BitBlt(capHDC, 0, 0, width, height, wndHDC, x, y, RasterOp.SRCCOPY | RasterOp.CAPTUREBLT);
                NativeMethod.BitBlt(capHDC, 0, 0, width, height, wndHDC, x, y, RasterOp.SRCCOPY);

                NativeMethod.GetCursorPos(out cursorPos);
                cursorPos.X -= r.Left;
                cursorPos.Y -= r.Top;

                // Draw the cursor
                // Always wait cursor, why? So use arrow cursor forever.
                //IntPtr hcur = GetCursor();
                IntPtr hcur = NativeMethod.GetCurrentCursorHandle();

                IconInfo iconInfo = new IconInfo();
                int      hr       = NativeMethod.GetIconInfo(hcur, out iconInfo);
                if (hr != 0)
                    cursorPos.X -= iconInfo.xHotspot;
                    cursorPos.Y -= iconInfo.yHotspot;
                    if (iconInfo.hbmMask != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (iconInfo.hbmColor != IntPtr.Zero)
                NativeMethod.DrawIcon(capHDC, cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y, hcur);

                NativeMethod.SelectObject(capHDC, prvHDC);

                //	create GDI+ bitmap for window
                Bitmap bitmap = Image.FromHbitmap(capBMP);

                Bitmap b = ImageUtil.AnyBitmapToBitmap24(bitmap);
                bitmap = b;

                buffer = ImageUtil.BitmapToByte(bitmap);
                //buffer = ImageUtil.BitmapToByteEx(bitmap);
            catch (Exception)
                //	release window and capture resources
                NativeMethod.DeleteObject(capBMP);                              // delete capture bitmap
                NativeMethod.DeleteDC(capHDC);                                  // delete capture context
                NativeMethod.ReleaseDC(wndHWND, wndHDC);                        // release window context