private static bool IsBeforeFieldInit(NamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol)
Пример #2
        private EmbeddedType EmbedType(
            NamedTypeSymbol namedType,
            bool fromImplements,
            SyntaxNode syntaxNodeOpt,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)

            var          adapter  = namedType.GetCciAdapter();
            EmbeddedType embedded = new EmbeddedType(this, adapter);
            EmbeddedType cached   = EmbeddedTypesMap.GetOrAdd(adapter, embedded);

            bool isInterface = (namedType.IsInterface);

            if (isInterface && fromImplements)
                // Note, we must use 'cached' here because we might drop 'embedded' below.
                cached.EmbedAllMembersOfImplementedInterface(syntaxNodeOpt, diagnostics);

            if (embedded != cached)

            // We do not expect this method to be called on a different thread once GetTypes is called.
            // Therefore, the following check can be as simple as:
            Debug.Assert(!IsFrozen, "Set of embedded types is frozen.");

            var noPiaIndexer = new Cci.TypeReferenceIndexer(new EmitContext(ModuleBeingBuilt, syntaxNodeOpt, diagnostics, metadataOnly: false, includePrivateMembers: true));

            // Make sure we embed all types referenced by the type declaration: implemented interfaces, etc.

            if (!isInterface)
                Debug.Assert(namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Struct || namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum || namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate);
                // For structures, enums and delegates we embed all members.

                if (namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Struct || namedType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum)
                    // TODO: When building debug versions in the IDE, the compiler will insert some extra members
                    // that support ENC. These make no sense in local types, so we will skip them. We have to
                    // check for them explicitly or they will trip the member-validity check that follows.

                foreach (FieldSymbol f in namedType.GetFieldsToEmit())
                    EmbedField(embedded, f.GetCciAdapter(), syntaxNodeOpt, diagnostics);

                foreach (MethodSymbol m in namedType.GetMethodsToEmit())
                    if ((object)m != null)
                        EmbedMethod(embedded, m.GetCciAdapter(), syntaxNodeOpt, diagnostics);

                // We also should embed properties and events, but we don't need to do this explicitly here
                // because accessors embed them automatically.
