public HmrcIsOfBusiness(DecisionStatus nDecisionStatus) : base(nDecisionStatus) {} // constructor /// <summary> /// Init if has HMRC. /// </summary> public void Init(List<NameForComparison> hmrcBusinessName, NameForComparison experianCompanyName) { Comment = string.Format( "HMRC business name: '{0}', experian business name: '{1}'", hmrcBusinessName.Select(n => n.RawName).Aggregate((a, b) => string.Format("{0},{1}", a, b)), experianCompanyName.RawName ); } // Init
} // StructToSave public void SetOtherNameAndBelongs(NameForComparison companyName, string fullName) { CompanyName = companyName; FullName = fullName; BelongsToCustomer = Name.SameAsCompany(CompanyName); if (BelongsToCustomer.Value) { return; } BelongsToCustomer = Name.SameAsPerson(fullName); } // SetOtherNameAndBelongs
} // constructor public Approval Init() { using (this.trail.AddCheckpoint(ProcessCheckpoints.Initializtion)) { var stra = new LoadExperianConsumerData(this.trail.CustomerID, null, null); stra.Execute(); this.experianConsumerData = stra.Result; if (this.customer == null) { this.isBrokerCustomer = false; } else { this.isBrokerCustomer = this.customer.Broker != null; } bool hasLtd = (this.customer != null) && (this.customer.Company != null) && (this.customer.Company.TypeOfBusiness.Reduce() == TypeOfBusinessReduced.Limited) && (this.customer.Company.ExperianRefNum != "NotFound"); if (hasLtd) { var limited = new LoadExperianLtd(this.customer.Company.ExperianRefNum, 0); limited.Execute(); this.companyDissolutionDate = limited.Result.DissolutionDate; this.directors = new List <Name>(); foreach (ExperianLtdDL72 dataRow in limited.Result.GetChildren <ExperianLtdDL72>()) { this.directors.Add(new Name(dataRow.FirstName, dataRow.LastName)); } foreach (ExperianLtdDLB5 dataRow in limited.Result.GetChildren <ExperianLtdDLB5>()) { this.directors.Add(new Name(dataRow.FirstName, dataRow.LastName)); } } // if this.hmrcNames = new List <NameForComparison>(); this.db.ForEachRowSafe( names => { if (!names["BelongsToCustomer"]) { return; } var name = new NameForComparison(names["BusinessName"]); if (name.AdjustedName != string.Empty) { this.hmrcNames.Add(name); } }, "GetHmrcBusinessNames", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID) ); SafeReader sr = this.db.GetFirst( "GetExperianMinMaxConsumerDirectorsScore", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID), new QueryParameter("Now", Now) ); if (!sr.IsEmpty) { this.minExperianScore = sr["MinExperianScore"]; } var oScore = new QueryParameter("CompanyScore") { Type = DbType.Int32, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, }; var oDate = new QueryParameter("IncorporationDate") { Type = DbType.DateTime2, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, }; this.db.ExecuteNonQuery( "GetCompanyScoreAndIncorporationDate", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID), new QueryParameter("TakeMinScore", true), oScore, oDate ); int nScore; if (int.TryParse(oScore.SafeReturnedValue, out nScore)) { this.minCompanyScore = nScore; } this.m_oSecondaryImplementation.Init(); } // using timer step return(this); } // Init
} // constructor public override void Execute() { string experianCompanyName = null; string enteredCompanyName = null; string enteredFullName = null; string experianFullName = null; var businessNames = new List <BusinessRelevance>(); DB.ForEachRowSafe( sr => { string rowType = sr["RowType"]; switch (rowType) { case "CompanyName": experianCompanyName = sr["ExperianCompanyName"]; enteredCompanyName = sr["EnteredCompanyName"]; enteredFullName = sr["FullName"]; break; case "HmrcBusinessName": bool?belongsToCustomer = sr["BelongsToCustomer"]; if (belongsToCustomer == null) { businessNames.Add(new BusinessRelevance { Name = new NameForComparison(sr["Name"]), BusinessID = sr["BusinessID"], }); } // if break; case "ExperianName": experianFullName = Concat(sr["ForeName"], sr["MiddleInitial"], sr["Surname"]); break; } // switch }, "LoadCustomerCompanyNames", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerID", this.customerID), new QueryParameter("Now", ); if (businessNames.Count < 1) { Log.Debug( "Not updating HMRC business relevance for customer {0}: no HMRC business found.", this.customerID ); return; } // if var companyName = new NameForComparison(experianCompanyName, enteredCompanyName); Log.Debug( "Customer {0}: company name '{1}' (adjusted to '{2}') with {3} HMRC business(es).", this.customerID, companyName.RawName, companyName.AdjustedName, businessNames.Count ); foreach (BusinessRelevance bn in businessNames) { bn.SetOtherNameAndBelongs(companyName, experianFullName ?? enteredFullName); } DB.ExecuteNonQuery( "UpdateHmrcBusinessRelevance", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, DB.CreateTableParameter( typeof(BusinessRelevance), "RelevanceList", businessNames, o => ((BusinessRelevance)o).ToParameter(), BusinessRelevance.StructToSave() ) ); } // Execute