public NameForm() { InitializeComponent(); NameEntry.Text = "Anonymous"; NameEntry.SelectAll(); NameEntry.Focus(); }
private async void EditName_OnTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NameEntry.InputTransparent) { NameEntry.InputTransparent = false; await PenIcon.FadeTo(0, 100u); } NameEntry.Focus(); NameEntry.CursorPosition = NameEntry.Text.Length; }
private void WeightEntry_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WeightEntry.Text.ToString() != string.Empty) { int i = 0; // Go to Name bool result = int.TryParse(WeightEntry.Text.ToString(), out i); if (result == true) { singleItem.Weight = i; WeightEntry.IsEnabled = false; NameEntry.IsVisible = true; NameEntry.Focus(); } else { App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", "Please round to the nearest whole number.", "Continue"); } } }
public void Automate() { var vm = new RegisterStudentViewModel(Navigation); UsernameEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { PasswordEntry.Focus(); }; PasswordEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ConfirmPasswordEntry.Focus(); }; ConfirmPasswordEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { PhoneNumberEntry.Focus(); }; PhoneNumberEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { NameEntry.Focus(); }; NameEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { AgeEntry.Focus(); }; AgeEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ClassEntry.Focus(); }; ClassEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { INameEntry.Focus(); }; INameEntry.Completed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { vm.RegisterStudent.Execute(null); }; }
private async void Btnregister_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (NameEntry.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Field required", "Please enter you full name. This will be used upon checking out items or picking them up.", "OK"); NameEntry.Focus(); return; } if (mobileentry.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Field required", "Please enter you mobile number.", "OK"); mobileentry.Focus(); return; } if (emailentry.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Field required", "Please enter your email address", "OK"); emailentry.Focus(); return; } if (passentry.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Field required", "Please enter your password", "OK"); passentry.Focus(); return; } if (confirmpassentry.Text == null) { await DisplayAlert("Field required", "Please confirm your password", "OK"); confirmpassentry.Focus(); return; } if (lblerror.IsVisible) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Invalid email address!", "OK"); emailentry.Focus(); return; } if (loadingindicator.IsVisible) { return; } if (passentry.Text == confirmpassentry.Text) { var user = new TBL_Users { full_name = NameEntry.Text, mobile_num = mobileentry.Text, emailadd = emailentry.Text, password = passentry.Text, datereg = DateTime.Now }; loadingindicator.IsVisible = true; loadingindicator.IsRunning = true; indicatornot.IsVisible = true; await TBL_Users.Insert(user); await DisplayAlert("Success", "You've successfully signed up! Please login to your account now!", "OK"); indicatornot.IsVisible = false; loadingindicator.IsVisible = false; await Navigation.PopAsync(true); } else { await DisplayAlert("Confirm password", "Password did not match!", "OK"); confirmpassentry.Focus(); } } catch { indicatornot.IsVisible = false; loadingindicator.IsVisible = false; await DisplayAlert("Error", "There was an error processing your request. " + "The email address you've entered already exist. Please try another one. " + "Please check you internet connectivity as well.", "OK"); } }