public void CloseTestOutput() { int status = JAUTL_SESSION_close_test_output(); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
public void SetTestOutput(string outputFile, int version) { int status = JAUTL_SESSION_set_test_output(outputFile, version); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
public void CompareTestOutput(string originalFile, string newFile) { int status = JAUTL_SESSION_compare_test_output(originalFile, newFile); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
public void LoadFully() { PartLoadStatus status = this.NXOpenPart.LoadFully(); if (status.NumberUnloadedParts != 0) { NXException.Create(status.GetStatus(0)); } }
public void SetSelectedObjects(TaggedObject[] objectVector) { JAM.StartCall(); int status = JA_BLOCK_STYLER_SELECT_PART_FROM_LIST_set_selected_objects(JAM.Lookup(base.Tag), objectVector.Length, JAM.ToTagArray(objectVector)); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
protected override void FreeResource() { JAM.StartCall(); int status = JA_BLOCK_STYLER_SNAP_DIALOG_dispose(base.Handle); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
public static void StartCall(string license1, string license2) { int status = JAM_reserve_license_pair(license1, license2, GetLicenseContext()); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } JAM_start_wrapped_call(); }
public PartSaveStatus Save() { PartSaveStatus status = this.NXOpenPart.Save(BasePart.SaveComponents.True, BasePart.CloseAfterSave.False); if (status.NumberUnsavedParts != 0) { NXException.Create(status.GetStatus(0)); } status.Dispose(); return(status); }
public PartSaveStatus SaveAs(string pathName) { PartSaveStatus status = this.NXOpenPart.SaveAs(pathName); if (status.NumberUnsavedParts != 0) { NXException.Create(status.GetStatus(0)); } status.Dispose(); return(status); }
public static void StartCall(string[] licenses) { IntPtr[] ptrArray = ToLocaleStringArray(licenses); int status = JAM_reserve_license_eitheror(licenses.Length, ptrArray, GetLicenseContext()); FreeLocaleStringArray(ptrArray); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } JAM_start_wrapped_call(); }
private static double[] GetParameter(Compute.IntersectionResult[] result) { if (result == null) { throw NXException.Create(0xa396b); } double[] numArray = new double[result.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < numArray.Length; i++) { numArray[i] = result[i].CurveParameter; } return(numArray); }
public bool Validate() { bool flag; JAM.StartCall(); int status = JA_ICOMPONENT_BUILDER_validate(base.Tag, out flag); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } return(flag); }
public void AddItem(string itemType, string itemID) { JAM.StartCall(); IntPtr ptr = JAM.ToLocaleString(itemType); IntPtr ptr2 = JAM.ToLocaleString(itemID); int status = JA_BLOCK_STYLER_SNAP_DIALOG_add_item(base.Handle, ptr, ptr2); JAM.FreeLocaleString(ptr); JAM.FreeLocaleString(ptr2); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } }
public TaggedObject[] GetSelectedObjects() { int num; JAM.StartCall(); IntPtr zero = IntPtr.Zero; int status = JA_BLOCK_STYLER_SELECT_PART_FROM_LIST_get_selected_objects(JAM.Lookup(base.Tag), out num, out zero); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } return((TaggedObject[])JAM.ToObjectArray(typeof(TaggedObject), num, zero)); }
protected static void StaticInitialize() { int status = JAM_SESSION_initialize(); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } InitLicense(); if (objectManager == null) { objectManager = new NXObjectManager(); } }
public string Add(string itemType, string itemTitle, string itemValue) { IntPtr ptr4; JAM.StartCall(); IntPtr ptr = JAM.ToLocaleString(itemType); IntPtr ptr2 = JAM.ToLocaleString(itemTitle); IntPtr ptr3 = JAM.ToLocaleString(itemValue); int status = JA_BLOCK_STYLER_SNAP_DIALOG_add(base.Handle, ptr, ptr2, ptr3, out ptr4); JAM.FreeLocaleString(ptr); JAM.FreeLocaleString(ptr2); JAM.FreeLocaleString(ptr3); if (status != 0) { throw NXException.Create(status); } return(JAM.ToStringFromLocale(ptr4)); }
public static IntPtr ToLocaleString(string s) { if (s == null) { return(IntPtr.Zero); } Encoding localeEncoding = GetLocaleEncoding(); byte[] bytes = localeEncoding.GetBytes(s); if ((localeEncoding != Encoding.UTF8) && !localeEncoding.GetString(bytes).Equals(s)) { throw NXException.Create(0x170a7a); } IntPtr destination = SM_alloc(bytes.Length + 1); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, destination, bytes.Length); Marshal.WriteByte(destination, bytes.Length, 0); return(destination); }
public static void InitLicense() { bool flag = false; try { flag = verifyAssemblyData(false); } catch (NeedSNAPAuthorLicenseException exception) { if (JAM_presence_check_snap_author_license() != 0) { throw exception; } Trace.WriteLine(exception); Trace.WriteLine("Validation failed but author license exists - loading library"); AddDLLAuthorization(JAM.ToStringFromLocale(JAM_get_filename(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName)), ResourceUtilities.SignatureType.SNAP_TYPE); } catch (NeedDOTNETAuthorLicenseException exception2) { if (JAM_presence_check_dotnet_author_license() != 0) { throw exception2; } Trace.WriteLine(exception2); Trace.WriteLine("Validation failed but author license exists - loading library"); AddDLLAuthorization(JAM.ToStringFromLocale(JAM_get_filename(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName)), ResourceUtilities.SignatureType.NORMAL_TYPE); } catch (Exception exception3) { throw exception3; } if (!flag) { int status = JAM_check_session_license(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); if (status != 0) { Trace.WriteLine("Could not obtain runtime license"); throw NXException.Create(status); } } }
public virtual void Move(Transform xform) { UFSession uFSession = Globals.UFSession; int num = 1; Tag[] objects = new Tag[] { this.NXOpenTag }; int num2 = 1; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 2; Tag[] copies = null; int status = 0; try { Tag tag; uFSession.Trns.TransformObjects(xform.Matrix, objects, ref num, ref num2, ref num3, ref num4, copies, out tag, out status); switch (status) { case 3: throw NXException.Create(0xa4c2d); case 4: if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.CoordinateSystem) { throw new ArgumentException("A transform that does not preserve angles cannot be applied to a coordinate system"); } throw new ArgumentException("The matrix does not preserve angles"); case 5: throw NXException.Create(0xa3948); case 6: throw NXException.Create(0xa3938); case 7: throw NXException.Create(0xa3939); case 8: throw NXException.Create(0x25); case 9: throw NXException.Create(0xa3946); case 10: throw NXException.Create(0xa3947); case 11: throw NXException.Create(0xa1222); } } catch (NXException exception) { if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.Edge) { throw new ArgumentException("The object is an edge. Edges cannot be moved.", exception); } if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.Face) { throw new ArgumentException("The object is a face. Faces cannot be moved.", exception); } if (((this.ObjectType != ObjectTypes.Type.Feature) && (this.ObjectType != ObjectTypes.Type.DatumPlane)) && ((this.ObjectType != ObjectTypes.Type.DatumAxis) && (this.ObjectType != ObjectTypes.Type.CoordinateSystem))) { throw exception; } throw new ArgumentException("A feature cannot be moved, because its position is controlled by its parents.", exception); } }
public virtual Snap.NX.NXObject Copy(Transform xform) { Snap.NX.NXObject obj3; UFSession uFSession = Globals.UFSession; int num = 1; Tag[] objects = new Tag[] { this.NXOpenTag }; int num2 = 2; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 2; Tag[] copies = new Tag[num]; int status = 0; try { Tag tag; uFSession.Trns.TransformObjects(xform.Matrix, objects, ref num, ref num2, ref num3, ref num4, copies, out tag, out status); switch (status) { case 3: throw NXException.Create(0xa4c2d); case 4: throw new ArgumentException("The matrix does not preserve angles"); case 5: throw NXException.Create(0xa3948); case 6: throw NXException.Create(0xa3938); case 7: throw NXException.Create(0xa3939); case 8: throw NXException.Create(0x25); case 9: throw NXException.Create(0xa3946); case 10: throw NXException.Create(0xa3947); case 11: throw NXException.Create(0xa1222); } if ((status == 0) && (copies[0] == Tag.Null)) { throw NXException.Create(0xa4c2d); } Snap.NX.NXObject[] objArray = new Snap.NX.NXObject[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { NXOpen.NXObject objectFromTag = GetObjectFromTag(copies[i]); objArray[i] = CreateNXObject(objectFromTag); } obj3 = objArray[0]; } catch (NXException exception) { if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.Edge) { throw new ArgumentException("The object is an edge. Edges cannot be copied", exception); } if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.Face) { throw new ArgumentException("The object is a face. Faces cannot be copied", exception); } if (((this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.Feature) || (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.DatumPlane)) || (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.DatumAxis)) { throw new ArgumentException("A feature cannot be copied unless all of its ancestors are copied too", exception); } if (this.ObjectType == ObjectTypes.Type.CoordinateSystem) { throw new ArgumentException("A transform that does not preserve angles cannot be applied to a coordinate system"); } throw exception; } return(obj3); }