public void Init() { TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(10, 0); // we want to use a single connection, since it is expensive connectedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); host = ""; using (var parameters = NWParameters.CreateTcp()) using (var endpoint = NWEndpoint.Create(host, "80")) { connection = new NWConnection(endpoint, parameters); connection.SetQueue(DispatchQueue.DefaultGlobalQueue); // important, else we will get blocked connection.SetStateChangeHandler(ConnectionStateHandler); connection.Start(); Assert.True(connectedEvent.WaitOne(20000), "Connection timed out."); stack = parameters.ProtocolStack; using (var ipOptions = stack.InternetProtocol) { if (ipOptions != null) { #if NET ipOptions.SetVersion(NWIPVersion.Version4); #else ipOptions.IPSetVersion(NWIPVersion.Version4); #endif stack.PrependApplicationProtocol(ipOptions); } } } }
static NWConnection CreateOutboundConnection(string name, string port) { NWEndpoint endpoint; if (bonjour) { endpoint = NWEndpoint.CreateBonjourService(name, GetServiceType(), "local"); } else { endpoint = NWEndpoint.Create(name, port); } Action <NWProtocolOptions> configureTls = SetupTls(); NWParameters parameters; if (useUdp) { if (useTls) { parameters = NWParameters.CreateSecureUdp(configureTls: configureTls, configureUdp: null); } else { parameters = NWParameters.CreateUdp(configureUdp: null); } } else { if (useTls) { parameters = NWParameters.CreateSecureTcp(configureTls: configureTls, configureTcp: null); } else { parameters = NWParameters.CreateTcp(configureTcp: null); } } using (NWProtocolStack protocolStack = parameters.ProtocolStack){ if (ipv4 || ipv6) { NWProtocolOptions ipOptions = protocolStack.InternetProtocol; ipOptions.IPSetVersion(ipv4 ? NWIPVersion.Version4 : NWIPVersion.Version6); } } if (localAddr != null || localPort != null) { using (NWEndpoint localEndpoint = NWEndpoint.Create(localAddr != null ? localAddr : "::", port == null ? "0" : port)) parameters.LocalEndpoint = localEndpoint; } var connection = new NWConnection(endpoint, parameters); endpoint.Dispose(); parameters.Dispose(); return(connection); }
public void SetUp() { using (var tcpOptions = NWProtocolOptions.CreateTcp()) using (var tlsOptions = NWProtocolOptions.CreateTls()) using (var parameters = NWParameters.CreateTcp()) { parameters.ProtocolStack.PrependApplicationProtocol(tlsOptions); parameters.ProtocolStack.PrependApplicationProtocol(tcpOptions); parameters.IncludePeerToPeer = true; listener = NWListener.Create("1234", parameters); } }
public void TestStateChangesHandler() { // In the test we are doing the following: // // 1. Start a browser. At this point, we have no listeners (unless someone is exposing it in the lab) // and therefore the browser cannot find any services/listeners. // 2. Start a listener that is using the same type/domain pair that the browser expects. // 3. Browser picks up the new listener, and sends an event (service found). // 4. Listener stops, and the service disappears. // 5. The browser is not yet canceled, so it picks up that the service/listener is not longer then and returns it. // // The test will block until the different events are set by the callbacks that are executed in a diff thread. bool firstRun = true; bool eventsDone = false; bool listeningDone = false; Exception ex = null; var changesEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); var browserReady = new AutoResetEvent(false); var finalEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); TestRuntime.RunAsync(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30), async() => { // start the browser, before the listener browser.SetStateChangesHandler((st, er) => { Assert.IsNotNull(st, "State"); Assert.IsNull(er, "Error"); if (st == NWBrowserState.Ready) { browserReady.Set(); } }); browser.SetChangesHandler((oldResult, newResult) => { // first time, listener appears, so we do not have an old result, second time // listener goes, so we do not have a new result try { if (firstRun) { Assert.IsNull(oldResult, "oldResult first run."); Assert.IsNotNull(newResult, "newResult first run"); firstRun = false; } else { Assert.IsNotNull(oldResult, "oldResult first run."); Assert.IsNull(newResult, "newResult first run"); } } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } finally { changesEvent.Set(); eventsDone = true; } }); browser.Start(); browserReady.WaitOne(30000); using (var advertiser = NWAdvertiseDescriptor.CreateBonjourService("MonoTouchFixtures.Network", type)) using (var tcpOptions = NWProtocolOptions.CreateTcp()) using (var tlsOptions = NWProtocolOptions.CreateTls()) using (var paramenters = NWParameters.CreateTcp()) { paramenters.ProtocolStack.PrependApplicationProtocol(tlsOptions); paramenters.ProtocolStack.PrependApplicationProtocol(tcpOptions); paramenters.IncludePeerToPeer = true; using (var listener = NWListener.Create("1234", paramenters)) { listener.SetQueue(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue); listener.SetAdvertiseDescriptor(advertiser); // we need the connection handler, else we will get an exception listener.SetNewConnectionHandler((c) => { }); listener.SetStateChangedHandler((s, e) => { if (e != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Got error {e.ErrorCode} {e.ErrorDomain} '{e.CFError.FailureReason}' {e.ToString ()}"); } }); listener.Start(); changesEvent.WaitOne(30000); listener.Cancel(); listeningDone = true; finalEvent.Set(); } } }, () => eventsDone); finalEvent.WaitOne(30000); Assert.IsTrue(eventsDone); Assert.IsTrue(listeningDone); Assert.IsNull(ex, "Exception"); browser.Cancel(); }
protected INativeObject GetINativeInstance(Type t) { var ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if ((ctor != null) && !ctor.IsAbstract) { return(ctor.Invoke(null) as INativeObject); } if (!NativeObjectInterfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(t)) { throw new ArgumentException("t"); } switch (t.Name) { case "CFAllocator": return(CFAllocator.SystemDefault); case "CFBundle": var bundles = CFBundle.GetAll(); if (bundles.Length > 0) { return(bundles [0]); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name)); } case "CFNotificationCenter": return(CFNotificationCenter.Darwin); case "CFReadStream": case "CFStream": CFReadStream readStream; CFWriteStream writeStream; CFStream.CreatePairWithSocketToHost("", 80, out readStream, out writeStream); return(readStream); case "CFWriteStream": CFStream.CreatePairWithSocketToHost("", 80, out readStream, out writeStream); return(writeStream); case "CFUrl": return(CFUrl.FromFile("/etc")); case "CFPropertyList": return(CFPropertyList.FromData(NSData.FromString("<string>data</string>")).PropertyList); case "DispatchData": return(DispatchData.FromByteBuffer(new byte [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 })); case "AudioFile": var path = Path.GetFullPath("1.caf"); var af = AudioFile.Open(CFUrl.FromFile(path), AudioFilePermission.Read, AudioFileType.CAF); return(af); case "CFHTTPMessage": return(CFHTTPMessage.CreateEmpty(false)); case "CFMutableString": return(new CFMutableString("xamarin")); case "CGBitmapContext": byte[] data = new byte [400]; using (CGColorSpace space = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB()) { return(new CGBitmapContext(data, 10, 10, 8, 40, space, CGBitmapFlags.PremultipliedLast)); } case "CGContextPDF": var filename = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonDocuments) + "/t.pdf"; using (var url = new NSUrl(filename)) return(new CGContextPDF(url)); case "CGColorConversionInfo": var cci = new GColorConversionInfoTriple() { Space = CGColorSpace.CreateGenericRgb(), Intent = CGColorRenderingIntent.Default, Transform = CGColorConversionInfoTransformType.ApplySpace }; return(new CGColorConversionInfo((NSDictionary)null, cci, cci, cci)); case "CGDataConsumer": using (NSMutableData destData = new NSMutableData()) { return(new CGDataConsumer(destData)); } case "CGDataProvider": filename = "xamarin1.png"; return(new CGDataProvider(filename)); case "CGFont": return(CGFont.CreateWithFontName("Courier New")); case "CGPattern": return(new CGPattern( new RectangleF(0, 0, 16, 16), CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity(), 16, 16, CGPatternTiling.NoDistortion, true, (cgc) => {})); case "CMBufferQueue": return(CMBufferQueue.CreateUnsorted(2)); case "CTFont": CTFontDescriptorAttributes fda = new CTFontDescriptorAttributes() { FamilyName = "Courier", StyleName = "Bold", Size = 16.0f }; using (var fd = new CTFontDescriptor(fda)) return(new CTFont(fd, 10)); case "CTFontCollection": return(new CTFontCollection(new CTFontCollectionOptions())); case "CTFontDescriptor": fda = new CTFontDescriptorAttributes(); return(new CTFontDescriptor(fda)); case "CTTextTab": return(new CTTextTab(CTTextAlignment.Left, 2)); case "CTTypesetter": return(new CTTypesetter(new NSAttributedString("Hello, world", new CTStringAttributes() { ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CTFont("ArialMT", 24) }))); case "CTFrame": var framesetter = new CTFramesetter(new NSAttributedString("Hello, world", new CTStringAttributes() { ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CTFont("ArialMT", 24) })); var bPath = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new RectangleF(0, 0, 3, 3)); return(framesetter.GetFrame(new NSRange(0, 0), bPath.CGPath, null)); case "CTFramesetter": return(new CTFramesetter(new NSAttributedString("Hello, world", new CTStringAttributes() { ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CTFont("ArialMT", 24) }))); case "CTGlyphInfo": return(new CTGlyphInfo("Zapfino", new CTFont("ArialMT", 24), "Foo")); case "CTLine": return(new CTLine(new NSAttributedString("Hello, world", new CTStringAttributes() { ForegroundColorFromContext = true, Font = new CTFont("ArialMT", 24) }))); case "CGImageDestination": var storage = new NSMutableData(); return(CGImageDestination.Create(new CGDataConsumer(storage), "public.png", 1)); case "CGImageMetadataTag": using (NSString name = new NSString("tagName")) using (var value = new NSString("value")) return(new CGImageMetadataTag(CGImageMetadataTagNamespaces.Exif, CGImageMetadataTagPrefixes.Exif, name, CGImageMetadataType.Default, value)); case "CGImageSource": filename = "xamarin1.png"; return(CGImageSource.FromUrl(NSUrl.FromFilename(filename))); case "SecPolicy": return(SecPolicy.CreateSslPolicy(false, null)); case "SecIdentity": using (var options = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("farscape"), SecImportExport.Passphrase)) { NSDictionary[] array; var result = SecImportExport.ImportPkcs12(farscape_pfx, options, out array); if (result != SecStatusCode.Success) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0} due to {1}.", t.Name, result)); } return(new SecIdentity(array [0].LowlevelObjectForKey(SecImportExport.Identity.Handle))); } case "SecTrust": X509Certificate x = new X509Certificate(mail_google_com); using (var policy = SecPolicy.CreateSslPolicy(true, "")) return(new SecTrust(x, policy)); case "SslContext": return(new SslContext(SslProtocolSide.Client, SslConnectionType.Stream)); case "UIFontFeature": return(new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers)); case "NetworkReachability": return(new NetworkReachability(IPAddress.Loopback, null)); case "VTCompressionSession": case "VTSession": return(VTCompressionSession.Create(1024, 768, CMVideoCodecType.H264, (sourceFrame, status, flags, buffer) => { }, null, (CVPixelBufferAttributes)null)); case "VTFrameSilo": return(VTFrameSilo.Create()); case "VTMultiPassStorage": return(VTMultiPassStorage.Create()); case "CFString": return(new CFString("test")); case "DispatchBlock": return(new DispatchBlock(() => { })); case "DispatchQueue": return(new DispatchQueue("com.example.subsystem.taskXYZ")); case "DispatchGroup": return(DispatchGroup.Create()); case "CGColorSpace": return(CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceCmyk()); case "CGGradient": CGColor[] cArray = { UIColor.Black.CGColor, UIColor.Clear.CGColor, UIColor.Blue.CGColor }; return(new CGGradient(null, cArray)); case "CGImage": filename = "xamarin1.png"; using (var dp = new CGDataProvider(filename)) return(CGImage.FromPNG(dp, null, false, CGColorRenderingIntent.Default)); case "CGColor": return(UIColor.Black.CGColor); case "CMClock": CMClockError ce; CMClock clock = CMClock.CreateAudioClock(out ce); if (ce == CMClockError.None) { return(clock); } throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name)); case "CMTimebase": clock = CMClock.CreateAudioClock(out ce); if (ce == CMClockError.None) { return(new CMTimebase(clock)); } throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name)); case "CVPixelBufferPool": return(new CVPixelBufferPool( new CVPixelBufferPoolSettings(), new CVPixelBufferAttributes(CVPixelFormatType.CV24RGB, 100, 50) )); case "NWAdvertiseDescriptor": return(NWAdvertiseDescriptor.CreateBonjourService("sampleName" + DateTime.Now, "_nfs._tcp")); case "NWConnection": { var endpoint = NWEndpoint.Create("", "https"); var parameters = NWParameters.CreateTcp(configureTcp: null); return(new NWConnection(endpoint, parameters)); } case "NWContentContext": return(new NWContentContext("contentContext" + DateTime.Now)); case "NWEndpoint": return(NWEndpoint.Create("", "https")); case "NWListener": return(NWListener.Create(NWParameters.CreateTcp(configureTcp: null))); case "NWParameters": return(NWParameters.CreateTcp(configureTcp: null)); case "NWProtocolDefinition": // Makes a new instance every time return(NWProtocolDefinition.TcpDefinition); case "NWProtocolOptions": return(NWProtocolOptions.CreateTcp()); case "SecCertificate": using (var cdata = NSData.FromArray(mail_google_com)) return(new SecCertificate(cdata)); case "SecCertificate2": using (var cdata = NSData.FromArray(mail_google_com)) return(new SecCertificate2(new SecCertificate(cdata))); case "SecTrust2": X509Certificate x2 = new X509Certificate(mail_google_com); using (var policy = SecPolicy.CreateSslPolicy(true, "")) return(new SecTrust2(new SecTrust(x2, policy))); case "SecIdentity2": using (var options = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("farscape"), SecImportExport.Passphrase)) { NSDictionary[] array; var result = SecImportExport.ImportPkcs12(farscape_pfx, options, out array); if (result != SecStatusCode.Success) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0} due to {1}.", t.Name, result)); } return(new SecIdentity2(new SecIdentity(array [0].LowlevelObjectForKey(SecImportExport.Identity.Handle)))); } case "SecKey": SecKey private_key; SecKey public_key; using (var record = new SecRecord(SecKind.Key)) { record.KeyType = SecKeyType.RSA; record.KeySizeInBits = 512; // it's not a performance test :) SecKey.GenerateKeyPair(record.ToDictionary(), out public_key, out private_key); return(private_key); } case "SecAccessControl": return(new SecAccessControl(SecAccessible.WhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly)); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not create the new instance for type {0}.", t.Name)); } }
static NWListener CreateAndStartListener(string host, string port) { Action <NWProtocolOptions> configureTls = SetupTls(); NWParameters parameters; // Create the parameters, either TLS or no TLS, and with UDP or no UDP if (useUdp) { if (useTls) { parameters = NWParameters.CreateSecureUdp(configureTls: configureTls, configureUdp: null); } else { parameters = NWParameters.CreateUdp(configureUdp: null); } } else { if (useTls) { parameters = NWParameters.CreateSecureTcp(configureTls: configureTls, configureTcp: null); } else { parameters = NWParameters.CreateTcp(configureTcp: null); } } // If specified, set the IP version using (NWProtocolStack protocolStack = parameters.ProtocolStack){ if (ipv4 || ipv6) { NWProtocolOptions ipOptions = protocolStack.InternetProtocol; ipOptions.IPSetVersion(ipv4 ? NWIPVersion.Version4 : NWIPVersion.Version6); } } // Bind to local address and port string address = bonjour ? null : host; if (address != null || port != null) { NWEndpoint localEndpoint = NWEndpoint.Create(address != null ? address : "::", port != null ? port : "0"); Console.WriteLine("Getting {0} and {1}", address != null ? address : "::", port != null ? port : "0"); parameters.LocalEndpoint = localEndpoint; Console.WriteLine("With port: " + localEndpoint.Port); } var listener = NWListener.Create(parameters); if (bonjour && host != null) { listener.SetAdvertiseDescriptor(NWAdvertiseDescriptor.CreateBonjourService(host, GetServiceType(), "local")); listener.SetAdvertisedEndpointChangedHandler((NWEndpoint advertisedEndpoint, bool added) => { if (verbose) { var astr = added ? "added" : "removed"; warn($"Listener {astr} on {advertisedEndpoint.BonjourServiceName} on ({advertisedEndpoint.BonjourServiceName}.{GetServiceType()}.local"); } }); } listener.SetQueue(DispatchQueue.MainQueue); listener.SetStateChangedHandler((listenerState, error) => { var errno = (SslStatus)(error == null ? 0 : error.ErrorCode); switch (listenerState) { case NWListenerState.Waiting: if (verbose) { warn($"Listener on port {listener.Port} udp={useUdp} waiting"); } break; case NWListenerState.Failed: warn($"Listener on port {listener.Port} udp={useUdp} failed"); break; case NWListenerState.Ready: if (verbose) { warn($"Listener on port {listener.Port} udp={useUdp} ready"); } break; case NWListenerState.Cancelled: listener = null; break; } }); listener.SetNewConnectionHandler((connection) => { if (inboundConnection != null) { // We only support one connection at a time, so if we already // have one, reject the incoming connection. connection.Cancel(); } else { if (verbose) { warn($"New Connection on {connection.Handle} with {connection.Endpoint}"); } // Accept the incoming connection and start sending and receiving on it inboundConnection = connection; StartConnection(inboundConnection); StartSendReceiveLoop(inboundConnection); } }); listener.Start(); return(listener); }