Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parameters of a conditional functor - with a String value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fun">The conditional functor</param>
 /// <param name="paramNumber">The parameter number</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter</param>
 private static void setParam(ref NWN2ConditionalFunctor fun, int paramNumber, string value)
     fun.Parameters.Add(new NWN2ScriptParameter());
     fun.Parameters[paramNumber].ParameterType = NWN2ScriptParameterType.String;
     fun.Parameters[paramNumber].ValueString = value;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the conditional values to ensure that a conversation will only fire when needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="questName">The name of the quest</param>
        /// <returns>The functor</returns>
        private NWN2ConditionalFunctor conditional(string questName)
            //I set the parameters of the condition
            NWN2ConditionalFunctor conditionalFunctor = null;
            if (preReqNode != null)
                /* If we have the simple prerequisite, then the variable must be greater-or-equal to fire.
                 * So, since there is no built in greater-or-equal, I just apply the fact that greater-or-equal
                 * is the same as the negatation of less-than
                String condValue = preReqNode.questId.ToString();
                if (preReq == EnumTypes.prereq.SimplePrereq)
                    condValue = "<" + condValue;
                conditionalFunctor = makeJournalCheck(questName, condValue);
                conditionalFunctor.Not = preReq == EnumTypes.prereq.SimplePrereq;
            else if (happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.Trigger && triggerHappens != convType.None)
                // If we have either an escort mission or an explore mission, I need to check if the value is correct
                conditionalFunctor = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();

                String tempStringName = "";
                String tempStringValue = "";

                if (triggerHappens == convType.Escort)
                    tempStringName = "sCreatureToEscort";
                    tempStringValue = actor.Tag;
                else if (triggerHappens == convType.Explore)
                    tempStringName = "sTriggerToFind";
                    tempStringValue = trigger.Tag;
                if (tempStringName != "")
                    conditionalFunctor.Script = makeScript("gc_global_string");

                    setParam(ref conditionalFunctor, 0, tempStringName);
                    setParam(ref conditionalFunctor, 1, tempStringValue);
            return conditionalFunctor;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a functor which will check whether it is the 0 node
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The functor</returns>
        private static NWN2ConditionalFunctor node()
            NWN2ConditionalFunctor node = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();
            node.Script = makeScript("gc_node");

            // I add the parameters
            setParam(ref node, 0, 1);
            return node;
Пример #4
        private static NWN2ConditionalFunctor makeJournalCheck(string questName, string condValue)
            NWN2ConditionalFunctor conditionalFunctor = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();
            // I make the journal check
            conditionalFunctor.Script = makeScript("gc_journal_entry");
            questName = "Q_" + questNamePrep(questName);

            // I add the name of the quest
            setParam(ref conditionalFunctor, 0, questName);
            setParam(ref conditionalFunctor, 1, condValue);
            return conditionalFunctor;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a functor which will check the progression of a quest
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="questName">The name of the quest</param>
 /// <param name="questId">The id of the quest</param>
 /// <returns>The functor</returns>
 private static NWN2ConditionalFunctor intCheck(String questName, int questId)
     NWN2ConditionalFunctor globalIntCheck = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();
     globalIntCheck.Script = makeScript("gc_global_int");
     int letValue = questId;
     if (letValue == 0)
         letValue = 1;
     questName = questNamePrep(questName);
     setParam(ref globalIntCheck, 0, questName);
     setParam(ref globalIntCheck, 1, "<" + letValue);
     return globalIntCheck;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a node that checks whether the player has a certain item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag of the item to check for</param>
        /// <returns>The functor</returns>
        private static NWN2ConditionalFunctor checkItem(String tag)
            NWN2ConditionalFunctor itemCond = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();
            itemCond.Script = makeScript("gc_check_item");

            setParam(ref itemCond, 0, tag);
            setParam(ref itemCond, 1, 0);
            return itemCond;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a functor to check whether the player has a certian amount of gold
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">The amount of gold to remove</param>
        /// <returns>The functor</returns>
        private static NWN2ConditionalFunctor checkGold(int amount)
            NWN2ConditionalFunctor goldCond = new NWN2ConditionalFunctor();
            goldCond.Script = makeScript("gc_check_gold");

            setParam(ref goldCond, 0, amount);
            setParam(ref goldCond, 1, 0);
            return goldCond;