Пример #1
        public static unsafe NTHeaders64 *GetNtHeaders64(byte *pBin)
            // Bin is binary btw. Imo clearer than using peFile.

            MS_DOS_Stub *stub = (MS_DOS_Stub *)(pBin);

            if (stub->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
                throw new FormatException("Error, Invalid file. DOS Signature is incorrect.");

            NTHeaders64 *ntHeaders = (NTHeaders64 *)(pBin + stub->e_lfanew);

            if (ntHeaders->MagicNumber != IMAGE_NT_PEHEADER_SIGNATURE)
                throw new FormatException("Error, Invalid file. PE File signature incorrect.");

            if (ntHeaders->optnHeader.magic == Magic.PE32)
                throw new FormatException("Error, Invalid file. 32 Bit DLL's are not supported.");
            else if (ntHeaders->optnHeader.magic != Magic.PE64)
                throw new FormatException("Error, Invalid file. Optional header signature is incorrect.");

Пример #2
        public static unsafe Dictionary <string, UInt32> DumpSymbolsFromFile64(byte *pBin)
            Dictionary <string, UInt32> ExportTable = new Dictionary <string, UInt32>();

            NTHeaders64 *ntHeaders = GetNtHeaders64(pBin);

            ImageExportDirectory *exportDir = (ImageExportDirectory *)(pBin +
                                                                       RVAtoOffset64(ntHeaders->optnHeader.exportTable.VirtualAddress, ntHeaders, pBin));

            if (ntHeaders->optnHeader.numberOfRvaAndSizes <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error, This file has no exports.");

            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < exportDir->NumberOfNames; i++)
                UInt32 offset = (UInt32)RVAtoOffset64((*(UInt32 *)(pBin + RVAtoOffset64(exportDir->AddressOfFunctions, ntHeaders, pBin) + (i * sizeof(UInt32)))), ntHeaders, pBin);

                UInt32 nameOffset = (UInt32)RVAtoOffset64((UInt32)exportDir->AddressOfNames, ntHeaders, pBin) + (i * sizeof(UInt32));

                string methodName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)
                                                            (pBin + RVAtoOffset64((*(UInt32 *)(pBin + nameOffset)), ntHeaders, pBin)));

                ExportTable.Add(methodName, offset);

Пример #3
        // The offset is where the data is located in the file
        // The RVA (Relative Virtual Address) is where the data is located relative to the start of the file when loaded into memory.
        // The VA (Virtual Address) is the address of something in its own sandbox.
        // These can be calculated by:
        // VA = Offset + SectionHeader.VirtualAddress
        // RVA = Offset + (SectionHeader.VirtualAddress - SectionTable.PointerToRawData)

        public static unsafe UInt64 RVAtoOffset64(UInt64 rva, NTHeaders64 *ntHeaders, byte *pBin)
            MS_DOS_Stub *stub = (MS_DOS_Stub *)(pBin);

            for (int i = 0; i < ntHeaders->FileHeader.numberOfSections; i++)
                section_table *secTable = (section_table *)(pBin + stub->e_lfanew + sizeof(NTHeaders64) + sizeof(section_table) * i);

                if (secTable->virtualAddress <= rva && rva < secTable->virtualAddress + secTable->virtualSize)
                    return((UInt64)(rva) + secTable->pointerToRawData - secTable->virtualAddress);

            throw new Exception("Erorr: Could not map RVA to Offset.");