public static int OpenApplication(ApplicationStartInfo application) { if (application == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("application"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(application.Application) || !System.IO.Directory.Exists(application.Application)) { throw new ArgumentException("Application is not valid"); } NSUrl appUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(application.Application); // TODO: Once the above bug is fixed, we can replace the code below with //NSRunningApplication app = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.LaunchApplication (appUrl, 0, new NSDictionary (), null); var config = new NSMutableDictionary(); if (application.Args != null && application.Args.Length > 0) { var args = new NSMutableArray(); foreach (string arg in application.Args) { args.Add(new NSString(arg)); } config.Add(new NSString("NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments"), args); } if (application.Environment != null && application.Environment.Count > 0) { var envValueStrings = application.Environment.Values.Select(t => new NSString(t)).ToArray(); var envKeyStrings = application.Environment.Keys.Select(t => new NSString(t)).ToArray(); var envDict = new NSMutableDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < envValueStrings.Length; i++) { envDict.Add(envKeyStrings[i], envValueStrings[i]); } config.Add(new NSString("NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment"), envDict); } UInt32 options = 0; if (application.Async) { options |= (UInt32)LaunchOptions.NSWorkspaceLaunchAsync; } if (application.NewInstance) { options |= (UInt32)LaunchOptions.NSWorkspaceLaunchNewInstance; } IntPtr error; var appHandle = IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_UInt32_IntPtr_IntPtr(NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.Handle, launchApplicationAtURLOptionsConfigurationErrorSelector, appUrl.Handle, options, config.Handle, out error); NSRunningApplication app = (NSRunningApplication)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(appHandle); return(app.ProcessIdentifier); }
public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification) { var apps = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplications(NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleIdentifier); if (apps.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine($"アプリケーションはすでに起動しています。"); NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate(this); } }
public void TestLaunchProcessAPIsForInvalidAppBundles() { var path = Util.CreateTmpDir(""); Assert.AreEqual(-1, LaunchServices.OpenApplication(path)); Assert.AreEqual(-1, LaunchServices.OpenApplication(new ApplicationStartInfo(path))); NSRunningApplication app = LaunchServices.OpenApplicationInternal(new ApplicationStartInfo(path)); Assert.IsNull(app); }
public void TestLaunchProcessAndTerminate() { NSRunningApplication app = LaunchServices.OpenApplicationInternal(new ApplicationStartInfo("/Applications/")); try { Assert.IsNotNull(app); Assert.That(app.ProcessIdentifier, Is.GreaterThan(-1)); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(app.Terminate(), "Could not kill Calculator app"); } }
public static bool KillProcess(int pid) { NSRunningApplication runningApp = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(pid); if (runningApp == null) { return(false); } return(runningApp.ForceTerminate()); }
public void DisplayExistingUI() { var thisProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(thisProcess.ProcessName).Where(p => p.Id != thisProcess.Id); foreach (Process runningProcess in processes) { NSRunningApplication app = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(runningProcess.Id); app.Activate(NSApplicationActivationOptions.ActivateAllWindows); } }
/// <summary> /// Because we are creating our own mac application delegate we are removing / overriding /// the one that Avalonia creates. This causes the application to not be handled as it should. /// This is the Avalonia Implementation: /// So what we are doing here is re-creating this implementation to mimick their behavior. /// </summary> /// <param name="notification"></param> public override void WillFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification) { if (NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy != NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular) { foreach (var x in NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplications(@"")) { x.Activate(NSApplicationActivationOptions.ActivateIgnoringOtherWindows); break; } NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular; } }
public static bool TerminateApplication(int pid, bool waitForExit = true) { var app = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(pid); if (app == null) { return(false); } if (app.Terminate()) { while (null != NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(pid)) { } } return(true); }
public static bool IsIVPNAppIsRunning(out NSRunningApplication runningApplication) { runningApplication = null; NSWorkspace workspace = new NSWorkspace(); foreach (var application in workspace.RunningApplications) { if (application.LocalizedName == "IVPN" && application.ProcessIdentifier != NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.ProcessIdentifier) { runningApplication = application; return(true); } } return(false); }
public static IEnumerable <InspectableWindow> GetWindows(string bundleIdentifier, bool onScreenOnly = true) { var apps = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplications(bundleIdentifier); if (apps == null) { yield break; } var windows = GetWindowList(onScreenOnly); if (windows == null || windows.Length == 0) { yield break; } foreach (var app in apps) { foreach (var dict in windows) { var windowOwnerPid = dict [keyWindowOwnerPid] as NSNumber; if ((windowOwnerPid?.Int32Value ?? -1) != app.ProcessIdentifier) { continue; } CGRect bounds; if (!TryGetBounds(dict, out bounds)) { continue; } yield return(new InspectableWindow { Application = app, Title = GetTitle(dict), Bounds = bounds }); } } }
public static bool Activate(int pid, int wait = 5000) { NSRunningApplication app = null; for (; wait > 0; wait -= 100) { if (app == null) { app = NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(pid); } if (app != null && app.FinishedLaunching) { if (app.Activate(NSApplicationActivationOptions.ActivateIgnoringOtherWindows)) { return(true); } } NSThread.SleepFor(0.1); } return(false); }
public static bool IsRunning(int pid) { return(NSRunningApplication.GetRunningApplication(pid) != null); }