Пример #1
 public void AddPerson(PersonModel person)
     isManager = true;
Пример #2
        public void addingSourceList()

            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1920 x 1080 (Recommended)");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1680 x 1050");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1600 x 900");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1440 x 900");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1400 x 1050");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1366 x 768");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1360 x 768");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1280 x 1024");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1280 x 960");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"1280 x 720");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"854 x 480");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"800 x 480");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"480 X 640");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"480 x 320");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"432 x 240");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"360 X 640");
            resolutionDetails.Add((NSString)"320 x 240");

            orientationDetails.Add((NSString)"Landscape (flipped)");
            orientationDetails.Add((NSString)"Portrait (flipped)");
Пример #3
        void SetColorMapping(SFShapeSetting setting)
            NSMutableArray      colorMappings = new NSMutableArray();
            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping1 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping1.Value       = (NSString)"Vegetables";
            colorMapping1.LegendLabel = (NSString)"Vegetables";
            colorMapping1.Color       = UIColor.FromRGB(0x29, 0xBB, 0x9C);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping2 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping2.Value       = (NSString)"Rice";
            colorMapping2.LegendLabel = (NSString)"Rice";
            colorMapping2.Color       = UIColor.FromRGB(0xFD, 0x8C, 0x48);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping3 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping3.Value       = (NSString)"Wheat";
            colorMapping3.LegendLabel = (NSString)"Wheat";
            colorMapping3.Color       = UIColor.FromRGB(0xE5, 0x4D, 0x42);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping4 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping4.Value       = (NSString)"Grains";
            colorMapping4.LegendLabel = (NSString)"Grains";
            colorMapping4.Color       = UIColor.FromRGB(0x3A, 0x99, 0xD9);

            setting.ColorMappings = colorMappings;
Пример #4
        public static NSArray ToArray(object[] values)
            var list = new NSMutableArray();

            foreach (object o in values)
                if (o is NSMutableArray)
                    var   ary = (NSMutableArray)o;
                    nuint i;
                    nuint max = ary.Count;
                    for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
                        list.Add(ary.GetItem <NSObject>(i));
                // Check if we have a matching strategy.
                    if (!_Strategies.TryGetValue(o.GetType(), out Func <object, NSObject> action))
                        Debug.WriteLine("Unknown Object Type " + o.GetType());
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unknown object of type " + o.GetType());
Пример #5
        void SetColorMapping(SFShapeSetting setting)
            NSMutableArray      colorMappings = new NSMutableArray();
            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping1 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping1.Value = (NSString)"1";
            colorMapping1.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 165, 0);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping2 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping2.Value = (NSString)"2";
            colorMapping2.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 165, 0);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping3 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping3.Value = (NSString)"8";
            colorMapping3.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 165, 0);

            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping4 = new SFEqualColorMapping();

            colorMapping4.Value = (NSString)"9";
            colorMapping4.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 165, 0);

            setting.ColorMappings = colorMappings;
Пример #6
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            this.listViewDelegate = new NotificationsListViewDelegate(this);

            NSMutableArray types = new NSMutableArray();

            types.Add(new NSString("Error"));
            types.Add(new NSString("Warning"));
            types.Add(new NSString("Success"));
            types.Add(new NSString("Info"));

            dataSource = new TKDataSource(types);

            listView                  = new TKListView();
            listView.Frame            = this.View.Bounds;
            listView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
            listView.Delegate         = listViewDelegate;
            listView.WeakDataSource   = dataSource;

            titles = new NSMutableArray();
            titles.Add(new NSString("Oh no!"));
            titles.Add(new NSString("Warning!"));
            titles.Add(new NSString("Well done!"));
            titles.Add(new NSString("Info."));

            messages = new NSMutableArray();
            messages.Add(new NSString("Change this and try again!"));
            messages.Add(new NSString("e careful next time"));
            messages.Add(new NSString("You successfully read this message"));
            messages.Add(new NSString("This is TKAlert dialog"));

            colors = new NSMutableArray();
            colors.Add(new UIColor(1f, 0f, 0.282f, 1f));
            colors.Add(new UIColor(1f, 0.733f, 0f, 1f));
            colors.Add(new UIColor(0.478f, 0.988f, 0.157f, 1f));
            colors.Add(new UIColor(0.231f, 0.678f, 1f, 1f));

            alert = new TKAlert();
            alert.Style.ContentSeparatorWidth = 0;
            alert.Style.TitleColor            = new UIColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            alert.Style.MessageColor          = new UIColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            alert.Style.CornerRadius          = 0;
            alert.Style.ShowAnimation         = TKAlertAnimation.SlideFromTop;
            alert.Style.DismissAnimation      = TKAlertAnimation.SlideFromTop;

            // >> alert-bg-cs
            alert.Style.BackgroundStyle = TKAlertBackgroundStyle.None;
            // << alert-bg-cs

            // >> alert-dismiss-cs
            alert.DismissMode = TKAlertDismissMode.Tap;
            // << alert-dismiss-cs

            // >> alert-layout-cs
            alert.ActionsLayout = TKAlertActionsLayout.Vertical;
            // << alert-layout-cs
Пример #7
        void SetupProductTour()
            productTour       = new ProductTour();
            productTour.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height);

            var bubble = new Bubble(AwesomeButton, "THE FIRST BUTTON", "Click this button for more\nawesome all around!", ArrowPosition.Top, null);

            bubble.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

            var bubble2 = new Bubble(KindaAwesomeButton, "THE SECOND BUTTON", "Click this button. Just do it.", ArrowPosition.Bottom, null);

            bubble2.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

            var bubble3 = new Bubble(HelpButton, "HELP BUTTON", "Click to toggle.", ArrowPosition.Right, null);

            bubble3.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

            var bubbleArray = new NSMutableArray(3);

            productTour.Bubbles = bubbleArray;

Пример #8
        void  GetPopulationData()
            NSMutableArray array = new NSMutableArray();

            NSMutableArray regional1 = new NSMutableArray();

            regional1.Add(getDictionary("United States", "New York", 2353, 2000));
            regional1.Add(getDictionary("United States", "Los Angeles", 3453, 3000));
            regional1.Add(getDictionary("United States", "San Francisco", 8456, 8000));
            regional1.Add(getDictionary("United States", "Chicago", 6785, 7000));
            regional1.Add(getDictionary("United States", "Miami", 7045, 6000));

            NSMutableArray regional2 = new NSMutableArray();

            regional2.Add(getDictionary("Canada", "Toronto", 7045, 7000));
            regional2.Add(getDictionary("Canada", "Vancouver", 4352, 4000));
            regional2.Add(getDictionary("Canada", "Winnipeg", 7843, 7500));

            NSMutableArray regional3 = new NSMutableArray();

            regional3.Add(getDictionary("Mexico", "Mexico City", 7843, 6500));
            regional3.Add(getDictionary("Mexico", "Cancun", 6683, 6000));
            regional3.Add(getDictionary("Mexico", "Acapulco", 2454, 2000));

            array.Add(getDictionary1("United States", 98456, 87000, regional1));
            array.Add(getDictionary1("Canada", 43523, 40000, regional2));
            array.Add(getDictionary1("Mexico", 45634, 46000, regional3));
            PopulationDetails = array;
Пример #9
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // >> listview-groups-cs
            NSMutableArray items = new NSMutableArray();

            items.Add(new DataSourceItem("John", 50f, "A"));
            items.Add(new DataSourceItem("Abby", 33f, "A"));
            items.Add(new DataSourceItem("Smith", 42f, "B"));
            items.Add(new DataSourceItem("Peter", 28f, "B"));
            items.Add(new DataSourceItem("Paula", 25f, "B"));

            this.dataSource            = new TKDataSource();
            this.dataSource.ItemSource = items;
            dataSource.DisplayKey = "Name";

            TKListView listView = new TKListView(new CGRect(20, 20, this.View.Bounds.Size.Width - 40, this.View.Bounds.Size.Height - 40));

            listView.WeakDataSource = dataSource;

            var layout = listView.Layout as TKListViewLinearLayout;

            layout.HeaderReferenceSize = new CGSize(200, 22);
            // << listview-groups-cs
		public GettingStarted ()
			view = new UIView ();
			label = new UILabel ();
			label.Text = "Getting Started";
			label.Frame=new  CGRect(0,0,300,30);
			//view.AddSubview (label);
			tree = new SFTreeMap ();
			tree.LeafItemSettings = new SFLeafItemSetting ();
			tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelStyle = new SFStyle () { Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (12), Color = UIColor.White };
			tree.LeafItemSettings.LabelPath = (NSString)"Label";
			tree.LeafItemSettings.ShowLabels = true;
			tree.LeafItemSettings.Gap = 2;
			tree.LeafItemSettings.BorderWidth = 1;
			NSMutableArray ranges = new NSMutableArray ();
			ranges.Add (new SFRange () {
				LegendLabel = (NSString)"1 % Growth",
				From = 0,
				To = 1,
				Color = UIColor.FromRGB (0x77, 0xD8, 0xD8)
			ranges.Add (new SFRange () {
				LegendLabel = (NSString)"2 % Growth",
				From = 0,
				To = 2,
				Color = UIColor.FromRGB (0xAE, 0xD9, 0x60)
			ranges.Add (new SFRange () {
				LegendLabel = (NSString)"3 % Growth",
				From = 0,
				To = 3,
				Color = UIColor.FromRGB (0xFF, 0xAF, 0x51)
			ranges.Add (new SFRange () {
				LegendLabel = (NSString)"4 % Growth",
				From = 0,
				To = 4,
				Color = UIColor.FromRGB (0xF3, 0xD2, 0x40)
			tree.LeafItemColorMapping = new SFRangeColorMapping () { Ranges = ranges };
			CGSize legendSize = new CGSize (this.Frame.Size.Width, 60);
			CGSize iconSize = new CGSize (17, 17);
			UIColor legendColor = UIColor.Gray;
			tree.LegendSettings = new SFLegendSetting () {
				LabelStyle = new SFStyle () {
					Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (12),
					Color = legendColor
				IconSize = iconSize,
				ShowLegend = true,
				Size = legendSize
			GetPopulationData ();
			tree.Items = PopulationDetails;

			AddSubview (view);
			control = this;
        NSString PushTypeString()
            UANotificationOptions options = UAirship.Push.AuthorizedNotificationOptions;

            NSMutableArray typeArray = new NSMutableArray(3);

            if ((options & UANotificationOptions.Alert) > 0)
                typeArray.Add(new NSString("Alert"));
            if ((options & UANotificationOptions.Badge) > 0)
                typeArray.Add(new NSString("Badge"));
            if ((options & UANotificationOptions.Sound) > 0)
                typeArray.Add(new NSString("Sound"));

            if (!(typeArray.Count > 0))
                return(new NSString("Pushes Currently Disabled"));

            return(new NSString(string.Join(",", typeArray)));
Пример #12
        NSMutableArray CreateAppointments()
            NSDate     today    = new NSDate();
            NSCalendar calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;
            // Get the year, month, day from the date
            NSDateComponents components = calendar.Components(
                NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);

            // Set the hour, minute, second
            components.Hour   = 10;
            components.Minute = 0;
            components.Second = 0;
            NSDate startDate = calendar.DateFromComponents(components);
            // Get the year, month, day from the date
            NSDateComponents endDateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);

            // Set the hour, minute, second
            endDateComponents.Hour   = 12;
            endDateComponents.Minute = 0;
            endDateComponents.Second = 0;
            NSDate endDate = calendar.DateFromComponents(endDateComponents);
            ScheduleAppointment appointment = new ScheduleAppointment();

            appointment.StartTime             = startDate;
            appointment.EndTime               = endDate;
            appointment.Subject               = new NSString("Jeni's B'Day Celebration");
            appointment.AppointmentBackground = UIColor.FromRGB(0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39);
            NSDateComponents components1 = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);

            // Set the hour, minute, second
            components1.Hour   = 11;
            components1.Minute = 0;
            components1.Second = 0;
            components1.Day    = components1.Day + 1;
            NSDate startDate1 = calendar.DateFromComponents(components1);
            // Get the year, month, day from the date
            NSDateComponents endDateComponents1 = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);

            // Set the hour, minute, second
            endDateComponents1.Hour   = 13;
            endDateComponents1.Minute = 30;
            endDateComponents1.Second = 0;
            endDateComponents1.Day    = endDateComponents1.Day + 1;
            NSDate endDate1 = calendar.DateFromComponents(endDateComponents1);
            ScheduleAppointment appointment1 = new ScheduleAppointment();

            appointment1.StartTime             = startDate1;
            appointment1.EndTime               = endDate1;
            appointment1.Subject               = new NSString("Checkup");
            appointment1.AppointmentBackground = UIColor.FromRGB(0xD8, 0x00, 0x73);
            NSMutableArray appCollection = new NSMutableArray();

Пример #13
        private void Schedule_VisibleDatesChanged(object sender, VisibleDatesChangedEventArgs e)
            var visibleDates = e.VisibleDates;
            var randomNumber = new Random();
            var startDate    = NSDate.Now;
            var endDate      = NSDate.Now;

            appointmentCollection = new NSMutableArray();
            for (nuint i = 0; i < visibleDates.Count; i++)
                if (GetDayOfWeek(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i)) == 1 || GetDayOfWeek(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i)) == 7)
                    schedule.DayViewSettings.NonAccessibleBlockCollection = null;
                    schedule.DayViewSettings.NonAccessibleBlockCollection = CreateNonAccescibleBlock();
                if (GetDayOfWeek(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i)) == 1 || GetDayOfWeek(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i)) == 7)
                for (int j = 0; j < startTimeCollection.Count; j++)
                    startDate = GetDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), startTimeCollection[j]);
                    endDate   = GetDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), endTimeCollection[j]);
                    var subject = subjectCollection[randomNumber.Next(subjectCollection.Count)];
                    appointmentCollection.Add(new ScheduleAppointment()
                        StartTime             = startDate,
                        EndTime               = endDate,
                        Subject               = (NSString)(subject + " (" + (GetStartDateHour(startDate).ToString()) + " - " + (GetEndDateHour(endDate).ToString()) + " Hour" + ") \n" + GetStaff(subject)),
                        AppointmentBackground = GetColors(subject),
                // Break Timings
                startDate = GetBreakDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), 11, 01, 0);
                endDate   = GetBreakDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), 11, 10, 0);
                appointmentCollection.Add(new ScheduleAppointment()
                    StartTime             = startDate,
                    EndTime               = endDate,
                    AppointmentBackground = UIColor.LightGray
                startDate = GetBreakDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), 15, 01, 0);
                endDate   = GetBreakDate(visibleDates.GetItem <NSDate>(i), 15, 10, 0);
                appointmentCollection.Add(new ScheduleAppointment()
                    StartTime             = startDate,
                    EndTime               = endDate,
                    AppointmentBackground = UIColor.LightGray
            schedule.Appointments = appointmentCollection;
Пример #14
        void OnTestSessionChanged(TestSession session)
            var newCategoriesArray = new NSMutableArray();

            var newCurrentCategory = allCategory;

            if (session != null)
                Configuration = session.Configuration;
                foreach (var category in Configuration.Categories)
                    var model = new TestCategoryModel(category);
                    if (category == Configuration.CurrentCategory)
                        newCurrentCategory = model;

                if (fullyLoaded)
                    foreach (var feature in Configuration.Features)
                        var model = new TestFeatureModel(feature);
                Configuration = null;

                if (fullyLoaded)
                    var featureRange = new NSRange(0, FeaturesController.ArrangedObjects().Length);

            currentCategory     = newCurrentCategory;
            testCategoriesArray = newCategoriesArray;

            if (SessionChangedEvent != null)
                SessionChangedEvent(this, session);
Пример #15
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            table.EstimatedRowHeight = 55;
            table.RowHeight          = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
            NSMutableArray tableArray = new NSMutableArray();

            //	tableArray.Add(new string[] { "CPI Certificate", "is expiring", "15 days"});
            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("NRP Certificate", "is expiring", "43 days"));
            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("BLS Certificate", "is expiring", "67 days"));
            table.Source = new AlertTableSource(tableArray);
Пример #16
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            NSMutableArray tableArray = new NSMutableArray();

            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("Licenses", "3"));
            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("Licenses", "3"));
            table.Source             = new SaveLocationSource(tableArray);
            table.EstimatedRowHeight = 55;
            table.RowHeight          = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
        public void AddTest()
            var v1 = (NSString)"1";
            var v2 = (NSString)"2";

            using (var arr = new NSMutableArray <NSString> (v1)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(1, arr.Count, "Count 1");
                Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException> (() => arr.Add(null), "Add ANE");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, arr.Count, "Count 2");
                Assert.AreSame(v2, arr [1], "idx[1]");
Пример #18
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            table.EstimatedRowHeight = 55;
            table.RowHeight          = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
            NSMutableArray tableArray = new NSMutableArray();

            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("NRP Certificate", "is expiring", "43 days"));
            tableArray.Add(new NSMutableSet("BLS Certificate", "is expiring", "67 days"));
            table.Source = new SearchTableSource(tableArray);
            searchBar.BackgroundImage      = new UIImage();
            searchBar.CancelButtonClicked += SearchBar_CancelButtonClicked;
Пример #19
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			this.listViewDelegate = new NotificationsListViewDelegate(this);

			NSMutableArray types = new NSMutableArray ();
			types.Add (new NSString ("Error"));
			types.Add (new NSString ("Warning"));
			types.Add (new NSString ("Success"));
			types.Add (new NSString("Info"));

			dataSource = new TKDataSource(types);
			listView = new TKListView ();
			listView.Frame = this.View.Bounds;
			listView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
			listView.Delegate = listViewDelegate;
			listView.WeakDataSource = dataSource;
			this.View.AddSubview (listView);

			titles = new NSMutableArray ();
			titles.Add (new NSString ("Oh no!"));
			titles.Add (new NSString ("Warning!"));
			titles.Add (new NSString ("Well done!"));
			titles.Add (new NSString ("Info."));

			messages = new NSMutableArray ();
			messages.Add (new NSString ("Change this and try again!"));
			messages.Add (new NSString ("e careful next time"));
			messages.Add (new NSString ("You successfully read this message"));
			messages.Add (new NSString ("This is TKAlert dialog"));

			colors = new NSMutableArray ();
			colors.Add(new UIColor(1f, 0f, 0.282f, 1f));
			colors.Add(new UIColor(1f, 0.733f, 0f, 1f));
			colors.Add(new UIColor(0.478f, 0.988f, 0.157f, 1f));
			colors.Add(new UIColor(0.231f, 0.678f, 1f, 1f));

			alert = new TKAlert ();
			alert.Style.ContentSeparatorWidth = 0;
			alert.Style.TitleColor = new UIColor (1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
			alert.Style.MessageColor = new UIColor (1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
			alert.Style.CornerRadius = 0;
			alert.Style.ShowAnimation = TKAlertAnimation.SlideFromTop;
			alert.Style.DismissAnimation = TKAlertAnimation.SlideFromTop;
			alert.Style.BackgroundStyle = TKAlertBackgroundStyle.None;
			alert.DismissMode = TKAlertDismissMode.Tap;
Пример #20
            public override NSArray AttachmentsWithCrashes(iOSCrashes crashes, MSACErrorReport msReport)
                if (GetErrorAttachments == null)
                var report      = new ErrorReport(msReport);
                var attachments = GetErrorAttachments(report);

                if (attachments != null)
                    var nsArray = new NSMutableArray();
                    foreach (var attachment in attachments)
                        if (attachment != null)
                            AppCenterLog.Warn(LogTag, "Skipping null ErrorAttachmentLog in Crashes.GetErrorAttachments.");
Пример #21
		public override void SetupSlide (PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
			// Create a node to own the "sign" model, make it to be close to the camera, rotate by 90 degree because it's oriented with z as the up axis
			var intermediateNode = SCNNode.Create ();
			intermediateNode.Position = new SCNVector3 (0, 0, 7);
			intermediateNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4 (1, 0, 0, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));
			GroundNode.AddChildNode (intermediateNode);

			// Load the "sign" model
			var signNode = Utils.SCAddChildNode (intermediateNode, "sign", "Scenes/intersection/intersection", 30);
			signNode.Position = new SCNVector3 (4, -2, 0.05f);

			// Re-parent every node that holds a camera otherwise they would inherit the scale from the "sign" model.
			// This is not a problem except that the scale affects the zRange of cameras and so it would be harder to get the transition from one camera to another right
			var cameraNodes = new NSMutableArray ();
			foreach (SCNNode child in signNode) {
				if (child.Camera != null)
					cameraNodes.Add (child);

			for (nuint i = 0; i < cameraNodes.Count; i++) {
				var cameraNode = new SCNNode (cameraNodes.ValueAt ((uint)i));
				var previousWorldTransform = cameraNode.WorldTransform;
				intermediateNode.AddChildNode (cameraNode); // re-parent
				cameraNode.Transform = intermediateNode.ConvertTransformFromNode (previousWorldTransform, null);
				cameraNode.Scale = new SCNVector3 (1, 1, 1);
Пример #22
 public void Sort()
     comparator_count = 0;
     using (var obj1 = new NSObject())
         using (var obj2 = new NSObject())
             using (var a = new NSMutableArray()) {
                 using (var s = a.Sort(Comparator)) {
                     Assert.That((long)(IntPtr)s.ValueAt(0), Is.GreaterThan((long)(IntPtr)s.ValueAt(1)), "0");
                     Assert.That((long)(IntPtr)s.ValueAt(1), Is.GreaterThan((long)(IntPtr)s.ValueAt(2)), "1");
     Assert.That(comparator_count, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(2), "2+");
         * Wrapper to add loginuser to a specific contact group
        public void AddLoginUserToContactGroup(String ContactGroupId)
            NSMutableArray memberArray = new NSMutableArray();

            memberArray.Add(new NSString(ALUserDefaultsHandler.UserId));
            AddToMembersToContactGroupList(memberArray, ContactGroupId);
Пример #24
        public override void DidEnterBackground(UIApplication application)
            var       subViews = mapViewController.View.Subviews;
            MKMapView mapView  = subViews[0] as MKMapView;

            Console.WriteLine("mapView: {0}", mapView);
            var            tempArray   = mapView.Annotations;
            NSMutableArray annotations = new NSMutableArray();

            Console.WriteLine("tempArray: {0}", tempArray.ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < tempArray.Length; i++)
                if (tempArray[i].GetType() == typeof(MKUserLocation))
                    Console.WriteLine("MKUserLocation: {0}", tempArray[i]);
                    Console.WriteLine("MKMapPoint added: {0}", tempArray[i]);
            var    documentDirectories = NSSearchPath.GetDirectories(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User, true);
            string documentDirectory   = documentDirectories[0];
            string path = Path.Combine(documentDirectory, "annotations.archive");

            Console.WriteLine("Path: {0}", path);
            bool success = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchiveRootObjectToFile(annotations, path);

            if (success)
                Console.WriteLine("Saved Annotations {0}", annotations.ToString());
Пример #25
        public RatingControl()
            Rating = ratingControlMinimumRating;
            var blurredEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Light);

            backgroundView = new UIVisualEffectView(blurredEffect);
            backgroundView.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.7f, 0.3f);

            var imageViews = new NSMutableArray();

            for (nint rating = ratingControlMinimumRating; rating <= ratingControlMaximumRating; rating++)
                UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView();
                imageView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

                imageView.Image            = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingInactive");
                imageView.HighlightedImage = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingActive");
                imageView.HighlightedImage = imageView.HighlightedImage.ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate);

                imageView.AccessibilityLabel = string.Format("{0} stars", rating + 1);

            ImageViews = imageViews;
        public AAPLRatingControl()
            Rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating;
            var blurredEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Light);
            backgroundView = new UIVisualEffectView(blurredEffect);
            backgroundView.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.7f, 0.2f);

            var append = "";

            var imageViews = new NSMutableArray();
            for (int rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating; rating <= AAPLRatingControlMaximumRating; rating++)
                var imageView = new UIImageView
                    UserInteractionEnabled = true,

                    Image = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingInactive" + append),
                    HighlightedImage = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingActive" + append).ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal),
                    AccessibilityLabel = string.Format("{0} bananas", rating + 1)

                imageView.HighlightedImage = imageView.HighlightedImage.ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal);


            ImageViews = imageViews;
Пример #27
        partial void BtnShutter_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
            var Settings = new AVCaptureBracketedStillImageSettings[] {

            // Tell the camera that we are getting ready to do a bracketed capture
            ThisApp.StillImageOutput.PrepareToCaptureStillImageBracket(ThisApp.StillImageOutput.Connections[0], Settings, (ready, err) =>
                // Was there an error, if so report it
                if (err != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", err.LocalizedDescription);

            // Ask the camera to snap a bracketed capture
            ThisApp.StillImageOutput.CaptureStillImageBracket(ThisApp.StillImageOutput.Connections[0], Settings, (sampleBuffer, settings, err) =>
                // Convert raw image stream into a Core Image Image
                var imageData = AVCaptureStillImageOutput.JpegStillToNSData(sampleBuffer);
                var image     = CIImage.FromData(imageData);

                // Display the resulting image
                btnCheck.Hidden = false;
                lblCount.Hidden = false;
                lblCount.Text   = imageArray.Count.ToString();
Пример #28
        public static void SaveToDictionary(this IStateBundle state, NSMutableDictionary bundle)
            var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            foreach (var kv in state.Data.Where(x => x.Value != null))
                var value = kv.Value;

                if (value.GetType().IsSerializable)
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                        formatter.Serialize(stream, value);
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        var bytes = stream.ToArray();
                        var array = new NSMutableArray();
                        foreach (var b in bytes)

                        bundle.Add(new NSString(kv.Key), array);
Пример #29
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            var r = new Random ();
            var generator = new LoremIpsumGenerator ();
            items = new NSMutableArray ();
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                items.Add (new NSString(generator.GenerateString (2 + r.Next (30))));

            dataSource = new TKDataSource (items);
            dataSource.Settings.ListView.DefaultCellClass = new ObjCRuntime.Class (typeof(ListViewVariableSizeCell));
            dataSource.Settings.ListView.InitCell ((TKListView listView, NSIndexPath indexPath, TKListViewCell cell, NSObject item) => {
                var myCell = cell as ListViewVariableSizeCell;
                myCell.label.Text = item.Description;

            var list = new TKListView (this.View.Bounds);
            list.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
            list.WeakDataSource = dataSource;
            this.View.AddSubview (list);

            var layout = list.Layout as TKListViewLinearLayout;
            layout.DynamicItemSize = true;
Пример #30
 private void SetDataForArray(IEnumerable <Ocupability> ocupabilities)
     foreach (var ocupability in ocupabilities)
         _dataPoints.Add(new SFChartDataPoint(FromObject(Utils.GetUserStatusText(ocupability.UserStatus)), FromObject(ocupability.Percentage)));
Пример #31
        public Carousel_Tablet()
            carousel                    = new SFCarousel();
            carousel.ItemHeight         = 350;
            carousel.ItemWidth          = 200;
            carousel.SelectedItemOffset = 20;

            //CarouselItem collection creation
            NSMutableArray <SFCarouselItem> carouselItemCollection = new NSMutableArray <SFCarouselItem>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
                carouselItem           = new SFCarouselItem();
                carouselItem.ImageName = "image" + i + ".png";

            carousel.DataSource    = carouselItemCollection;
            carousel.SelectedIndex = 2;
            carousel.Frame         = new CGRect(125, 190, 350, 650);

Пример #32
 private void SetDataForArray(IEnumerable <OrdersPerClient> orders, NSMutableArray array)
     foreach (var order in orders)
         array.Add(new SFChartDataPoint(FromObject(order.CompanyName), FromObject(order.Quantity)));
        public void initMask(string maskValue, MaskType maskType)
            if (maskValue != null)
                if (maskType == MaskType.Selection)
                    backupUseMask = mReader.UseSelectionMask;

                    for (int i = define.MIN_SELECTION_MASK; i < define.MAX_SELECTION_MASK; i++)
                        if (!mReader.UsedSelectionMask(i))

                        AsSelectMaskParam maskParam = mReader.GetSelectionMask(i);
                AsSelectMaskParam param = new AsSelectMaskParam(0, MaskTargetType.L, MaskActionType.Ab, MemoryBank.Epc, 32, maskValue.Substring(4), true);
                mReader.SetSelectionMask(0, param);
                mReader.UseSelectionMask = SelectFlag.Sl;

                for (int i = 1; i < define.MAX_SELECTION_MASK; i++)
                    mReader.SetMaskUsed(i, false);
Пример #34
        public static void SaveUser(UserProfile user, bool isNeedNotification)
            if (Const.Offline)

            var data = CreateSaveData(user);

            data = AddNotifyInfo(isNeedNotification, data);
            var margeTargets = new NSMutableArray();

            foreach (var property in user.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties())
                var storageTarget = property.GetCustomAttribute <StorageTarget>();
                if (storageTarget == null)
                if (storageTarget.CanMarge)
                    margeTargets.Add(new NSString(property.Name));
            Instance.GetDocument("UserProfile/" + user.Id).SetData(data, true);
Пример #35
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            // Create a node to own the "sign" model, make it to be close to the camera, rotate by 90 degree because it's oriented with z as the up axis
            var intermediateNode = SCNNode.Create();

            intermediateNode.Position = new SCNVector3(0, 0, 7);
            intermediateNode.Rotation = new SCNVector4(1, 0, 0, -(float)(Math.PI / 2));

            // Load the "sign" model
            var signNode = Utils.SCAddChildNode(intermediateNode, "sign", "Scenes/intersection/intersection", 30);

            signNode.Position = new SCNVector3(4, -2, 0.05f);

            // Re-parent every node that holds a camera otherwise they would inherit the scale from the "sign" model.
            // This is not a problem except that the scale affects the zRange of cameras and so it would be harder to get the transition from one camera to another right
            var cameraNodes = new NSMutableArray();

            foreach (SCNNode child in signNode)
                if (child.Camera != null)

            for (nuint i = 0; i < cameraNodes.Count; i++)
                var cameraNode             = new SCNNode(cameraNodes.ValueAt((uint)i));
                var previousWorldTransform = cameraNode.WorldTransform;
                intermediateNode.AddChildNode(cameraNode);                  // re-parent
                cameraNode.Transform = intermediateNode.ConvertTransformFromNode(previousWorldTransform, null);
                cameraNode.Scale     = new SCNVector3(1, 1, 1);
Пример #36
		public RatingControl ()
			Rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating;
			var blurredEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle (UIBlurEffectStyle.Light);
			backgroundView = new UIVisualEffectView (blurredEffect);
			backgroundView.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha (0.7f, 0.3f);
			Add (backgroundView);

			var imageViews = new NSMutableArray ();
			for (nint rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating; rating <= AAPLRatingControlMaximumRating; rating++) {
				UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView ();
				imageView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

				imageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("ratingInactive");
				imageView.HighlightedImage = UIImage.FromBundle ("ratingActive");
				imageView.HighlightedImage = imageView.HighlightedImage.ImageWithRenderingMode (UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate);

				imageView.AccessibilityLabel = string.Format ("{0} stars", rating + 1);
				Add (imageView);
				imageViews.Add (imageView);

			ImageViews = imageViews;
			UpdateImageViews ();
			SetupConstraints ();
        public AAPLRatingControl()
            Rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating;
            var blurredEffect = UIBlurEffect.FromStyle(UIBlurEffectStyle.Light);

            backgroundView = new UIVisualEffectView(blurredEffect);
            backgroundView.ContentView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.7f, 0.2f);

            var append = "";

            var imageViews = new NSMutableArray();

            for (int rating = AAPLRatingControlMinimumRating; rating <= AAPLRatingControlMaximumRating; rating++)
                var imageView = new UIImageView
                    UserInteractionEnabled = true,

                    Image              = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingInactive" + append),
                    HighlightedImage   = UIImage.FromBundle("ratingActive" + append).ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal),
                    AccessibilityLabel = string.Format("{0} bananas", rating + 1)

                imageView.HighlightedImage = imageView.HighlightedImage.ImageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysOriginal);


            ImageViews = imageViews;
 public void saveNotes(Collection<string> notes)
     NSMutableArray arrayNotes = new NSMutableArray ();
     for (int i = 0; i < notes.Count; i++) {
         arrayNotes.Add (new NSString (notes [i]));
     NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetValueForKey (arrayNotes, new NSString (NOTES));
     NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.Synchronize ();
		// Shared initialization code
		void Initialize ()
			repeatCount = 1;
			categoryArray = new NSMutableArray ();

			categories = TestSuite.Categories;
			foreach (var category in categories) {
				categoryArray.Add ((NSString)category.Name);
Пример #40
        public void Copy(string data)
            NSPasteboard glob = NSPasteboard.GeneralPasteboard;

            NSMutableArray types = new NSMutableArray();

            glob.DeclareTypesOwner(types, null);

            glob.SetStringForType(data, NSPasteboard.NSStringPboardType);
Пример #41
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			dataSource = new TKDataSource ();

			dataSource.AddFilterDescriptor (new TKDataSourceFilterDescriptor ("NOT (Name like 'John')"));
			dataSource.AddSortDescriptor (new TKDataSourceSortDescriptor ("Name", true));
			dataSource.AddGroupDescriptor (new TKDataSourceGroupDescriptor ("Group"));

			var array = new NSMutableArray ();
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "John", Value = 22.0f, Group = "one" });
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "Peter", Value = 15.0f, Group = "one" });
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "Abby", Value = 47.0f, Group = "one" });
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "Robert", Value = 45.0f, Group = "two" });
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "Alan", Value = 17.0f, Group = "two" });
			array.Add (new DSItem () { Name = "Saly", Value = 33.0f, Group = "two" });

			dataSource.DisplayKey = "Name";
			dataSource.ValueKey = "Value";
			dataSource.ItemSource = array;

			var tableView = new UITableView (this.View.Bounds);
			tableView.DataSource = dataSource;
			this.View.AddSubview (tableView);
Пример #42
        // Save support:
        //    Override one of GetAsData, GetAsFileWrapper, or WriteToUrl.
        // This method should store the contents of the document using the given typeName
        // on the return NSData value.
        public override NSData GetAsData(string documentType, out NSError outError)
            outError = null;
            NSMutableArray array = new NSMutableArray();

            foreach (Oval o in Ovals) {

            // Create an NSData object from the employees array
            NSData data = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchivedDataWithRootObject(array);
            return data;
Пример #43
	public ChartSplineAreaDataSource ()
		DataPoints1 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2002"), NSObject.FromObject(2.2)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2003"), NSObject.FromObject(3.4)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2004"), NSObject.FromObject(2.8)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2005"), NSObject.FromObject(1.6)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2006"), NSObject.FromObject(2.3)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2007"), NSObject.FromObject(2.5)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2008"), NSObject.FromObject(2.9)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2009"), NSObject.FromObject(3.8)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2010"), NSObject.FromObject(1.4)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2011"), NSObject.FromObject(3.1)));

		DataPoints2 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2002"), NSObject.FromObject(2.0)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2003"), NSObject.FromObject(1.7)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2004"), NSObject.FromObject(1.8)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2005"), NSObject.FromObject(2.1)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2006"), NSObject.FromObject(2.3)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2007"), NSObject.FromObject(1.7)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2008"), NSObject.FromObject(1.5)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2009"), NSObject.FromObject(2.8)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2010"), NSObject.FromObject(1.5)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2011"), NSObject.FromObject(2.3)));

		DataPoints3 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2002"), NSObject.FromObject(0.8)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2003"), NSObject.FromObject(1.3)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2004"), NSObject.FromObject(1.1)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2005"), NSObject.FromObject(1.6)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2006"), NSObject.FromObject(2.0)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2007"), NSObject.FromObject(1.7)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2008"), NSObject.FromObject(2.3)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2009"), NSObject.FromObject(2.7)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2010"), NSObject.FromObject(1.1)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject ("2011"), NSObject.FromObject(2.3)));
Пример #44
		public static Conversation ConversationWithDictionary (NSDictionary dictionary)
			var photoValues = (NSArray)dictionary.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("photos"));
			var photos = new NSMutableArray (photoValues.Count);

			for (nint i = 0; i < (nint)photoValues.Count; i++) {
				var photo = Photo.PhotoWithDictionary (photoValues.GetItem <NSDictionary> (i));
				photos.Add (photo);

			return new Conversation {
				Name = (NSString)dictionary.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("name")),
				Photos = photos
Пример #45
	public ChartTrackballDataSource ()
		DataPoints1 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (1), NSObject.FromObject(54)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (2), NSObject.FromObject(24)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (3), NSObject.FromObject(53)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (4), NSObject.FromObject(63)));
		DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (5), NSObject.FromObject(35)));

		DataPoints2 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (1), NSObject.FromObject(34)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (2), NSObject.FromObject(20)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (3), NSObject.FromObject(43)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (4), NSObject.FromObject(53)));
		DataPoints2.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (5), NSObject.FromObject(25)));

		DataPoints3 = new NSMutableArray ();
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (1), NSObject.FromObject(24)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (2), NSObject.FromObject(14)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (3), NSObject.FromObject(33)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (4), NSObject.FromObject(43)));
		DataPoints3.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (5), NSObject.FromObject(15)));

Пример #46
 void AddItem(NSMutableArray array, string name, float value, string group, int day, UIImage image)
     NSCalendar calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;
     NSDateComponents components = new NSDateComponents ();
     components.Day = day;
     NSDate date = calendar.DateByAddingComponents (components, NSDate.Now, NSCalendarOptions.None);
     DSItem item = new DSItem () {
         Name = name,
         Value = value,
         Group = group,
         Date = date,
         Image = image
     array.Add (item);
Пример #47
		public static AAPLUser UserWithDictionary (NSDictionary dictionary)
			string name = (NSString)dictionary.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("name"));
			var conversationDictionaries = (NSArray)dictionary.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("conversations"));
			var conversations = new NSMutableArray (conversationDictionaries.Count);

			for (int i = 0; i < conversationDictionaries.Count; i++) {
				var conversation = AAPLConversation.ConversationWithDictionary (conversationDictionaries.GetItem<NSDictionary> (i));
				conversations.Add (conversation);

			var lastPhotoDictionary = NSDictionary.FromDictionary ((NSDictionary)dictionary.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("lastPhoto")));

			return new AAPLUser {
				Name = name,
				Conversations = conversations,
				LastPhoto = AAPLPhoto.PhotoWithDictionary (lastPhotoDictionary)
Пример #48
        ProductTour BuildProductTourView(UITableView tableView)
            var productTour = new ProductTour ();
            productTour.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 320, tableView.Frame.Height);

            var bubble = new Bubble (new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 320, 0)), "SCHEDULE MEMEMORIZATION", "Tap the verses you wish to memorize,\nthen tap the\"Move\" button and a day\nto schedule memorization.", ArrowPosition.Top, null);
            bubble.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

            var bubbleArray = new NSMutableArray (1);
            bubbleArray.Add (bubble);
            productTour.Bubbles = bubbleArray;

            return productTour;
		private NSArray ToNSArray(PHAssetMediaType[] managed)
			var mediaTypes = new NSMutableArray ((nuint) _picker.MediaTypes.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < _picker.MediaTypes.Length; i++) {
				mediaTypes.Add (NSObject.FromObject(_picker.MediaTypes [i]));

			return mediaTypes;
Пример #50
        private NSMutableArray ReadRectanglesXml(PinboardData.RectangleInfo screenRectangle)
            var list = new NSMutableArray();

            // Read <Rectangles>

            while (true)
                if (String.ReferenceEquals(reader.Name, rectanglesAtom))

                var rectInfo = ReadRectangleXml();

                // Flip the rectangle top to bottom relative to the screen rectangle
                rectInfo.Y = screenRectangle.Height - rectInfo.Y - rectInfo.Height;


            return list;
Пример #51
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			AddOption ("Show Alert", Show);

			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			this.listViewDelegate = new ListViewDelegate (this);

			alert = new TKAlert ();
			alert.Title = "Animations";
			alert.Style.BackgroundStyle = TKAlertBackgroundStyle.Blur;
			alert.AddActionWithTitle("Close", (TKAlert al, TKAlertAction action) => true);

			showAnimations = new NSMutableArray ();
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Scale in"));
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Fade in"));
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide from left"));
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide from top"));
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide from right"));
			showAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide from bottom"));

			dismissAnimations = new NSMutableArray ();
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Scale out"));
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Fade out"));
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide to left"));
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide to top"));
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide to right"));
			dismissAnimations.Add (new NSString ("Slide to bottom"));

			appearAnimations = new TKDataSource (showAnimations);
			hideAnimations = new TKDataSource (dismissAnimations);

			appearAnimationsList = new TKListView ();
			appearAnimationsList.WeakDataSource = appearAnimations;
			appearAnimationsList.Delegate = listViewDelegate;
			appearAnimationsList.Tag = 0;
			appearAnimationsList.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.None;
			this.View.AddSubview (appearAnimationsList);

			NSIndexPath selected = NSIndexPath.FromItemSection (3, 0);
			appearAnimationsList.SelectItem (selected, true, UICollectionViewScrollPosition.None);

			hideAnimationsList = new TKListView ();
			hideAnimationsList.WeakDataSource = hideAnimations;
			hideAnimationsList.Tag = 1;
			hideAnimationsList.Delegate = listViewDelegate;
			hideAnimationsList.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.None;
			this.View.AddSubview (hideAnimationsList);

			selected = NSIndexPath.FromItemSection (5, 0);
			hideAnimationsList.SelectItem (selected, true, UICollectionViewScrollPosition.None);

			appearLabel = new UILabel ();
			appearLabel.Text = "Show animation:";
			appearLabel.TextColor = new UIColor (0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
			appearLabel.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (12);
			appearLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
			this.View.AddSubview (appearLabel);

			hideLabel = new UILabel ();
			hideLabel.Text = "Hide animation:";
			hideLabel.TextColor = new UIColor (0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
			hideLabel.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (12);
			hideLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
			this.View.AddSubview (hideLabel);
	public override void LayoutSubviews(){

		CGRect bounds = new CGRect(){
			Size = this.Bounds.Size

		NSDictionary buttonDictionary = this.buttonDictionary;

		// Settings.
		/*const*/ UIUserInterfaceIdiom interfaceIdiom = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM();
		/*const*/ nfloat spacing = (interfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) ? MMNumberKeyboardPadBorder : 0.0f;
			/*const*/ nfloat maximumWidth = (interfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) ? (nfloat)400.0 : bounds.Width;
		/*const*/ bool  allowsDecimalPoint = this.allowsDecimalPoint;

		/*const*/ nfloat width = (nfloat)Math.Min(maximumWidth, bounds.Width);
		/*const*/ CGRect contentRect = new CGRect(){
				X = (nfloat)Math.Round((bounds.Width - width) / (nfloat)2.0f),
				Y = spacing,
				Size = new CGSize(){
					Width = width,
					Height = bounds.Height - spacing * 2.0f 

		// Layout.
		/*const*/ nfloat columnWidth = contentRect.Width / 4.0f;
		/*const*/ nfloat rowHeight = MMNumberKeyboardRowHeight;

		CGSize numberSize = new CGSize(columnWidth, rowHeight);

		// Layout numbers.
		/*const*/ MMNumberKeyboardButton numberMin = MMNumberKeyboardButton.NumberMin;
		/*const*/ MMNumberKeyboardButton numberMax = MMNumberKeyboardButton.NumberMax;

		/*const*/ nint numbersPerLine = 3;

		for (MMNumberKeyboardButton key = numberMin; key < numberMax; key++) {
			UIButton button = (UIButton)buttonDictionary[""+key];
			nint digit = key - numberMin;

			CGRect rect = new CGRect(){ Size = numberSize };

			if (digit == 0f) {
				rect.Y = numberSize.Height * 3f;
				rect.X = numberSize.Width;

				if (!allowsDecimalPoint) {
					rect.Size=  new CGSize(){Width = numberSize.Width * 2.0f};
					button.ContentEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(0f, 0f, 0f, numberSize.Width);

			} else {
				nint idx = (digit - 1);

				nint line = idx / numbersPerLine;
				nint pos = idx % numbersPerLine;

				rect.Y = line * numberSize.Height;
				rect.X = pos * numberSize.Width;

			button.Frame = MMButtonRectMake(rect, contentRect, interfaceIdiom);

		// Layout special key.
		UIButton specialKey = (UIButton) buttonDictionary[""+MMNumberKeyboardButton.Special];
		if (specialKey!=null) {
		CGRect rect = new CGRect(){ Size = numberSize };
		rect.Y = numberSize.Height * 3f;

		specialKey.Frame = MMButtonRectMake(rect, contentRect, interfaceIdiom);

		// Layout decimal point.
		UIButton decimalPointKey = (UIButton) buttonDictionary[""+MMNumberKeyboardButton.DecimalPoint];
		if (decimalPointKey!=null) {
				CGRect rect = new CGRect(){ Size = numberSize };
		rect.Y = numberSize.Height * 3f;
		rect.X = numberSize.Width * 2f;

		decimalPointKey.Frame = MMButtonRectMake(rect, contentRect, interfaceIdiom);

		decimalPointKey.Hidden = !allowsDecimalPoint;

		// Layout utility column.
		/*const*/ MMNumberKeyboardButton []utilityButtonKeys = new MMNumberKeyboardButton[] { MMNumberKeyboardButton.Backspace, MMNumberKeyboardButton.Done };
		/*const*/ CGSize utilitySize = new CGSize(columnWidth, rowHeight * 2.0f);

		for (nint idx = 0; idx < utilityButtonKeys.Length; idx++) {
			MMNumberKeyboardButton key = utilityButtonKeys[idx];

			UIButton button = (UIButton) buttonDictionary[""+key];
			CGRect rect = new CGRect(){ Size = utilitySize };

			rect.X = columnWidth * 3.0f;
			rect.Y = idx * utilitySize.Height;

			button.Frame = MMButtonRectMake(rect, contentRect, interfaceIdiom);

		// Layout separators if phone.
		if (interfaceIdiom != UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) {
			NSArray separatorViews = this.separatorViews;

			/*const*/ nuint totalColumns = 4;
			/*const*/ nuint totalRows = (nuint) numbersPerLine + 1;
			/*const*/ nuint numberOfSeparators = totalColumns * totalRows - 1;

			if (separatorViews.Count != numberOfSeparators) {
					separatorViews.PerformSelector(new Selector("makeObjectsPerformSelector"),NSObject.FromObject(new Selector("removeFromSuperview")));

			NSMutableArray neueSeparatorViews = new NSMutableArray(numberOfSeparators);

			for (nuint idx = 0; idx < numberOfSeparators; idx++) {
				UIView separator = new UIView(CGRect.Empty);
				separator.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.0f ,/*alpha*/ 0.1f);


			this.separatorViews = neueSeparatorViews;

				/*const*/ nfloat separatorDimension = 1.0f / ((this.Window.Screen.Scale != 0) ? this.Window.Screen.Scale:  1.0f);

			separatorViews.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock( (object obj, nuint idx, out bool  stop) =>{
				UIView separator = (UIView)obj;

				CGRect rect = CGRect.Empty;

				if (idx < totalRows) {
					rect.Y = idx * rowHeight;
					if (idx % 2 != 0) {
						rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Width = contentRect.Width - columnWidth};
					} else {
						rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Width = contentRect.Width};
					rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Height = separatorDimension};
				} else {
					nuint col = (idx - totalRows);

					rect.X = (col + 1) * columnWidth;
						rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Width = separatorDimension};

					if (col == 1 && !allowsDecimalPoint) {
						rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Height = contentRect.Height - rowHeight};
					} else {
						rect.Size = new CGSize(rect.Size){	Height = contentRect.Height};

				separator.Frame = MMButtonRectMake(rect, contentRect, interfaceIdiom);
				stop = false;
        void SetupTour()
            var tour = Tour.Instance;

            if (tour.IsEnabled) {
                productTour = new ProductTour ();
                productTour.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height);

                var step = tour.Step;
                if (step == 1) {
                    var view = new UIView (new RectangleF(backingComposeButton.Frame.X, backingComposeButton.Frame.Y - 44, backingComposeButton.Frame.Width, backingComposeButton.Frame.Height));
                    var bubble = new Bubble (view, "DOWNLOAD", "Add a new verse\nto your library.", ArrowPosition.Top, null);
                    bubble.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

                    var bubbles = new NSMutableArray (1);
                    bubbles.Add (bubble);

                    productTour.Bubbles = bubbles;
                    Add (productTour);
                } else if (step == 2) {
                    var view = new UIView (ViewForTab (1));
                    var bubble = new Bubble (view, "SWITCH TABS", "Tap the memorization tab.", ArrowPosition.Bottom, null);
                    bubble.FontName = "SourceSansPro-Bold";

                    var bubbles = new NSMutableArray (1);
                    bubbles.Add (bubble);

                    productTour.Bubbles = bubbles;
                    Add (productTour);
Пример #54
		public void ReloadData(TKAutoCompleteTextView autocomplete)
			NSMutableArray suggestions = new NSMutableArray ();

			if (airports == null) {
				NSUrl url = new NSUrl (urlStr);
				NSUrlRequest req = new NSUrlRequest (url);
				NSUrlResponse res;
				NSData dataVal = new NSData ();
				NSDictionary jsonResult = new NSDictionary ();
				NSError error;
				NSError errorReq;
				dataVal = NSUrlConnection.SendSynchronousRequest (req, out res, out errorReq);
				if (dataVal != null) {
					jsonResult = (NSDictionary)NSJsonSerialization.Deserialize (dataVal, NSJsonReadingOptions.MutableContainers, out error);
					if (error == null) {
						airports = (NSArray)jsonResult.ObjectForKey (new NSString ("airports"));

				for (nuint i = 0; i < airports.Count; i++) {
					NSDictionary item = airports.GetItem<NSDictionary> (i);
					NSString name = (NSString)item.ValueForKey (new NSString ("FIELD2"));
					NSString shortName = (NSString)item.ValueForKey (new NSString ("FIELD5"));
					string result = String.Format ("{0}, {1}", name.ToString (), shortName.ToString ());

					if (result.ToUpper ().StartsWith (prefix.ToUpper ())) {
						suggestions.Add (new TKAutoCompleteToken (new NSString (result)));

			DispatchQueue queue = DispatchQueue.MainQueue;
			queue.DispatchAfter (DispatchTime.Now, delegate {autocomplete.CompleteSuggestionViewPopulation (suggestions);});
Пример #55
        // Save support:
        //    Override one of GetAsData, GetAsFileWrapper, or WriteToUrl.
        // This method should store the contents of the document using the given typeName
        // on the return NSData value.
        public override NSData GetAsData(string typeName, out NSError outError)
            outError = null;
            // End editing

            NSMutableArray array = new NSMutableArray();
            foreach (Person p in Employees) {

            // Create an NSData object from the employees array
            NSData data = NSKeyedArchiver.ArchivedDataWithRootObject(array);
            return data;

            // Default template code
            //			outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4);
            //			return null;
		public static int OpenApplication (ApplicationStartInfo application)
			if (application == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("application");

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (application.Application) || !System.IO.Directory.Exists (application.Application))
				throw new ArgumentException ("Application is not valid");

			NSUrl appUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename (application.Application);

			// TODO: Once the above bug is fixed, we can replace the code below with
			//NSRunningApplication app = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.LaunchApplication (appUrl, 0, new NSDictionary (), null);

			var config = new NSMutableDictionary ();
			if (application.Args != null && application.Args.Length > 0) {
				var args = new NSMutableArray ();
				foreach (string arg in application.Args) {
					args.Add (new NSString (arg));
				config.Add (new NSString ("NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments"), args);

			if (application.Environment != null && application.Environment.Count > 0) {
				var envValueStrings = application.Environment.Values.Select (t => new NSString (t)).ToArray ();
				var envKeyStrings = application.Environment.Keys.Select (t => new NSString (t)).ToArray ();

				var envDict = new NSMutableDictionary ();
				for (int i = 0; i < envValueStrings.Length; i++) {
					envDict.Add (envKeyStrings[i], envValueStrings[i]);

				config.Add (new NSString ("NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment"), envDict);

			UInt32 options = 0;

			if (application.Async)
				options |= (UInt32) LaunchOptions.NSWorkspaceLaunchAsync;
			if (application.NewInstance)
				options |= (UInt32) LaunchOptions.NSWorkspaceLaunchNewInstance;

			IntPtr error;
			var appHandle = IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_UInt32_IntPtr_IntPtr (NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.Handle, launchApplicationAtURLOptionsConfigurationErrorSelector, appUrl.Handle, options, config.Handle, out error);
			NSRunningApplication app = (NSRunningApplication)ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject (appHandle);

			return app.ProcessIdentifier;
Пример #57
		NSMutableArray GetDataSource()
			NSMutableArray array = new NSMutableArray ();

			array.Add(getDictionary("Alabama" , "Vegetables" , 42));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Alaska" , "Vegetables" , 0 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Arizona" , "Rice" , 36 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Arkansas" , "Vegetables" , 46 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "California" , "Rice" , 24 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Colorado" , "Rice" , 31));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Connecticut" , "Grains" , 18 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Delaware" , "Grains" , 28 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "District of Columbia" , "Grains" , 27 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Florida" , "Rice" , 48 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Georgia" , "Rice" , 44));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Hawaii" , "Grains" , 49 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Idaho" , "Grains" , 8 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Illinois" , "Vegetables" , 26 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Indiana" , "Grains" , 21 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Iowa" , "Vegetables" , 13 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Kansas" , "Rice" , 33 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Kentucky" , "Grains" , 32 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Louisiana" , "Rice" , 47 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Maine" , "Grains" , 3 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Maryland" , "Grains" , 30 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Massachusetts" , "Grains" , 14 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Michigan" , "Grains" , 50 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Minnesota" , "Wheat" , 10 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Mississippi" , "Vegetables" , 43 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Missouri" , "Vegetables" , 35 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Montana" , "Grains" , 2 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Nebraska" , "Rice" , 15 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Nevada" , "Wheat" , 22 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "New Hampshire" , "Grains" , 12 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "New Jersey" , "Vegetables" , 20 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "New Mexico" , "Rice" , 41 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "New York" , "Vegetables" , 16 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "North Carolina" , "Rice" , 38 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "North Dakota" , "Grains" , 4 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Ohio" , "Vegetables" , 25 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Oklahoma" , "Rice" , 37 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Oregon" , "Wheat" , 11 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Pennsylvania" , "Vegetables" , 17 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Rhode Island" , "Grains" , 19 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "South Carolina" , "Rice" , 45 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "South Dakota" , "Grains" , 5 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Tennessee" , "Vegetables" , 39 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Texas" , "Vegetables" , 40 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Utah" , "Rice" , 23 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Vermont" , "Grains" , 9 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Virginia" , "Rice" , 34 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Washington" , "Vegetables" , 1 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "West Virginia" , "Grains" , 29 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Wisconsin" , "Grains" , 7 ));
			array.Add(getDictionary( "Wyoming" , "Wheat" , 6 ));
			return array;
Пример #58
		void SetColorMapping(SFShapeSetting setting)
			NSMutableArray colorMappings = new NSMutableArray ();
			SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping1= new SFEqualColorMapping();
			colorMapping1.Value= (NSString)"Vegetables";
			colorMapping1.LegendLabel= (NSString)"Vegetables";
			colorMapping1.Color =  UIColor.FromRGB (0x29, 0xBB, 0x9C);

			SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping2= new SFEqualColorMapping();
			colorMapping2.Value=(NSString) "Rice";
			colorMapping2.LegendLabel= (NSString)"Rice";
			colorMapping2.Color = UIColor.FromRGB (0xFD, 0x8C, 0x48);

			SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping3= new SFEqualColorMapping();
			colorMapping3.Value=(NSString) "Wheat";
			colorMapping3.LegendLabel= (NSString)"Wheat";
			colorMapping3.Color =UIColor.FromRGB (0xE5, 0x4D, 0x42);

			SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping4= new SFEqualColorMapping();
			colorMapping4.Value= (NSString)"Grains";
			colorMapping4.LegendLabel= (NSString)"Grains";
			colorMapping4.Color =UIColor.FromRGB (0x3A, 0x99, 0xD9);

			setting.ColorMappings = colorMappings;
Пример #59
		public LiveUpdateDataSource ()
			DataPoints 	= new NSMutableArray ();
			DataPoints1 = new NSMutableArray ();

			for (int i = 1; i <= 180; i++) 
				double value = Math.Sin(wave1 * (Math.PI / 180.0));
				DataPoints.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (i), NSObject.FromObject(value)));
			for (int i = 1; i <= 180; i++) 
				double value = Math.Sin(wave2 * (Math.PI / 180.0));
				DataPoints1.Add (new SFChartDataPoint (NSObject.FromObject (i), NSObject.FromObject(value)));
			public override void Filtering(XuniAutoComplete sender, XuniAutoCompleteFilteringEventArgs eventArgs)
				sender.CollectionView.Filter = (item) =>
					Countries d = (Countries)item;
					string s = d.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToLower();
					if (s == "b")
						return true;
					return false;

				NSMutableArray data = null;

				if (sender.CollectionView.Items != null)
					data = new NSMutableArray();

					foreach (var item in sender.CollectionView.Items)
				sender.ItemsSource = data ;
				//filterAuto.FilteringArgs.Cancel = false;