void UpdateTitle()
            if (_toolbar == null || _navigation == null || _titleGroup == null)

            var title      = GetCurrentPageTitle();
            var item       = new NSToolbarItem(title);
            var view       = new NSView();
            var titleField = new NSTextField
                AllowsEditingTextAttributes = true,
                Bordered        = false,
                DrawsBackground = false,
                Bezeled         = false,
                Editable        = false,
                Selectable      = false,
                Cell            = new VerticallyCenteredTextFieldCell(0f, NSFont.TitleBarFontOfSize(18)),
                StringValue     = title

            titleField.Cell.TextColor = GetTitleColor();
            _titleGroup.Group.MinSize  = new CGSize(NavigationTitleMinSize, ToolbarHeight);
            _titleGroup.Group.Subitems = new NSToolbarItem[] { item };
            _titleGroup.Group.View = view;
            //save a reference so we can paint this for the background
            _nsToolbarItemViewer = _titleGroup.Group.View.Superview;
            if (_nsToolbarItemViewer == null)
            //position is hard .. we manually set the title to be centered
            var totalWidth = _nsToolbarItemViewer.Superview.Frame.Width;
            var fieldWidth = titleField.Frame.Width;
            var x          = ((totalWidth - fieldWidth) / 2) - _nsToolbarItemViewer.Frame.X;

            titleField.Frame = new CGRect(x, 0, fieldWidth, ToolbarHeight);
Пример #2
        void UpdateTitle()
            if (_toolbar == null || _navigation == null || _titleGroup == null)

            var title      = GetCurrentPageTitle();
            var item       = new NSToolbarItem(title);
            var view       = new NSView();
            var titleField = new NSTextField
                AllowsEditingTextAttributes = true,
                Bordered        = false,
                DrawsBackground = false,
                Bezeled         = false,
                Editable        = false,
                Selectable      = false,
                Cell            = new VerticallyCenteredTextFieldCell(0f, NSFont.TitleBarFontOfSize(18)),
                StringValue     = title

            titleField.Cell.TextColor = GetTitleColor();
            _titleGroup.Group.MinSize  = new CGSize(NavigationTitleMinSize, ToolbarHeight);
            _titleGroup.Group.Subitems = new NSToolbarItem[] { item };

            titleField.CenterXAnchor.ConstraintEqualToAnchor(view.CenterXAnchor).Active = true;
            titleField.CenterYAnchor.ConstraintEqualToAnchor(view.CenterYAnchor).Active = true;
            titleField.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
            view.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints       = false;

            _titleGroup.Group.View = view;
            //save a reference so we can paint this for the background
            _nsToolbarItemViewer = _titleGroup.Group.View.Superview;
Пример #3
        private CGRect GetTitleFrame(out NSDictionary titleTextStyles, AppStoreWindow window)
            var drawsAsMainWindow = window.DrawsAsMainWindow();
            var titleTextShadow   = drawsAsMainWindow ? window.TitleTextShadow : window.InactiveTitleTextShadow;

            if (titleTextShadow == null)
                titleTextShadow = new NSShadow
                    ShadowBlurRadius = 0f,
                    ShadowOffset     = new CGSize(0f, -1.0f),
                    ShadowColor      = NSColor.FromDeviceWhite(1.0f, 0.5f),

            var titleTextColor = drawsAsMainWindow ? window.TitleTextColor : window.InactiveTitleTextColor;

            if (titleTextColor == default(NSColor))
                titleTextColor = AppStoreWindow.DefaultTitleTextColor(drawsAsMainWindow);
            var titleFont = window.TitleFont ??

            var titleParagraphStyle = (NSParagraphStyle)NSParagraphStyle.DefaultParagraphStyle.MutableCopy();//new NSParagraphStyle { LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail };

            titleParagraphStyle.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail;

            titleTextStyles = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(
                new object[]
                titleFont, titleTextColor,
                titleTextShadow, titleParagraphStyle
                new object[]
                NSStringAttributeKey.Font, NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor,
                NSStringAttributeKey.Shadow, NSStringAttributeKey.ParagraphStyle

            var titleSize     = new NSAttributedString(window.Title, titleTextStyles).Size;
            var titleTextRect = new CGRect(0, 0, titleSize.Width, titleSize.Height);

            var docIconButton  = window.StandardWindowButton(NSWindowButton.DocumentIconButton);
            var versionButton  = window.StandardWindowButton(NSWindowButton.DocumentVersionsButton);
            var closeButton    = window.ButtonToLayout(NSWindowButton.CloseButton);
            var minimizeButton = window.ButtonToLayout(NSWindowButton.MiniaturizeButton);
            var zoomButton     = window.ButtonToLayout(NSWindowButton.ZoomButton);

            if (docIconButton != null)
                var docIconButtonFrame = ConvertRectFromView(docIconButton.Frame, docIconButton.Superview);
                titleTextRect.X = docIconButtonFrame.GetMaxX() + TITLE_DOCUMENT_BUTTON_OFFSET.Width;
                titleTextRect.Y = docIconButtonFrame.GetMidY() - titleSize.Height / 2f +
            else if (versionButton != null)
                var versionsButtonFrame = ConvertRectFromView(versionButton.Frame, versionButton.Superview);
                titleTextRect.X = versionsButtonFrame.GetMinX() - titleSize.Width + TITLE_VERSIONS_BUTTON_OFFSET;

                var document = ((NSWindowController)window.WindowController).Document;
                if (document.HasUnautosavedChanges || document.IsDocumentEdited)
                    titleTextRect.X += TITLE_DOCUMENT_STATUS_X_OFFSET;
            else if (closeButton != null || minimizeButton != null || zoomButton != null)
                var closeMaxX    = closeButton == null ? 0f : closeButton.Frame.GetMaxX();
                var minimizeMaxX = minimizeButton == null ? 0f : minimizeButton.Frame.GetMaxX();
                var zoomMaxX     = zoomButton == null ? 0f : zoomButton.Frame.GetMaxX();

                var adjustedX = NMath.Max(NMath.Max(closeMaxX, minimizeMaxX), zoomMaxX) + TITLE_MARGINS.Width;
                var proposedX = Bounds.GetMidX() - titleSize.Width / 2f;
                titleTextRect.X = NMath.Max(proposedX, adjustedX);
                titleTextRect.X = Bounds.GetMidX() - titleSize.Width / 2f;

            var fullScreenButton = window.ButtonToLayout(NSWindowButton.FullScreenButton);

            if (fullScreenButton != null)
                var fullScreenX = fullScreenButton.Frame.X;
                var maxTitleX   = titleTextRect.GetMaxX();
                if ((fullScreenX - TITLE_MARGINS.Width) < titleTextRect.GetMaxX())
                    titleTextRect.Width = titleTextRect.Size.Width - (maxTitleX - fullScreenX) - TITLE_MARGINS.Width;

            titleTextRect.Y = Bounds.GetMaxY() - titleSize.Height - TITLE_MARGINS.Height;
