Пример #1
        public virtual void Awake(NSArray rootObjects, IBObjectContainer objects, NSDictionary context)
            NSEnumerator en;
            id obj;
            NSMutableArray topLevelObjects = (NSMutableArray)context.ObjectForKey((id)NS.NibTopLevelObjects);
            id owner = context.ObjectForKey(NS.NibOwner);
            id first = null;
            id app = null;

            // Get the file's owner and NSApplication object references...
            if (((NSCustomObject)rootObjects.ObjectAtIndex(1)).ClassName.IsEqualToString(@"FirstResponder"))
                first = ((NSCustomObject)rootObjects.ObjectAtIndex(1)).RealObject;
                NS.Log(@"%s:first responder missing\n", "Awake");

            if (((NSCustomObject)rootObjects.ObjectAtIndex(2)).ClassName.IsEqualToString(@"NSApplication"))
                app = ((NSCustomObject)rootObjects.ObjectAtIndex(2)).RealObject;
                NS.Log(@"%s:NSApplication missing\n", "Awake");

            // Use the owner as first root object
            en = rootObjects.ObjectEnumerator();
            while ((obj = en.NextObject()) != null)
                if (obj.RespondsToSelector(new SEL("NibInstantiate")))
                    obj = (id)Objc.MsgSend(obj, "NibInstantiate", null);

                // IGNORE file's owner, first responder and NSApplication instances...
                if ((obj != null) && (obj != owner) && (obj != first) && (obj != app))
                    // All top level objects must be released by the caller to avoid
                    // leaking, unless they are going to be released by other nib
                    // objects on behalf of the owner.

                //if ((obj.IsKindOfClass(NSMenu.Class)) &&
                //    (((NSMenu)obj _isMainMenu]))
                //  {
                //    // add the menu...
                //    NSApp._setMainMenu(obj);
                //  }

            // Load connections and awaken objects
            Objc.MsgSend(objects, "NibInstantiate", null);
Пример #2
        public virtual void SetSubviews(NSArray newSubviews)
            NSEnumerator en;
            NSView aView;
            NSMutableArray uniqNew = NSMutableArray.Array();

            if (null == newSubviews)
                NSException.Raise(@"NSInvalidArgumentException" ,@"Setting nil as new subviews.");

            // Use a copy as we remove from the subviews array
            en = NSArray.ArrayWithArray(_sub_views).ObjectEnumerator();
            while ((aView = (NSView)en.NextObject()) != null)
                if (false == newSubviews.ContainsObject(aView))

            en = newSubviews.ObjectEnumerator();
            while ((aView = (NSView)en.NextObject()) != null)
                id supersub = aView.Superview;

                if (supersub != null && supersub != this)
                    NSException.Raise(@"NSInvalidArgumentException" ,@"Superviews of new subviews must be either nil or receiver.");

                if (uniqNew.ContainsObject(aView))
                    NSException.Raise(@"NSInvalidArgumentException" ,@"Duplicated new subviews.");

                if (false == _sub_views.ContainsObject(aView))


            _sub_views = uniqNew;

            // The order of the subviews may have changed