private string GetArticleBody <T>(T msg)
            var    conn                 = (msg as Messages.GetArticleBody).Connection;
            uint   articleId            = (msg as Messages.GetArticleBody).ArticleID;
            string newsGroup            = (msg as Messages.GetArticleBody).NewsGroup;
            bool   BodyCommandSupported = (bool)conn.SupportedCommands[NNTPMessages.Body];

            if (!BodyCommandSupported)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO:
            string response = SelectNewsGroup(conn, newsGroup);


            Write(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticleBody(articleId.ToString()));
            response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticleBody(articleId.ToString()));

            if (!NNTPResponseCodes.IsResposeCode(response, NNTPResponseCodes.ArticleRetrievedBodyToFollow))
                if (response.Length <= 0)
                    throw new Exception();// TODO

            if (NNTPResponseCodes.IsResposeCode(response, NNTPResponseCodes.NoSuchArticleNumberInGroup))
                throw new Exception(); //TODO:

            string articleBody = "";

            bool storedAuth = conn.Authenticate;

            conn.Authenticate = false;

            while (true)
                response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticleBody(articleId.ToString()));
                if (response == ".\r\n")

                if (response == ".\n")

                //if (article.Length < 1024)
                articleBody += response;

            conn.Authenticate = storedAuth;

Пример #2
        public override bool OnMessageRecieved <T>(T msg)
            if (msg.GetType() != typeof(Messages.Authenticate))

            string        authResponse = "";
            var           conn         = (msg as Messages.Authenticate).Connection;
            TcpClient     connection   = conn.Connection;
            NetworkStream stream       = conn.Stream;
            string        Username     = conn.UserName;
            string        Password     = conn.Password;

            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding en = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

            if ((null == Username) || (null == Password))

            //DO Authetication Here!
            bool   success     = true;
            string message     = NNTPMessages.GetAuthInfoUser(Username);
            var    writeBuffer = en.GetBytes(message);

            stream.Write(writeBuffer, 0, writeBuffer.Length);

            string requiresPassword = Response(conn, message);

            //TODO: check the supported commands for the correct command to authenticate with.
            authResponse = requiresPassword;

            if (NNTPResponseCodes.IsResposeCode(requiresPassword, NNTPResponseCodes.PasswordRequired))
                message     = NNTPMessages.GetAuthInfoPass(Password);
                writeBuffer = en.GetBytes(message);
                stream.Write(writeBuffer, 0, writeBuffer.Length);

                string response = Response(conn, message);

                if (NNTPResponseCodes.IsResposeCode(response, NNTPResponseCodes.AuthenticationOK))
                    success = true;

                if (NNTPResponseCodes.IsResposeCode(response, NNTPResponseCodes.PermissionDenied))
                    throw new Exception(response); //NNTPAuthenticationDeniedException

Пример #3
        public override bool OnMessageRecieved <T>(T msg)
            /// The GetNewsgroups method begins by sending a LIST message to the NNTP server.
            /// The NNTP server will respond initially with the 215 status-code indicating that it successfully received the LIST message.
            /// Then the NNTP server will respond with a series of lines, each representing one forum on the NNTP server.
            /// After all the forums are sent, the NNTP server will send one line with a single period, indicating the end of the forum list.
            /// The list of forums is returned from the GetNewsgroups method as an ArrayList of strings.
            /// From the list of forums, you can select one forum and receive from the GetNews method all the news for that forum.
            /// Call GetNews passing the name of the forum to receive the news postings.

            if (msg.GetType() != typeof(Messages.ListNewsGroups) &&
                msg.GetType() != typeof(Messages.ListNewsGroupsSince))

            var conn = (msg as Messages.ListNewsGroups).Connection;

            if (msg.GetType() != typeof(Messages.ListNewsGroupsSince))
                Write(conn, NNTPMessages.ListNewsGroups);
                Write(conn, NNTPMessages.ListNewsGroupsSince((msg as Messages.ListNewsGroupsSince).LastCheckedDate));

            var response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.ListNewsGroups);


            if (response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ListOfNewsGroupsFollows)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO throw new NntpException(response);
            var list = GetNewsGroupListFromResponse(conn, NNTPMessages.ListNewsGroups);

        private string SelectNewsGroup(ServerConnection conn, string newsGroup)
            //Select a group and get article list
            if (newsGroup.Equals(conn.CurrentNewsGroup))

            Write(conn, NNTPMessages.SelectGroup(newsGroup));

            string response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.SelectGroup(newsGroup));

            if (response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.GroupSelected)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO throw new NntpException(response);

            conn.CurrentNewsGroup = new NewsGroup(conn.ServerName, response);
            conn.LastNewsGroupSelectionResponse = response;

            //TODO update the newsgroup list in conn

        private string GetArticleHead <T>(T msg)
            bool   stillNeedToRetrievearticleLines = true;
            var    conn                 = (msg as Messages.GetArticleHead).Connection;
            uint   articleId            = (msg as Messages.GetArticleHead).ArticleID;
            string newsGroup            = (msg as Messages.GetArticleHead).NewsGroup;
            bool   HeadCommandSupported = (bool)conn.SupportedCommands[NNTPMessages.Head];

            if (!HeadCommandSupported)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO:
            string response = SelectNewsGroup(conn, newsGroup);


            string msgString = NNTPMessages.GetArticleHead(articleId.ToString());

            Write(conn, msgString);

            response = Response(conn, msgString);


            if (response.Substring(0, 3) == NNTPResponseCodes.NoSuchArticleNumberInGroup)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO:

            if ((response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ArticleRetrievedHeadAndBodyToFollow) &&
                (response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ArticleRetrievedHeadToFollow))
                throw new Exception(); // TODO throw new NntpException(response);

            bool storedAuth = conn.Authenticate;

            conn.Authenticate = false;
            uint   linesInArticle = 0;
            string article        = String.Empty;

            while (true)
                response = Response(conn, msgString);
                if (response == ".\r\n")

                if (response == ".\n")

                //see how many lines the article has to get body later.
                if ((HeadCommandSupported) && (stillNeedToRetrievearticleLines) && (response.Contains("Lines:")))
                    string articleLines = response.Split(":".ToCharArray())[1];

                    linesInArticle = Convert.ToUInt32(articleLines.Trim());
                    stillNeedToRetrievearticleLines = false;

                article += response;

            conn.Authenticate = storedAuth;
        private string GetWholeArticle <T>(T msg)
            var    conn      = (msg as Messages.GetArticle).Connection;
            uint   articleId = (msg as Messages.GetArticle).ArticleID;
            string newsGroup = (msg as Messages.GetArticle).NewsGroup;
            bool   ArticleCommandSupported = (bool)conn.SupportedCommands[NNTPMessages.Article];

            if (!ArticleCommandSupported)
                //TODO: use the article head and body command here:
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            string response = SelectNewsGroup(conn, newsGroup);


            Write(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticle(articleId.ToString()));

            response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticle(articleId.ToString()));


            if (response.Substring(0, 3) == NNTPResponseCodes.NoSuchArticleNumberInGroup)
                throw new Exception(); //TODO

            if ((response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ArticleRetrievedHeadAndBodyToFollow) &&
                (response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ArticleRetrievedHeadToFollow))
                throw new Exception(); //TODO  throw new NntpException(response);

            //NOTE: we add the ServerArticleIndex so that we may add it to the newsgroup post class later when we parse the text.
            string article = String.Empty;

            bool storedAuth = conn.Authenticate;

            conn.Authenticate = false;

            while (true)
                response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetArticle(articleId.ToString()));
                if (response == ".\r\n")

                if (response == ".\n")

                //if (article.Length < 1024)
                article += response;

            conn.Authenticate = storedAuth;

        private List <uint> GetNewArticleIds <T>(T msg)
            var      conn                    = (msg as Messages.GetNewArticleIds).Connection;
            DateTime newArticlesSince        = (msg as Messages.GetNewArticleIds).NewArticlesSince;
            string   newsGroup               = (msg as Messages.GetNewArticleIds).NewsGroup;
            bool     NewNewsCommandSupported = (bool)conn.SupportedCommands[NNTPMessages.NewNews];

            if (!NewNewsCommandSupported)
                //Note: this wil return the highest message index
                conn.CurrentNewsGroup = null;
                string response = SelectNewsGroup(conn, newsGroup);
                throw new NotImplementedException(); //TODO we need to parse the stop index before query and figure out new ids.
                string response;

                Write(conn, NNTPMessages.GetNewArticles(newsGroup, newArticlesSince));

                response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetNewArticles(newsGroup, newArticlesSince));

                //Handle the NEWNEWS command not being supported.
                if ((response.Contains("NEWNEWS") && (response.Substring(0, 3) == NNTPResponseCodes.PermissionDenied)) ||
                    (response.Substring(0, 3) == NNTPResponseCodes.CommandNotRecognized))
                    conn.SupportedCommands[NNTPMessages.NewsGroups] = false;
                    throw new Exception(); //TODO

                if (response.Substring(0, 3) != NNTPResponseCodes.ListOfNewNewsgroupsFollows)
                    throw new Exception(); //TODO throw new NntpException(response);

                bool storedAuth = conn.Authenticate;
                conn.Authenticate = false;
                List <uint> messageIds = new List <uint>();

                //TODO fix this infinite loop.
                while (true)
                    response = Response(conn, NNTPMessages.GetNewArticles(newsGroup, newArticlesSince));

                    if (response == ".\r\n")

                    if (response == ".\n")

                    uint articleID = Convert.ToUInt32(response);

                conn.Authenticate = storedAuth;
