Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if an inequality constaint can be applied on current algorithm.
        /// In NLopt, api/options.c has a function inequality_ok() which do the same verification.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CheckInequalityConstraintAvailability()
            NLoptAlgorithm algorithm = Algorithm;

            switch (algorithm)
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_MMA:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_CCSAQ:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_SLSQP:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.GN_ISRES:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.GN_ORIG_DIRECT:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.GN_ORIG_DIRECT_L:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.AUGLAG:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.AUGLAG_EQ:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LN_AUGLAG:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LN_AUGLAG_EQ:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_AUGLAG:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_AUGLAG_EQ:

                throw new ArgumentException("Algorithm " + algorithm.ToString() + " does not support inequality constraint.");
Пример #2
        public NLoptSolver(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm, uint numVariables, double relativeStoppingTolerance = 0.0001, int maximumIterations = 0, NLoptAlgorithm?childAlgorithm = null)
            if (numVariables < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("numVariables");

            _opt = nlopt_create(algorithm, numVariables);
            if (_opt == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to initialize the algorithm.", "algorithm");

            if (relativeStoppingTolerance > 0.0)
                var res = nlopt_set_xtol_rel(_opt, relativeStoppingTolerance);
                if (res != NloptResult.SUCCESS)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to set primary tolerance. Result: " + res, "relativeStoppingTolerance");

            if (maximumIterations > 0)
                nlopt_set_maxeval(_opt, maximumIterations);

            if (childAlgorithm != null)
                var inner = nlopt_create(childAlgorithm.Value, numVariables);
                if (inner == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to initialize the secondary algorithm.", "childAlgorithm");

                if (relativeStoppingTolerance > 0.0)
                    var res = nlopt_set_xtol_rel(inner, relativeStoppingTolerance);
                    if (res != NloptResult.SUCCESS)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to set secondary tolerance. Result: " + res, "relativeStoppingTolerance");

                if (maximumIterations > 0)
                    nlopt_set_maxeval(inner, maximumIterations);

                var ret = nlopt_set_local_optimizer(_opt, inner);

                if (ret != NloptResult.SUCCESS)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to associate the child optimizer. Result: " + ret, "childAlgorithm");
Пример #3
        public void NLoptTutorialExample_TestCaseNLoptConstraints_AnalyticSolution(NLoptAlgorithm nloptAlgorithm)
            var multiDimOptimizer = new NLoptMultiDimOptimizer(NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA, NLoptAbortCondition.Create(relativeXTolerance: 1E-4));

            var nloptBoxConstraint = multiDimOptimizer.Constraint.Create(MultiDimRegion.Interval.Create(dimension: 2, lowerBounds: new[] { Double.NegativeInfinity, 0.0 }, upperBounds: new[] { Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity }));

            double a1 = 2.0;
            double b1 = 0.0;
            double a2 = -1;
            double b2 = 1.0;

            /* this code uses NLopt specific constraints: */
            var optimizer = multiDimOptimizer.Create(nloptBoxConstraint,
                                                                                         (x, grad) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 3.0 * a1 * (a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1);
                    grad[1] = -1.0;
                return((a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1) - x[1]);
                                                                                         (x, grad) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 3.0 * a2 * (a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2);
                    grad[1] = -1.0;
                return((a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2) - x[1]);

            optimizer.Function = multiDimOptimizer.Function.Create(2, (x, grad) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 0.0;
                    grad[1] = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(x[1]);

            var    actualArgMin = new[] { 1.234, 5.678 };
            double actualMinimum;

            optimizer.FindMinimum(actualArgMin, out actualMinimum);

            double expectedMinimum = Math.Sqrt(8.0 / 27.0);
            double expectedArgMin0 = 1.0 / 3.0;
            double expectedArgMin1 = 8.0 / 27.0;

            Assert.That(actualMinimum, Is.EqualTo(expectedMinimum).Within(1E-3));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[0], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin0).Within(1E-3));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[1], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin1).Within(1E-3));
Пример #4
        public void NLoptTutorialExample_TestCase_AnalyticSolution(NLoptAlgorithm nloptAlgorithm)
            NLoptPtr ptr = new NLoptPtr(nloptAlgorithm, 2);

            /* add and create boundary and nonlinear constraints: */
            ptr.SetLowerBounds(new[] { Double.NegativeInfinity, 0.0 });
            double a1 = 2.0;
            double b1 = 0.0;

            ptr.AddInequalityConstraint((n, x, grad, data) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 3.0 * a1 * (a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1);
                    grad[1] = -1.0;
                return((a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1) * (a1 * x[0] + b1) - x[1]);
            }, 1E-8);

            double a2   = -1;
            double b2   = 1.0;
            var    code = ptr.AddInequalityConstraint((n, x, grad, data) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 3.0 * a2 * (a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2);
                    grad[1] = -1.0;
                return((a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2) * (a2 * x[0] + b2) - x[1]);
            }, 1E-8);

            ptr.SetFunction((n, x, grad, data) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 0.0;
                    grad[1] = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(x[1]);


            var    actualArgMin = new[] { 1.234, 5.678 };
            double actualMinimum;

            ptr.FindMinimum(actualArgMin, out actualMinimum);

            double expectedMinimum = Math.Sqrt(8.0 / 27.0);
            double expectedArgMin0 = 1.0 / 3.0;
            double expectedArgMin1 = 8.0 / 27.0;

            Assert.That(actualMinimum, Is.EqualTo(expectedMinimum).Within(1E-3));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[0], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin0).Within(1E-3));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[1], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin1).Within(1E-3));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NLoptPtr"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">The NLopt algorithm in its <see cref="NLoptAlgorithm"/> representation.</param>
        /// <param name="dimension">The dimension of the feasible region.</param>
        public NLoptPtr(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm, int dimension)
            m_NLoptAlgorithm = algorithm;

            m_NLopPtr = nlopt_create(m_NLoptAlgorithm, dimension);
            if (m_NLopPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception(String.Format(ExceptionMessages.ObjectIsNotOperable, "NLopt[Ptr]"));
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if an equality constaint can be applied on current algorithm.
        /// In NLopt, api/options.c has a function equality_ok() which do the same verification.
        /// </summary>
        protected void CheckEqualityConstraintAvailability()
            NLoptAlgorithm algorithm = Algorithm;

            switch (algorithm)
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LD_SLSQP:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.GN_ISRES:
            case NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA:

                throw new ArgumentException("Algorithm " + algorithm.ToString() + " does not support equality constraint.");
Пример #7
        public bool DisablingAllowed; //if user want us to disable components that are not necessary in recomputation

        public RadicalOptimizer(Design design, RadicalWindow radwindow)
            this.Design           = design;
            this.RadicalWindow    = radwindow;
            this.RadicalVM        = this.RadicalWindow.RadicalVM;
            this.MainAlg          = this.RadicalVM.PrimaryAlgorithm;
            this.DisablingAllowed = !this.RadicalVM.DisablingNotAllowed;

            //this.SecondaryAlg = NLoptAlgorithm.LN_COBYLA;

            StoredMainValues       = new ChartValues <double>();
            StoredConstraintValues = new ChartValues <ChartValues <double> >();

            if (this.DisablingAllowed)

            if (Design.Constraints != null)
                foreach (Constraint c in Design.Constraints)
                    if (c.IsActive)
                        StoredConstraintValues.Add(new ChartValues <double>());
                        if (c.MyType == Constraint.ConstraintType.lessthan)
                            Solver.AddLessOrEqualZeroConstraint((x) => constraint(x, c));
                        else if (c.MyType == Constraint.ConstraintType.morethan)
                            Solver.AddLessOrEqualZeroConstraint((x) => - constraint(x, c));
                            Solver.AddEqualZeroConstraint((x) => constraint(x, c));

            Solver.SetMinObjective((x) => Objective(x));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NLoptMultiDimOptimizer" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">A value indicating the specific NLopt algorithm.</param>
        /// <param name="abortCondition">The abort (stopping) condition of the NLopt algorithm.</param>
        /// <param name="nloptPtrAdjustment">An optional delegate which will be called in the <c>Create</c> methods for <see cref="IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm"/> objects that allows individual adjustments of the internal <see cref="NLoptPtr"/> representation.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerStreamFactory">A factory for <see cref="ILoggerStream"/> objects, i.e. for a logging. Each <see cref="IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm"/> object will track the function values in the specified logger.</param>
        /// <remarks>One can use <paramref name="nloptPtrAdjustment"/> to change the Initial step size, initial "population" of random points, set Local/subsidiary optimization algorithm etc. See
        /// the documentation of the NLopt library http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt for further details.</remarks>
        public NLoptMultiDimOptimizer(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm, NLoptAbortCondition abortCondition, Action <NLoptPtr> nloptPtrAdjustment = null, Func <IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm, ILogger> loggerStreamFactory = null)
            Algorithm     = algorithm;
            Configuration = NLoptConfiguration.Create(algorithm);

            if (abortCondition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("abortCondition");
            AbortCondition = abortCondition;

            m_LongName            = new IdentifierString(NLoptPtr.GetName(algorithm));
            m_Name                = new IdentifierString(algorithm.ToFormatString(EnumStringRepresentationUsage.StringAttribute));
            Constraint            = new NLoptConstraintFactory(this);
            Function              = new NLoptFunctionFactory(this);
            m_nloptPtrAdjustment  = nloptPtrAdjustment;
            m_LoggerStreamFactory = loggerStreamFactory;
Пример #9
 private static extern IntPtr nlopt_create(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm, uint n);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>Creates the specified <see cref="NLoptConfiguration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nloptAlgorithm">The NLopt algorithm in its <see cref="NLoptAlgorithm"/> representation.</param>
        /// <returns>The configuration of the specified NLopt algorithm in its <see cref="NLoptConfiguration"/> representation.</returns>
        public static NLoptConfiguration Create(NLoptAlgorithm nloptAlgorithm)
            var attribute = EnumAttribute.Create <NLoptAlgorithmAttribute>(nloptAlgorithm);

Пример #11
 /// <summary>Gets the name of a specific NLopt algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nloptalgorithm">The NLopt algorithm in its <see cref="NLoptAlgorithm"/> representation.</param>
 /// <returns>The name of the specific NLopt algorithm in its <see cref="System.String"/> representation.</returns>
 public static string GetName(NLoptAlgorithm nloptalgorithm)
Пример #12
 private static extern IntPtr nlopt_AlgorithmName(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm);
Пример #13
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NLoptMultiDimOptimizer" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="algorithm">A value indicating the specific NLopt algorithm.</param>
 /// <param name="nloptPtrAdjustment">An optional delegate which will be called in the <c>Create</c> methods for <see cref="IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm"/> objects that allows individual adjustments of the internal <see cref="NLoptPtr"/> representation.</param>
 /// <param name="loggerStreamFactory">A factory for <see cref="ILoggerStream"/> objects, i.e. for a logging. Each <see cref="IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm"/> object will track the function values in the specified logger.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>The <see cref="NLoptMultiDimOptimizer.StandardAbortCondition"/> is taken into account.</para>
 /// One can use <paramref name="nloptPtrAdjustment"/> to change the Initial step size, initial "population" of random points, set Local/subsidiary optimization algorithm etc. See
 /// the documentation of the NLopt library http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt for further details.</remarks>
 public NLoptMultiDimOptimizer(NLoptAlgorithm algorithm, Action <NLoptPtr> nloptPtrAdjustment = null, Func <IMultiDimOptimizerAlgorithm, ILogger> loggerStreamFactory = null)
     : this(algorithm, StandardAbortCondition, nloptPtrAdjustment, loggerStreamFactory)
Пример #14
        public void NLoptTutorialExample_TestCase_AnalyticSolution(NLoptAlgorithm nloptAlgorithm)
            var multiDimOptimizer = new NLoptMultiDimOptimizer(nloptAlgorithm, NLoptAbortCondition.Create(relativeXTolerance: 1E-4));

            var nloptBoxConstraint = multiDimOptimizer.Constraint.Create(MultiDimRegion.Interval.Create(dimension: 2, lowerBounds: new[] { Double.NegativeInfinity, 0.0 }, upperBounds: new[] { Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity }));

            double a1 = 2.0;
            double b1 = 0.0;

            /* This code uses generic constraints, i.e. polynomial constraints: */

            /* The constraints in the Tutorial of the NLopt documentation can be re-written as polynomial in the following form:
             * x_2 - a^3 * x_1^3 - 3*a^2*b*x_1^2 - 3*a*b^2 * x_1 >= b^3

            var polynomialConstraint1 = MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Create(2, b1 * b1 * b1, Double.PositiveInfinity, new[] {
                1.0, -a1 * a1 * a1, -3.0 * a1 * a1 * b1, -3.0 * a1 * b1 * b1
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(1, 1),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 3),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 2),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 1));

            double a2 = -1;
            double b2 = 1.0;

            var polynomialConstraint2 = MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Create(2, b2 * b2 * b2, Double.PositiveInfinity, new[] {
                1.0, -a2 * a2 * a2, -3.0 * a2 * a2 * b2, -3.0 * a2 * b2 * b2
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(1, 1),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 3),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 2),
                                                                         MultiDimRegion.Polynomial.Monomial.Create(0, 1));

            var optimizer = multiDimOptimizer.Create(nloptBoxConstraint,

            optimizer.Function = multiDimOptimizer.Function.Create(2, (x, grad) =>
                if (grad != null)
                    grad[0] = 0.0;
                    grad[1] = 0.5 / Math.Sqrt(x[1]);

            var    actualArgMin = new[] { 1.234, 5.678 };
            double actualMinimum;

            var state = optimizer.FindMinimum(actualArgMin, out actualMinimum);

            double expectedMinimum = Math.Sqrt(8.0 / 27.0);
            double expectedArgMin0 = 1.0 / 3.0;
            double expectedArgMin1 = 8.0 / 27.0;

            Assert.That(actualMinimum, Is.EqualTo(expectedMinimum).Within(1E-3), String.Format("<Minimum> State: {0}; Actual minimum: {1}; Expected minimum: {2}; Actual argMin: ({3}; {4}); Expected argMin: ({5}; {6})", state, actualMinimum, expectedMinimum, actualArgMin[0], actualArgMin[1], expectedArgMin0, expectedArgMin1));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[0], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin0).Within(1E-3), String.Format("<argMin[0]> State: {0}; Actual minimum: {1}; Expected minimum: {2}; Actual argMin: ({3}; {4}); Expected argMin: ({5}; {6})", state, actualMinimum, expectedMinimum, actualArgMin[0], actualArgMin[1], expectedArgMin0, expectedArgMin1));
            Assert.That(actualArgMin[1], Is.EqualTo(expectedArgMin1).Within(1E-3), String.Format("<argMin[1]> State: {0}; Actual minimum: {1}; Expected minimum: {2}; Actual argMin: ({3}; {4}); Expected argMin: ({5}; {6})", state, actualMinimum, expectedMinimum, actualArgMin[0], actualArgMin[1], expectedArgMin0, expectedArgMin1));