Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The optimization algorithm
            Algorithm main_alg = Algorithm.AUGLAG;
            // The local/subsidiary optimization algorithm, which may or may not be used (see NLOpt wiki)
            Algorithm secondary_alg = Algorithm.GN_CRS2_LM;

            // Create optimization object, setting algorithm type and number of variables
            NLOptWrapper wrapper = new NLOptWrapper(main_alg, 2);

            // Turn verbose (console) output on or off
            wrapper.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = VERBOSE_OUTPUT;

            // Set some stopping criteria
            wrapper.MaxTime = 100; //in seconds
            wrapper.XTolRelative = 1e-4;
            wrapper.FTolAbsolute = 1e-2;
            wrapper.MaxEval = 5000;
            wrapper.StopVal = 0.55;

            // Create design vector and set initial guess
            double[] x = new double[2] { 1.234, 5.678 };

            // Apply lower bounds on the design vector
            wrapper.SetUpperBounds(new double[2] { 10000, 10000 });
            wrapper.SetLowerBounds(new double[2] { -10000, 0.0001 });

            // Create local optimization object, if appropriate (all AUGLAG formulations and MLSL require this)
            // ...Note that this has to be done before the main wrapper's objectives or constraints are set
            // to prevent crashing. Don't know exactly why yet. Part of the joys of mixing unmanaged and managed code!
            if (main_alg.ToString().Contains("AUGLAG") || main_alg.ToString().Contains("MLSL"))
                NLOptWrapper local_wrapper = new NLOptWrapper(secondary_alg, wrapper.Dimension);
                /* add stopping criteria */ local_wrapper.XTolRelative = 1e-4; local_wrapper.FTolRelative = 1e-2;

                // Haven't figured out whether the local or main algorithm stopping criteria dominate, and when.
                // Need to inspect nlopt source code to be sure of specifics, and differences between AUGLAG and MLSL
                local_wrapper.VERBOSE_OUTPUT = VERBOSE_OUTPUT;

            // Delegate the objective function. Data can be passed in as type System.Object and cast in the objective function
            wrapper.SetMinObjective(new FunctionDelegate(Objective), null);

            // Add inequality constraints. Data can be passed in as type System.Object. Feasibility tolerance passed as an argument
            my_constraint_data[] data = new my_constraint_data[2] { new my_constraint_data(2, 0), new my_constraint_data(-1, 1) };
            wrapper.AddInequalityConstraint(new FunctionDelegate(Constraint), data[0], 1e-8);
            wrapper.AddInequalityConstraint(new FunctionDelegate(Constraint), data[1], 1e-8);

            // create variable to store min objective
            double minf = 0;

            //Run the optimization, passing minf by reference. NLOptDotNet.Result returned
            Result r = wrapper.Optimize(x, ref minf);

            Console.WriteLine("\nFound minimum after " + neval + " objective function evaluations");
            Console.WriteLine("Found minimum at f(" + x[0] + ", " + x[1] + ") = " + minf);
            Console.WriteLine("\nNLOpt Result: " + r.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void Configure(string algorithmType, int size, string objectiveType)
            Algorithm alg = Enum.Parse(typeof(Algorithm), algorithmType.ToUpper());
            _optimizer = new NLOptWrapper(alg, size);

            // Parse out objectiveType. It can be either a string for
            FunctionType function = Enum.Parse(typeof(FunctionType), objectiveType.ToUpper());
            _optimizer.AddFunction(function, _objectiveFunction, null, 0.0);