Пример #1
    /// This method creates the inspector when the program is running. In this mode we
    /// only show information on what is initialized, valid etc. but allow no changes.
    protected void RunInspector()
        // for easy access to the object
        NITEHandsManager handsManagerObject = target as NITEHandsManager;

        // basic test. If the object is invalid, nothing else matters.
        if (handsManagerObject.ValidWithInit == false)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("NI was not initialized and therefore everything is invalid!", "");

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Hands control is ", handsManagerObject.ValidWithInit ? "Valid" : "not valid");
        // the foldout allows to see just relevant info (and order it a bit).
        // note that even if the hands control is invalid, data exists here
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Focus Gesture used:", handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Refocus Gesture used:", handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Current state: ", "" + handsManagerObject.Hands.CurrentState);
Пример #2
    /// the goal of this method is to initialize the indices based on the target object.
    protected void InitFromTarget()
        // for easy access to the object
        NITEHandsManager handsManagerObject = target as NITEHandsManager;

        if (handsManagerObject == null)
            if (target != null)
                Debug.Log("target is null!");
        bool shouldFocus  = handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture == null || handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture.CompareTo("") != 0;
        int  focusGesture = -1;

        if (shouldFocus)
            focusGesture = FindIndexInList(m_defaultVersionGestureList, handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture);

        bool shouldRefocus  = handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture == null || handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture.CompareTo("") != 0;
        int  refocusGesture = -1;

        if (shouldRefocus)
            refocusGesture = FindIndexInList(m_defaultVersionGestureList, handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture);
        if ((shouldFocus == false || focusGesture >= 0) && (shouldRefocus == false || refocusGesture >= 0))
            // this is a good find
            m_refocusGestureChoice = refocusGesture;
            m_focusGestureChoice   = focusGesture;
            m_useFocus             = shouldFocus;
            m_useRefocus           = shouldRefocus;
            m_useBasicGestureList  = true;
        // if we are here then we couldn't find a good match, lets try the same with the current version
        if (InitGestures() == false)
            // can't find a good choice at all. Lets reinitialize to nothing
            m_refocusGestureChoice = -1;
            m_focusGestureChoice   = -1;
            m_useFocus             = false;
            m_useRefocus           = false;
            m_useBasicGestureList  = true;
        focusGesture = -1;
        if (shouldFocus)
            focusGesture = FindIndexInList(m_currentVersionGestureList, handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture);
        refocusGesture = -1;
        if (shouldRefocus)
            refocusGesture = FindIndexInList(m_currentVersionGestureList, handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture);
        if ((shouldFocus == false || focusGesture >= 0) && (shouldRefocus == false || refocusGesture >= 0))
            // this is a good find
            m_refocusGestureChoice = refocusGesture;
            m_focusGestureChoice   = focusGesture;
            m_useFocus             = shouldFocus;
            m_useRefocus           = shouldRefocus;
            m_useBasicGestureList  = false;
        // if we are here neither was a good choice so lets reinitialize
        m_refocusGestureChoice = -1;
        m_focusGestureChoice   = -1;
        m_useRefocus           = false;
        m_useFocus             = false;
        m_useBasicGestureList  = true;
Пример #3
    /// This method creates the inspector when the program is NOT running. In this mode we
    /// allow initialization but do not show any running information
    protected void InitInspector()
        // for easy access to the object
        NITEHandsManager handsManagerObject = target as NITEHandsManager;

        // using hands control
        if (m_initializedFromBefore == false)
            m_initializedFromBefore = true;
        // choose gestures.
        m_myContent.text    = "Use basic gesture list";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "The basic gesture list is supported by all implementation, If false this uses the values available on the local machine";
        bool useBasicGestureList = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, m_useBasicGestureList);

        string[] gestures = m_defaultVersionGestureList;
        if (useBasicGestureList == false)
            // if we are here we need to make sure m_currentVersionGestureList holds the current list
            // of gestures.
            if (InitGestures())
                gestures = m_currentVersionGestureList;
                Debug.Log("Can't initialize current version!!!!!, defaulting to regular version!");
                m_useBasicGestureList = false;
        // we changed the gesture list so we need to find the new index which corresponds to
        // the previous choices
        if (m_useBasicGestureList != useBasicGestureList)
            m_focusGestureChoice   = FindIndexInList(gestures, handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture);
            m_useFocus             = m_focusGestureChoice >= 0;
            m_refocusGestureChoice = FindIndexInList(gestures, handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture);
            m_useRefocus           = m_refocusGestureChoice >= 0;
            m_useBasicGestureList  = useBasicGestureList;

        bool useFocus = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Focus?", m_useFocus);

        if (useFocus != m_useFocus)
            if (useFocus == false)
                handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture = "";
                m_focusGestureChoice = -1;
                m_focusGestureChoice = 0;
        m_useFocus = useFocus;
        if (m_useFocus)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel            += 2;
            m_focusGestureChoice              = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Gesture to use", m_focusGestureChoice, gestures);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel            -= 2;
            handsManagerObject.m_focusGesture = gestures[m_focusGestureChoice];

        // we might not want to use refocus (which will make it into "").

        bool useRefocus = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use refocus?", m_useRefocus);

        if (useRefocus != m_useRefocus)
            if (useRefocus == false)
                handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture = "";
                m_refocusGestureChoice = -1;
                m_refocusGestureChoice = 0;
        m_useRefocus = useRefocus;
        if (m_useRefocus)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
            m_refocusGestureChoice = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Gesture to use", m_refocusGestureChoice, gestures);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
            handsManagerObject.m_refocusGesture = gestures[m_refocusGestureChoice];
        if (GUI.changed)