Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast into the screen and return a list of widgets in order from closest to farthest away.
    /// This is a slow operation and will consider ALL widgets underneath the specified game object.
    /// </summary>

    static public BetterList <UIWidget> Raycast(GameObject root, Vector2 mousePos)
        BetterList <UIWidget> list = new BetterList <UIWidget>();
        UICamera uiCam             = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(root.layer);

        if (uiCam != null)
            Camera     cam     = uiCam.cachedCamera;
            UIWidget[] widgets = root.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>();

            for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; ++i)
                UIWidget w = widgets[i];

                Vector3[] corners = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(w);
                if (NGUIMath.DistanceToRectangle(corners, mousePos, cam) == 0f)

            list.Sort(delegate(UIWidget w1, UIWidget w2) { return(w2.mDepth.CompareTo(w1.mDepth)); });
Пример #2
    public static BetterList <UIWidget> Raycast(GameObject root, Vector2 mousePos)
        var list   = new BetterList <UIWidget>();
        var camera = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(root.layer);

        if (camera != null)
            var cachedCamera = camera.cachedCamera;
            foreach (var widget in root.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>())
                if (NGUIMath.DistanceToRectangle(NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(widget), mousePos, cachedCamera) == 0f)

            if (f__amcache14 == null)
                f__amcache14 = (w1, w2) => w2.mDepth.CompareTo(w1.mDepth);


Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast into the specified panel, returning a list of widgets.
    /// Just like NGUIMath.Raycast, but doesn't rely on having a camera.
    /// </summary>

    static public BetterList <UIWidget> SceneViewRaycast(UIPanel panel, Vector2 mousePos)
        BetterList <UIWidget> list = new BetterList <UIWidget>();

        for (int i = 0; i < UIWidget.list.size; ++i)
            UIWidget  w       = UIWidget.list[i];
            Vector3[] corners = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(w);
            if (SceneViewDistanceToRectangle(corners, mousePos) == 0f)

        list.Sort(delegate(UIWidget w1, UIWidget w2) { return(w2.depth.CompareTo(w1.depth)); });
Пример #4
    // Token: 0x06000257 RID: 599 RVA: 0x00020794 File Offset: 0x0001E994
    public static BetterList <UIWidget> Raycast(GameObject root, Vector2 mousePos)
        BetterList <UIWidget> betterList = new BetterList <UIWidget>();
        UICamera uicamera = UICamera.FindCameraForLayer(root.layer);

        if (uicamera != null)
            Camera cachedCamera = uicamera.cachedCamera;
            foreach (UIWidget uiwidget in root.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>())
                Vector3[] worldPoints = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(uiwidget);
                if (NGUIMath.DistanceToRectangle(worldPoints, mousePos, cachedCamera) == 0f)
            betterList.Sort((UIWidget w1, UIWidget w2) => w2.depth.CompareTo(w1.depth));
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast into the specified panel, returning a list of widgets.
    /// Just like NGUIMath.Raycast, but doesn't rely on having a camera.
    /// </summary>

    static public BetterList <UIWidget> SceneViewRaycast(UIPanel panel, Vector2 mousePos)
        BetterList <UIWidget> list = new BetterList <UIWidget>();

        UIWidget[] widgets = panel.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>();

        for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; ++i)
            UIWidget w = widgets[i];

            if (w.panel == panel)
                Vector3[] corners = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(w);
                if (SceneViewDistanceToRectangle(corners, mousePos) == 0f)

        list.Sort(delegate(UIWidget w1, UIWidget w2) { return(w2.depth.CompareTo(w1.depth)); });
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast into the specified panel, returning a list of widgets.
    /// </summary>

    static public NGUIWidget[] Raycast(NGUIPanel panel, Vector2 mousePos)
        List <NGUIWidget> list = new List <NGUIWidget>();

        NGUIWidget[] widgets = panel.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <NGUIWidget>();

        for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; ++i)
            NGUIWidget w = widgets[i];

            if (w.panel == panel)
                Vector3[] corners = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(w);
                if (DistanceToRectangle(corners, mousePos) == 0f)

        list.Sort(delegate(NGUIWidget w1, NGUIWidget w2) { return(w2.depth.CompareTo(w1.depth)); });
Пример #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the on-screen selection, knobs, and handle all interaction logic.
    /// </summary>

    public void OnSceneGUI()
        if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool("New GUI", true))
        if (Tools.current != Tool.View)

        mWidget = target as NGUIWidget;

        Handles.color = mOutlineColor;
        Transform t = mWidget.cachedTransform;

        Event     e    = Event.current;
        int       id   = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_Hash, FocusType.Passive);
        EventType type = e.GetTypeForControl(id);

        Vector3[] corners = NGUIMath.CalculateWidgetCorners(mWidget);
        Handles.DrawLine(corners[0], corners[1]);
        Handles.DrawLine(corners[1], corners[2]);
        Handles.DrawLine(corners[2], corners[3]);
        Handles.DrawLine(corners[0], corners[3]);

        Vector3[] worldPos = new Vector3[8];

        worldPos[0] = corners[0];
        worldPos[1] = corners[1];
        worldPos[2] = corners[2];
        worldPos[3] = corners[3];

        worldPos[4] = (corners[0] + corners[1]) * 0.5f;
        worldPos[5] = (corners[1] + corners[2]) * 0.5f;
        worldPos[6] = (corners[2] + corners[3]) * 0.5f;
        worldPos[7] = (corners[0] + corners[3]) * 0.5f;

        Vector2[] screenPos = new Vector2[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
            screenPos[i] = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(worldPos[i]);

        Bounds b = new Bounds(screenPos[0], Vector3.zero);

        for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i)

        // Time to figure out what kind of action is underneath the mouse
        Action actionUnderMouse = mAction;

        NGUIWidget.Pivot pivotUnderMouse = NGUIWidget.Pivot.Center;

        if (actionUnderMouse == Action.None)
            int   index = 0;
            float dist  = GetScreenDistance(worldPos, e.mousePosition, out index);

            if (dist < 10f)
                pivotUnderMouse  = mPivots[index];
                actionUnderMouse = Action.Scale;
            else if (e.modifiers == 0 && NGUIEditorTools.DistanceToRectangle(corners, e.mousePosition) == 0f)
                actionUnderMouse = Action.Move;
            else if (dist < 30f)
                actionUnderMouse = Action.Rotate;

        // Change the mouse cursor to a more appropriate one
#if !UNITY_3_5
            Vector2 min = b.min;
            Vector2 max = b.max;

            min.x -= 30f;
            max.x += 30f;
            min.y -= 30f;
            max.y += 30f;

            Rect rect = new Rect(min.x, min.y, max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y);

            if (actionUnderMouse == Action.Rotate)
                SetCursorRect(rect, MouseCursor.RotateArrow);
            else if (actionUnderMouse == Action.Move)
                SetCursorRect(rect, MouseCursor.MoveArrow);
            else if (actionUnderMouse == Action.Scale)
                SetCursorRect(rect, MouseCursor.ScaleArrow);
                SetCursorRect(rect, MouseCursor.Arrow);

        switch (type)
        case EventType.Repaint:
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    DrawKnob(worldPos[i], mWidget.pivot == mPivots[i], id);

        case EventType.MouseDown:
            mStartMouse     = e.mousePosition;
            mAllowSelection = true;

            if (e.button == 1)
                if (e.modifiers == 0)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
            else if (e.button == 0 && actionUnderMouse != Action.None && Raycast(corners, out mStartDrag))
                mStartPos             = t.position;
                mStartRot             = t.localRotation.eulerAngles;
                mStartDir             = mStartDrag - t.position;
                mStartScale           = t.localScale;
                mDragPivot            = pivotUnderMouse;
                mActionUnderMouse     = actionUnderMouse;
                GUIUtility.hotControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;

        case EventType.MouseDrag:
            // Prevent selection once the drag operation begins
            bool dragStarted = (e.mousePosition - mStartMouse).magnitude > 3f;
            if (dragStarted)
                mAllowSelection = false;

            if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)

                if (mAction != Action.None || mActionUnderMouse != Action.None)
                    Vector3 pos;

                    if (Raycast(corners, out pos))
                        if (mAction == Action.None && mActionUnderMouse != Action.None)
                            // Wait until the mouse moves by more than a few pixels
                            if (dragStarted)
                                if (mActionUnderMouse == Action.Move)
                                    mStartPos = t.position;
                                    NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Move widget", t);
                                else if (mActionUnderMouse == Action.Rotate)
                                    mStartRot = t.localRotation.eulerAngles;
                                    mStartDir = mStartDrag - t.position;
                                    NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Rotate widget", t);
                                else if (mActionUnderMouse == Action.Scale)
                                    mStartPos   = t.localPosition;
                                    mStartScale = t.localScale;
                                    mDragPivot  = pivotUnderMouse;
                                    NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Scale widget", t);
                                mAction = actionUnderMouse;

                        if (mAction != Action.None)
                            if (mAction == Action.Move)
                                t.position      = mStartPos + (pos - mStartDrag);
                                pos             = t.localPosition;
                                pos.x           = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x);
                                pos.y           = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y);
                                t.localPosition = pos;
                            else if (mAction == Action.Rotate)
                                Vector3 dir   = pos - t.position;
                                float   angle = Vector3.Angle(mStartDir, dir);

                                if (angle > 0f)
                                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(mStartDir, dir), t.forward);
                                    if (dot < 0f)
                                        angle = -angle;
                                    angle = mStartRot.z + angle;
                                    if (e.modifiers != EventModifiers.Shift)
                                        angle = Mathf.Round(angle / 15f) * 15f;
                                        angle = Mathf.Round(angle);
                                    t.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mStartRot.x, mStartRot.y, angle);
                            else if (mAction == Action.Scale)
                                // World-space delta since the drag started
                                Vector3 delta = pos - mStartDrag;

                                // Adjust the widget's position and scale based on the delta, restricted by the pivot
                                AdjustPosAndScale(mWidget, mStartPos, mStartScale, delta, mDragPivot);

        case EventType.MouseUp:
            if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                GUIUtility.hotControl      = 0;
                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;

                if (e.button < 2)
                    bool handled = false;

                    if (e.button == 1)
                        // Right-click: Select the widget below
                        NGUIWidget   last    = null;
                        NGUIWidget[] widgets = Raycast(mWidget, e.mousePosition);

                        for (int i = widgets.Length; i > 0;)
                            NGUIWidget w = widgets[--i];
                            if (w == mWidget)
                            last = w;

                        if (last != null)
                            Selection.activeGameObject = last.gameObject;
                            handled = true;
                    else if (mAction == Action.None)
                        if (mAllowSelection)
                            // Left-click: Select the widget above
                            NGUIWidget   last    = null;
                            NGUIWidget[] widgets = Raycast(mWidget, e.mousePosition);

                            if (widgets.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; ++i)
                                    NGUIWidget w = widgets[i];

                                    if (w == mWidget)
                                        if (last != null)
                                            Selection.activeGameObject = last.gameObject;
                                        handled = true;
                                    last = w;

                                if (!handled)
                                    Selection.activeGameObject = widgets[0].gameObject;
                                    handled = true;
                        // Finished dragging something
                        mAction           = Action.None;
                        mActionUnderMouse = Action.None;
                        Vector3 pos   = t.localPosition;
                        Vector3 scale = t.localScale;

                        if (mWidget.pixelPerfectAfterResize)
                            t.localPosition = pos;
                            t.localScale    = scale;

                            pos.x   = Mathf.Round(pos.x);
                            pos.y   = Mathf.Round(pos.y);
                            scale.x = Mathf.Round(scale.x);
                            scale.y = Mathf.Round(scale.y);

                            t.localPosition = pos;
                            t.localScale    = scale;
                        handled = true;

                    if (handled)
                        mActionUnderMouse = Action.None;
                        mAction           = Action.None;
            else if (mAllowSelection)
                NGUIWidget[] widgets = Raycast(mWidget, e.mousePosition);
                if (widgets.Length > 0)
                    Selection.activeGameObject = widgets[0].gameObject;
            mAllowSelection = true;

        case EventType.KeyDown:
            if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow)
                Vector3 pos = t.localPosition;
                pos.y          += 1f;
                t.localPosition = pos;
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow)
                Vector3 pos = t.localPosition;
                pos.y          -= 1f;
                t.localPosition = pos;
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow)
                Vector3 pos = t.localPosition;
                pos.x          -= 1f;
                t.localPosition = pos;
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow)
                Vector3 pos = t.localPosition;
                pos.x          += 1f;
                t.localPosition = pos;
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    if (mAction != Action.None)
                        if (mAction == Action.Move)
                            t.position = mStartPos;
                        else if (mAction == Action.Rotate)
                            t.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mStartRot);
                        else if (mAction == Action.Scale)
                            t.position   = mStartPos;
                            t.localScale = mStartScale;

                    GUIUtility.hotControl      = 0;
                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;

                    mActionUnderMouse = Action.None;
                    mAction           = Action.None;
                    Selection.activeGameObject = null;
                    Tools.current = Tool.Move;