Пример #1
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            // create a view and get its grid
            NTableGridView view = new NTableGridView();
            NTableGrid     grid = view.Grid;

            // customize the grid
            grid.AllowEdit = false;

            // bind to data source, but exclude the "PersonId" field from binding
            grid.AutoCreateColumn += delegate(NAutoCreateColumnEventArgs arg)
                if (arg.FieldInfo.Name == "PersonId")
                    arg.DataColumn = null;
            grid.DataSource = NDummyDataSource.CreatePersonsOrdersDataSource();

            // create a calculated Total column
            NCustomCalculatedColumn <double> totalColumn = new NCustomCalculatedColumn <double>();

            totalColumn.Title = "Total";
            totalColumn.GetRowValueDelegate = delegate(NCustomCalculatedColumnGetRowValueArgs <double> args)
                double price    = Convert.ToDouble(args.DataSource.GetValue(args.RowIndex, "Price"));
                int    quantity = Convert.ToInt32(args.DataSource.GetValue(args.RowIndex, "Quantity"));
                return((double)(price * quantity));

            // create a grouping rule that groups by the Product Name column
            NGroupingRule groupingRule = new NGroupingRule(grid.Columns.GetColumnByFieldName("Product Name"));

            // create a footer summary row for the total total
            groupingRule.CreateFooterSummaryRowsDelegate = delegate(NGroupingRuleCreateSummaryRowsArgs args)
                // get the recordset for the group
                NRecordset recordset = args.GroupRow.Recordset;

                // calculate the sum of totals
                double total = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < recordset.Count; i++)
                    total += Convert.ToDouble(totalColumn.GetRowValue(recordset[i]));

                // create the total summary row
                NSummaryRow totalRow = new NSummaryRow();
                totalRow.Cells = new NSummaryCellCollection();

                NSummaryCell cell = new NSummaryCell();
                cell.BeginXPosition.Mode = ENSpanCellBeginXPositionMode.AnchorToEndX;
                cell.EndXPosition.Mode   = ENSpanCellEndXPositionMode.RowEndX;
                cell.Content             = new NLabel("Grand Total: " + total.ToString("0.00"));

                return(new NSummaryRow[] { totalRow });
