Пример #1
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Switch on antialiasing.
			mNChartView.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;

			// Switch 3D on. We will have a kind of fake 3D, because the Z-axis will have no values. Just the columns will be volumetric.
			mNChartView.Chart.DrawIn3D = true;

			// Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 97, 205, 232));

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Add series to the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Set data source for the X-Axis to have custom values on them.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.DataSource = this;
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.DataSource = this;

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();
Пример #2
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin
			mNChartView.Chart.PolarSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 40.0f);

			// Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.38), (int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.92)));

			// Add series to the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Set delegate to the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.Delegate = this;

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();
Пример #3
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Create column series with colors from the array and add them to the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 100, 200, 225));

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Add series to the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Activate streaming mode.
			mNChartView.Chart.StreamingMode = true;

			// Prevent minimum and maximum on the axes from "jumping" by activating incremental mode. So the minimum will remain
			// the minimal value ever appeared in the data, and maximum will remain the maximal one.
			mNChartView.Chart.IncrementalMinMaxMode = true;

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();

			TimerCallback timerCallback = new TimerCallback (Stream);
			timer = new Timer (timerCallback, mNChartView.Chart.GetSeries () [mNChartView.Chart.GetSeries ().Length - 1], 100, 100);
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Create a chart view that will display the chart.
			m_view = new NChartView ();

			// Paste your license key here.
			m_view.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Switch on antialiasing.
			m_view.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGBA (97, 206, 231, 255));

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Add series to the chart.
			m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Update data in the chart.
			m_view.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Set delegate to the chart.
			m_view.Chart.Delegate = this;

			// Set chart view to the controller.
			this.View = m_view;
Пример #5
		private void LoadViews ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView1.Chart.LicenseKey = "";
			// And here.
			mNChartView2.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Create column series for the first view on the screen.
			NChartColumnSeries series1 = new NChartColumnSeries ();
			series1.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.38), (int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.91)));
			series1.DataSource = this;
			series1.Tag = 1;
			mNChartView1.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;
			mNChartView1.Chart.AddSeries (series1);
			mNChartView1.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Create area series for the second view in the screen.
			NChartAreaSeries series2 = new NChartAreaSeries ();
			series2.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb ((int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.79), (int)(255 * 0.86), (int)(255 * 0.22)));
			series2.DataSource = this;
			series2.Tag = 2;
			mNChartView2.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;
			mNChartView2.Chart.AddSeries (series2);
			mNChartView2.Chart.UpdateData ();
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Create a chart view that will display the chart.
			m_view = new MultipleViewsView ();

			// Paste your license key here.
			m_view.view1.Chart.LicenseKey = "";
			// And here.
			m_view.view2.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Create column series for the first view on the screen.
			NChartColumnSeries series1 = new NChartColumnSeries ();
			series1.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGB (97, 206, 231));
			series1.Tag = 1;
			series1.DataSource = this;
			m_view.view1.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;
			m_view.view1.Chart.AddSeries (series1);
			m_view.view1.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Create area series for the second view in the screen.
			NChartAreaSeries series2 = new NChartAreaSeries ();
			series2.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGB (203, 220, 56));
			series2.Tag = 2;
			series2.DataSource = this;
			m_view.view2.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;
			m_view.view2.Chart.AddSeries (series2);
			m_view.view2.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Set chart view to the controller.
			this.View = m_view;
Пример #7
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Switch on antialiasing.
			mNChartView.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;

			// Array of colors for the series.
			float[,] colors = new float[,] {
				{ 0.38f, 0.8f, 0.91f },
				{ 0.2f, 0.86f, 0.22f },
				{ 0.9f, 0.29f, 0.51f }

			// Create column series.
			NChartColumnSeries series1 = new NChartColumnSeries ();
			series1.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 
				(int)(255 * colors [0, 0]),
				(int)(255 * colors [0, 1]),
				(int)(255 * colors [0, 2])));
			series1.DataSource = this;
			series1.Tag = 0;
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series1);

			// Create area series.
			NChartAreaSeries series2 = new NChartAreaSeries ();
			series2.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 
				(int)(255 * colors [1, 0]),
				(int)(255 * colors [1, 1]),
				(int)(255 * colors [1, 2])));
			series2.DataSource = this;
			series2.Tag = 1;
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series2);

			// Create line series.
			NChartLineSeries series3 = new NChartLineSeries ();
			series3.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 
				(int)(255 * colors [2, 0]),
				(int)(255 * colors [2, 1]),
				(int)(255 * colors [2, 2])));
			series3.LineThickness = 3.0f;
			series3.DataSource = this;
			series3.Tag = 2;
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series3);

			// Set data source for the X-Axis to have custom values on them.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.DataSource = this;

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();
Пример #8
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Create column series with colors from the array and add them to the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
			series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, 97, 205, 232));
			series.DataSource = this;
			mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Create a chart view that will display the chart.
			m_view = new NChartView ();

			// Paste your license key here.
			m_view.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Array of colors for the series.
			int[,] colors = new int[3, 3] {
				{ 97, 206, 231 },
				{ 203, 220, 56 },
				{ 229, 74, 131 }

			// Create column series with colors from the array and add them to the chart.
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
				series.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGB (colors [i, 0], colors [i, 1], colors [i, 2]));
				series.DataSource = this;

				// The third series should be hosted on the secondary Y-Axis (so called SY-Axis).
				if (i == 2)
					series.HostsOnSY = true;

				// Tag is used to get data for a particular series in the data source.
				series.Tag = i;

				m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Set the data source for the X- and SY-Axis, because we want custom values on them.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.DataSource = this;
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.SYAxis.DataSource = this;

			// Update data in the chart.
			m_view.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Set chart view to the controller.
			this.View = m_view;
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Create a chart view that will display the chart.
			m_view = new NChartView ();

			// Paste your license key here.
			m_view.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Switch on antialiasing.
			m_view.Chart.ShouldAntialias = true;

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Switch 3D on. We will have a kind of fake 3D, because the Z-Axis will have no values. Just the columns will be
			// volumetric.
			m_view.Chart.DrawIn3D = true;

			// Set the data source for the X- and Z-Axis, because we want custom values on them.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.DataSource = this;
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.DataSource = this;

			// Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGBA (97, 206, 231, 255));

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Add series to the chart.
			m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Update data in the chart.
			m_view.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Set chart view to the controller.
			this.View = m_view;
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Create a chart view that will display the chart.
			m_view = new NChartView ();

			// Paste your license key here.
			m_view.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartMargin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Create series that will be displayed on the chart.
			NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();

			// Set brush that will fill that series with color.
			series.Brush = NChartSolidColorBrush.SolidColorBrushWithColor (UIColor.FromRGBA (97, 206, 231, 255));

			// Set data source for the series.
			series.DataSource = this;

			// Add series to the chart.
			m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Activate streaming mode.
			m_view.Chart.StreamingMode = true;

			// Prevent minimum and maximum on the axes from "jumping" by activating incremental mode. So the minimum will remain
			// the minimal value ever appeared in the data, and maximum will remain the maximal one.
			m_view.Chart.IncrementalMinMaxMode = true;

			// Update data in the chart.
			m_view.Chart.UpdateData ();

			// Set chart view to the controller.
			this.View = m_view;

			TimerCallback timerCallback = new TimerCallback (stream);
			m_timer = new Timer (timerCallback, m_view.Chart.Series [m_view.Chart.Series.Length - 1], 100, 100);
Пример #12
		private void LoadView ()
			// Paste your license key here.
			mNChartView.Chart.LicenseKey = "";

			// Margin to ensure some free space for the iOS status bar.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.Margin = new NChartTypes.Margin (10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f);

			// Array of colors for the series.
			int[,] colors = new int[,] {
				{ 114, 201, 224 },
				{ 220, 225, 68 },
				{ 230, 85, 130 }

			// Create column series with colors from the array and add them to the chart.
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
				series.Brush = new NChartSolidColorBrush (Color.Argb (255, colors [i, 0], colors [i, 1], colors [i, 2]));
				series.DataSource = this;

				// Tag is used to get data for a particular series in the data source.
				series.Tag = i + 1;

				mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			// Set data source for the X-Axis to have custom values on them.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.DataSource = this;

			// Set the type of value axes. Uncomment one of the following lines to see what happens.
//			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ValueAxesType = NChartTypes.ValueAxesType.Absolute; // Default absolute type.
//			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ValueAxesType = NChartTypes.ValueAxesType.Additive; // Additive type.
			mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ValueAxesType = NChartTypes.ValueAxesType.Percent; // Percent type.

			// Update data in the chart.
			mNChartView.Chart.UpdateData ();
		void CreateSeries ()
			// Create series.
			switch (type) {
			case SeriesType.Column2D:
			case SeriesType.Column3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartColumnSeriesSettings settings = new NChartColumnSeriesSettings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 4;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.ColumnCylinder:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartColumnSeriesSettings settings = new NChartColumnSeriesSettings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = true;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Bar2D:
			case SeriesType.Bar3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBarSeries series = new NChartBarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartBarSeriesSettings settings = new NChartBarSeriesSettings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 4;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.BarCylinder:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBarSeries series = new NChartBarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartBarSeriesSettings settings = new NChartBarSeriesSettings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = true;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Area2D:
			case SeriesType.Area3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartAreaSeries series = new NChartAreaSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.Brush.Opacity = m_view.Chart.DrawIn3D ? 1.0f : 0.8f;
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Line2D:
			case SeriesType.Line3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartLineSeries series = new NChartLineSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.LineThickness = 3.0f;
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Step2D:
			case SeriesType.Step3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartStepSeries series = new NChartStepSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.LineThickness = 3.0f;
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Ribbon:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartRibbonSeries series = new NChartRibbonSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Pie2D:
			case SeriesType.Pie3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartPieSeries series = new NChartPieSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartPieSeriesSettings settings = new NChartPieSeriesSettings ();
					settings.HoleRatio = 0.0f;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);

			case SeriesType.Doughnut2D:
			case SeriesType.Doughnut3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartPieSeries series = new NChartPieSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartPieSeriesSettings settings = new NChartPieSeriesSettings ();
					settings.HoleRatio = 0.1f;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);

			case SeriesType.Bubble2D:
			case SeriesType.Bubble3D:
			case SeriesType.Scatter2D:
			case SeriesType.Scatter3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBubbleSeries series = new NChartBubbleSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Surface:
					NChartSurfaceSeries series = new NChartSurfaceSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Candlestick2D:
			case SeriesType.Candlestick3D:
					NChartCandlestickSeries series = new NChartCandlestickSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = UIColor.FromRGB (73, 226, 141);
					series.PositiveBorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB (65, 204, 38);
					series.NegativeColor = UIColor.FromRGB (221, 73, 73);
					series.NegativeBorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB (199, 15, 50);
					series.BorderThickness = 3.0f;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					NChartCandlestickSeriesSettings settings = new NChartCandlestickSeriesSettings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.OHLC2D:
			case SeriesType.OHLC3D:
					NChartOHLCSeries series = new NChartOHLCSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = UIColor.FromRGB (73, 226, 141);
					series.NegativeColor = UIColor.FromRGB (221, 73, 73);
					series.BorderThickness = 1.0f;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Band:
					NChartBandSeries series = new NChartBandSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (112, 170, 242, 204);
					series.NegativeColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (196, 240, 91, 204);
					series.HighBorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB (130, 196, 255);
					series.LowBorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB (226, 255, 112);
					series.BorderThickness = 5.0f;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Sequence:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartSequenceSeries series = new NChartSequenceSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Radar:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartRadarSeries series = new NChartRadarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.Brush.Opacity = 0.8f;
						m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			case SeriesType.Funnel2D:
			case SeriesType.Funnel3D:
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
					NChartFunnelSeries series = new NChartFunnelSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = i;
					series.BottomRadius = (float)(i + 1) / 5.0f;
					series.TopRadius = (float)(i + 2) / 5.0f;
					NChartBrush brush = brushes [i];
					brush.Opacity = 0.8f;
					series.Brush = brush;
					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
				m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.Visible = false;

			case SeriesType.Heatmap:
					NChartHeatmapSeries series = new NChartHeatmapSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;

					// Create brush scale.
					// See NChartBrushScale for details.
					series.Scale = NChartBrushScale.BrushScaleWithBrushes (brushes, new NSNumber[] {
						NSNumber.FromDouble (-0.3),
						NSNumber.FromDouble (0.3)

					m_view.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.ShouldBeautifyMinAndMax = false;
					m_view.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.ShouldBeautifyMinAndMax = false;
Пример #14
		void CreateSeries ()
			// Create series.
			switch (type) {
			case SeriesType.Column2D:
			case SeriesType.Column3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartColumnSeries.Settings settings = new NChartColumnSeries.Settings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 4;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.ColumnCylinder:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartColumnSeries series = new NChartColumnSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartColumnSeries.Settings settings = new NChartColumnSeries.Settings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Bar2D:
			case SeriesType.Bar3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBarSeries series = new NChartBarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartBarSeries.Settings settings = new NChartBarSeries.Settings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 4;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.BarCylinder:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBarSeries series = new NChartBarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartBarSeries.Settings settings = new NChartBarSeries.Settings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					settings.ShouldSmoothCylinders = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Area2D:
			case SeriesType.Area3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartAreaSeries series = new NChartAreaSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Line2D:
			case SeriesType.Line3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartLineSeries series = new NChartLineSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.LineThickness = 3.0f;
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Step2D:
			case SeriesType.Step3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartStepSeries series = new NChartStepSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						series.LineThickness = 3.0f;
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Ribbon:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartRibbonSeries series = new NChartRibbonSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Pie2D:
			case SeriesType.Pie3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartPieSeries series = new NChartPieSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartPieSeries.Settings settings = new NChartPieSeries.Settings ();
					settings.HoleRatio = 0.0f;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);

			case SeriesType.Doughnut2D:
			case SeriesType.Doughnut3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartPieSeries series = new NChartPieSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					NChartPieSeries.Settings settings = new NChartPieSeries.Settings ();
					settings.HoleRatio = 0.1f;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);

			case SeriesType.Bubble2D:
			case SeriesType.Bubble3D:
			case SeriesType.Scatter2D:
			case SeriesType.Scatter3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartBubbleSeries series = new NChartBubbleSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Surface:
					NChartSurfaceSeries series = new NChartSurfaceSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Candlestick2D:
			case SeriesType.Candlestick3D:
					NChartCandlestickSeries series = new NChartCandlestickSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.28), (int)(255 * 0.88), (int)(255 * 0.55));
					series.PositiveBorderColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.25), (int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.15));
					series.NegativeColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.87), (int)(255 * 0.28), (int)(255 * 0.28));
					series.NegativeBorderColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.78), (int)(255 * 0.1), (int)(255 * 0.2));
					series.BorderThickness = 3.0f;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					NChartCandlestickSeries.Settings settings = new NChartCandlestickSeries.Settings ();
					settings.CylindersResolution = 20;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeriesSettings (settings);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.OHLC2D:
			case SeriesType.OHLC3D:
					NChartOHLCSeries series = new NChartOHLCSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.28), (int)(255 * 0.88), (int)(255 * 0.55));
					series.NegativeColor = Color.Argb (255, (int)(255 * 0.87), (int)(255 * 0.28), (int)(255 * 0.28));
					series.BorderThickness = 3.0f;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Band:
					NChartBandSeries series = new NChartBandSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;
					series.PositiveColor = Color.Argb ((int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.41), (int)(255 * 0.67), (int)(255 * 0.95));
					series.NegativeColor = Color.Argb ((int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.77), (int)(255 * 0.94), (int)(255 * 0.36));
					series.HighBorderColor = Color.Argb ((int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.51), (int)(255 * 0.78), (int)(255 * 1.0));
					series.LowBorderColor = Color.Argb ((int)(255 * 0.8), (int)(255 * 0.89), (int)(255 * 1.0), (int)(255 * 0.44));

					series.BorderThickness = 5.0f;
					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = true;

			case SeriesType.Sequence:
					for (int i = 0, m = 3; i < m; ++i) {
						NChartSequenceSeries series = new NChartSequenceSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.Brush = brushes [i % brushes.Length];
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.HasOffset = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.HasOffset = true;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.ZAxis.HasOffset = false;

			case SeriesType.Radar:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartRadarSeries series = new NChartRadarSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						NChartBrush brush = brushes [i % brushes.Length]; // todo: copy method here
						brush.Opacity = 0.8;
						series.Brush = brush;
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			case SeriesType.Funnel2D:
			case SeriesType.Funnel3D:
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						NChartFunnelSeries series = new NChartFunnelSeries ();
						series.DataSource = this;
						series.Tag = i;
						series.BottomRadius = (float)(i + 1) / 5.0f;
						series.TopRadius = (float)(i + 2) / 5.0f;
						NChartBrush brush = brushes [i % brushes.Length];
						brush.Opacity = 0.8f;
						series.Brush = brush;
						mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);

			case SeriesType.Heatmap:
					NChartHeatmapSeries series = new NChartHeatmapSeries ();
					series.DataSource = this;
					series.Tag = 0;

					// Create brush scale.
					// See NChartBrushScale for details.
					series.Scale = new NChartBrushScale (brushes, new Number[] { (Number)(-0.3), (Number)(0.3) });

					mNChartView.Chart.AddSeries (series);
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.XAxis.ShouldBeautifyMinAndMax = false;
					mNChartView.Chart.CartesianSystem.YAxis.ShouldBeautifyMinAndMax = false;