#pragma warning restore 649 private void DoLoadSession(string sessionPath) { if (!Path.IsPathRooted(sessionPath)) { sessionPath = Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.SavesPath, sessionPath); } if (!Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.IsDedicated) { MySessionLoader.LoadSingleplayerSession(sessionPath); return; } MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint = MyLocalCache.LoadCheckpoint(sessionPath, out ulong checkpointSize); if (MySession.IsCompatibleVersion(checkpoint)) { if (MyWorkshop.DownloadWorldModsBlocking(checkpoint.Mods, null).Success) { // MySpaceAnalytics.Instance.SetEntry(MyGameEntryEnum.Load); MySession.Load(sessionPath, checkpoint, checkpointSize); _hostServerForSession(MySession.Static, MyMultiplayer.Static); } else { MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole("Unable to download mods"); } } else { MyLog.Default.WriteLineAndConsole(MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.DialogTextIncompatibleWorldVersion) .ToString()); } }
private void AddWokshop() { AddDialog dlg = new AddDialog(); dlg.ShowDialog(); if (dlg.WorkshopName != "Отмена") { if (dlg.WorkshopName != "" && dlg.Products.Count > 0 && dlg.NumbersOfWorkers >= 0) { MyWorkshop workshop = new MyWorkshop(dlg.WorkshopName, dlg.Chief, dlg.NumbersOfWorkers); workshop.ListOfTheProductRange = dlg.Products; this.AddItem(workshop.Name, workshop); listWorkshops.SelectedItem = workshop.Name; //listWorkshops.Items[listWorkshops.Items.Count - 1] } else { MessageBox.Show("Введены неверные данные", "Ввод данных", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } } else { return; } }
private void listWorkshops_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listWorkshops.SelectedIndex != -1) { string str = listWorkshops.SelectedItem.ToString(); currentWorkshop = workshops[str]; } }
private static bool LoadMultiplayerSession(MyObjectBuilder_World world, MyMultiplayerBase multiplayerSession) { MyLog.Default.WriteLine("LoadSession() - Start"); if (!MyWorkshop.CheckLocalModsAllowed(world.Checkpoint.Mods, allowLocalMods: false)) { MyGuiSandbox.AddScreen(MyGuiSandbox.CreateMessageBox(MyMessageBoxStyleEnum.Error, MyMessageBoxButtonsType.OK, messageCaption: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.MessageBoxCaptionError), messageText: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.DialogTextLocalModsDisabledInMultiplayer))); MyLog.Default.WriteLine("LoadSession() - End"); return(false); } MyWorkshop.DownloadModsAsync(world.Checkpoint.Mods, delegate(bool success) { if (success) { MyScreenManager.CloseAllScreensNowExcept(null); MyGuiSandbox.Update(16); if (MySession.Static != null) { MySession.Static.Unload(); MySession.Static = null; } string CustomBackgroundImage = null; GetCustomLoadingScreenPath(world.Checkpoint.Mods, out CustomBackgroundImage); MySessionLoader.StartLoading(delegate { LoadMultiplayer.Invoke(null, new object[] { world, multiplayerSession }); //MySession.LoadMultiplayer(world, multiplayerSession); }, null, CustomBackgroundImage, null); } else { multiplayerSession.Dispose(); MySessionLoader.UnloadAndExitToMenu(); if (MyGameService.IsOnline) { MyGuiSandbox.AddScreen(MyGuiSandbox.CreateMessageBox(MyMessageBoxStyleEnum.Error, MyMessageBoxButtonsType.OK, messageCaption: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.MessageBoxCaptionError), messageText: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.DialogTextDownloadModsFailed))); } else { MyGuiSandbox.AddScreen(MyGuiSandbox.CreateMessageBox(MyMessageBoxStyleEnum.Error, MyMessageBoxButtonsType.OK, messageCaption: MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.MessageBoxCaptionError), messageText: new StringBuilder(string.Format(MyTexts.GetString(MyCommonTexts.DialogTextDownloadModsFailedSteamOffline), MySession.GameServiceName)))); } } MyLog.Default.WriteLine("LoadSession() - End"); }, delegate { multiplayerSession.Dispose(); MySessionLoader.UnloadAndExitToMenu(); }); return(false); }
void PrintItemDetails() { const int MAX_LENGTH = 40; MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Visibility: {0}", m_visibility)); MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Tags: {0}", string.Join(", ", m_tags))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_description)) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole($"Description: {m_description.Substring(0, Math.Min(m_description.Length, MAX_LENGTH))}{(m_description.Length > MAX_LENGTH ? "..." : "")}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_changelog)) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole($"Changelog: {m_changelog.Substring(0, Math.Min(m_changelog.Length, MAX_LENGTH))}{(m_changelog.Length > MAX_LENGTH ? "..." : "")}"); } #if SE MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("DLC requirements: {0}", (m_dlcs?.Length > 0 ? string.Join(", ", m_dlcs.Select(i => { try { return(Sandbox.Game.MyDLCs.DLCs[i].Name); } catch { return($"Unknown({i})"); } })) : "None"))); #endif MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Dependencies: {0}", (m_deps?.Length > 0 ? string.Empty : "None"))); if (m_deps?.Length > 0) { var depItems = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); var width = Console.IsOutputRedirected ? 256 : Console.WindowWidth; #if SE var depIds = new List <WorkshopId>(); foreach (var item in m_deps) { depIds.Add(new WorkshopId(item, MyGameService.GetDefaultUGC().ServiceName)); } if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(depIds, depItems)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(m_deps, depItems)) #endif { depItems.ForEach(i => MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("{0,15} -> {1}", i.Id, i.Title.Substring(0, Math.Min(i.Title.Length, width - 45))))); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format(" {0}", string.Join(", ", m_deps))); } } MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Thumbnail: {0}", m_previewFilename ?? "No change")); ValidateThumbnail(); }
private void DeleteWorkshop() { if (currentWorkshop != null) { this.RemoveItem(currentWorkshop.Name); if (listWorkshops.Items.Count < 1) { currentWorkshop = null; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Данные не выбраны"); } }
/// <summary> /// Publishes the mod to the workshop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Publish() { bool newMod = false; if (!Directory.Exists(m_modPath)) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Directory does not exist {0}. Wrong option?", m_modPath ?? string.Empty)); return(false); } // Upload/Publish #if SE if (((IMod)this).ModId == 0) #else if (m_modId == 0) #endif { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Uploading new {0}: {1}", m_type.ToString(), m_title)); newMod = true; #if SE if (m_modId.Length == 0) { m_modId = new WorkshopId[1] { new WorkshopId(0, MyGameService.GetDefaultUGC().ServiceName) } } ; #endif } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Updating {0}: {1}; {2}", m_type.ToString(), m_modId.AsString(), m_title)); } // Add the global game filter for file extensions _globalIgnoredExtensions?.ForEach(s => m_ignoredExtensions.Add(s)); // Process Tags ProcessTags(); PrintItemDetails(); MyWorkshopItem[] items = null; if (m_dryrun) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole("DRY-RUN; Publish skipped"); return(true); } else { if (_publishMethod != null) { InjectedMethod.ChangeLog = m_changelog; #if SE var result = _publishMethod(m_modPath, m_title, m_description, m_modId, (MyPublishedFileVisibility)(m_visibility ?? PublishedFileVisibility.Private), m_tags, m_ignoredExtensions, m_ignoredPaths, m_dlcs, out items); PublishSuccess = result.Item1 == MyGameServiceCallResult.OK; if (PublishSuccess) { m_modId = items.Select(i => new WorkshopId(i.Id, i.ServiceName)).ToArray(); } #else m_modId = _publishMethod(m_modPath, m_title, m_description, m_modId, (MyPublishedFileVisibility)(m_visibility ?? PublishedFileVisibility.Private), m_tags, m_ignoredExtensions, m_ignoredPaths); #endif } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format(Constants.ERROR_Reflection, "PublishItemBlocking")); } // SE libraries don't support updating dependencies, so we have to do that separately WorkshopHelper.PublishDependencies(m_modId, m_deps, m_depsToRemove); } if (((IMod)this).ModId == 0 || !PublishSuccess) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole("Upload/Publish FAILED!"); return(false); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Upload/Publish success: {0}", m_modId.AsString())); if (newMod) { #if SE if (MyWorkshop.GenerateModInfo(m_modPath, items, MyGameService.UserId)) #else if (MyWorkshop.UpdateModMetadata(m_modPath, m_modId, MySteam.UserId)) #endif { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Create modinfo.sbmi success: {0}", m_modId.AsString())); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Create modinfo.sbmi FAILED: {0}", m_modId.AsString())); return(false); } } } return(true); } bool FillPropertiesFromPublished() { var results = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); #if SE if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(m_modId.ToList(), results)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(new List <ulong>() { m_modId }, results)) #endif { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Fix for DLC not being filled in if (results.Count > 0) { #if SE m_workshopItems[m_modId[0]] = results[0]; if (m_modId.Length > 1 && results.Count > 1) { m_workshopItems[m_modId[1]] = results[1]; } #else if (results.Count > 1) { m_modId = results[0].Id; } #endif m_title = results[0].Title; // Check if the mod owner in the sbmi matches steam owner var owner = results[0].OwnerId; if (m_visibility == null) { m_visibility = (PublishedFileVisibility)(int)results[0].Visibility; } #if SE m_dlcs = results[0].DLCs.ToArray(); #endif m_deps = results[0].Dependencies.ToArray(); MyDebug.AssertDebug(owner == MyGameService.UserId); if (owner != MyGameService.UserId) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Owner mismatch! Mod owner: {0}; Current user: {1}", owner, MyGameService.UserId)); MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole("Upload/Publish FAILED!"); return(false); } return(true); } return(false); } return(true); } void ProcessTags() { // TODO: This code could be better. // Get the list of existing tags, if there are any var existingTags = GetTags(); var length = m_tags.Length; // Order or tag processing matters // 1) Copy mod type into tags var modtype = m_type.ToString(); // 2) Verify the modtype matches what was listed in the workshop // TODO If type doesn't match, process as workshop type if (existingTags != null && existingTags.Length > 0) { MyDebug.AssertRelease(existingTags.Contains(modtype, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), string.Format("Mod type '{0}' does not match workshop '{1}'", modtype, existingTags[0])); } #if SE // 3a) check if user passed in the 'development' tag // If so, remove it, and mark the mod as 'dev' so it doesn't get flagged later if (m_tags.Contains(MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG)) { m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where tag != MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG select tag).ToArray(); m_isDev = true; } #endif // 3b If tags contain mod type, remove it if (m_tags.Contains(modtype, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where string.Compare(tag, modtype, true) != 0 select tag).ToArray(); } // 4) if (m_tags.Length == 1 && m_tags[0] == null && existingTags != null && existingTags.Length > 0) { // 4a) If user passed no tags, use existing ones Array.Resize(ref m_tags, existingTags.Length); Array.Copy(existingTags, m_tags, existingTags.Length); } else { // 4b) Verify passed in tags are valid for this mod type var validTags = new List <MyWorkshop.Category>() { #if SE // 'obsolete' tag is always available, as is 'No Mods' and 'experimental' new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "obsolete" }, new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "no mods" }, new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "experimental" }, #endif }; switch (m_type) { case WorkshopType.Mod: MyWorkshop.ModCategories.ForEach(c => validTags.Add(c)); // Mods have extra tags not in this list #if SE validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "campaign" }); validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "font" }); validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "noscripts" }); #endif break; case WorkshopType.Blueprint: MyWorkshop.BlueprintCategories.ForEach(c => validTags.Add(c)); #if SE // Blueprints have extra tags not in this list validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "large_grid" }); validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "small_grid" }); validTags.Add(new MyWorkshop.Category() { Id = "safe" }); // Mod.io only? #endif break; case WorkshopType.Scenario: MyWorkshop.ScenarioCategories.ForEach(c => validTags.Add(c)); break; case WorkshopType.World: MyWorkshop.WorldCategories.ForEach(c => validTags.Add(c)); break; case WorkshopType.IngameScript: //tags = new MyWorkshop.Category[0]; // There are none currently break; default: MyDebug.FailRelease("Invalid category."); break; } // This query gets all the items in 'm_tags' that do *not* exist in 'validTags' // This is for detecting invalid tags passed in var invalidItems = from utag in m_tags where !( from tag in validTags select tag.Id ).Contains(utag, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) select utag; if (invalidItems.Count() > 0) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("{0} invalid tags: {1}", (m_force ? "Forced" : "Removing"), string.Join(", ", invalidItems))); if (!m_force) { m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where !invalidItems.Contains(tag) select tag).ToArray(); } } // Now prepend the 'Type' tag string[] newTags = new string[m_tags.Length + 1]; newTags[0] = m_type.ToString(); var tags = from tag in validTags select tag.Id; // Convert all tags to proper-case for (var x = 0; x < m_tags.Length; x++) { var tag = m_tags[x]; var newtag = (from vtag in tags where (string.Compare(vtag, tag, true) == 0) select vtag).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newtag)) { newTags[x + 1] = newtag; } else { newTags[x + 1] = m_tags[x]; } } m_tags = newTags; } #if SE // 5) Set or clear development tag if (m_isDev) { // If user selected dev, add dev tag if (!m_tags.Contains(MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG)) { Array.Resize(ref m_tags, m_tags.Length + 1); m_tags[m_tags.Length - 1] = MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG; } } else { // If not, remove tag if (m_tags.Contains(MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG)) { m_tags = (from tag in m_tags where tag != MyWorkshop.WORKSHOP_DEVELOPMENT_TAG select tag).ToArray(); } } #endif // 6) Strip empty values m_tags = m_tags.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); // Done } string[] GetTags() { var results = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); #if SE if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(m_modId.ToList(), results)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(new List <ulong>() { m_modId }, results)) #endif { if (results.Count > 0) { return(results[0].Tags.ToArray()); } else { return(null); } } return(null); } uint[] GetDLC() { #if SE var results = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(m_modId.ToList(), results)) { if (results.Count > 0) { return(results[0].DLCs.ToArray()); } else { return(null); } } #endif return(null); } PublishedFileVisibility GetVisibility() { var results = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); #if SE if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(m_modId.ToList(), results)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(new List <ulong>() { m_modId }, results)) #endif { if (results.Count > 0) { return((PublishedFileVisibility)(int)results[0].Visibility); } else { return(PublishedFileVisibility.Private); } } return(PublishedFileVisibility.Private); }
public Uploader(WorkshopType type, string path, string[] tags = null, string[] ignoredExtensions = null, string[] ignoredPaths = null, bool compile = false, bool dryrun = false, bool development = false, PublishedFileVisibility?visibility = null, bool force = false, string previewFilename = null, string[] dlcs = null, ulong[] deps = null, string description = null, string changelog = null) { m_modPath = path; if (ulong.TryParse(m_modPath, out ulong id)) #if SE { m_modId = new[] { new WorkshopId(id, MyGameService.GetDefaultUGC().ServiceName) } }; #else { m_modId = id; } #endif else #if SE { m_modId = MyWorkshop.GetWorkshopIdFromMod(m_modPath); } #else { m_modId = MyWorkshop.GetWorkshopIdFromLocalMod(m_modPath) ?? 0; } #endif // Fill defaults before assigning user-defined ones FillPropertiesFromPublished(); m_compile = compile; m_dryrun = dryrun; if (visibility != null) { m_visibility = visibility; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_title)) { m_title = Path.GetFileName(path); } m_description = description; m_changelog = changelog; m_type = type; m_isDev = development; m_force = force; if (previewFilename != null) { m_previewFilename = previewFilename; } #if SE var mappedlc = MapDLCStringsToInts(dlcs); // If user specified "0" or "none" for DLCs, remove all of them if (dlcs != null) { m_dlcs = mappedlc; } #endif if (tags != null) { m_tags = tags; } if (deps != null) { // Any dependencies that existed, but weren't specified, will be removed if (m_deps != null) { m_depsToRemove = m_deps.Except(deps).ToArray(); } m_deps = deps; } // This file list should match the PublishXXXAsync methods in MyWorkshop switch (m_type) { case WorkshopType.Mod: m_ignoredPaths.Add("modinfo.sbmi"); break; case WorkshopType.IngameScript: break; case WorkshopType.World: m_ignoredPaths.Add("Backup"); break; case WorkshopType.Blueprint: break; case WorkshopType.Scenario: break; } if (ignoredExtensions != null) { ignoredExtensions = ignoredExtensions.Select(s => "." + s.TrimStart(new[] { '.', '*' })).ToArray(); ignoredExtensions.ForEach(s => m_ignoredExtensions.Add(s)); } if (ignoredPaths != null) { ignoredPaths.ForEach(s => m_ignoredPaths.Add(s)); } // Start with the parent file, if it exists. This is at %AppData%\SpaceEngineers\Mods. if (IgnoreFile.TryLoadIgnoreFile(Path.Combine(m_modPath, "..", ".wtignore"), Path.GetFileName(m_modPath), out var extensionsToIgnore, out var pathsToIgnore)) { extensionsToIgnore.ForEach(s => m_ignoredExtensions.Add(s)); pathsToIgnore.ForEach(s => m_ignoredPaths.Add(s)); } if (IgnoreFile.TryLoadIgnoreFile(Path.Combine(m_modPath, ".wtignore"), out extensionsToIgnore, out pathsToIgnore)) { extensionsToIgnore.ForEach(s => m_ignoredExtensions.Add(s)); pathsToIgnore.ForEach(s => m_ignoredPaths.Add(s)); } SetupReflection(); }
public static void GetModItems(List <MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint.ModItem> mods, MyWorkshop.CancelToken cancelToken) { MyWorkshop.DownloadWorldModsBlocking(mods, cancelToken); }
static bool ProcessItemsDownload(WorkshopType type, string[] paths, Options options) { if (paths == null) { return(true); } var width = Console.IsOutputRedirected ? 256 : Console.WindowWidth; var items = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); var modids = paths.Select(ulong.Parse); MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Processing {0}s...", type.ToString())); var downloadPath = WorkshopHelper.GetWorkshopItemPath(type); #if SE var workshopIds = new List <VRage.Game.WorkshopId>(); foreach (var id in modids) { workshopIds.Add(new VRage.Game.WorkshopId(id, MyGameService.GetDefaultUGC().ServiceName)); } if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(workshopIds, items)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(modids, items)) #endif { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Fix for DLC not being filled in bool success = false; if (type == WorkshopType.Mod) { #if SE var result = MyWorkshop.DownloadModsBlockingUGC(items, null); #else var result = MyWorkshop.DownloadModsBlocking(items, null); #endif success = result.Success; } else { if (type == WorkshopType.Blueprint) { var loopsuccess = false; foreach (var item in items) { #if SE loopsuccess = MyWorkshop.DownloadBlueprintBlockingUGC(item); #else loopsuccess = MyWorkshop.DownloadBlueprintBlocking(item, null); #endif if (!loopsuccess) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Download of {0} FAILED!", item.Id)); } else { success = true; } } } #if SE else if (type == WorkshopType.IngameScript) { var loopsuccess = false; foreach (var item in items) { loopsuccess = MyWorkshop.DownloadScriptBlocking(item); if (!loopsuccess) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Download of {0} FAILED!", item.Id)); } else { success = true; } } } #endif #if SE else if (type == WorkshopType.World || type == WorkshopType.Scenario) { var loopsuccess = false; string path; MyWorkshop.MyWorkshopPathInfo pathinfo = type == WorkshopType.World ? MyWorkshop.MyWorkshopPathInfo.CreateWorldInfo() : MyWorkshop.MyWorkshopPathInfo.CreateScenarioInfo(); foreach (var item in items) { // This downloads and extracts automatically, no control over it loopsuccess = MyWorkshop.TryCreateWorldInstanceBlocking(item, pathinfo, out path, false); if (!loopsuccess) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Download of {0} FAILED!", item.Id)); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Downloaded '{0}' to {1}", item.Title, path)); success = true; } } } #endif else { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Downloading of {0} not yet supported.", type.ToString())); } } if (success) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole("Download success!"); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole("Download FAILED!"); return(false); } foreach (var item in items) { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Downloading mod: {0}; {1}", item.Id, item.Title)); MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Visibility: {0}", item.Visibility)); MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Tags: {0}", string.Join(", ", string.Join(", ", item.Tags)))); #if SE MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("DLC requirements: {0}", (item.DLCs.Count > 0 ? string.Join(", ", item.DLCs.Select(i => { try { return(Sandbox.Game.MyDLCs.DLCs[i].Name); } catch { return($"Unknown({i})"); } })) : "None"))); #endif MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Dependencies: {0}", (item.Dependencies.Count > 0 ? string.Empty : "None"))); if (item.Dependencies.Count > 0) { List <MyWorkshopItem> depItems = new List <MyWorkshopItem>(); #if SE workshopIds.Clear(); foreach (var id in item.Dependencies) { workshopIds.Add(new VRage.Game.WorkshopId(id, MyGameService.GetDefaultUGC().ServiceName)); } if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlockingUGC(workshopIds, depItems)) #else if (MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking(item.Dependencies, depItems)) #endif { depItems.ForEach(i => MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("{0,15} -> {1}", i.Id, i.Title.Substring(0, Math.Min(i.Title.Length, width - 45))))); } else { MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format(" {0}", string.Join(", ", item.Dependencies))); } } MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Format("Location: {0}", item.Folder)); if (options.Extract) { var mod = new Downloader(downloadPath, item); mod.Extract(); } MySandboxGame.Log.WriteLineAndConsole(string.Empty); } } return(true); }
private void AddItem(string name, MyWorkshop workshop) { listWorkshops.Items.Add(name); workshops.Add(name, workshop); }