Пример #1
        public void SetToFull()
            CellType          = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
            m_voxelContentSum = MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL;

Пример #2
        public void SetToEmpty()
            CellType          = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            m_voxelContentSum = 0;

        public MyVoxelContentCell()
            //  Default cell is FULL
            CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;

            //  Sums all voxel values. Default is summ of all full voxel in cell, so be subtracting we can switch cell from MIXED to EMPTY.
            m_voxelContentSum = MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL;
Пример #4
        public MyVoxelContentCell()
            //  Default cell is FULL
            CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;

            //  Sums all voxel values. Default is summ of all full voxel in cell, so be subtracting we can switch cell from MIXED to EMPTY.
            m_voxelContentSum = MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL;
Пример #5
        // Set voxel content for the whole cell.
        public void SetAllVoxelContents(byte[] buffer)
            // quantize the buffer and compute sum
            m_voxelContentSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                buffer[i]          = MyCellStorage.Quantizer.QuantizeValue(buffer[i]);
                m_voxelContentSum += buffer[i];

            // mixed-->empty/full: deallocate
            // empty/full-->mixed: allocate
            // mixed: fill with values from buffer
            if (m_voxelContentSum == 0)
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            else if (m_voxelContentSum == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL)
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.FULL || CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY)
                    m_cellContent = MyVoxelContentCellContents.Allocate();
                if (m_cellContent != null)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED;
Пример #6
        //  This method helps us to maintain correct cell type even after removing or adding voxels from cell
        //  If all voxels were removed from this cell, we change its type to from MIXED to EMPTY.
        //  If voxels were added, we change its type to from EMPTY to MIXED.
        //  If voxels were added to full, we change its type to FULL.
        void CheckCellType()
            //  Voxel cell content sum isn't in allowed range. Probably increased or descreased too much.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((m_voxelContentSum >= 0) && (m_voxelContentSum <= MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL));

            if (m_voxelContentSum == 0)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            else if (m_voxelContentSum == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED;

            //  If cell changed from MIXED to EMPTY or FULL, we will release it's cell content because it's not needed any more
            if ((CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY) || (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.FULL))
Пример #7
        private static MyStorageBase Compatibility_LoadCellStorage(int fileVersion, Stream stream)
            //  Size of this voxel map (in voxels)
            Vector3I tmpSize;

            tmpSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            tmpSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
            var storage = new MyOctreeStorage(null, tmpSize);

            //  Size of data cell in voxels. Has to be the same as current size specified by our constants.
            Vector3I cellSize;

            cellSize.X = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Y = stream.ReadInt32();
            cellSize.Z = stream.ReadInt32();
#if !XB1
            Trace.Assert(cellSize.X == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Y == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                         cellSize.Z == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);
#else // XB1
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cellSize.X == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                                            cellSize.Y == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS &&
                                            cellSize.Z == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);
#endif // XB1

            Vector3I cellsCount = tmpSize / cellSize;

            Dictionary <byte, MyVoxelMaterialDefinition> mappingTable = null;
            if (fileVersion == STORAGE_TYPE_VERSION_CELL)
                // loading material names->index mappings
                mappingTable = Compatibility_LoadMaterialIndexMapping(stream);
            else if (fileVersion == 1)
                // material name->index mappings were not saved in this version

            var startCoord = Vector3I.Zero;
            var endCoord   = new Vector3I(MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);

            var cache = new MyStorageData();
            cache.Resize(Vector3I.Zero, endCoord);
            Vector3I cellCoord;
            for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                    for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                        MyVoxelRangeType cellType = (MyVoxelRangeType)stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();

                        //  Cell's are FULL by default, therefore we don't need to change them
                        switch (cellType)
                        case MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_EMPTY); break;

                        case MyVoxelRangeType.FULL: cache.ClearContent(MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_CONTENT_FULL); break;

                        case MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED:
                            Vector3I v;
                            for (v.X = 0; v.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.X++)
                                for (v.Y = 0; v.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Y++)
                                    for (v.Z = 0; v.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; v.Z++)
                                        cache.Content(ref v, stream.ReadByteNoAlloc());
                        startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                        endCoord   = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                        storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Content, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);

            { // In case materials are not saved, catch any exceptions caused by this.
                // Read materials and indestructible
                for (cellCoord.X = 0; cellCoord.X < cellsCount.X; cellCoord.X++)
                    for (cellCoord.Y = 0; cellCoord.Y < cellsCount.Y; cellCoord.Y++)
                        for (cellCoord.Z = 0; cellCoord.Z < cellsCount.Z; cellCoord.Z++)
                            bool isSingleMaterial = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc() == 1;
                            MyVoxelMaterialDefinition material = null;

                            if (isSingleMaterial)
                                material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                byte     indestructibleContent;
                                Vector3I voxelCoordInCell;
                                for (voxelCoordInCell.X = 0; voxelCoordInCell.X < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.X++)
                                    for (voxelCoordInCell.Y = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Y < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Y++)
                                        for (voxelCoordInCell.Z = 0; voxelCoordInCell.Z < MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS; voxelCoordInCell.Z++)
                                            material = Compatibility_LoadCellVoxelMaterial(stream, mappingTable);
                                            indestructibleContent = stream.ReadByteNoAlloc();
                                            cache.Material(ref voxelCoordInCell, material.Index);
                            startCoord = cellCoord * MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS;
                            endCoord   = startCoord + (MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS - 1);
                            storage.WriteRange(cache, MyStorageDataTypeFlags.Material, ref startCoord, ref endCoord);
            catch (EndOfStreamException ex)

        public void SetToFull()
            CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
            m_voxelContentSum = MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL;

        public void SetToEmpty()
            CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            m_voxelContentSum = 0;

        //  This method helps us to maintain correct cell type even after removing or adding voxels from cell
        //  If all voxels were removed from this cell, we change its type to from MIXED to EMPTY.
        //  If voxels were added, we change its type to from EMPTY to MIXED.
        //  If voxels were added to full, we change its type to FULL.
        void CheckCellType()
            //  Voxel cell content sum isn't in allowed range. Probably increased or descreased too much.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((m_voxelContentSum >= 0) && (m_voxelContentSum <= MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL));

            if (m_voxelContentSum == 0)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            else if (m_voxelContentSum == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED;

            //  If cell changed from MIXED to EMPTY or FULL, we will release it's cell content because it's not needed any more
            if ((CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY) || (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.FULL))
        // Set voxel content for the whole cell.
        public void SetAllVoxelContents(byte[] buffer)
            // quantize the buffer and compute sum
            m_voxelContentSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                buffer[i] = MyCellStorage.Quantizer.QuantizeValue(buffer[i]);
                m_voxelContentSum += buffer[i];

            // mixed-->empty/full: deallocate
            // empty/full-->mixed: allocate
            // mixed: fill with values from buffer
            if (m_voxelContentSum == 0)
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED) Deallocate();
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY;
            else if (m_voxelContentSum == MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_CONTENT_SUM_TOTAL)
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED) Deallocate();
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.FULL;
                if (CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.FULL || CellType == MyVoxelRangeType.EMPTY) m_cellContent = MyVoxelContentCellContents.Allocate();
                if (m_cellContent != null)
                CellType = MyVoxelRangeType.MIXED;
Пример #12
 internal void DebugDrawCells(MyVoxelRangeType type)
     var color = Color.NavajoWhite;
     color.A = 25;
     using (var batch = VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.DebugDrawBatchAABB(Matrix.Identity, color, true, true))
         for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < m_contentCells.Length; ++cellIdx)
             var cell = m_contentCells[cellIdx];
             if ((cell != null && cell.CellType == type) ||
                 (cell == null && type == MyVoxelRangeType.FULL))
                 Vector3I coord;
                 ComputeCellCoord(cellIdx, out coord);
                 ComputeVoxelCoordOfCell(ref coord, out coord);
                 Vector3 min = (coord + new Vector3(0.5f)) * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_SIZE_IN_METRES + VoxelMap.PositionLeftBottomCorner;
                 Vector3 max = min + MyVoxelConstants.DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_METRES;
                 var bb = new BoundingBox(min, max);
                 batch.Add(ref bb);