Пример #1
    public void DisplayMeshMain(HalfEdgeData2 meshData, Normalizer2 normalizer)
        //UnNormalize and to 3d
        HalfEdgeData3 meshDataUnNormalized_3d = new HalfEdgeData3();

        //We dont want to modify the original data
        //HalfEdgeData2 meshDataUnNormalized = normalizer.UnNormalize(meshData);

        HashSet <HalfEdgeFace2> faces_2d = meshData.faces;

        foreach (HalfEdgeFace2 f in faces_2d)
            MyVector2 p1 = f.edge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p2 = f.edge.nextEdge.v.position;
            MyVector2 p3 = f.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge.v.position;

            p1 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p1);
            p2 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p2);
            p3 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p3);

            meshDataUnNormalized_3d.AddTriangle(p1.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(), p2.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(), p3.ToMyVector3_Yis3D());

        this.meshData = meshDataUnNormalized_3d.faces;

        DisplayMesh(meshDataUnNormalized_3d.faces, displayMeshHere);

        //Normalize again
        //meshData = normalizer.Normalize(meshDataUnNormalized);
Пример #2
    // Add the constraints to the delaunay triangulation

    //timer is for debugging
    private IEnumerator AddConstraints(HalfEdgeData2 triangleData, List <MyVector2> constraints, bool shouldRemoveTriangles, Normalizer2 normalizer, System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = null)
        //Validate the data
        if (constraints == null)
            yield return(null);


        //Show the constraint with a line mesh
        HashSet <Triangle2> lineTriangles = _GenerateMesh.ConnectedLineSegments(constraints, width: 0.01f, isConnected: true);

        //UnNormalized and to half-edge 3 (also move each vertex up a little or will intersect with the underlying mesh)
        HalfEdgeData3 lineData = new HalfEdgeData3();

        foreach (Triangle2 t in lineTriangles)
            MyVector2 p1 = t.p1;
            MyVector2 p2 = t.p2;
            MyVector2 p3 = t.p3;

            p1 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p1);
            p2 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p2);
            p3 = normalizer.UnNormalize(p3);

            lineData.AddTriangle(p1.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(0.1f), p2.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(0.1f), p3.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(0.1f));


        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));

        //Get a list with all edges
        //This is faster than first searching for unique edges
        //The report suggest we should do a triangle walk, but it will not work if the mesh has holes
        //The mesh has holes because we remove triangles while adding constraints one-by-one
        //so maybe better to remove triangles after we added all constraints...
        HashSet <HalfEdge2> edges = triangleData.edges;

        //The steps numbering is from the report
        //Step 1. Loop over each constrained edge. For each of these edges, do steps 2-4
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++)
            //Let each constrained edge be defined by the vertices:
            MyVector2 c_p1 = constraints[i];
            MyVector2 c_p2 = constraints[MathUtility.ClampListIndex(i + 1, constraints.Count)];

            //Check if this constraint already exists in the triangulation,
            //if so we are happy and dont need to worry about this edge
            if (IsEdgeInListOfEdges(edges, c_p1, c_p2))

            //Step 2. Find all edges in the current triangulation that intersects with this constraint
            //Is returning unique edges only, so not one edge going in the opposite direction
            Queue <HalfEdge2> intersectingEdges = FindIntersectingEdges_BruteForce(edges, c_p1, c_p2);

            //Debug.Log("Intersecting edges: " + intersectingEdges.Count);

            //Step 3. Remove intersecting edges by flipping triangles
            //This takes 0 seconds so is not bottleneck
            List <HalfEdge2> newEdges = new List <HalfEdge2>();

            yield return(StartCoroutine(RemoveIntersectingEdges(c_p1, c_p2, intersectingEdges, newEdges, triangleData, normalizer)));


            //Step 4. Try to restore delaunay triangulation
            //Because we have constraints we will never get a delaunay triangulation
            //This takes 0 seconds so is not bottleneck
            yield return(StartCoroutine(RestoreDelaunayTriangulation(c_p1, c_p2, newEdges, triangleData, normalizer)));

        //Step 5. Remove superfluous triangles, such as the triangles "inside" the constraints
        if (shouldRemoveTriangles)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(RemoveSuperfluousTriangles(triangleData, constraints, normalizer)));

        //return triangleData;



        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));