public void OneVOneOnClick() { GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().interactable = false; SyncActions = false; PopUpNotification.Push("Do you want to queue up for " + MyText.Colofied(" Arena 1v1", "yellow") + "?", PopUpNotification.Type.Select); StartCoroutine(PopUpNotification.WaitForDecisionThenPerformAction(QueueUpArena, CancelRequest)); }
string DescriptionTemplate(StandingStilllvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nInstantly gain " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Heal_MaxHP_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " of your MAX HP back and a healing buff to heal " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DotHeal_MaxHP_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " of your MAX HP you every second for " + Duration + " secs.\n\nCost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + " secs", highlight)); }
//public Stack<Collider2D> HittedStack = new Stack<Collider2D>(); string DescriptionTemplate(PhantomChargelvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nTurn into a black mist and charge forward with speed of " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Force, highlight) + ", dealing " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DamageScale + "%", highlight) + " damage to collided enemies and stun them for " + StunDuration + " sec(s).\n\n Cost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + "secs", highlight)); }
string DescriptionTemplate(BrutalWeaponMasterylvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nReduce essense cost on your auto attack by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost_DEC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " if you have Two-Handed Warrior weapon equipped."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(IronWeaponMasterylvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your defensive by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DEF_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " when you have a shield equipped."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Furylvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nBoost your attack speed by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].AttkSpd_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " for " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Duration + " secs", highlight) + "\n\nCost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + " secs", highlight)); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Retaliationlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nUpon taking damage, you have " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].TriggerChance + "%", highlight) + " chance to reflect " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Reflected_DMG_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " taken damge to attacker as true damage."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(BloodyHandlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nSummon a size " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].RangeScale, highlight) + " bloody hand to deal " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DamageScale + "%", highlight) + " damage and grab enemies for you.\n\nCost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + " secs", highlight)); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Gritlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your max health by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].HP_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + "."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(BloodForBloodlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your life steal by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].LPH_INC_Perentage + "%", highlight) + " when your health fall below " + HealthTriggerThreshold + " %.Effect lasts " + Duration + " secs and can not be triggered again within " + TriggerCD + " secs."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(WarStomplvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nHeavily stomp the ground, dealing " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DamageScale + "%", highlight) + " * Stomp Charge (Up to 2) damage to nearby foes and stun them for " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].StunDuration + " secs", highlight) + ". Chagre it for bigger stomp.\n\nCost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + " secs", highlight)); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Bashlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nUpon dealing damage, you have " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].TriggerChance + "%", highlight) + " chance to stun your targets for " + StunDuration + " secs."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(IronWilllvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your defense by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DEF_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + "."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Ragelvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your damage by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Damage_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " for " + Duration + " secs when your health fall below " + HealthTriggerThreshold + "%. Effect can not be triggered again within " + TriggerCD + " secs."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Cleavelvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nSummon a dark weapon to deal " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DamageScale + "%", highlight) + " + Dark Weapon Size * " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DamageScale + "% damage", highlight) + " to enemies infront of you and knock them off. Dark weapon could be charged up to size 3, and the bigger weapon knock off enemies further.\n\nCost: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].EssenseCost + " Essense", highlight) + "\nCD: " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].CD + " secs", highlight)); }
public override void SetMessage() { InteractionNotification.Message = "Press " + MyText.Colofied(" X ", "blue") + " to talk."; }
string DescriptionTemplate(BattleFurylvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nUpon dealing damage, you have " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].TriggerChance + "%", highlight) + " chance to summon a weapon dealing " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Sping_DamageScale + "%", highlight) + " damage to enemies around you and apply bleeding on them for " + BleedDuration + " secs to bleed " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Dot_DamageScale_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " damage/sec."); }
private void UpdateStats(Equipment E, Mode mode) { if (mode == Mode.Inventory) { if (MPC.GetEquippedItem(E.EquipType) == null) { List <int> FieldsToShow = new List <int>(); for (int s = 0; s < Stats.Size; s++) { if (E.Stats.stats[s] > 0) { FieldsToShow.Add(s); } } foreach (int s in FieldsToShow) { StringPair sp = StatsType.GetStatsTypeString(s); Stats_Labels.text += sp.F; Stats_Values.text += MyText.Colofied("+ " + E.Stats.Get(s) + sp.S, "lime"); if (s != FieldsToShow.Last()) { Stats_Labels.text += "\n"; Stats_Values.text += "\n"; } } } else { Equipment To_Compare = MPC.GetEquippedItem(E.EquipType); List <int> FieldsToShow = new List <int>(); for (int s = 0; s < Stats.Size; s++) { if (E.Stats.stats[s] > 0) { FieldsToShow.Add(s); } } for (int s = 0; s < Stats.Size; s++) { if (!FieldsToShow.Contains(s) && To_Compare.Stats.stats[s] > 0) { FieldsToShow.Add(s); } } foreach (int s in FieldsToShow) { StringPair sp = StatsType.GetStatsTypeString(s); Stats_Labels.text += sp.F; float difference = E.Stats.Get(s) - To_Compare.Stats.Get(s); if (difference > 0) { Stats_Values.text += MyText.Colofied("+" + E.Stats.Get(s) + sp.S + " (+" + difference.ToString("F1") + sp.S + ")", "lime"); } else if (difference < 0) { Stats_Values.text += MyText.Colofied("+" + E.Stats.Get(s) + sp.S + " (" + difference.ToString("F1") + sp.S + ")", "red"); } else { Stats_Values.text += MyText.Colofied("+" + E.Stats.Get(s) + sp.S + " (+" + difference.ToString("F1") + sp.S + ")", "white"); } if (s != FieldsToShow.Last()) { Stats_Labels.text += "\n"; Stats_Values.text += "\n"; } } } } else { List <int> FieldsToShow = new List <int>(); for (int s = 0; s < Stats.Size; s++) { if (E.Stats.stats[s] > 0) { FieldsToShow.Add(s); } } foreach (int s in FieldsToShow) { StringPair sp = StatsType.GetStatsTypeString(s); Stats_Labels.text += sp.F; Stats_Values.text += MyText.Colofied("+ " + E.Stats.Get(s) + sp.S, "white"); if (s != FieldsToShow.Last()) { Stats_Labels.text += "\n"; Stats_Values.text += "\n"; } } } }
string DescriptionTemplate(Cripplelvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nUpon taking dmg, you have " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].TriggerChance + "%", highlight) + " chance to cripple the attacker which lowers their damage by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].DMG_DEC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + "% for " + Duration + " secs, Cripple effect does not stack."); }
void UpDateSet(Equipment E) { if (E.Set != EQUIPSET.None) { int count = 0; SetName.text = E.Set.ToString(); Set s = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("SetPrefabs/" + E.Set.ToString())).GetComponent <Set>(); List <string> EquippedNameList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(EQUIPTYPE)).Length; i++) { Equipment equipment = MPC.GetEquippedItem((EQUIPTYPE)i); if (equipment != null) { EquippedNameList.Add(equipment.Name); } } foreach (var e in s.SetList) { if (EquippedNameList.Contains(e.E.Name)) { SetList.text += MyText.Colofied(e.E.Name, "lime"); count++; } else { SetList.text += MyText.Colofied(e.E.Name, "grey"); } if (e != s.SetList.Last()) { SetList.text += "\n"; } } foreach (Bounus b in s.Bounuses) { string b_info = ""; b_info += "Set(" + b.condiction + "): "; switch (b.bounus_type) { case Bounus.BounusType.Stats: StringPair sp = StatsType.GetStatsTypeString(b.stats_bounus.stats_type); b_info += "Add " + sp.F + " "; switch (b.stats_bounus.value_type) { case SetStatsField.ValueType.Raw: b_info += b.stats_bounus.value; break; case SetStatsField.ValueType.Percentage: b_info += b.stats_bounus.value + "%"; break; } break; case Bounus.BounusType.Passive: b.passive_bounus.GenerateDescription(); b_info += b.passive_bounus.Name + " (" + b.passive_bounus.Description + ")"; break; } if (count >= b.condiction) { SetInfo.text += MyText.Colofied(b_info, "lime"); } else { SetInfo.text += MyText.Colofied(b_info, "grey"); } if (b != s.Bounuses.Last()) { SetInfo.text += "\n"; } } transform.Find("Set").gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { transform.Find("Set").gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
string DescriptionTemplate(Vigorlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nIncrease your damage by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].Damge_INC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + "."); }
string DescriptionTemplate(Ruinlvl[] AllLvls, int Index) { return("\nUpon dealing damage, you have " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].TriggerChance + "%", highlight) + " chance to slow down enemy movement speed by " + MyText.Colofied(AllLvls[Index].MOVESPD_DEC_Percentage + "%", highlight) + " for " + Duration + " secs."); }