public void CreateOutboxTable() { using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mysqlSettings.TestsBrighterConnectionString)) { _tableName = $"`message_{_tableName}`"; var createTableSql = MySqlOutboxBuilder.GetDDL(_tableName); connection.Open(); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = createTableSql; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
private static void CreateOutboxProduction(string connectionString) { using var sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); sqlConnection.Open(); using var existsQuery = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); existsQuery.CommandText = MySqlOutboxBuilder.GetExistsQuery(OUTBOX_TABLE_NAME); bool exists = existsQuery.ExecuteScalar() != null; if (exists) { return; } using var command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = MySqlOutboxBuilder.GetDDL(OUTBOX_TABLE_NAME); command.ExecuteScalar(); }
private static void CreateMessageTable(string dbConnectionString, string tableNameMessages) { try { using (var sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(dbConnectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); using (var command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = MySqlOutboxBuilder.GetDDL(tableNameMessages); command.ExecuteScalar(); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Log.Error($"Issue with creating MessageStore table, {e.Message}"); } }
private static void CreateMessageTable(string dbConnectionString, string tableNameMessages) { try { using (var sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(dbConnectionString)) { sqlConnection.Open(); using (var command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = MySqlOutboxBuilder.GetDDL(tableNameMessages); command.ExecuteScalar(); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { //TODO: Ignore already exists messages for now, but we should really test for exists before creating Log.Error($"Issue with creating MessageStore table, {e.Message}"); } }