/// <summary> /// 初始化管理员表(将人员表中所有的管理员添加到管理员表中) /// </summary> public void InitialAdmin() { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "select ppl_id from ppl where ppl_role = '管理员'"; DataSet ds1 = mysql.QuerySet(query); if (ds1 != null) { DataTable table = ds1.Tables [0]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { Debug.Log(table.Rows [i] [0]); // 把激活改成1 string actquery = "update ppl set ppl_act = 1 where ppl_id = " + table.Rows[i][0]; DataSet ds2 = mysql.QuerySet(actquery); // 往管理员表里加 string dupliquery = "select * from adm where adm_id = " + table.Rows[i][0]; DataSet ds3 = mysql.QuerySet(dupliquery); if (ds3 == null) { string addquery = "insert into adm values ('" + table.Rows[i][0] + "', '" + table.Rows[i][0] + "')"; DataSet ds4 = mysql.QuerySet(addquery); } } Debug.Log("管理员表初始化完成!"); } else { Debug.Log("人员表中没有管理员身份的用户!"); } mysql.Close(); }
public string HistoryRecord(string Date, string actID, int Hand) { string ptID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { ptID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + ptID); string date = Date; string act_id = actID; int hand = Hand; mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "select rec_link from rec where rec_ptID = '" + ptID + "' and rec_hand = " + hand + " and rec_actID = '" + act_id + "' and rec_date = '" + date + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; string res = ""; Debug.Log(table.Rows.Count); if (table.Rows.Count == 1) { res = table.Rows [0] [0].ToString(); } Debug.Log(res); mysql.Close(); return(res); }
/// <summary> /// 按下Add Patient按钮 /// </summary> public void AddPatient(string pt_id, string pt_name, string pt_sex, string pt_tele) { string dcID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { dcID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + dcID); mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string ptID = pt_id; string ptName = pt_name; string ptSex = pt_sex; string ptTele = pt_tele; int flag = 1; // 1可添加,0不可添加 if (ptID == "" | ptName == "") { flag = 0; Debug.Log("患者编号和姓名不能为空"); } if (ptID != "") { string query = "select * from ppl where ppl_id = " + ptID; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { flag = 0; Debug.Log("患者编号不在人员表中"); } } if (flag == 1) { string query = "insert into pat values ('" + ptID + "','" + ptName + "','" + ptSex + "','" + ptTele + "','" + ptID + "','" + dcID + "',1)"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); string query1 = "update ppl set ppl_act = 1 where ppl_id = '" + ptID + "'"; DataSet ds1 = mysql.QuerySet(query1); Debug.Log("添加患者账号成功,患者编号:" + ptID); } mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 查询所有医生,返回医生编号、姓名、性别、职称、电话 /// </summary> public DataTable QueryDoctor() { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "select dc_id, dc_name, dc_sex, dc_pro, dc_tele from doc where dc_ex = 1"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; mysql.Close(); return(table); }
/// <summary> /// 删除医生 /// </summary> // public void DeleteDoctor(string[] dc_id) { public void DeleteDoctor() { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); // string[] dcID = dc_id; string[] dcID = { "200001", "200002" }; for (int i = 0; i < dcID.Length; i++) { string query = "update doc set dc_ex = 0 where dc_id = '" + dcID [i] + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); } mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 按下AddDoctor按钮 /// </summary> public void AddDoctor(string dc_id, string dc_name, string dc_sex, string dc_pro, string dc_tele) { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string dcID = dc_id; string dcName = dc_name; string dcSex = dc_sex; string dcPro = dc_pro; string dcTele = dc_tele; int flag = 1; // 1可添加,0不可添加 if (dcID == "" | dcName == "") { flag = 0; Debug.Log("医生编号和姓名不能为空"); } if (dcID != "") { string query = "select * from ppl where ppl_id = " + dcID; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { flag = 0; Debug.Log("医生编号不在人员表中"); } } if (flag == 1) { string query = "insert into doc values ('" + dcID + "','" + dcName + "','" + dcSex + "','" + dcPro + "','" + dcTele + "','" + dcID + "',1)"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); // DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; string query1 = "update ppl set ppl_act = 1 where ppl_id = '" + dcID + "'"; DataSet ds1 = mysql.QuerySet(query1); Debug.Log("添加医生账号成功,医生编号:" + dcID); } mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 查询某个医生的所有患者,返回患者编号、姓名、性别、电话 /// </summary> public DataTable QueryPatient() { string dcID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { dcID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + dcID); mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "select pt_id, pt_name, pt_sex, pt_tele from pat where pt_dcID = '" + dcID + "' and pt_ex = 1"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; mysql.Close(); return(table); }
/// <summary> /// 删除患者 /// </summary> // public void DeletePatient(string[] pt_id) { public void DeletePatient() { string dcID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { dcID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + dcID); mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); // string[] ptID = pt_id; string[] ptID = { "300002", "300003" }; for (int i = 0; i < ptID.Length; i++) { string query = "update pat set pt_ex = 0 where pt_dcID = '" + dcID + "' and pt_id = '" + ptID [i] + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); } mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 按下Change Info按钮 /// </summary> public void ChangeInfo(string pt_name, string pt_sex, string pt_tele) { string ptID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { ptID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + ptID); string ptName = pt_name; string ptSex = pt_sex; string ptTele = pt_tele; mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "update pat set pt_name = '" + ptName + "', pt_sex = '" + ptSex + "', pt_tele = '" + ptTele + "' where pt_id = '" + ptID + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 按下Change Info按钮 /// </summary> public void ChangeInfo(string dc_name, string dc_sex, string dc_pro, string dc_tele) { string dcID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { dcID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + dcID); string dcName = dc_name; string dcSex = dc_sex; string dcPro = dc_pro; string dcTele = dc_tele; mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "update doc set dc_name = '" + dcName + "', dc_sex = '" + dcSex + "', dc_pro = '" + dcPro + "', dc_tele = '" + dcTele + "' where dc_id = '" + dcID + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 按下UpdatePswd按钮 /// </summary> public void UpdatePassword(string first_pswd, string second_pswd) { string userID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { userID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + userID); mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string firstPswd = first_pswd; string secondPswd = second_pswd; int flag = 0; Debug.Log(firstPswd + " " + secondPswd); if (firstPswd.Length < 6 || firstPswd.Length > 20) { flag = 0; Debug.Log("密码长度应为6~20个字符"); } else { string query = ""; if (userID[0] == '1') { query = "select adm_pswd from adm where adm_id = '" + userID + "'"; } else if (userID[0] == '2') { query = "select dc_pswd from doc where dc_id = '" + userID + "'"; } else if (userID[0] == '3') { query = "select pt_pswd from pat where pt_id = '" + userID + "'"; } DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; string beforePswd = table.Rows[0][0].ToString(); Debug.Log("beforePswd" + beforePswd); if (beforePswd == firstPswd) { flag = 0; Debug.Log("新密码不可与原密码相同"); } else { if (firstPswd != secondPswd) { flag = 0; Debug.Log("两次密码不一致"); } else { flag = 1; } } } if (flag == 1) { string query = ""; if (userID[0] == '1') { query = "update adm set adm_pswd = '" + firstPswd + "' where adm_id = '" + userID + "'"; } else if (userID[0] == '2') { query = "update doc set dc_pswd = '" + firstPswd + "' where dc_id = '" + userID + "'"; } else if (userID[0] == '3') { query = "update pat set pt_pswd = '" + firstPswd + "' where pt_id = '" + userID + "'"; } DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); Debug.Log("修改密码成功,新密码为:" + firstPswd); } mysql.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 按下Login按钮 /// </summary> public void LoginButton() { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string id = userNameField.text; string pswd = passwordNameField.text; if (id [0] == '1') { //管理员 string query = "select * from adm where adm_id = " + id + " and adm_pswd = " + pswd; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { Debug.Log("管理员" + id + ",登录成功!"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("userID", userNameField.text); } else { Debug.Log("管理员,登录失败,没有此账号或密码错误!"); } } else if (id [0] == '2') { //医生 string query = "select * from doc where dc_id = " + id + " and dc_pswd = " + pswd; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { Debug.Log("医生" + id + ",登录成功!"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("userID", userNameField.text); } else { Debug.Log("医生,登录失败,没有此账号或密码错误!"); } } else if (id [0] == '3') { //患者 string query = "select * from pat where pt_id = " + id + " and pt_pswd = " + pswd; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { Debug.Log("患者" + id + ",登录成功"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("userID", userNameField.text); } else { Debug.Log("患者,登录失败,没有此账号或密码错误!"); } } else { Debug.Log("用户账号类型错误!"); } mysql.Close(); }
public string[,] SelectRecords(string start_date, string end_date) { string ptID = ""; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("userID")) { ptID = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); } Debug.Log("userID" + ptID); string nowTime; nowTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); int nowTimeInt = Convert.ToInt32(nowTime); // Debug.Log ("nowTime" + nowTime); string[,] res = new string[1, 1]; res [0, 0] = ""; int startDateInt = Convert.ToInt32(start_date); int endDateInt = Convert.ToInt32(end_date); if (startDateInt > endDateInt) { Debug.Log("开始日期大于结束日期!"); } else if (startDateInt > nowTimeInt || endDateInt > nowTimeInt) { Debug.Log("开始日期或结束日期大于今日日期!"); } else { mysql = new MySqlAccess(host, port, userName, password, databaseName); mysql.OpenSql(); string query = "select rec_date, ac_id, ac_name, rec_hand from rec,act where ac_id = rec_actID and rec_ptID = '" + ptID + "' and rec_date >= '" + start_date + "' and rec_date <= '" + end_date + "'"; DataSet ds = mysql.QuerySet(query); DataTable table = ds.Tables [0]; int row_num = table.Rows.Count; if (row_num != 0) { int col_num = table.Rows [0].ItemArray.Length; res = new string[row_num, col_num]; for (int i = 0; i < row_num; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < col_num; j++) { res [i, j] = table.Rows [i] [j].ToString(); } } } mysql.Close(); int row = res.GetLength(0); int col = res.GetUpperBound(res.Rank - 1) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) { Debug.Log(res [i, j]); } } } return(res); }