private void Awake() { scoreKeeper = FindObjectOfType <ScoreKeeper>(); mySceneLoader = FindObjectOfType <MySceneLoader>(); currentScene = mySceneLoader.GetCurrentSceneName(); DetectAndSetNewGame(); PickRandomGameOrGoToRestart(); }
/// <summary> /// On Escape click event. /// </summary> public void OnEscapeClick() { if (leaveTheApplication) { GameObject exitConfirmDialog = GameObject.Find("ExitConfirmDialog"); if (exitConfirmDialog != null) { Dialog exitDialogComponent = exitConfirmDialog.GetComponent <Dialog> (); if (!exitDialogComponent.animator.GetBool("On")) { exitDialogComponent.Show(); //AdsManager.instance.ShowAdvertisment (AdsManager.AdAPI.AdEvent.Event.ON_SHOW_EXIT_DIALOG); } } } else { StartCoroutine(MySceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName)); } }
private void Awake() { scoreKeeper = FindObjectOfType <ScoreKeeper>(); mySceneLoader = FindObjectOfType <MySceneLoader>(); var currentScene = mySceneLoader.GetCurrentSceneName(); if (currentScene.Equals("GameLobby")) { var currentLives = scoreKeeper.GetCurrentLives(); if (currentLives > 0) { mySceneLoader.GetRandomGame_Delay(); } else { mySceneLoader.GoToRestart_Delay(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Go to the Next shape. /// </summary> public void NextShape() { if (TableShape.selectedShape.ID >= 1 && TableShape.selectedShape.ID < ShapesTable.shapes.Count) { //Get the next shape and check if it's locked , then do not load the next shape if (TableShape.selectedShape.ID + 1 <= ShapesManager.instance.shapes.Count) { if (DataManager.IsShapeLocked(TableShape.selectedShape.ID + 1)) { //Play lock sound effectd if (lockedSFX != null && effectsAudioSource != null) { CommonUtil.PlayOneShotClipAt(lockedSFX,, effectsAudioSource.volume); } //Skip the next return; } } TableShape.selectedShape = ShapesTable.shapes [TableShape.selectedShape.ID]; //Set the selected shape CreateShape(); //Create new shape } else { if (TableShape.selectedShape.ID == ShapesTable.shapes.Count) { StartCoroutine(MySceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync("Album")); } else { //Play lock sound effectd if (lockedSFX != null && effectsAudioSource != null) { CommonUtil.PlayOneShotClipAt(lockedSFX,, effectsAudioSource.volume); } } } }
public void LoadAlbumScene() { StartCoroutine(MySceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync("Album")); }
public void LoadGameScene() { StartCoroutine(MySceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync("Game")); }
public void LeaveApp() { StartCoroutine(MySceneLoader.LoadSceneAsync("BackCameraSceneChoose")); }