//public ViewNews() //{ // this.checkFunID = false; // this.checkUserStaus = false; // this.checkSchoolLevelAdminUser = false; //} //private static String tokenValidateUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiServerUrl"].ToString(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String encNewsId = ""; //String userAgent = ""; //if (Request.Headers["user-agent"] != null) //{ // userAgent = Request.Headers["user-agent"].ToString(); //} int newsId = 0; try { encNewsId = MyRequest.GetString("id"); newsId = Int32.Parse(DESEncrypt.Decrypt(encNewsId)); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/home/news/template/news_error.html"); } if (newsId > 0) { ShowNews(newsId); } }
protected string UpdateTopicState() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string id = MyRequest.GetString("ID"); string msg = ""; try { var bll = new BLL.CCOM.Topic(); var m = bll.GetModel("Topic_id=" + id); Boolean isOn = m.Selected_state == true; m.Selected_state = isOn ^ true; if (bll.Update(m) == false) { msg = "修改发生异常!"; } } catch { msg = "修改发生异常!"; } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "修改成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected void BindRpt() { if (uo_id.Equals("")) { this.uo_id = this.ddlOrgan.SelectedValue; } if (provence.Equals("")) { this.provence = this.ddlprovence.SelectedValue; } else { if (!uo_id.Equals("-1")) { this.ddlOrgan.SelectedValue = uo_id.ToString(); } if (!provence.Equals("-1")) { this.ddlprovence.SelectedValue = provence.ToString(); } } string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " User_id asc"; } RptBind(CombSqlTxt(this.uo_id, this.provence, this.keywords), _order); }
protected string DeleteWeek() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string id = MyRequest.GetString("ID"); string msg = ""; try { BLL.CCOM.Teach_week bll = new BLL.CCOM.Teach_week(); bll.Delete(Int32.Parse(id)); } catch { msg = "删除发生异常!"; } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "删除成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected void bindall() { BLL.CCOM.Agency bll = new BLL.CCOM.Agency(); this.ddlSelectUD.DataSource = GetOrgList_DataSet(false); this.ddlSelectUD.DataTextField = "Agency_name"; this.ddlSelectUD.DataValueField = "Agency_id"; this.ddlSelectUD.DataBind(); //List<Model.admin.Universities_Organization> list = GetAdminUserOrg_List(false); if (MyRequest.GetString("selectid") != "") { this.ddlSelectUD.SelectedValue = MyRequest.GetString("selectid"); } else if (MyRequest.GetString("keywords") != "") { if (Tools.CheckParams(MyRequest.GetString("keywords")) == false) { List <Model.CCOM.Agency> uds = bll.GetModelList(" UO_Name like '%" + MyRequest.GetString("keywords").ToString() + "%' "); if (uds.Count > 0) { this.ddlSelectUD.SelectedValue = uds[0].Agency_id.ToString(); } } } }
//删除 protected void lbtSingleDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.CCOM.Reply_group bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_group(); var lbtn = sender as LinkButton; if (lbtn != null) { var id = Int32.Parse(DESEncrypt.Decrypt(lbtn.ToolTip.ToString())); bool result = true; try { result = bll.Delete(id); } catch { result = false; } string keywords = this.keywords; int page = MyRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (result == true) { JscriptMsg("删除成功!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("ExamList.aspx", "fun_id={0}&keywords={1}&sort={2}&page={3}", this.fun_id, this.keywords, MyRequest.GetString("sort"), "__id__"), "Success"); } else { JscriptMsg("删除失败!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("ExamList.aspx", "fun_id={0}&keywords={1}&sort={2}&page={3}", this.fun_id, this.keywords, MyRequest.GetString("sort"), "__id__"), "Error"); } } }
//将Page_Load里的处理逻辑挪到此方法中,客户端种完js后再由前台调用此方法,通过隐藏域传token protected void PushRedirect(object sender, EventArgs e) { String pushId = ""; Int64 userid = 0; String token = ""; String userAgent = ""; if (Request.Headers["user-agent"] != null) { userAgent = Request.Headers["user-agent"].ToString(); } pushId = MyRequest.GetString("id"); try { pushId = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(pushId); } catch { Response.Redirect("/home/push/template/push_error.html"); } try { if (IsAdminLogin()) { userid = GetAdminInfo_CCOM().User_id; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/home/push/template/push_error.html"); } ShowWebPush(userid, pushId); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ListItem list1 = new ListItem("行政机构", "0"); ListItem list2 = new ListItem("部", "1"); ListItem list3 = new ListItem("系", "2"); ListItem list4 = new ListItem("专业", "3"); //this.DropDownList1.Items.Add(list1); //this.DropDownList1.Items.Add(list2); //this.DropDownList1.Items.Add(list3); //this.DropDownList1.Items.Add(list4); Model.CCOM.Agency model = new BLL.CCOM.Agency().GetModel(1); //this.hiduo_id.Value = model.Agency_id.ToString(); //this.ddlAddParentID.DataSource = GetOrgList_DataSet(false); //this.ddlAddParentID.DataTextField = "Agency_name"; //this.ddlAddParentID.DataValueField = "Agency_id"; //this.ddlAddParentID.DataBind(); try { UD_PID = Utils.StrToInt(DESEncrypt.Decrypt(MyRequest.GetString("selectid")), 0); } catch { } //this.ddlAddParentID.SelectedValue = selectOrgan.ToString(); //} } }
protected string BatchRemoveStudent() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string Group_id = MyRequest.GetString("GroupID"); string value = MyRequest.GetString("StudentID"); string msg = ""; if (Tools.CheckParams(Group_id + value)) { msg = "传输异常,存在非法字符!"; } else if (value == "") { msg = "参数异常!"; } else { try { value = Utils.DelLastComma(value); string[] list = value.Split(','); foreach (var tmp in list) { long userid = long.Parse(tmp); int groupid = int.Parse(Group_id); BLL.CCOM.Reply_student bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_student(); Model.CCOM.Reply_student model = bll.GetModel(" Group_id=" + groupid + " and User_id=" + userid); if (msg == "") { if (model == null) { continue; } else { if (!bll.Delete(model.Rs_id)) { msg = "移除失败"; } } } } } catch (Exception) { msg = "移除发生异常!"; } } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "移除成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
private void SendSMSById(HttpContext context) { long userid = long.Parse(DESEncrypt.Decrypt(MyRequest.GetString("userid"))); string smsContent = "您有一项任务未完成,请加快进度。 任务标题:" + DESEncrypt.Decrypt(MyRequest.GetString("tasktitle")); string res = ManDaoSMS.SendSMS(new BLL.admin.Universities_UserInfo().GetModel(userid).UI_Mobile, smsContent); FlushResponse(context, res); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.CCOM.User_infomation model = GetAdminInfo_CCOM(); _id = model.User_id; String keywords = MyRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { this.keywordTab0 = keywords; RoomBind(RoomCombSqlTxt(keywords), " Er_id desc "); this.keywordTab1 = keywords; JudgeBind(JudgeCombSqlTxt(keywords), " Judge_id desc "); this.selectid = MyRequest.GetString("selectid"); if (this.selectid.Equals("")) { this.selectid = "1"; } this.ddlResourceType.SelectedValue = selectid; this.ddltype.SelectedValue = selectid; this.ddltype.Enabled = false; this.nameText.Text = ""; switch (this.selectid) { case "1": selectIndex = "Province_id"; break; case "2": selectIndex = "Politics_id"; break; case "3": selectIndex = "Nationality_id"; break; case "4": selectIndex = "Nation_id"; break; case "5": selectIndex = "Mi_id"; break; case "6": selectIndex = "Degree_id"; break; case "7": selectIndex = "Ct_id"; break; default: break; } RptBind(CombSqlTxt(keywords), " " + selectIndex + " desc "); } }
protected void BindRpt() { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Topic_id asc"; } RptBind(CombSqlTxt(this.keywords), _order); }
protected void BindRpt() { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Group_id asc"; } RptBind("", _order); }
protected string AddTeacher() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string Group_id = MyRequest.GetString("GroupID"); string User_id = MyRequest.GetString("TeacherID"); string msg = ""; if (Tools.CheckParams(Group_id + User_id)) { msg = "传输异常,存在非法字符!"; } else { try { long userid = long.Parse(User_id); long groupid = long.Parse(Group_id); BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission(); Model.CCOM.Reply_commission model = bll.GetModel(" Group_id=" + groupid + " and User_id=" + userid); if (msg == "") { if (model != null) { msg = "教师已在该答辩组中"; } else { model = new Model.CCOM.Reply_commission(); model.Group_id = groupid; model.User_id = userid; if (bll.Add(model) <= 0) { msg = "添加失败"; } } } } catch (Exception) { msg = "添加发生异常!"; } } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "添加成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected string Pass(HttpContext context) { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string _schooluserid = MyRequest.GetString("schooluserid"); string Pass = MyRequest.GetString("pass"); string PassConfirm = MyRequest.GetString("passconfirm"); string msg = ""; if (Tools.CheckParams(Pass + PassConfirm)) { msg = "传输异常,存在非法字符!"; } else { if (Pass.Length < 6 || Pass.Length > 16) { msg = "密码长度请控制在6-16位!"; } else if (Pass != PassConfirm) { msg = "两次密码输入不一致!"; } else { try { BLL.CCOM.User_information bll = new BLL.CCOM.User_information(); long schooluserid = long.Parse(DESEncrypt.Decrypt(_schooluserid)); Model.CCOM.User_information model = bll.GetModel(schooluserid); model.User_password = DESEncrypt.MD5Encrypt(Pass); bool res = bll.Update(model); if (res == false) { msg = "修改失败,参数发生异常!"; } } catch (Exception) { msg = "修改发生异常!"; } } } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "修改成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected void BindRpt() { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Topic_id asc"; } Model.CCOM.User_information user_model = GetAdminInfo_CCOM(); RptBind(" Teacher_id=" + user_model.User_id, _order); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Student_id asc"; } RptBind(_order); } }
protected string RemoveTeacher() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string Group_id = MyRequest.GetString("GroupID"); string User_id = MyRequest.GetString("TeacherID"); string msg = ""; if (Tools.CheckParams(Group_id + User_id)) { msg = "传输异常,存在非法字符!"; } else { try { long userid = long.Parse(User_id); int groupid = int.Parse(Group_id); BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission(); Model.CCOM.Reply_commission model = bll.GetModel(" Group_id=" + groupid + " and User_id=" + userid); if (msg == "") { if (model == null) { msg = "教师不在该答辩组中"; } else { if (!bll.Delete(model.Rc_id)) { msg = "移除失败"; } } } } catch (Exception) { msg = "移除发生异常!"; } } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "移除成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.fun_id = MyRequest.GetQueryString("fun_id"); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Group_id asc"; } RptBind(CombSqlTxt(), _order); } }
protected void bindall() { Model.CCOM.Agency model = new BLL.CCOM.Agency().GetModel(1); if (model == null) { InnerRedirect(MyEnums.RediirectErrorEnum.NotAdmin); } else { this.hiduoid.Value = model.Agency_id.ToString(); BLL.CCOM.Agency bll = new BLL.CCOM.Agency(); this.ddlEditSelect.DataSource = GetOrgList_DataSet(true); this.ddlEditSelect.DataTextField = "Agency_name"; this.ddlEditSelect.DataValueField = "Agency_id"; this.ddlEditSelect.DataBind(); int UO_ID = 0; try { UO_ID = Utils.StrToInt(MyRequest.GetQueryString("selectid"), 0); } catch { } if (UO_ID == 0 || UO_ID == -1 || UO_ID == 1) { this.txtEditName.Enabled = false; this.rbEditStatus.Enabled = false; this.btnEditSubmit.Enabled = false; this.ddlType.Enabled = false; } else { this.txtEditName.Enabled = true; this.rbEditStatus.Enabled = true; this.btnEditSubmit.Enabled = true; this.ddlType.Enabled = true; Model.CCOM.Agency uo = bll.GetModel(UO_ID); this.ddlEditSelect.SelectedValue = MyRequest.GetString("selectid"); this.txtEditName.Text = uo.Agency_name; this.ddlType.SelectedValue = uo.Agency_type.ToString(); if (uo.Agency_status) { this.rbEditStatus.SelectedValue = "1"; } else { this.rbEditStatus.SelectedValue = "0"; } } } }
protected string UpdateFormValue() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string userid = MyRequest.GetString("UserID"); string formid = MyRequest.GetString("FormID"); string selectValue = MyRequest.GetString("SelectValue"); string msg = ""; try { var form_value_model = new BLL.CCOM.Form_value().GetModel(" User_id=" + userid + " and Form_id=" + formid); if (form_value_model == null) //增加一条记录 { Model.CCOM.Form_value value_model = new Model.CCOM.Form_value(); value_model.User_id = long.Parse(userid); value_model.Form_id = int.Parse(formid); value_model.Self_value = int.Parse(selectValue); value_model.Tea_value = 0; if (new BLL.CCOM.Form_value().Add(value_model) == 0) { msg = "添加失败"; } } else//更新一条记录 { form_value_model.Self_value = int.Parse(selectValue); if (!new BLL.CCOM.Form_value().Update(form_value_model)) { msg = "更新失败"; } } } catch { msg = "发生异常!"; } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = ""; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String encNewsId = ""; Int64 userid = 0; String token = ""; String userAgent = ""; if (Request.Headers["user-agent"] != null) { userAgent = Request.Headers["user-agent"].ToString(); } if (NewsHtml.IsFromMobile(userAgent)) { try { encNewsId = MyRequest.GetString("id"); //userid = Convert.ToInt64(MyRequest.GetString("userid")); token = MyRequest.GetString("token"); if (token == "") { token = "0"; } else { userid = new BLL.admin.AppLoginHistory().Get_AppUser_UserID(token); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/home/news/template/news_error.html"); } String[] arrStr = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(encNewsId).Split(','); if (arrStr[1] == "1") //正常新闻 { ShowNews(userid, arrStr[0], token); } else { ShowPushNews(userid, arrStr[0]); } } else { Response.Redirect("/home/news/web/webnews.aspx?id=" + MyRequest.GetString("id")); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.fun_id = MyRequest.GetQueryString("fun_id"); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { var model = GetAdminInfo_CCOM(); BLL.CCOM.Reply_group rg_bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_group(); BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission rc_bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission(); List <Model.CCOM.Reply_group> modellist1 = rg_bll.GetModelList("User_id=" + model.User_id); List <Model.CCOM.Reply_commission> modellist2 = rc_bll.GetModelList("User_id=" + model.User_id); if (modellist1.Count == 0 && modellist2.Count == 0) { string ht = ""; ht = " <div class=\"content\" align=\"center\"><h3>您尚无权限<h3><table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered dataTable\"></table></div>"; this.print_div.InnerHtml = ht; } else { string _order = MyRequest.GetString("sort").Replace(",", " "); if (_order == "" || Tools.CheckParams(_order)) { _order = " Group_id asc"; } StringBuilder strTemp = new StringBuilder(); strTemp.Append("("); string res = ""; foreach (Model.CCOM.Reply_group rg_model in modellist1) { res += rg_model.Group_id + ","; } foreach (Model.CCOM.Reply_commission rg_model in modellist2) { res += rg_model.Group_id + ","; } if (res != "") { strTemp.Append(Utils.DelLastComma(res) + ")"); } else { strTemp.Append("0)"); } RptBind(strTemp.ToString(), _order); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String encNewsId = ""; Int64 userid = 0; String token = ""; String userAgent = ""; if (Request.Headers["user-agent"] != null) { userAgent = Request.Headers["user-agent"].ToString(); } if (NewsHtml.IsFromMobile(userAgent)) { Response.Redirect("/home/news/news.aspx?id=" + MyRequest.GetString("id")); } else { try { encNewsId = MyRequest.GetString("id"); //userid = Convert.ToInt64(MyRequest.GetString("userid")); //token = MyRequest.GetString("token"); if (NewsHtml.IsAdminLogin()) { userid = NewsHtml.GetAdminInfo().UserID; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("/home/news/template/news_error.html"); } // if (!IsLegalToken(userid, token)) // { // Response.Redirect("news_error.html"); // } String[] arrStr = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(encNewsId).Split(','); if (arrStr[1] == "1") //正常新闻 { ShowNews(userid, arrStr[0]); } else { ShowPushNews(userid, arrStr[0]); } } }
protected string SutdentSubmitForm() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string userId = MyRequest.GetString("userid"); string type = MyRequest.GetString("type"); string msg = ""; try { var form_model = new BLL.CCOM.Form_review().GetModel(" User_id=" + userId + " and Form_type_id=" + type); if (form_model == null) { Model.CCOM.Form_review model = new Model.CCOM.Form_review(); model.User_id = long.Parse(userId); model.Form_type_id = int.Parse(type); model.Review_result = 0; if (new BLL.CCOM.Form_review().Add(model) == 0) { msg = "提交失败!"; } } else { form_model.Review_result = 0; if (!new BLL.CCOM.Form_review().Update(form_model)) { msg = "提交失败!"; } } } catch { msg = "提交发生异常!"; } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "提交成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
/// <summary> /// 添加通知类别 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void AddPushType(HttpContext context) { if (!IsAdminLogin()) { FlushResponse(context, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnObject() { Result = ERROR, Msg = "error" })); return; } String typeName = MyRequest.GetString("t").Trim(); if (!Common.Utils.IsSafeSqlString(typeName) || typeName == "") { FlushResponse(context, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnObject() { Result = ERROR, Msg = "参数不合法!" })); return; } //添加通知类别 var typeBll = new BLL.CCOM.Notice_type(); var userId = GetAdminInfo().User_id; var roleType = GetUserRoleType(); var roleId = GetRoleUserId(); string strWhere = "Notice_type_name='" + typeName + "'"; if (typeBll.GetModelList(strWhere).Count == 0) { var typeModel = new Model.CCOM.Notice_type() { Notice_type_name = typeName, Notice_type_creator_id = userId, Notice_type_date = DateTime.Now }; var typeId = typeBll.Add(typeModel); //添加成功,返回typeId和typeName if (typeId > 0) { FlushResponse(context, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnType() { Result = OK, Msg = "推送类别添加成功!", id = DESEncrypt.Encrypt(typeId.ToString()), name = typeName })); } else { FlushResponse(context, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnObject() { Result = ERROR, Msg = "推送类别添加失败!" })); } } else { FlushResponse(context, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ReturnObject() { Result = ERROR, Msg = "该通知类别已存在!" })); } }
protected string TeacherSubmitForm() { JsonData data = new JsonData(); string userId = MyRequest.GetString("userid"); string type = MyRequest.GetString("type"); string result = MyRequest.GetString("result"); string msg = ""; try { var form_model = new BLL.CCOM.Form_review().GetModel(" User_id=" + userId + " and Form_type_id=" + type); if (form_model == null) { msg = "学生尚未提交形式审查表!"; } else { form_model.Review_result = int.Parse(result); if (!new BLL.CCOM.Form_review().Update(form_model)) { msg = "审核失败!"; } } } catch { msg = "审核发生异常!"; } if (msg == "") { data["msg"] = "审核成功"; data["code"] = 1; } else { data["msg"] = msg; data["code"] = 0; } return(data.ToJson()); }
private void SingleFile(HttpContext context) { string _refilepath = MyRequest.GetQueryString("ReFilePath"); //取得返回的对象名称 string _upfilepath = MyRequest.GetQueryString("UpFilePath"); //取得上传的对象名称 string _delfile = MyRequest.GetString(_refilepath); HttpPostedFile _upfile = context.Request.Files[_upfilepath]; bool _iswater = false; //默认不打水印 bool _isthumbnail = false; //默认不生成缩略图 bool _isimage = false; //默认不限制图片上传 if (MyRequest.GetQueryString("IsWater") == "1") { _iswater = true; } if (MyRequest.GetQueryString("IsThumbnail") == "1") { _isthumbnail = true; } if (MyRequest.GetQueryString("IsImage") == "1") { _isimage = true; } if (_upfile == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\": 0, \"msgbox\": \"请选择要上传文件!\"}"); return; } UpLoad upFiles = new UpLoad(); string msg = upFiles.fileSaveAs(_upfile, _isthumbnail, _iswater, _isimage); //删除已存在的旧文件 Utils.DeleteUpFile(_delfile); //返回成功信息 context.Response.Write(msg); context.Response.End(); }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _order) { int pageSize = GetPageSize(15); //每页数量 int page = MyRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); string keywords = MyRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); int start_index = pageSize * (page - 1) + 1; this.st_index = pageSize * (page - 1) + 1; int end_index = pageSize * page; this.txtKeywords.Value = keywords; BLL.CCOM.Topic bll = new BLL.CCOM.Topic(); //计算数量 int totalCount = bll.GetRecordCount(_strWhere); //绑定当页 this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetListByPage(_strWhere, _order, start_index, end_index); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("StudentChoose.aspx", "fun_id={0}&keywords={1}&sort={2}&page={3}", this.fun_id, this.keywords, MyRequest.GetString("sort"), "__id__"); this.PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(pageSize, page, totalCount, pageUrl, 8, true); //绑定我的选题 BLL.CCOM.View_Selete_Topic selete_bll = new BLL.CCOM.View_Selete_Topic(); this.rptList2.DataSource = selete_bll.GetList(" Student_id =" + GetAdminInfo_CCOM().User_id); //this.rptList2.DataSource = selete_bll.GetListByPage(_strWhere + "and Student_id ="+GetAdminInfo_CCOM().User_id, _order, start_index, end_index); this.rptList2.DataBind(); }
//#region 组合SQL查询语句========================== //protected string CombSqlTxt() //{ // int flag = 0; // int i = 0; // var model = GetAdminInfo_CCOM(); // StringBuilder strTemp = new StringBuilder(); // BLL.CCOM.Reply_student rs_bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_student(); // BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission rc_bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_commission(); // BLL.CCOM.Reply_group rg_bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_group(); // strTemp.Append("("); // //学生 // DataSet ds = rs_bll.GetList("User_id=" + model.User_id); // //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // //{ // // flag = 1; // // strTemp.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Group_id"]); // // for ( i = 1; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) // // { // // strTemp.Append(","+ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Group_id"]); // // } // //} // //组长 // ds = rg_bll.GetList("User_id=" + model.User_id); // if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // { // if (flag == 0) // { // flag = 1; // strTemp.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Group_id"]); // i = 1; // } // else // i = 0; // for (; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) // { // strTemp.Append("," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Group_id"]); // } // } // //组员 // //ds = rc_bll.GetList("User_id=" + model.User_id); // //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // //{ // // if (flag == 0) // // { // // flag = 1; // // strTemp.Append(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Group_id"]); // // i = 1; // // } // // else // // i = 0; // // for (; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) // // { // // strTemp.Append("," + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Group_id"]); // // } // //} // //if (flag == 0) // // strTemp.Append("-1"); // //strTemp.Append(")"); // return strTemp.ToString(); //} //#endregion #region 数据绑定================================= private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _order) { BLL.CCOM.Reply_group bll = new BLL.CCOM.Reply_group(); int pageSize = GetPageSize(15);//每页数量 int page = MyRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); string keywords = MyRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); int start_index = pageSize * (page - 1) + 1; this.st_index = pageSize * (page - 1) + 1; int end_index = pageSize * page; if (_strWhere != "") { _strWhere = "Group_id in" + _strWhere; } //计算数量 int totalCount = bll.GetRecordCount(_strWhere); //绑定当页 this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetListByPage(_strWhere, _order, start_index, end_index); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("MyExamList.aspx", "fun_id={0}&keywords={1}&sort={2}&page={3}", this.fun_id, this.keywords, MyRequest.GetString("sort"), "__id__"); this.PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(pageSize, page, totalCount, pageUrl, 8, true); }