Пример #1

        //END OF BLOCK

        public MyMedina622Mission()
            ID = MyMissionID.TRADE_STATION_ARABS; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Medina 622 mission"); // Name of mission
            Name = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.MEDINA_622;
            Description = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.MEDINA_622_Description; // Description of mission - do not forget to \n at the end of each line
            //Flags = MyMissionFlags.Story;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(4027778, 0, 861110); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { /*MyMissionID.ALIEN_GATE*/ }; // IDs of missions required to make this mission available
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            //var flyInside = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - its type defines the type of submission - MySubmission means fly to the dummypoint to success. Here it is var so you cannot call methods on it
            //    new StringBuilder("Fly over there"), // Name of the submission
            //    MyMissionID.TRADE_STATION_ARABS_FLY_TARGET, // ID of the submission - must be added to MyMissions.cs
            //    new StringBuilder(""), // Description of the submission
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { }, // ID of submissions required to make this submission available - it is clear so this submission is the starting submission
            //    new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.FlyTarget) // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
            //) { SaveOnSuccess = false }; // False means do not save game in that checkpoint
            //m_objectives.Add(flyInside); // Adding this submission to the list of submissions of current mission
 public bool IsSectorInArea(MyMwcVector3Int sectorPosition)
     Vector3 sectorPos = MySolarSystemUtils.SectorsToKm(sectorPosition);
     Vector3 fromSectorToCenter = sectorPos - Position;
     float fromSectorToCenterDist = fromSectorToCenter.Length();
     return fromSectorToCenterDist <= Radius;
Пример #3
        //  This method does same thing as GetCell(), but doesn't do it now or immediately.
        //  Instead it adds data cells that are needed to be precalculated to the queue so later they can be calculated on multiple cores.
        public static MyVoxelCacheCellData GetCellLater(MyVoxelMap voxelMap, ref MyMwcVector3Int cellCoord)
            lock (Locker)
                MyVoxelCacheCellData cachedDataCell = GetCellFromCache(voxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref cellCoord);

                //  If cell isn't in the cache yet
                if (cachedDataCell == null)
                    //  If cell and its neighborhood is completely full or completely empty, result of precalc will be zero-triangles, so we can skip precalc.
                    //  It can speedup precalc because then we don't have to check every voxel
                    if (voxelMap.IsDataCellCompletelyFullOrCompletelyEmpty(ref cellCoord) == false)
                        //  Cell may have triangles, so add it to cache and run precalc
                        cachedDataCell = AddCell(voxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref cellCoord);

                        MyVoxelPrecalc.AddToQueue(MyLodTypeEnum.LOD0, voxelMap, cachedDataCell, cellCoord.X * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS, cellCoord.Y * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS, cellCoord.Z * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);

                //  I commented out this condition "(cachedDataCell != null)" because now I think we want to move-up in priority list
                //  all data cells, independently of whether they contain or don't contain triangles
                if (cachedDataCell != null)
                    UpdateCell(voxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref cellCoord);

        //  Add cell into cache and returns reference to it. Cache item with lowest priority is choosen.
        //  Call this method when you want allocate new item in the cache.
        static MyVoxelCacheCellRender AddCell(int voxelMapId, ref MyMwcVector3Int cellCoord, MyLodTypeEnum cellHashType)
            Int64 key = MyVoxelMaps.GetCellHashCode(voxelMapId, ref cellCoord, cellHashType);

            //  Cache item with lowest priority is choosen.
            LinkedListNode <MyVoxelCacheCellRender> first = m_priority.First;

            lock (m_priorityLocker)

            //  If this object already contained some vertex buffers (and of course some render cell), we need to dispose its vertex buffers and
            //  remove from hash table, so that render cell will no longer be in the render cell cache
            if (first.Value.Contains == true)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Cache is full - increase it atm");

                Int64 keyForRemoving = MyVoxelMaps.GetCellHashCode(first.Value.VoxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref first.Value.CellCoord, first.Value.CellHashType);

            //  Remember where is render cell cache for this render cell
            m_cellsByCoordinate.Add(key, first);

            //  You have reached the capacity of RENDER cells cache. Consider increasing it.
            MyCommonDebugUtils.AssertDebug(m_cellsByCoordinate.Count <= m_capacity);

Пример #5
 private void UpdateOffsetsInSector(MyMwcVector3Int sector)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_navigationMarks[sector].Count; i++)
        public MyStealthPlayground()
            ID = MyMissionID.STEALTH_PLAYGROUND; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Stealth playground");
            Name = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.EmptyDescription;
            Description = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.EmptyDescription;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-2, 0, 0);

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation);

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.STEALTH_PLAYGROUND };
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>();

            //var playgroundSubmission = new MySubmission(
            //    new StringBuilder("Move like a ninja!"),
            //    MyMissionID.PLAYGROUND_SUBMISSION_01,
            //    new StringBuilder(""),
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { },
            //    new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, 831)

            //playgroundSubmission.OnMissionSuccess += PlaygroundSubmissionSubmissionSuccess;

Пример #7
 public MyVoxelPrecalcTaskItem(MyLodTypeEnum type, MyVoxelMap voxelMap, MyVoxelCacheCellData cache, MyMwcVector3Int voxelStart)
     Type       = type;
     VoxelMap   = voxelMap;
     Cache      = cache;
     VoxelStart = voxelStart;
        private void ClearAsteroid(MyGuiScreenMessageBoxCallbackEnum callbackReturn)
            if (callbackReturn == MyGuiScreenMessageBoxCallbackEnum.YES)
                var             voxelMap      = m_entity as MyVoxelMap;
                MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoordMin = new MyMwcVector3Int(0, 0, 0);
                MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoordMax = voxelMap.Size;

                //  Fix min and max cell coordinates so they don't overlap the voxelmap
                voxelMap.FixVoxelCoord(ref voxelCoordMin);
                voxelMap.FixVoxelCoord(ref voxelCoordMax);

                MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoord;
                for (voxelCoord.X = voxelCoordMin.X; voxelCoord.X <= voxelCoordMax.X; voxelCoord.X++)
                    for (voxelCoord.Y = voxelCoordMin.Y; voxelCoord.Y <= voxelCoordMax.Y; voxelCoord.Y++)
                        for (voxelCoord.Z = voxelCoordMin.Z; voxelCoord.Z <= voxelCoordMax.Z; voxelCoord.Z++)
                            voxelMap.SetVoxelContent(0, ref voxelCoord);
                voxelMap.InvalidateCache(voxelCoordMin, voxelCoordMax);
Пример #9
 public MySolarSystemMapSectorData(MyMwcVector3Int sectorPosition, float fromEntitySize)
     SectorPosition = sectorPosition;
     Entities       = new List <MySolarSystemMapEntity>();
     //AreaData = new MySolarSystemAreaData();
     MinimalEntitySize = fromEntitySize;
Пример #10
        private bool GetSectorDescription(MyMwcVector3Int sectorPosition, out MyTextsWrapperEnum sectorName, out MyTextsWrapperEnum sectorDescription, out MyTexture2D sectorTexture)
            if (m_currentSectorDescription.Item1 != sectorPosition)
                Tuple <MyTextsWrapperEnum, MyTextsWrapperEnum, MyTexture2D> description = null;

                Tuple <MyTextsWrapperEnum, MyTextsWrapperEnum, string> result;
                if (m_sectorDescriptions.TryGetValue(sectorPosition, out result))
                    string textureName = "Textures\\GUI\\LoadingScreen\\" + result.Item3;
                    var    texture     = MyTextureManager.GetTexture <MyTexture2D>(textureName, flags: TextureFlags.IgnoreQuality);
                    description = Tuple.Create(result.Item1, result.Item2, texture);

                m_currentSectorDescription = Tuple.Create(sectorPosition, description);

            if (m_currentSectorDescription.Item2 != null)
                sectorName        = m_currentSectorDescription.Item2.Item1;
                sectorDescription = m_currentSectorDescription.Item2.Item2;
                sectorTexture     = m_currentSectorDescription.Item2.Item3;
                sectorName        = MyTextsWrapperEnum.Null;
                sectorDescription = MyTextsWrapperEnum.Null;
                sectorTexture     = null;
Пример #11
        //  Add decal and all surounding triangles for voxel intersection
        static void AddDecalVoxel(MyDecalTexturesEnum decalTexture, float decalSize, float decalScale, Vector4 color, bool alphaBlendByAngle,
                                  ref MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx intersection, ref MyPlane rightPlane, ref MyPlane upPlane, float lightSize, float emissivity, float decalNormalOffset)
            MyVoxelMap voxelMap = (MyVoxelMap)intersection.Entity;

            MyMwcVector3Int renderCellCoord     = voxelMap.GetVoxelRenderCellCoordinateFromMeters(ref intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace);
            BoundingSphere  decalBoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, decalSize);

            //  If whole decal can't fit inside of render cell, we won't add any of its triangles. This is because
            //  when hiding/removing triangles after explosion, it is easier to check only one render cell.
            BoundingBox renderCellBoundingBox;

            voxelMap.GetRenderCellBoundingBox(ref renderCellCoord, out renderCellBoundingBox);

            // TODO simon - commented as an experiment. If there are bugs with decals on voxels, remove the comment below
            //if (renderCellBoundingBox.Contains(decalBoundingSphere) != ContainmentType.Contains) return;

            //  If we get null, buffer is full so no new decals can't be placed
            MyDecalsForVoxelsTriangleBuffer decalsBuffer = m_decalsForVoxels.GetTrianglesBuffer(voxelMap, ref renderCellCoord, decalTexture, ref renderCellBoundingBox);

            if (decalsBuffer == null)

            //  We need to create decals on neighborhood triangles too, so we check all triangles if they fall in decal's sphere and if yes, we place decal on them.
            //  We check triangles from same voxelmap or model only.

            //intersection.VoxelMap.GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere(ref decalBoundingSphere, intersection.TriangleHelperIndex, m_neighbourTriangles, decalsBuffer.MaxNeighbourTriangles);
            voxelMap.GetTrianglesIntersectingSphere(ref decalBoundingSphere, m_neighbourTriangles, decalsBuffer.MaxNeighbourTriangles, false);

            int trianglesToAdd = m_neighbourTriangles.Count;// +1;

            if (trianglesToAdd == 0)

            if (decalsBuffer.CanAddTriangles(trianglesToAdd) == true)
                var normalSum = CalculateDominantNormal(m_neighbourTriangles);
                normalSum *= decalNormalOffset;

                //  Create decal for every neighbour triangleVertexes
                for (int i = 0; i < m_neighbourTriangles.Count; i++)

                    var triangle = m_neighbourTriangles[i];
                    triangle.Vertexes.Vertex0 += normalSum;
                    triangle.Vertexes.Vertex1 += normalSum;
                    triangle.Vertexes.Vertex2 += normalSum;
                    m_neighbourTriangles[i]    = triangle;

                    decalsBuffer.Add(m_neighbourTriangles[i], intersection.NormalInWorldSpace, ref rightPlane,
                                     ref upPlane, decalScale, trianglesToAdd, color, alphaBlendByAngle, lightSize, intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, emissivity);
Пример #12
        // Liang-Barsky line clipping. Return true if the line isn't completely clipped.
        static bool ClipLine(ref Vector3 start, ref Vector3 end, MyMwcVector3Int min, MyMwcVector3Int max)
            Vector3 dir = end - start;

            if (MyMwcUtils.IsZero(dir))
                return(IsPointInside(start, min, max));
            float tE = 0, tL = 1;

            if (IntersectionT(min.X - start.X, dir.X, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.X - max.X - 1, -dir.X, ref tE, ref tL) &&
                IntersectionT(min.Y - start.Y, dir.Y, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.Y - max.Y - 1, -dir.Y, ref tE, ref tL) &&
                IntersectionT(min.Z - start.Z, dir.Z, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.Z - max.Z - 1, -dir.Z, ref tE, ref tL))
                if (tL < 1)
                    end = start + tL * dir;
                if (tE > 0)
                    start += tE * dir;
        public MySmallPirateBase2Mission()
            ID = MyMissionID.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Small pirate base 2"); // Nazev mise
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2_Description;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(9708260,0,-2101810); // Story sector of the script

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { }; // mise ktere musi byt splneny pred prijetim teto mise
            RequiredMissionsForSuccess = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2_KILL_GENERAL };
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN, MyActorEnum.TARJA, MyActorEnum.VALENTIN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions
           /* DestroyEnemies = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                    new StringBuilder("Destroy the mothership"),
                    new StringBuilder(""),
                    new MyMissionID[] { },
                    new List<uint> { (uint)EntityID.Mothership },
                    new List<uint> { },
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false };
            m_objectives.Add(DestroyEnemies); // pridani do seznamu submisi*/
           DestroyGenerator = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                new StringBuilder("Destroy the generators"),
                new StringBuilder(""),
                new MyMissionID[] { },
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudGenerator };
            m_objectives.Add(DestroyGenerator); // pridani do seznamu submisi

            var ReturnToMothership = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - je to MySubmission takze cilem je doletet do checkpointu
               new StringBuilder("Return to your mothership"), // nazev submise
               MyMissionID.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2_KILL_GENERAL, // id submise
               new StringBuilder(""), // popis submise
               new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2_DESTROY_GENERATOR, }, // ID submisi ktere musi byt splneny - je to prazdne takze je to prvni submise
               new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR), // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
               radiusOverride: MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR_RADIUS
           ) { SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudMadelynsSapho }; // nastaveni save na checkpointu nebo ne
            m_objectives.Add(ReturnToMothership); // pridani do seznamu submisi

Пример #14
        public MyMwcVector3Int? RenderCellCoord; //Render cell coordinate if voxel

        public MyRenderObject(MyEntity entity, MyMwcVector3Int? renderCellCoord)
            Entity = entity;
            Flags = MyElementFlag.EF_AABB_DIRTY;
            m_renderFlags = RenderFlags.SkipIfTooSmall | RenderFlags.NeedsResolveCastShadow;
            RenderCellCoord = renderCellCoord;
Пример #15
        public string              SectorName;          //  Name of sector

        public MyMwcSectorIdentifier(MyMwcSectorTypeEnum sectorType, int?userId, MyMwcVector3Int position, string sectorName)
            SectorType = sectorType;
            UserId     = userId;
            Position   = position;
            SectorName = sectorName == null ? string.Empty : sectorName;
Пример #16
        public void AddTemplateGroups(MySolarSystemMapData data)
            return; // Template groups in solar map are disabled

            if (SolarMapData.TemplateGroups == null)

            Random rnd = new Random(0);

            foreach (var g in SolarMapData.TemplateGroups)
                for (int i = 0; i < g.Count; i++)
                    var             pos = GetRandomPosition(rnd);
                    Vector3         offset;
                    MyMwcVector3Int sector = MySolarSystemUtils.KmToSectors(pos, out offset);

                    var mark = new MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark(sector, "", null, Color.White, TransparentGeometry.MyTransparentMaterialEnum.SolarMapOutpost);
                    mark.Importance       = g.Importance;
                    mark.DrawVerticalLine = false;
                    data.ImportantObjects.Add(new MyImportantSolarObject()
                        NavigationMark = mark, TemplateGroup = g.TemplateGroup
                    //entities.Add(new MySolarSystemMapEntity(sector, offset, 0, "", MySolarSystemEntityEnum.OutpostIcon));
Пример #17
 public MyVoxelPrecalcTaskItem(MyLodTypeEnum type, MyVoxelMap voxelMap, MyVoxelCacheCellData cache, MyMwcVector3Int voxelStart)
     Type = type;
     VoxelMap = voxelMap;
     Cache = cache;
     VoxelStart = voxelStart;
Пример #18
        private void TravelSectorLoaded(MyMwcTravelTypeEnum travelType, MyMwcVector3Int targetSector, byte[] sectorDataResponse, MyMwcObjectBuilder_Sector cachedSector)
            var checkpoint = GetCheckpointBuilder(false);

            checkpoint.SectorObjectBuilder = cachedSector;

            // Overwrite current sector
            checkpoint.CurrentSector.Position = targetSector;
            UpdatePlayerPosition(travelType, ref checkpoint.PlayerObjectBuilder.ShipObjectBuilder.PositionAndOrientation.Position);

            if (sectorDataResponse != null)
                checkpoint.SectorObjectBuilder = MyMwcObjectBuilder_Base.FromBytes <MyMwcObjectBuilder_Sector>(sectorDataResponse);
                MyLocalCache.Save(null, checkpoint.SectorObjectBuilder, checkpoint.CurrentSector);

            // Change NEW_STORY to LOAD_CHECKPOINT, because it's necessary, travel is never new story
            MyMwcStartSessionRequestTypeEnum?sessionStart = null;

            if (MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static != null)
                sessionStart = MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static.GetSessionType();
                if (sessionStart.HasValue && sessionStart.Value == MyMwcStartSessionRequestTypeEnum.NEW_STORY)
                    sessionStart = MyMwcStartSessionRequestTypeEnum.LOAD_CHECKPOINT;

            MyGuiScreenGamePlay.ReloadGameplayScreen(checkpoint, sessionStart, null, null, travelType);
Пример #19

        //END OF BLOCK

        public MyMedina622Mission()
            ID          = MyMissionID.TRADE_STATION_ARABS;                        /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName   = new StringBuilder("Medina 622 mission");                // Name of mission
            Name        = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.MEDINA_622;
            Description = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.MEDINA_622_Description; // Description of mission - do not forget to \n at the end of each line
            //Flags = MyMissionFlags.Story;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(4027778, 0, 861110);       // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { /*MyMissionID.ALIEN_GATE*/ };        // IDs of missions required to make this mission available
            RequiredActors   = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List <MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            //var flyInside = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - its type defines the type of submission - MySubmission means fly to the dummypoint to success. Here it is var so you cannot call methods on it
            //    new StringBuilder("Fly over there"), // Name of the submission
            //    MyMissionID.TRADE_STATION_ARABS_FLY_TARGET, // ID of the submission - must be added to MyMissions.cs
            //    new StringBuilder(""), // Description of the submission
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { }, // ID of submissions required to make this submission available - it is clear so this submission is the starting submission
            //    new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.FlyTarget) // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
            //) { SaveOnSuccess = false }; // False means do not save game in that checkpoint
            //m_objectives.Add(flyInside); // Adding this submission to the list of submissions of current mission
        public MyStealthPlayground()
            ID          = MyMissionID.STEALTH_PLAYGROUND; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName   = new StringBuilder("Stealth playground");
            Name        = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.EmptyDescription;
            Description = Localization.MyTextsWrapperEnum.EmptyDescription;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-2, 0, 0);

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation);

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.STEALTH_PLAYGROUND };
            RequiredActors   = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List <MyObjective>();

            //var playgroundSubmission = new MySubmission(
            //    new StringBuilder("Move like a ninja!"),
            //    MyMissionID.PLAYGROUND_SUBMISSION_01,
            //    new StringBuilder(""),
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { },
            //    new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, 831)

            //playgroundSubmission.OnMissionSuccess += PlaygroundSubmissionSubmissionSuccess;
 public void Begin(MyVoxelMap voxelMap, ref MyMwcVector3Int cellCoord)
     VoxelMap  = voxelMap;
     CellCoord = cellCoord;
     Center    = voxelMap.GetRenderCellCenterPositionAbsolute(ref cellCoord);
     Contains  = true;
 private static void LoadCellInBackground(
     MyVoxelMap voxelMap, ref MyMwcVector3Int renderCellCoord, MyLodTypeEnum cellHashType)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Not implemented");
     MyCommonDebugUtils.AssertDebug(voxelMap != null);
     //m_queue.Enqueue(new RenderCellLoadJob(voxelMap, ref renderCellCoord, cellHashType));
        public bool IsSectorInArea(MyMwcVector3Int sectorPosition)
            Vector3 sectorPos              = MySolarSystemUtils.SectorsToKm(sectorPosition);
            Vector3 fromSectorToCenter     = sectorPos - Position;
            float   fromSectorToCenterDist = fromSectorToCenter.Length();

            return(fromSectorToCenterDist <= Radius);
Пример #24
        //  Blends-out triangles affected by explosion (radius + some safe delta). Triangles there have zero alpha are flaged to not-draw at all.
        public static void HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(MyVoxelMap voxelMap, ref BoundingSphere explosionSphere)
            MyMwcVector3Int renderCellCoord = voxelMap.GetVoxelRenderCellCoordinateFromMeters(ref explosionSphere.Center);

            m_decalsForVoxels.HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(voxelMap.VoxelMapId, ref renderCellCoord, ref explosionSphere);
Пример #25
        private void RecalculatePositions()
            int sizeInVoxels = MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS * MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_MAP_ORE_DEPOSIT_CELL_IN_DATA_CELLS;

            MyMwcVector3Int voxelStartCoord = new MyMwcVector3Int(sizeInVoxels * m_coord.X, sizeInVoxels * m_coord.Y, sizeInVoxels * m_coord.Z);
            MyMwcVector3Int voxelEndCoord   = new MyMwcVector3Int(voxelStartCoord.X + sizeInVoxels - 1, voxelStartCoord.Y + sizeInVoxels - 1, voxelStartCoord.Z + sizeInVoxels - 1);

            MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoord;

            for (voxelCoord.X = voxelStartCoord.X; voxelCoord.X <= voxelEndCoord.X; voxelCoord.X++)
                for (voxelCoord.Y = voxelStartCoord.Y; voxelCoord.Y <= voxelEndCoord.Y; voxelCoord.Y++)
                    for (voxelCoord.Z = voxelStartCoord.Z; voxelCoord.Z <= voxelEndCoord.Z; voxelCoord.Z++)
                        byte content = m_voxelMap.GetVoxelContent(ref voxelCoord);
                        if (content >= MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_ISO_LEVEL)
                            MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum material = m_voxelMap.GetVoxelMaterial(ref voxelCoord);
                            byte maxContent;
                            m_helpersMaxContentForMaterial.TryGetValue((int)material, out maxContent);

                            if (!m_allMaterialsPositions.ContainsKey((int)material) || content > maxContent)
                                if (!m_allMaterialsPositions.ContainsKey((int)material))
                                    m_allMaterialsPositions.Add((int)material, m_voxelMap.GetVoxelCenterPositionAbsolute(ref voxelCoord));
                                    m_allMaterialsPositions[(int)material] = m_voxelMap.GetVoxelCenterPositionAbsolute(ref voxelCoord);

                                if (!m_helpersMaxContentForMaterial.ContainsKey((int)material))
                                    m_helpersMaxContentForMaterial.Add((int)material, content);
                                    m_helpersMaxContentForMaterial[(int)material] = content;

            //if (m_oreWithContent.Count > 0)
            //    SortByContent();
            //    m_position = m_allMaterialsPositions[(int)m_oreWithContent[0]].Value;
            //    m_position = WorldAABB.GetCenter();
Пример #26
 //  I am using method for calculating voxel cell hash code instead of struct for storing key.
 //  I am trying to generate hash code scaled in larger space. Minimal difference between too closest cells is MAX_VOXEL_CELLS_COUNT.
 //  Resons:
 //      - Int is faster than struct storing four ints
 //      - Struct was for some unknown reasons making garbage. Every call to TryGetValue()
 //        was allocating something. Probably because of boxing when calculating GetHashCode(0
 //        or doing Equals(), but I am not sure.
 public static Int64 GetCellHashCode(int voxelMapId, ref MyMwcVector3Int cellCoord, MyLodTypeEnum cellHashType)
          (int)cellHashType * MAX_VOXEL_CELLS_COUNT);
Пример #27
        public bool IsNotInSameSector()
            MyMwcVector3Int currentSector = MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static.GetSectorIdentifier().Position;

            return(SectorPosition.Value.X != currentSector.X ||
                   SectorPosition.Value.Y != currentSector.Y ||
                   SectorPosition.Value.Z != currentSector.Z);
        private bool CheckVoxelCoord(ref MyMwcVector3Int cellCoord)
            return((uint)(cellCoord.X | cellCoord.Y | cellCoord.Z) < (uint)MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);  // VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS must be a power of 2

             * return (cellCoord.X >= 0 && cellCoord.Y >= 0 && cellCoord.Z >= 0) &&
             *  (cellCoord.X < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS && cellCoord.Y < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS && cellCoord.Z < MyVoxelConstants.VOXEL_DATA_CELL_SIZE_IN_VOXELS);
 public MyGuiScreenEnterSectorProgress(MyMwcTravelTypeEnum travelType, MyMwcVector3Int targetSectorPosition, Vector3 currentShipPosition, System.Action<MyMwcObjectBuilder_Sector, Vector3> enterSectorSuccessfulAction)
     : base(MyTextsWrapperEnum.EnterSectorInProgressPleaseWait, false)
     m_travelType = travelType;
     m_targetSectorPosition = targetSectorPosition;
     m_currentShipPosition = currentShipPosition;
     m_enterSectorSuccessfulAction = enterSectorSuccessfulAction;
Пример #30
 public MyGuiScreenEnterSectorProgress(MyMwcTravelTypeEnum travelType, MyMwcVector3Int targetSectorPosition, Vector3 currentShipPosition, System.Action <MyMwcObjectBuilder_Sector, Vector3> enterSectorSuccessfulAction)
     : base(MyTextsWrapperEnum.EnterSectorInProgressPleaseWait, false)
     m_backgroundFadeColor         = MyGuiConstants.SCREEN_BACKGROUND_FADE_BLANK_DARK_PROGRESS_SCREEN;
     m_travelType                  = travelType;
     m_targetSectorPosition        = targetSectorPosition;
     m_currentShipPosition         = currentShipPosition;
     m_enterSectorSuccessfulAction = enterSectorSuccessfulAction;
Пример #31
        public MySolarfactoryEACMission()
            m_ValidateIDlists = new List <List <uint> >();

            ID          = MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_EAC;              /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName   = new StringBuilder("Solar factory - EAC"); // Nazev mise
            Name        = MyTextsWrapperEnum.SOLAR_PLANT_EAC;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.EmptyDescription;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(2700837, 0, -1774663);     // Story sector of the script

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Startmy point

            RequiredMissions           = new MyMissionID[] {  };                        // mise ktere musi byt splneny pred prijetim teto mise
            RequiredMissionsForSuccess = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_EAC_RETURN };
            RequiredActors             = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN, MyActorEnum.TARJA, MyActorEnum.VALENTIN };

            m_objectives = new List <MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            var DestroyTransformator = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                new StringBuilder("Destroy the transformer"),
                new StringBuilder(""),
                new MyMissionID[] { },
                SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudTransformer

            DestroyTransformator.OnMissionSuccess += new Missions.MissionHandler(DestroyedTransformator);
            m_objectives.Add(DestroyTransformator);             // pridani do seznamu submisi

            var ReturnToMothership = new MyObjective(           // One member of that list - je to MyObjective takze cilem je doletet do checkpointu
                new StringBuilder("Return to your mothership"), // nazev submise
                MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_EAC_RETURN,             // id submise
                new StringBuilder(""),                          // popis submise
                new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_EAC_DESTROY, },          // ID submisi ktere musi byt splneny - je to prazdne takze je to prvni submise
                new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR), // ID of dummy point of checkpoin
                //StartDialogId: MyDialogueEnum.SLAVERBASE_0900_NUKE_HACKED,
                radiusOverride: MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR_RADIUS)
                SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudMadelynsSapho
            };                                    // nastaveni save na checkpointu nebo ne

            m_objectives.Add(ReturnToMothership); //
        private void AddEntity(MySolarSystemMapData data, Vector3 posMillKm, float radiusMillKm, string name, MySolarSystemEntityEnum entityType, Color color, object entityData = null)
            float           radius = radiusMillKm * MyBgrCubeConsts.MILLION_KM;
            Vector3         offset;
            MyMwcVector3Int sector = MySolarSystemUtils.MillionKmToSectors(posMillKm, out offset);
            var             entity = new MySolarSystemMapEntity(sector, offset, radius, name, entityType, color);

            entity.EntityData = entityData;
        public MyFortValiantMissionBase()
            Flags      = MyMissionFlags.Story;
            baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-588410, 0, -3425542);                         // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation);     // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum

            RequiredMissions           = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.JUNKYARD_RETURN }; // IDs of missions required to make this mission available
            RequiredMissionsForSuccess = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.FORT_VALIANT_RETURN_BACK_TO_MADELYN_2 };
Пример #34
        public MySmallPirateBase2()
            ID = MyMissionID.SMALL_PIRATE_BASE_2; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            Name = new StringBuilder("Small pirate base 2"); // Nazev mise
            Description = new StringBuilder( // popis mise
                "Destroy the station\n"

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(9708260,0,-2101810); // Story sector of the script

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, 1749); // Starting dummy point

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { }; // mise ktere musi byt splneny pred prijetim teto mise

            m_submissions = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            DestroyEnemies = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                    new StringBuilder("Destroy the mothership"),
                    new StringBuilder(""),
                    new MyMissionID[] { },
                    new List<uint> { 5293 },
                    new List<uint> { },
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false };
            m_submissions.Add(DestroyEnemies); // pridani do seznamu submisi
            DestroyGenerator = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                new StringBuilder("Destroy the generator"),
                new StringBuilder(""),
                new MyMissionID[] {  },
                new List<uint> { 812 },
                new List<uint> {  },
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false };
            m_submissions.Add(DestroyGenerator); // pridani do seznamu submisi

            var escape = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - je to MySubmission takze cilem je doletet do checkpointu
               new StringBuilder("Return to the mothership"), // nazev submise
               MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1_ESCAPE, // id submise
               new StringBuilder(""), // popis submise
               new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1_DESTROY_GENERATOR, }, // ID submisi ktere musi byt splneny - je to prazdne takze je to prvni submise
               new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, 2475) // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
           ) { SaveOnSuccess = false }; // nastaveni save na checkpointu nebo ne
            m_submissions.Add(escape); // pridani do seznamu submisi
        public MyHippieOutpostMission()
            ID          = MyMissionID.HIPPIE_OUTPOST;          /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName   = new StringBuilder("Hippie Outpost"); // Name of mission
            Name        = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HIPPIE_OUTPOST;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HIPPIE_OUTPOST_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(238307, 0, -2545498); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location         = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors   = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List <MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            var reach_outpost = new MyObjective(        // One member of that list - its type defines the type of submission - MySubmission means fly to the dummypoint to success. Here it is var so you cannot call methods on it
                new StringBuilder("See what's wrong!"), // Name of the submission
                MyMissionID.REACH_OUTPOST,              // ID of the submission - must be added to MyMissions.cs
                new StringBuilder("\n"),                // Description of the submission
                new MyMissionID[] { },                                  // ID of submissions required to make this submission available - it is clear so this submission is the starting submission
                new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.reach) // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
                SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.Nothing
            };                                                                // False means do not save game in that checkpoint


            var KillKharmaSpoilers = new MyObjectiveDestroy(                   // MySubmissionDestroy means mission with objective to destroy something - here it is class member so you can call methods on it
                new StringBuilder("Place the karma spoilers"),                 //Name of the submission
                MyMissionID.KILL_ALL,                                          // ID of the submission
                new StringBuilder("Don't let them spread negative energy!\n"), // Description of the submission
                new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.REACH_OUTPOST }, // ID of submissions required to make this submission available - these declares the sequence of submissions

                new List <uint> {
                (uint)EntityID.Spawn1, (uint)EntityID.Spawn2, (uint)EntityID.Spawn3, (uint)EntityID.Spawn4, (uint)EntityID.Spawn5, (uint)EntityID.Spawn6, (uint)EntityID.Spawn7
            },                                                                                                                                                                                    // ID of objects to be destroyed as a mission objective
                SaveOnSuccess = true, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.Nothing

Пример #36
 public MySolarSystemMapEntity(MyMwcVector3Int sector, Vector3 positionInSector, float radius, string name, MySolarSystemEntityEnum entityType, Color color)
     //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(positionInSector.X) <= MyBgrCubeConsts.SECTOR_SIZE / 2 && Math.Abs(positionInSector.Y) <= MyBgrCubeConsts.SECTOR_SIZE / 2 && Math.Abs(positionInSector.Z) <= MyBgrCubeConsts.SECTOR_SIZE / 2, "Position is out of sector!");
     Sector           = sector;
     PositionInSector = positionInSector;
     Radius           = radius;
     Name             = name;
     Color            = color;
     EntityType       = entityType;
Пример #37
 public MySolarSystemMapNavigationMark(MyMwcVector3Int sector, string name, MyMissionID?missionID, Color color, MyTransparentMaterialEnum texture)
     Sector           = sector;
     Name             = name;
     Color            = color;
     Texture          = texture;
     Importance       = 1;
     DrawVerticalLine = true;
     MissionID        = missionID;
     Font             = MyGuiManager.GetFontMinerWarsWhite();
 public MyGuiScreenLoadCheckpointProgress(MyMwcSectorTypeEnum sessionType, MyMwcSessionStateEnum sessionStartType, int? userId, MyMwcVector3Int? position, string checkpointName, System.Action<MyMwcObjectBuilder_Checkpoint> enterSectorSuccessfulAction)
     : base(MyTextsWrapperEnum.EnterSectorInProgressPleaseWait, false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(360)) // Some missions loads very long (Roch's junkyard)
     m_sessionType = sessionType;
     m_sessionStartType = sessionStartType;
     m_userId = userId;
     m_sectorPosition = position;
     m_checkpointName = checkpointName;
     m_loadCheckpointSuccessfulAction = enterSectorSuccessfulAction;
Пример #39
 //  Same as GetMaterial() - but this is for indestructible content
 public byte GetIndestructibleContent(ref MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoordInCell)
     if (m_singleMaterialForWholeCell == true)
         return m_singleIndestructibleContent;
         return m_indestructibleContent[voxelCoordInCell.X * xStep + voxelCoordInCell.Y * yStep + voxelCoordInCell.Z * zStep];
Пример #40
        //  Change material for specified voxel
        //  If this material is single material for whole cell, we do nothing. Otherwise we allocate 3D arrays and start using them.
        public void SetMaterialAndIndestructibleContent(MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum material, byte indestructibleContent, ref MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoordInCell)

            if (m_singleMaterialForWholeCell == false)
                int xyz = voxelCoordInCell.X * xStep + voxelCoordInCell.Y * yStep + voxelCoordInCell.Z * zStep;
                m_materials[xyz] = material;
                m_indestructibleContent[xyz] = indestructibleContent;
Пример #41
 //  Blends-out triangles affected by explosion (radius + some safe delta). Triangles there have zero alpha are flaged to not-draw at all.
 public void HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(int voxelMapId, ref MyMwcVector3Int renderCellCoord, ref BoundingSphere explosionSphere)
     //  Search for all buffers storing this voxelmap and render cell
     foreach (MyDecalsForVoxelsTriangleBuffer buffer in m_usedTriangleBuffers)
         if ((buffer.VoxelMap.VoxelMapId == voxelMapId) && (buffer.RenderCellCoord.Equals(renderCellCoord)))
             buffer.HideTrianglesAfterExplosion(ref explosionSphere);

        //END OF BLOCK

        public MyChineseSolarArrayAttackMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Destroy the Chinese solar plant"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_Description;
            //Flags = MyMissionFlags.Story;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-1185103, 0, 3822834); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { /*MyMissionID.ALIEN_GATE*/ }; // IDs of missions required to make this mission available
            RequiredMissionsForSuccess = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_FLY_TARGET };
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            //var destroy1 = new MyObjectiveDestroy(
            //    new StringBuilder("Destroy the comm station"),
            //    MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_DESTROY_TARGET_1,
            //    new StringBuilder("Destroy the satellite communication station to prevent the Chinese from calling reinforcements.\n"),
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { },
            //    new List<uint>() { (uint)EntityID.DestroyPrefab1Id }
            //) { SaveOnSuccess = false };

            //var destroy2 = new MyObjectiveDestroy(
            //    new StringBuilder("Destroy the accumulators"),
            //    MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_DESTROY_TARGET_2,
            //    new StringBuilder("Destroying three accumulators will seriously disrupt the energy supply of the Chinese.\n"),
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_DESTROY_TARGET_1 },
            //    new List<uint>() { (uint)EntityID.DestroyPrefab2Id, (uint)EntityID.DestroyPrefab3Id, (uint)EntityID.DestroyPrefab4Id }
            //) { SaveOnSuccess = false };

            //var flyInside = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - its type defines the type of submission - MySubmission means fly to the dummypoint to success. Here it is var so you cannot call methods on it
            //    new StringBuilder("Return to Madelyn"), // Name of the submission
            //    MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_FLY_TARGET, // ID of the submission - must be added to MyMissions.cs
            //    new StringBuilder("Fly to your mothership to get away.\n"), // Description of the submission
            //    null,
            //    this,
            //    new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.SOLAR_PLANT_CHINA_DESTROY_TARGET_2 }, // ID of submissions required to make this submission available - it is clear so this submission is the starting submission
            //    new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.FlyTarget) // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
            //) { SaveOnSuccess = false }; // False means do not save game in that checkpoint
            //m_objectives.Add(flyInside); // Adding this submission to the list of submissions of current mission
        public MyArabianBorderMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.ARABIAN_BORDER; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Arabian border"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ARABIAN_BORDER;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ARABIAN_BORDER_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(6477920, 0, -2331108); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions
Пример #44
        public MyNewNanjingMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.NEW_NANJING; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("New Nanjing"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.NEW_NANJING;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.NEW_NANJING_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(719329, 0, 3942993); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions
Пример #45
        //  Return material for specified voxel. If whole cell contain one single material, this one is returned. Otherwise material from 3D array is returned.
        public MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum GetMaterial(ref MyMwcVector3Int voxelCoordInCell)
            if (MyFakes.SINGLE_VOXEL_MATERIAL != null)
                return MyFakes.SINGLE_VOXEL_MATERIAL.Value;

            if (m_singleMaterialForWholeCell == true)
                return m_singleMaterial;
                return m_materials[voxelCoordInCell.X * xStep + voxelCoordInCell.Y * yStep + voxelCoordInCell.Z * zStep];
        public override float GetSectorInterpolator(MyMwcVector3Int sectorPosition)
            Vector3 sectorPos = MySolarSystemUtils.SectorsToKm(sectorPosition);
            Vector3 fromSectorToCenter = sectorPos - Position;
            float fromSectorToCenterDist = fromSectorToCenter.Length();
            if (fromSectorToCenterDist > Radius)
                // Out of circle zone
                return 0;

            float cubicInterpolator = MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, fromSectorToCenterDist / Radius);
            return cubicInterpolator;
        public MySmallPirateBaseMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Small pirate base"); // Nazev mise
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.PIRATE_BASE_1;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.PIRATE_BASE_1_Description;

            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(14393995,0,2939339); // Story sector of the script

            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point

            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { }; // mise ktere musi byt splneny pred prijetim teto mise
            RequiredMissionsForSuccess = new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1_ESCAPE };
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MARCUS, MyActorEnum.MADELYN, MyActorEnum.TARJA, MyActorEnum.VALENTIN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

            DestroyGenerator = new MyObjectiveDestroy( // Var is used to call functions on that member
                new StringBuilder("Destroy the generator"),
                new StringBuilder(""),
                new MyMissionID[] {  },
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudGenerator };
            m_objectives.Add(DestroyGenerator); // pridani do seznamu submisi
            DestroyGenerator.OnMissionSuccess += new Missions.MissionHandler(DestroyMSSuccess);

            var escape = new MyObjective( // One member of that list - je to MySubmission takze cilem je doletet do checkpointu
                new StringBuilder("Escape"), // nazev submise
                MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1_ESCAPE, // id submise
                new StringBuilder(""), // popis submise
                new MyMissionID[] { MyMissionID.PIRATE_BASE_1_DESTROY_GENERATOR, }, // ID submisi ktere musi byt splneny - je to prazdne takze je to prvni submise
                new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR), // ID of dummy point of checkpoint
                radiusOverride: MyMissionLocation.MADELYN_HANGAR_RADIUS
            ) { SaveOnSuccess = false, HudName = MyTextsWrapperEnum.HudMadelynsSapho }; // nastaveni save na checkpointu nebo ne
            m_objectives.Add(escape); // pridani do seznamu submisi


        public MyMilitaryOutpostMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.MILITARY_OUTPOST; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            Name = new StringBuilder("Military outpost"); // Name of mission
            Description = new StringBuilder("Conquer the outposts.\n  ");
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-3210402, 0, 2812826); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.Madelyn };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public MyGuiScreenEnterSectorMap(MyGuiScreenBase closeAfterSuccessfulEnter, MyMwcStartSessionRequestTypeEnum startSessionType, MyTextsWrapperEnum startSessionProgressText, MyMwcVector3Int? lastSandboxSector)
            : base(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), MyGuiConstants.SCREEN_BACKGROUND_COLOR, new Vector2(700f / 1600f, 700 / 1200f))
            m_closeAfterSuccessfulEnter = closeAfterSuccessfulEnter;
            m_startSessionType = startSessionType;
            m_startSessionProgressText = startSessionProgressText;
            m_enableBackgroundFade = true;
            m_sectors = new List<MyMwcSectorIdentifier>();
            m_backgroundTexture = MyTextureManager.GetTexture<MyTexture2D>("Textures\\GUI\\BackgroundScreen\\ConfigWheelBackground", flags: TextureFlags.IgnoreQuality);
            m_lastSandboxSector = lastSandboxSector;


Пример #50
        public MyConvoyMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.CONVOY; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Convoy"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.CONVOY;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.CONVOY_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-1179792, 0, -5253184); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

Пример #51
        // Liang-Barsky line clipping. Return true if the line isn't completely clipped.
        static bool ClipLine(ref Vector3 start, ref Vector3 end, MyMwcVector3Int min, MyMwcVector3Int max)
            Vector3 dir = end - start;
            if (MyMwcUtils.IsZero(dir)) return IsPointInside(start, min, max);
            float tE = 0, tL = 1;

            if (IntersectionT(min.X - start.X, dir.X, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.X - max.X - 1, -dir.X, ref tE, ref tL) &&
                IntersectionT(min.Y - start.Y, dir.Y, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.Y - max.Y - 1, -dir.Y, ref tE, ref tL) &&
                IntersectionT(min.Z - start.Z, dir.Z, ref tE, ref tL) && IntersectionT(start.Z - max.Z - 1, -dir.Z, ref tE, ref tL))
                if (tL < 1) end = start + tL * dir;
                if (tE > 0) start += tE * dir;
                return true;
            return false;
        public MyAsteroidComplexMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.ASTEROID_COMPLEX; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Asteroid complex"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ASTEROID_COMPLEX;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ASTEROID_COMPLEX_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(2066666, 0, -7666666); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

Пример #53
        public MyGatesOfHellMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.GATES_OF_HELL; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Gates of Hell"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.GATES_OF_HELL;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.GATES_OF_HELL_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-3852627, 0, -2074149); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public MyMothershipCrashMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.MOTHERSHIP_CRASH; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Mothership Crash"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.MOTHERSHIP_CRASH;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.MOTHERSHIP_CRASHL_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-6450733, 0, -5060566); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

Пример #55
        public MyEACCapitalMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.EAC_CAPITAL; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("New NYC - EAC Capital"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.EAC_CAPITAL;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.EAC_CAPITAL_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(6494595, 0, -4998184); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public MyFactoryAmbushMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.FACTORY_AMBUSH; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Factory Ambush"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.FACTORY_AMBUSH;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.FACTORY_AMBUSH_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-1120106, 0, -11892620); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

Пример #57
        public MyZombieLevelMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.ZOMBIE_LEVEL; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Zombie Level"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ZOMBIE_LEVEL;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.ZOMBIE_LEVEL_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-5758996, 0, -8078063); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public MyForgottenFacilityMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.FORGOTTEN_FACILITY; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Forgotten Facility"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.FORGOTTEN_FACILITY;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.FORGOTTEN_FACILITY_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(18474168, 0, 62799965); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public MyIndustrialSectorMission()
            ID = MyMissionID.INDUSTRIAL_SECTOR; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Industrial Sector"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.INDUSTRIAL_SECTOR;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.INDUSTRIAL_SECTOR_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(-7944309, 0, -14218145); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions

        public IntergalacticHighway()
            ID = MyMissionID.INTERGALACTIC_HIGHWAY; /* ID must be added to MyMissions.cs */
            DebugName = new StringBuilder("Intergalatic highway"); // Name of mission
            Name = MyTextsWrapperEnum.INTERGALACTIC_HIGHWAY;
            Description = MyTextsWrapperEnum.INTERGALACTIC_HIGHWAY_Description;
            MyMwcVector3Int baseSector = new MyMwcVector3Int(4546561, 0, -6059286); // Story sector of the script - i.e. (-2465,0,6541)
            RequiredMissions = new MyMissionID[] { };
            Location = new MyMissionLocation(baseSector, (uint)EntityID.StartLocation); // Starting dummy point - must by typecasted to uint and referenced from EntityID enum
            RequiredActors = new MyActorEnum[] { MyActorEnum.MADELYN };

            m_objectives = new List<MyObjective>(); // Creating of list of submissions
