Пример #1
        public static void Start()

            IsActive     = true;
            startTime    = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
            ambientSound = MyAudio.AddCue3D(MySoundCuesEnum.SfxSolarWind,
                                            MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * MaxSoundDistance, Vector3.Forward,
                                            Vector3.Up, Vector3.Zero, 0);

            sphereCenter = MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * 400;

            for (int i = 0; i < SmokeCount; i++)
                Vector3 pos = sphereCenter +
                              MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, SmokeSphereRadius);
                var smokePart = new SmokeParticle
                    Angle           = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(),
                    Color           = Vector4.Zero,
                    AngularVelocity = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(-0.15f, 0.15f),
                    Pos             = pos,
                    Velocity        =
                        MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 30f)
            //  I used this method only when we didn't have real persistant sectors... for fly-through animations
            List <MyVoxelMapImpostor> CreateFakeImpostors()
                List <MyVoxelMapImpostor> ret = new List <MyVoxelMapImpostor>(ImpostorProperties.ImpostorsCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < ImpostorProperties.ImpostorsCount; i++)
                    Vector3 sectorCenter = Vector3.Zero;

                    float   randomDistance             = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(ImpostorProperties.MinDistance, ImpostorProperties.MaxDistance);
                    Vector3 randomPositionWithinSector = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() * randomDistance;

                    float radius = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(ImpostorProperties.MinRadius, ImpostorProperties.MaxRadius);

                    Vector3 position = sectorCenter + randomPositionWithinSector;

                    float angle = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();

                    ret.Add(new MyVoxelMapImpostor(position, radius, angle));

                //  Sort by distance (back-to-front) so alpha won't make problems on overlapping quads

        public void Start(Vector3 position, float scale, MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum voxelMaterial, MyGroupMask groupMask, bool explosionType)
            base.Start(position, scale, groupMask, explosionType);

            if (explosionType)
                //apply random rotation impulse
                base.Physics.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian()) * 0.7f;
                if (base.Physics.AngularVelocity.Length() == 0)

                if (!Physics.Enabled)
                    Physics.Enabled = true;
                if (Physics.Enabled)
                    Physics.Enabled = false;

            VoxelMaterial = voxelMaterial;


            RenderObjects[0].NeedsResolveCastShadow = true;
            RenderObjects[0].FastCastShadowResolve  = true;
        protected override void Start(Vector3 position, float scale, MyGroupMask groupMask, bool explosionType)
            base.Start(position, scale, groupMask, explosionType);

            //apply random rotation impulse
            Physics.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian());
            Physics.Enabled         = true;

 public MyGuiControlRotatingWheel(IMyGuiControlsParent parent, Vector2 position, Vector4 color, float scale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum align, MyTexture2D texture)
     : base(parent, position, null, null, null, false)
     m_rotatingAngle = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();
     m_color         = color;
     m_wheelScale    = scale;
     //m_scale = 4;
     m_align   = align;
     m_texture = texture;
Пример #6
        public static void Draw()
            if (!IsActive)

            // main smoke
            foreach (SmokeParticle part in smokeParticles)
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.Smoke, part.Color, part.Pos, 900,
                                                        part.Angle, 0, true);

            float darkeningPhase;
            float dt;

            GetDarkeningPhase(out darkeningPhase, out dt);

            // small pieces of debris
            if (darkeningPhase > 0.2)
                var color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, darkeningPhase);

                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    Vector3 pos = MyCamera.Position +
                                  GetRandomVector3CircleNormalizedFixed(MyCamera.ForwardVector) *
                                  MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 500) + MyCamera.ForwardVector * 20;
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.particle_stone, color, pos,
                                                            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.008f, 0.05f),

                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    Vector3 pos = MyCamera.Position +
                                  GetRandomVector3CircleNormalizedFixed(MyCamera.ForwardVector) *
                                  MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 500) + MyCamera.ForwardVector * 20;
                    MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.Sparks_b, color, pos,
                                                            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.008f, 0.05f),

            // storm aftersparks
            foreach (ElectricStorm storm in storms)
                MyTransparentGeometry.AddPointBillboard(MyTransparentMaterialEnum.Sparks_a, new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                                                        storm.Position +
                                                        MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() *
                                                        MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 50),
                                                        MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(10, 20), MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian());
Пример #7
        public override void Init(StringBuilder hudLabelText, MySmallShip parentObject,
                                  Vector3 position, Vector3 forwardVector, Vector3 upVector,
                                  MyMwcObjectBuilder_SmallShip_Weapon objectBuilder)
            base.Init(hudLabelText, MyModelsEnum.Autocannon_Base, MyMaterialType.METAL, parentObject,
                      position, forwardVector, upVector, objectBuilder);

            m_rotationAngle        = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();
            m_lastTimeShoot        = MyConstants.FAREST_TIME_IN_PAST;
            m_smokeLastTime        = MyConstants.FAREST_TIME_IN_PAST;
            m_smokesToGenerate     = 0;
            m_cannonMotorEndPlayed = true;
            m_rotationTimeout      = (float)MyAutocanonConstants.ROTATION_TIMEOUT + MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(-500, +500);

            m_barrelMatrix = ModelLod0.Dummies["BARREL_POSITION"].Matrix;
            m_barrel       = new MyAutocannonBarrel();
            m_barrel.Init(null, m_barrelMatrix, this);
Пример #8
        //  IMPORTANT: This class isn't realy inicialized by constructor, but by Start()
        //  So don't initialize members here, do it in Start()
        public virtual void Init(MyModelsEnum modelLod0Enum, MyModelsEnum?modelLod1Enum, MyMaterialType materialType, float scale, List <MyRBElementDesc> collisionPrimitives, float mass)
            MyPhysicsObjects physobj = MyPhysics.physicsSystem.GetPhysicsObjects();

            base.Init(null, modelLod0Enum, modelLod1Enum, null, scale, null);

            m_maxLifeTimeInMiliseconds = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomInt(MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_DEBRIS_LIVING_MIN_IN_MILISECONDS, MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_DEBRIS_LIVING_MAX_IN_MILISECONDS);
            m_randomizedDiffuseTextureColorMultiplier = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.4f, 0.6f);
            m_initialOrientation = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian()) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian()) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian());

            // create physics
            this.Physics = new MyPhysicsBody(this, mass, 0)
                MaterialType = materialType

            for (int i = 0; i < collisionPrimitives.Count; i++)
                MyRBSphereElement sphereEl = (MyRBSphereElement)physobj.CreateRBElement(collisionPrimitives[i]);
                sphereEl.Radius *= scale;
                this.Physics.AddElement(sphereEl, true);
Пример #9
        //  Update position, check collisions, etc.
        //  Return false if projectile dies/timeouts in this tick.
        public bool Update()
            //  Projectile was killed , but still not last time drawn, so we don't need to do update (we are waiting for last draw)
            if (m_state == MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED)

            //  Projectile was killed and last time drawn, so we can finally remove it from buffer
            if (m_state == MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED_AND_DRAWN)
                if (m_trailEffect != null)
                    // stop the trail effect
                    m_trailEffect = null;


            Vector3 position = m_position;

            m_position += m_velocity * MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
            m_velocity  = m_externalVelocity * m_externalAddition + m_directionNormalized * m_speed;
            if (m_externalAddition < 1.0f)
                m_externalAddition *= 0.5f;

            //  Distance timeout
            float trajectoryLength = Vector3.Distance(m_position, m_origin);

            if (trajectoryLength >= m_maxTrajectory)
                if (m_trailEffect != null)
                    // stop the trail effect
                    m_trailEffect = null;

                m_state = MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED;

            if (m_trailEffect != null)
                m_trailEffect.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(m_position);

            m_checkIntersectionIndex = m_checkIntersectionIndex % CHECK_INTERSECTION_INTERVAL;

            //check only each n-th intersection
            if (m_checkIntersectionIndex != 0)

            //  Calculate hit point, create decal and throw debris particles
            Vector3 lineEndPosition = position + CHECK_INTERSECTION_INTERVAL * (m_velocity * MyConstants.PHYSICS_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS);

            MyLine line = new MyLine(m_positionChecked ? position : m_origin, lineEndPosition, true);

            m_positionChecked = true;

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?intersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, m_ignorePhysObject, null, false);


            MyEntity physObject = intersection != null ? intersection.Value.Entity : null;

            if (physObject != null)
                while (physObject.Physics == null && physObject.Parent != null)
                    physObject = physObject.Parent;

            if ((intersection != null) && (physObject != null) && (physObject.Physics.CollisionLayer != MyConstants.COLLISION_LAYER_UNCOLLIDABLE) && m_ignorePhysObject != physObject)
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx intersectionValue = intersection.Value;

                bool isPlayerShip = MySession.PlayerShip == physObject;

                MyMaterialType materialType = isPlayerShip ? MyMaterialType.PLAYERSHIP : physObject.Physics.MaterialType;

                //material properties
                MyMaterialTypeProperties materialProperties = MyMaterialsConstants.GetMaterialProperties(materialType);

                bool isProjectileGroupKilled = false;

                if (m_sharedGroup != null)
                    isProjectileGroupKilled = m_sharedGroup.Killed;
                    m_sharedGroup.Killed    = true;

                if (!isProjectileGroupKilled)
                    //  Play bullet hit cue
                    MyAudio.AddCue3D(m_ammoProperties.IsExplosive ? materialProperties.ExpBulletHitCue : materialProperties.BulletHitCue, intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);

                float decalAngle = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();

                //  If we hit the glass of a miner ship, we need to create special bullet hole decals
                //  drawn from inside the cockpit and change phys object so rest of the code will think we hit the parent
                //  IMPORTANT: Intersection between projectile and glass is calculated only for mining ship in which player sits. So for enemies this will be never calculated.
                if (intersection.Value.Entity is MyCockpitGlassEntity)
                    if (!isProjectileGroupKilled)
                        MyCockpitGlassDecalTexturesEnum bulletHoleDecalTexture;
                        float bulletHoleDecalSize;

                        if (MyMwcUtils.GetRandomBool(3))
                            bulletHoleDecalTexture = MyCockpitGlassDecalTexturesEnum.BulletHoleOnGlass;
                            bulletHoleDecalSize    = 0.25f;
                            bulletHoleDecalTexture = MyCockpitGlassDecalTexturesEnum.BulletHoleSmallOnGlass;
                            bulletHoleDecalSize    = 0.1f;

                        //  Place bullet hole decal on player's cockpit glass (seen from inside the ship)
                        MyCockpitGlassDecals.Add(bulletHoleDecalTexture, bulletHoleDecalSize, decalAngle, 1.0f, ref intersectionValue, false);

                        //  Create hit particles throwed into the cockpit (it's simulation of broken glass particles)
                        //  IMPORTANT: This particles will be relative to miner ship, so we create them in object space coordinates and update them by object WorldMatrix every time we draw them
                        //MyParticleEffects.CreateHitParticlesGlass(ref intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace, ref intersectionValue.NormalInWorldSpace, ref line.Direction, physObject.Parent);

                //  If this was "mine", it must explode
                else if (physObject is MyMineBase)
                    m_state = MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED;
                    if (!IsDummy)
                        (physObject as MyAmmoBase).Explode();

                //  If this was missile, cannon shot, it must explode if it is not mine missile
                else if (physObject is MyAmmoBase)
                    if (((MyAmmoBase)physObject).OwnerEntity == m_ignorePhysObject)
                        m_state = MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED;
                        if (!IsDummy)
                            (physObject as MyAmmoBase).Explode();

                else if (this.OwnerEntity is MySmallShip && (MySmallShip)this.OwnerEntity == MySession.PlayerShip && physObject is MyStaticAsteroid && !physObject.IsDestructible)
                    if (this.m_ammoProperties.IsExplosive || (this.m_ammoProperties.AmmoType == MyAmmoType.Explosive && this.m_weapon is Weapons.MyShotGun))

                else if (!isProjectileGroupKilled && !isPlayerShip)
                    //  Create smoke and debris particle at the place of voxel/model hit
                    m_ammoProperties.OnHitParticles(ref intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, ref intersectionValue.Triangle.InputTriangleNormal, ref line.Direction, physObject, m_weapon, OwnerEntity);

                    MySurfaceImpactEnum surfaceImpact;
                    if (intersectionValue.Entity is MyVoxelMap)
                        var voxelMap   = intersectionValue.Entity as MyVoxelMap;
                        var voxelCoord = voxelMap.GetVoxelCenterCoordinateFromMeters(ref intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace);
                        var material   = voxelMap.GetVoxelMaterial(ref voxelCoord);
                        if (material == MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Indestructible_01 ||
                            material == MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Indestructible_02 ||
                            material == MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Indestructible_03 ||
                            material == MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Indestructible_04 ||
                            material == MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Indestructible_05_Craters_01)
                            surfaceImpact = MySurfaceImpactEnum.INDESTRUCTIBLE;
                            surfaceImpact = MySurfaceImpactEnum.DESTRUCTIBLE;
                    else if (intersectionValue.Entity is MyStaticAsteroid)
                        surfaceImpact = MySurfaceImpactEnum.INDESTRUCTIBLE;
                        surfaceImpact = MySurfaceImpactEnum.METAL;

                    m_ammoProperties.OnHitMaterialSpecificParticles(ref intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, ref intersectionValue.Triangle.InputTriangleNormal, ref line.Direction, physObject, surfaceImpact, m_weapon);

                if (!(physObject is MyExplosionDebrisBase) && physObject != MySession.PlayerShip)
                    //  Decal size depends on material. But for mining ship create smaller decal as original size looks to large on the ship.
                    float decalSize = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(materialProperties.BulletHoleSizeMin,

                    //  Place bullet hole decal
                    float randomColor = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1.0f);

                        new Vector4(randomColor, randomColor, randomColor, 1),
                        ref intersectionValue,
                        m_ammoProperties.DecalEmissivity, MyDecalsConstants.DECAL_OFFSET_BY_NORMAL);

                if (!(physObject is MyVoxelMap) && !IsDummy)
                    ApplyProjectileForce(physObject, intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, m_directionNormalized, isPlayerShip);

                //  If this object is miner ship, then shake his head little bit
                if (physObject is MySmallShip && !IsDummy)
                    MySmallShip minerShip = (MySmallShip)physObject;

                //Handle damage

                MyEntity damagedObject = intersectionValue.Entity;

                // not a very nice way to damage actual prefab associated with the large ship weapon (if MyPrefabLargeWeapon is reworked, it might change)
                if (damagedObject is MyLargeShipBarrelBase)
                    damagedObject = damagedObject.Parent;
                if (damagedObject is MyLargeShipGunBase)
                    MyLargeShipGunBase physObj = damagedObject as MyLargeShipGunBase;
                    if (physObj.PrefabParent != null)
                        damagedObject = physObj.PrefabParent;

                //  Decrease health of stricken object
                if (!IsDummy)
                    damagedObject.DoDamage(m_ammoProperties.HealthDamage, m_ammoProperties.ShipDamage, m_ammoProperties.EMPDamage, m_ammoProperties.DamageType, m_ammoProperties.AmmoType, m_ignorePhysObject);
                    if (MyMultiplayerGameplay.IsRunning)
                        var ammo = MyAmmoConstants.FindAmmo(m_ammoProperties);
                        MyMultiplayerGameplay.Static.ProjectileHit(damagedObject, intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, this.m_directionNormalized, ammo, this.OwnerEntity);

                if (m_trailEffect != null)
                    // stop the trail effect
                    m_trailEffect = null;

                //  Kill this projectile (set the position to intersection point, so we draw trail polyline only up to this point)
                m_position = intersectionValue.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace;
                m_state    = MyProjectileStateEnum.KILLED;


Пример #10
        public static void Update()
            //  Update only if sun wind is active
            if (IsActive == false)

            float darkeningPhase;
            float dt;
            int   relTime = GetDarkeningPhase(out darkeningPhase, out dt);

            if (relTime > MaxTimeMs)

                                      MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * -MaxSoundDistance * (1 - darkeningPhase),
                                      MyCamera.ForwardVector, MyCamera.UpVector, Vector3.Zero);
            MyAudio.UpdateCueVolume(ambientSound, darkeningPhase * MaxAmbientVolume);

            // update smoke
            foreach (SmokeParticle part in smokeParticles)
                Vector3 toCamera = (MyCamera.Position - part.Pos);
                float alpha = darkeningPhase * MaxSmokeAlpha;
                part.Color = new Vector4(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);
                //part.Color.W = darkeningPhase;
                part.Pos   += part.Velocity * dt + toCamera * CenterBias * dt;
                part.Angle += part.AngularVelocity * dt;

            // remove old ice and sparks

            foreach (IceParticle particle in iceParticles)
                if (particle.StartTime + 4000 < relTime)

            foreach (IceParticle ice in m_iceList)
                Debug.Assert(ice.TrailEffect != null, "ice.TrailEffect != null");
                ice.TrailEffect = null;

            int c = 0;

            while (c < storms.Count)
                ElectricStorm storm = storms[c];
                if (storm.StartTime + 1500 < relTime)

            // if its dark add new sparks and ice balls
            if (darkeningPhase >= 1)
                if (storms.Count < MaxSparkCount && MyMwcUtils.GetRandomInt(SparkEveryMs) < dt * 1000.0f)
                    var storm = new ElectricStorm
                        Position =
                            MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * 250 +
                            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3HemisphereNormalized(MyCamera.ForwardVector) *
                            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 300),
                        StartTime = relTime,
                        Effect    =
                    storm.Effect.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(storm.Position);
                    storm.Effect.AutoDelete  = true;
                    storm.Effect.UserScale   = 2;
                    storm.Sound = MyAudio.AddCue2D(MySoundCuesEnum.SfxSpark);

                if (iceParticles.Count < MaxIceCount && MyMwcUtils.GetRandomInt(IceEveryMs) < dt * 1000.0f)
                    Vector3 dir = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3HemisphereNormalized(MyCamera.ForwardVector);
                    Vector3 pos = MyCamera.Position + MyCamera.ForwardVector * 250 +
                                  MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized() * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 200) +
                                  dir * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, 500);
                    MyMwcObjectBuilder_StaticAsteroid rockModel =
                        MySectorGenerator.GenerateStaticAsteroid(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, 2f),
                                                                 MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum.Ice_01, pos, random,
                    Matrix matrix = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized(),
                                                               MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0, MathHelper.Pi));
                    matrix.Translation = pos;
                    MyEntity asteroid = MyEntities.CreateFromObjectBuilderAndAdd(null, rockModel, matrix);
                    asteroid.Physics.Enabled = false;
                    asteroid.CastShadows     = false;

                    MyParticleEffect effect =
                    Vector3 velocity = -dir *MyMwcUtils.GetRandomInt(150, 400);

                    iceParticles.Add(new IceParticle
                        StartTime       = relTime,
                        Position        = pos,
                        Direction       = -dir,
                        AsteroidEntity  = asteroid,
                        TrailEffect     = effect,
                        RotAxis         = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized(),
                        RotAngle        = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(),
                        AngularVelocity = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 10f),
                        Velocity        = velocity,
                        Sound           =
                            MyAudio.AddCue3D(MySoundCuesEnum.WepSniperHighFire2d, pos, dir,
                                             dir * -dir, velocity)

            // update ice parts
            foreach (IceParticle particle in iceParticles)
                particle.RotAngle += particle.AngularVelocity * dt;
                particle.Position += particle.Velocity * dt;
                Matrix matrix = Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(particle.RotAxis, particle.RotAngle);
                matrix.Translation = particle.Position;
                Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-particle.Direction * 10);
                particle.TrailEffect.WorldMatrix = matrix * trans;
                MyAudio.UpdateCuePosition(particle.Sound, particle.Position, particle.Direction,
                                          particle.Direction * -particle.Direction, particle.Velocity);

            lastUpdateMs = MyMinerGame.TotalGamePlayTimeInMilliseconds;
Пример #11
        //  If explosion was with voxels, crease dirt decals in player's cockpit glass
        //  We don't throw random number of debris lines from explosion (because it will be waste). Instead we get intersection line from explosion center to player head,
        //  which should intersect the cockpit glass. Plus we move player head by random vector.
        void CreateDirtDecalOnCockpitGlass(ref BoundingSphere explosionSphere)
            MySmallShip player      = MySession.PlayerShip;
            float       maxDistance = m_explosionSphere.Radius * MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_RADIUS_MULTPLIER_FOR_DIRT_GLASS_DECALS;
            float       distance    = Vector3.Distance(player.GetPosition(), explosionSphere.Center) - player.ModelLod0.BoundingSphere.Radius;

            //  Decal interpolator - based on distance to explosion, range <0..1>
            //  But then increased because we aren't able to reach max distance so we need to help it little bit
            float interpolator = 1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1);

            interpolator = (float)Math.Pow(interpolator, 3f);

            //  Don't create dirt decal if we are too far
            if (interpolator <= 0.0f)

            //  Chech intersection between explosion and player's head. BUT move the line in player's head direction, because we don't want to make intersection with object which caused the explosion
            //MyLine line = new MyLine(intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, player.GetPosition(), true);
            //MyLine line = new MyLine(intersection.IntersectionPointInWorldSpace, MyCamera.m_initialSunWindPosition, true);
            //Vector3 playerHeadPositionWorld = MyUtils.GetTransform(MyFakes.PLAYER_HEAD_FOR_COCKPIT_INTERIOR_FAKE_TRANSLATION * -1, ref player.WorldMatrix);
            Vector3 playerHeadPositionWorld = player.GetPlayerHeadForCockpitInterior();
            MyLine  line = new MyLine(explosionSphere.Center, playerHeadPositionWorld, true);

            line.From += line.Direction * MyExplosionsConstants.OFFSET_LINE_FOR_DIRT_DECAL;

            MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?glassIntersection = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine_IgnoreOtherThanSpecifiedClass(ref line, new Type[] { typeof(MySmallShip) });

            if ((glassIntersection != null) && (glassIntersection.Value.Entity is MyCockpitGlassEntity))
                //  Decal alpha (never is 1.0f, because we want to see through the dirt)
                float alpha = MathHelper.Clamp(MathHelper.Lerp(0.2f, 1.0f, interpolator) - 0.1f, 0, 1);
                //const float ALPHA_INCREASE = 0.4f;
                //float alpha = 1 - (float)Math.Pow(MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1), 5);
                //float alpha = (float)MathHelper.SmoothStep(0, 1, 1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1));
                //float alpha = MathHelper.Clamp(1 - MathHelper.Clamp(distance / maxDistance, 0, 1) + ALPHA_INCREASE, ALPHA_INCREASE, 1);

                //  Decal size
                float size = MathHelper.Lerp(2.5f, 4f, interpolator);

                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx glassIntersection2 = glassIntersection.Value;

                MyCockpitGlassDecals.Add(MyCockpitGlassDecalTexturesEnum.DirtOnGlass, size, MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(), alpha, ref glassIntersection2, true);
Пример #12
        private void CreateDecals(Vector3 direction)


            var intersectionEndPoint   = m_explosionSphere.Center + 1.5f * m_explosionSphere.Radius * direction;
            var intersectionStartPoint = m_explosionSphere.Center - 1.5f * m_explosionSphere.Radius * direction;
            var line = new MyLine(intersectionStartPoint, intersectionEndPoint);

            var result = MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref line, null, null, true, true, false, false, true, AppCode.Physics.Collisions.IntersectionFlags.ALL_TRIANGLES, true);

            MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("Add decal");

            if (result.HasValue)
                MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx intersection = result.Value;

                var radius = m_explosionSphere.Radius * (result.Value.Entity is MyVoxelMap ? 1.0f : MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.4f, 0.6f));

                    ref intersection,


            //var elements = MyEntities.GetElementsInBox(ref boundingBox);

            //foreach (MyRBElement element in elements)
            //    var rigidBody = (MyPhysicsBody)element.GetRigidBody().m_UserData;
            //    var entity = rigidBody.Entity;

            //    if (entity is MyExplosionDebrisBase || entity is MyPrefabContainer)
            //        continue;

            //    // Making interesection of line from the explosion center to every object closed to explosion
            //    // and placing smut decals

            //    // FIX : when hitting another samll boat explosion and entity position are equal !!!
            //    //if (m_explosionSphere.Center == entity.GetPosition())
            //    //    continue;

            //    // FIX : when hitting another samll boat explosion and direction is < Epsilon !!!
            //    if ((entity.GetPosition() - m_explosionSphere.Center).LengthSquared() <
            //        2 * MyMwcMathConstants.EPSILON_SQUARED)
            //        continue;

            //    MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("Line intersection");
            //    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx? intersection = null;
            //    if (direction.HasValue)
            //    {
            //        var intersectionEndPoint = m_explosionSphere.Center + 1.5f * m_explosionSphere.Radius * direction.Value;
            //        var intersectionStartPoint = m_explosionSphere.Center - 1.5f * m_explosionSphere.Radius * direction.Value;
            //        MyLine intersectionLine = new MyLine(intersectionStartPoint, intersectionEndPoint, true);
            //        entity.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref intersectionLine, out intersection);
            //    }
            //    else if (intersection == null && entity is MyVoxelMap)
            //    {
            //        // fall back if we dont have direction
            //        var intersectionEndPoint = entity.GetPosition();
            //        MyLine intersectionLine = new MyLine(m_explosionSphere.Center, intersectionEndPoint, true);
            //        entity.GetIntersectionWithLine(ref intersectionLine, out intersection);
            //    }
            //    MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().EndProfilingBlock();

            //    if (intersection == null)
            //        continue;

            //    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx intersectionValue = intersection.Value;

            //    if (entity is MyVoxelMap)
            //    {
            //        MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().StartProfilingBlock("Decals");

            //        MyDecals.Add(
            //            MyDecalTexturesEnum.ExplosionSmut,
            //            m_explosionSphere.Radius,
            //            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(),
            //            GetSmutDecalRandomColor(),
            //            true,
            //            ref intersectionValue,
            //            0,
            //            0, MyDecalsConstants.DECAL_OFFSET_BY_NORMAL_FOR_SMUT_DECALS);

            //        MyRender.GetRenderProfiler().EndProfilingBlock();
            //    }
            //    else if (((entity is MySmallShip) == false) &&
            //             ((entity is MySmallDebris) == false)
            //             && ((entity is MyAmmoBase) == false))
            //    {
            //        //  Create explosion smut decal on model we hit by this missile
            //        MyDecals.Add(
            //            MyDecalTexturesEnum.ExplosionSmut,
            //            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(m_explosionSphere.Radius * 0.4f, m_explosionSphere.Radius * 0.6f),
            //            MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian(),
            //            GetSmutDecalRandomColor(),
            //            true,
            //            ref intersectionValue,
            //            0,
            //            0, MyDecalsConstants.DECAL_OFFSET_BY_NORMAL);
            //    }
Пример #13
        public static void LoadContent()
            MyMwcLog.WriteLine("MySunWind.LoadContent() - START");

            //  Large billboards
            m_largeBillboards = new MySunWindBillboard[MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.X][];
            for (int x = 0; x < MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.X; x++)
                m_largeBillboards[x] = new MySunWindBillboard[MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.Y];
                for (int y = 0; y < MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.Y; y++)
                    m_largeBillboards[x][y] = new MySunWindBillboard();
                    MySunWindBillboard billboard = m_largeBillboards[x][y];

                    billboard.Radius        = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARD_RADIUS_MIN, MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARD_RADIUS_MAX);
                    billboard.InitialAngle  = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();
                    billboard.RotationSpeed = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomSign() * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARD_ROTATION_SPEED_MIN, MySunWindConstants.LARGE_BILLBOARD_ROTATION_SPEED_MAX);

                    //billboard.Color = MySunWindConstants.BILLBOARD_COLOR;
                    //billboard.Color.X = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 3);
                    //billboard.Color.Y = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 2);
                    //billboard.Color.Z = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 2);
                    //billboard.Color.W = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 2);
                    billboard.Color.X = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 3);
                    billboard.Color.Y = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1);
                    billboard.Color.Z = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1);
                    billboard.Color.W = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1);

            //  Small billboards
            m_smallBillboards = new MySunWindBillboardSmall[MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.X][];
            for (int x = 0; x < MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.X; x++)
                m_smallBillboards[x] = new MySunWindBillboardSmall[MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.Y];
                for (int y = 0; y < MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARDS_SIZE.Y; y++)
                    m_smallBillboards[x][y] = new MySunWindBillboardSmall();
                    MySunWindBillboardSmall billboard = m_smallBillboards[x][y];

                    billboard.Radius        = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_RADIUS_MIN, MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_RADIUS_MAX);
                    billboard.InitialAngle  = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian();
                    billboard.RotationSpeed = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomSign() * MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_ROTATION_SPEED_MIN, MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_ROTATION_SPEED_MAX);

                    //billboard.Color = MySunWindConstants.BILLBOARD_COLOR;
                    billboard.Color.X = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.5f, 1);
                    billboard.Color.Y = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.5f);
                    billboard.Color.Z = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.2f, 0.5f);
                    billboard.Color.W = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.1f, 0.5f);

                    billboard.TailBillboardsCount    = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomInt(MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_TAIL_COUNT_MIN, MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_TAIL_COUNT_MAX);
                    billboard.TailBillboardsDistance = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_TAIL_DISTANCE_MIN, MySunWindConstants.SMALL_BILLBOARD_TAIL_DISTANCE_MAX);

                    billboard.RadiusScales = new float[billboard.TailBillboardsCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < billboard.TailBillboardsCount; i++)
                        billboard.RadiusScales[i] = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(0.7f, 1.0f);

            MyMwcLog.WriteLine("MySunWind.LoadContent() - END");
        public static void CreateExplosionDebris(ref BoundingSphere explosionSphere, float voxelsCountInPercent, MyMwcVoxelMaterialsEnum voxelMaterial, MyGroupMask groupMask, MyVoxelMap voxelMap)
            MyCommonDebugUtils.AssertDebug((voxelsCountInPercent >= 0.0f) && (voxelsCountInPercent <= 1.0f));
            MyCommonDebugUtils.AssertDebug(explosionSphere.Radius > 0);



            //  This matrix will rotate all newly created debrises, so they won't apper as alligned with coordinate system
            Matrix randomRotationMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian()) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(MyMwcUtils.GetRandomRadian());

            float highScale = MathHelper.Clamp(explosionSphere.Radius * DebrisScaleUpper, 0, DebrisScaleClamp);
            float lowScale  = highScale * (DebrisScaleLower / DebrisScaleUpper);

            int objectsToGenerate = (int)(m_positionOffsets.Count * voxelsCountInPercent * MyRenderConstants.RenderQualityProfile.ExplosionDebrisCountMultiplier);

            long dbgObjectsGenerated = 0;



            for (int i = 0; i < m_positionOffsets.Count; i++)
                //  IMPORTANT: If you place explosion debris exactly in the center of an explosion, JLX will fail or end in endless loop
                //  Probably it's because it can't handle external force acting from inside the object.
                if (dbgObjectsGenerated >= objectsToGenerate)

                const float cubeInsideSphereMod = 1 / 1.73f; // Resize sphere to fit inside cube

                Vector3 position = m_positionOffsets[i] * explosionSphere.Radius * cubeInsideSphereMod;
                Vector3.Transform(ref position, ref randomRotationMatrix, out position);
                position += explosionSphere.Center;

                MyExplosionDebrisVoxel newObj = Allocate();

                if (newObj != null)
                    //  Check if new object won't intersect any existing triangle - because if yes, then it will decrease JLX performace a lot
                    float          randomNewScale = MyMwcUtils.GetRandomFloat(lowScale, highScale);
                    BoundingSphere sphere         = new BoundingSphere(position, newObj.m_modelLod0.BoundingSphere.Radius * randomNewScale);


                    //This takes 4-5ms, is it necessary?
                    // if (MyEntities.GetIntersectionWithSphere(ref sphere) == null)
                    //if (false)
                        newObj.Start(position, randomNewScale, voxelMaterial, groupMask, true);

                         * Vector3 imp = position - explosionSphere.Center;
                         * imp.Normalize();
                         * imp *= MyExplosionsConstants.EXPLOSION_STRENGTH_IMPULSE;
                         * newObj.Physics.AddForce(PhysicsManager.Physics.MyPhysicsForceType.APPLY_WORLD_IMPULSE_AND_WORLD_ANGULAR_IMPULSE, imp, explosionSphere.Center, Vector3.Zero);
                        if (MinerWars.AppCode.Game.Explosions.MyExplosion.DEBUG_EXPLOSIONS)

                        //  Put back to object pool


                    //if (newObj.Physics.Enabled)
                    //  newObj.Physics.Enabled = false;
                    // newObj.Physics.CollisionLayer = MyConstants.COLLISION_LAYER_UNCOLLIDABLE;

