private void HandleCurrentScoreEvent() { if (_isSleeping && _scoreCountingEvent != null) { _scoreCountingEvent.Invoke(1); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { onStartEvent?.Invoke(); onMyIntEvent?.Invoke(1); // passing parameter into event onMyEvent?.Invoke(2); RemoveListeners(); onStartEvent?.Invoke(); onMyIntEvent?.Invoke(1); onMyEvent?.Invoke(2); }
private void MoveToTarget(int x_target, int y_target) { CalculateMoveList(x_target, y_target); int prev_x = 0, prev_y = 0; var moveList = StaticVars.backtrackMinSol; foreach (var item in moveList) { if (StaticVars.hasReachTarget) { return; } prev_x = StaticVars.curRow; prev_y = StaticVars.curCol; if (item.Item1 > StaticVars.curRow && item.Item2 == StaticVars.curCol) { //move Down UpdateCurrentLocation(item.Item1, item.Item2); OnLocationChanged.Invoke(2); CheckForObstacle(prev_x, prev_y); continue; } if (item.Item1 < StaticVars.curRow && item.Item2 == StaticVars.curCol) { //move Up UpdateCurrentLocation(item.Item1, item.Item2); OnLocationChanged.Invoke(0); CheckForObstacle(prev_x, prev_y); continue; } if (item.Item1 == StaticVars.curRow && item.Item2 > StaticVars.curCol) { //move Right UpdateCurrentLocation(item.Item1, item.Item2); OnLocationChanged.Invoke(1); CheckForObstacle(prev_x, prev_y); continue; } if (item.Item1 == StaticVars.curRow && item.Item2 < StaticVars.curCol) { //move Left UpdateCurrentLocation(item.Item1, item.Item2); OnLocationChanged.Invoke(3); CheckForObstacle(prev_x, prev_y); continue; } } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { myEvent.Invoke(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) { // エディタ上でイベントを登録した場合、ここで登録した引数は無視される。 myIntEvent.Invoke(123); } // スクリプトだけでイベントを加え、さらに、実行後自らを削除してみる例 // if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { //SetEventFromCode(() => Debug.Log("Invoked Medthod whidh is added from code")); UnityAction myAction = null; myAction = new UnityAction(() => { Debug.Log("Invoked Medthod whidh is added from code"); myEvent.RemoveListener(myAction); }); SetEventFromCode(myAction); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if ( == "BottomWall") { collideBottom.Invoke(-1); } }
public void PlayerKill(int score) { if (playerKill != null) { playerKill.Invoke(score); } }
void Update() { if (Input.anyKeyDown && m_MyEvent != null) { m_MyEvent.Invoke(5); } }
void Punch(Vector3 position) { if (invulnerable) { return; } if (guard) { stamina -= 10; whenLoseStamina.Invoke(stamina.ToString()); return; } print("Auch..."); if (!anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("FALL_Player")) { invulnerable = true; StartCoroutine(SetVulnerable()); anim.SetTrigger("getPunch"); position.y = transform.position.y; rb.AddForce((transform.position - position) * force, ForceMode2D.Impulse); lives--; whenLoseLife.Invoke(lives.ToString()); if (lives < 0) { whenDie.Invoke(); } } }
void ApplyTouristDebuf(touristSize touristSize) { float modifier = 1.0f; foreach (TouristModifier touristeModifier in m_modifier) { if (touristeModifier.touristeType == touristSize.m_Type) { modifier = touristeModifier.modifier; } } if (touristSize.BreakDownValue > 0) { CurrentBreakDownValue -= (int)((float)touristSize.BreakDownValue * modifier); BreakDownApply.Invoke(CurrentBreakDownValue); BreakText.text = "Break : " + CurrentBreakDownValue; if (CurrentBreakDownValue <= 0) { //gameOver GameStateManager.setGameState(GameState.GameOver); SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(touristSize.GameOverSceneName); } } }
public void PlayerLifeLost(int currentLives) { Debug.Log("Player loses a life and now has " + currentLives + " lives"); if (lifeLostEvents != null) { lifeLostEvents.Invoke(currentLives); } }
public void increasePoints() { points += Mathf.Round(length / GetTime()); observer.Invoke((int)points); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("points", points); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Ammo")) {; Destroy(collision.gameObject); StartCoroutine(fadeInAndOut(0.1f)); playerKilled.Invoke(; } }
private void HandleTotalScoreEvent() { if (!_isSleeping) { if (_totalScoreCountingEvent != null) { _totalScoreCountingEvent.Invoke(1); } _currentScore = 0; } }
public void Raise(int _value) { if (defaultBehavior != null) { defaultBehavior.Invoke(_value); } for (int i = eventListeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { eventListeners[i].OnEventRaised(_value); } }
void ApplyTan() { CurrentTanValue += TanByTurn; TanApply.Invoke(CurrentTanValue); TanText.text = "TAN : " + CurrentTanValue; if (CurrentTanValue >= MaxTanValue) { //gameOver GameStateManager.setGameState(GameState.GameOver); SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(GameOverSceneName); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "RightCon") { //Debug.Log("collide"); imageCollideRight.Invoke(); } else if (other.tag == "LeftCon") { imageCollideLeft.Invoke(); } ConClick.Invoke(Obj, other.transform); }
public void OnDrop(PointerEventData data) { containerImage.color = normalColor; onDropEvent.Invoke(data, this); if (receivingImage == null) { return; } Sprite dropSprite = GetDropSprite(data); if (dropSprite != null) { receivingImage.overrideSprite = dropSprite; } }
void GhostAppear(InvocationConfig inv) { //init Curve RefCurve.Frequence = inv.Frequence; RefCurve.Dephasage = inv.Dephasage; RefCurve.Amplitude = inv.Amplitude; lastGhostInvoked = GameObject.Instantiate(Invocations[currentInvocationIndex].prefab, transform); ghosts.Add(lastGhostInvoked.GetComponent <Ghost>()); ghosts[ghosts.Count - 1].FlickerEnd.AddListener(EndFlicker); ghosts[ghosts.Count - 1].GoodGoToEnd.AddListener(EndGoodGoTo); ghosts[ghosts.Count - 1].KillPlayerStep2.AddListener(HideEnvironment); ghosts[ghosts.Count - 1].KillPlayerEnd.AddListener(EndKillPlayer); //resetMask lastGhostInvoked.GetComponentInChildren <MaskSlideComponent>().VisibleFactor = 0f; GhostInvocated.Invoke(numberIngredientStart + Mathf.Max(0, (currentInvocationIndex - 1)) * numberIngredientStep); }
/* * When this function is called it ask first for a damage number so it can deduct the damage amount from the current health from the enemy. * After that it sets the slider which in this case is used as a healthbar visual indicator. * Next it checks if the hp is 0 or below 0 so it can call the next function or else it plays a sound of the enemy getting hit + the animation. */ public void DoDamage(int damage) { if (!_isDead) { _currentHealth -= damage; OnHealthChange.Invoke(damage); if (_currentHealth <= 0) { _isDead = true; OnDeath.Invoke(); } else { FindObjectOfType <PlayerAudio>().PlaySound("HitEnemy"); FindObjectOfType <CallAnimations>().EnemyAnimaton("RecievedDamage", true); } } }
void Update() { if (Input.anyKeyDown) { // イベント関数の呼び出し myEvent.Invoke(); // 追加された関数がInvokeの引数に関係なくインスペクター上で追加したものは呼ばれてる。どういう仕組み? myEvent_1.Invoke(1); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("q")) { Debug.Log("Quitting Remove MyEvent"); // UnityEvent から非永続的なリスナーを削除 myEvent.RemoveListener(MyEvent); // インスペクター上で登録したものはどうなるか? myEvent_1.RemoveAllListeners(); // イベントからすべての非永続的な (つまり、スクリプトから作成された) リスナーのみを削除 } }
public void handleChangeTurnEvent(TurnState state) { if (state == TurnState.GenerationTurn) //player turn is Over { if (!playerMove) { int previousBreakDown = CurrentBreakDownValue; int previousTan = CurrentTanValue; ApplyTan(); ApplyNearTourist(); if (previousBreakDown == CurrentBreakDownValue && CurrentTanValue > previousTan) { TanApplyButNoBreakDown.Invoke(CurrentTanValue); } } } else if (state == TurnState.PlayerTurn) { PLayerChill.Invoke(); playerMove = false; } }
private void HandleEvents() { float _currentTime = 0f; _currentTime += Time.deltaTime; if (_student._isSleeping) { _asleepEvent.Invoke(1); } if (!_student._isSleeping) { _awakeEvent.Invoke(1); } Debug.Log("Event handler: is Teacher WATCHING? " + _isTeacherWatching); // doesn't work as the teacher is watching even if not if (!_isTeacherWatching) { _fallOkEvent.Invoke(1); } }
public void OnEventRaised(int value) { Response.Invoke(value); }
public void OnEventRaised(int integerData) { Response.Invoke(integerData); }
void OnDestroy() { debrisDestroyed.Invoke(m_BelongToLane); }
void AddStamina() { stamina += 10; whenLoseStamina.Invoke(stamina.ToString()); }
public void CallOnColorButtonPressed(int colorButtonID) { Debug.Log("unpress ColorButton"); colorPressed = colorButtonID; unpressColorButton.Invoke(colorButtonID); }
public void CallOnFormButtonPressed(int buttonID) { Debug.Log("unpress Button"); buttonPressed = buttonID; unpressButton.Invoke(buttonID); }
private void finishedBlock() { Debug.Log("creation button unpressed"); created = true; blockFinished.Invoke(1); }
private void finishedScene() { Debug.Log("finished new Scene"); sceneFinished.Invoke(1); //Next and Back Button need the ID 0 so that the Position will be reverted into the original Position (no Problem if they are already in that position) }