Пример #1
        private void DrawCharGlyph(ref Vector2 vAtOriginal, float scale, ref Color currentColor, ref Vector2 vOrigin, ref float pxWidth, ref char cLast, ref Vector2 vAt, int line, char c)
            MyGlyphInfo ginfo = m_glyphInfoByChar[c];

            //  If kerning is enabled, get the kern adjustment for this char pair
            if (KernEnabled)
                int pxKern = CalcKern(cLast, c);
                vAt.X   += pxKern * scale;
                pxWidth += pxKern * scale;
                cLast    = c;

            //  This will fix vertical coordinate in case we use "gpad" - left/top blank space in every character
            vAt.Y = vAtOriginal.Y + (ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing + MyRenderGuiConstants.FONT_TOP_SIDE_BEARING + line * LineHeight) * scale;

            //  Draw the glyph
            vAt.X += ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing * scale;
            if (ginfo.pxWidth != 0 && ginfo.pxHeight != 0)
                Rectangle rSource = new Rectangle(ginfo.pxLocX, ginfo.pxLocY, ginfo.pxWidth, ginfo.pxHeight);
                Color     color   = currentColor;
                MySpritesRenderer.AddSingleSprite(m_bitmapTextureById[ginfo.nBitmapID], color, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.UnitX,
                                                  rSource, new RectangleF(vAt.X, vAt.Y, scale * rSource.Width, scale * rSource.Height));

            // update the string width and advance the pen to the next drawing position
            pxWidth += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth * scale;
            vAt.X   += (ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth - ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing) * scale;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the data from the "glyphs" node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xnl">XML node list containing the "glyphs" node's children</param>
        private void LoadFontXML_glyphs(XmlNodeList xnl)
            foreach (XmlNode xn in xnl)
                if (xn.Name == "glyph")
                    string strChar     = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "ch");
                    string strBitmapID = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "bm");
                    string strLoc      = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "loc");
                    string strSize     = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "size");
                    string strAW       = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "aw");
                    string strLSB      = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "lsb");

                    if (strLoc == "")
                        strLoc = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "origin"); // obsolete - use loc instead
                    string[] aLoc  = strLoc.Split(',');
                    string[] aSize = strSize.Split('x');

                    MyGlyphInfo ginfo = new MyGlyphInfo();
                    ginfo.nBitmapID         = UInt16.Parse(strBitmapID);
                    ginfo.pxLocX            = ushort.Parse(aLoc[0]);
                    ginfo.pxLocY            = ushort.Parse(aLoc[1]);
                    ginfo.pxWidth           = Byte.Parse(aSize[0]);
                    ginfo.pxHeight          = Byte.Parse(aSize[1]);
                    ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth    = Byte.Parse(strAW);
                    ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing = SByte.Parse(strLSB);

                    m_glyphInfoByChar[strChar[0]] = ginfo;
Пример #3
        //  Calculate the width of the given string.
        //  Returns: Width and height (in pixels) of the string
        public Vector2 MeasureString(StringBuilder text, float scale)
                scale *= MyRenderGuiConstants.FONT_SCALE;
                float pxWidth = 0;
                char  cLast   = '\0';

                float maxPxWidth = 0;
                int   lines      = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    char c = text[i];

                    //  New line
                    if (c == NEW_LINE)
                        pxWidth = 0;
                        cLast   = '\0';

                    if (!CanWriteOrReplace(ref c))

                    MyGlyphInfo ginfo = m_glyphInfoByChar[c];

                    // if kerning is enabled, get the kern adjustment for this char pair
                    if (KernEnabled)
                        pxWidth += CalcKern(cLast, c);
                        cLast    = c;

                    //  update the string width
                    pxWidth += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth;

                    //  Spacing
                    if (i < (text.Length - 1))
                        pxWidth += Spacing;

                    //  Because new line
                    if (pxWidth > maxPxWidth)
                        maxPxWidth = pxWidth;

                return(new Vector2(maxPxWidth * scale, lines * LineHeight * scale));
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException)
Пример #4
        //  Calculate the width of the given string.
        //  Returns: Width and height (in pixels) of the string
        public Vector2 MeasureString(StringBuilder text, float scale)
            scale *= MyGuiConstants.FONT_SCALE;
            float pxWidth = 0;
            char  cLast   = '\0';

            float maxPxWidth = 0;
            int   lines      = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];

                //  New line
                if (c == NEW_LINE)
                    pxWidth = 0;
                    cLast   = '\0';

                if (!m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo.ContainsKey(c))

                MyGlyphInfo ginfo = m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo[c];

                // if kerning is enabled, get the kern adjustment for this char pair
                if (m_fKern)
                    pxWidth += CalcKern(cLast, c);
                    cLast    = c;

                //  update the string width
                pxWidth += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth;

                //  Spacing
                if (i < (text.Length - 1))
                    pxWidth += Spacing;

                //  Because new line
                if (pxWidth > maxPxWidth)
                    maxPxWidth = pxWidth;

            return(new Vector2(maxPxWidth * scale, lines * LineHeight * scale));
Пример #5
        protected float ComputeScaledAdvanceWithKern(char c, char cLast, float scale)
            MyGlyphInfo ginfo   = m_glyphInfoByChar[c];
            float       advance = 0f;

            if (KernEnabled)
                int pxKern = CalcKern(cLast, c);
                advance += pxKern * scale;
            advance += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth * scale;
Пример #6
        public int ComputeCharsThatFit(StringBuilder text, float scale, float maxTextWidth)
            scale        *= MyRenderGuiConstants.FONT_SCALE;
            maxTextWidth /= scale;
            float pxWidth = 0;
            char  cLast   = '\0';

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];
                Debug.Assert(c != NEW_LINE);

                if (!CanWriteOrReplace(ref c))

                MyGlyphInfo ginfo = m_glyphInfoByChar[c];

                // if kerning is enabled, get the kern adjustment for this char pair
                if (KernEnabled)
                    pxWidth += CalcKern(cLast, c);
                    cLast    = c;

                //  update the string width
                pxWidth += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth;

                //  Spacing
                if (i < (text.Length - 1))
                    pxWidth += Spacing;

                //  Because new line
                if (pxWidth > maxTextWidth)

Пример #7
        //  Private version of DrawString that expects the string to be formatted already
        //  Returns: Width of string (in pixels)
        float DrawString_internal(Vector2 vAtOriginal, Color cText, StringBuilder text, float scale)
            scale *= MyGuiConstants.FONT_SCALE;
            Color   currentColor = cText;
            Vector2 vOrigin      = new Vector2(0, 0);
            float   pxWidth      = 0;
            char    cLast        = '\0';

            Vector2 vAt = vAtOriginal;

            float spacingScaled = Spacing * scale;

            int line = 0;

            //  Draw each character in the string
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];

                if (c == NEW_LINE)
                    vAt.X = vAtOriginal.X;

                if (!m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo.ContainsKey(c))

                MyGlyphInfo ginfo = m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo[c];

                //  If kerning is enabled, get the kern adjustment for this char pair
                if (m_fKern)
                    int pxKern = CalcKern(cLast, c);
                    vAt.X   += pxKern * scale;
                    pxWidth += pxKern * scale;
                    cLast    = c;

                //  This will fix vertical coordinate in case we use "gpad" - left/top blank space in every character
                vAt.Y = vAtOriginal.Y + (ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing + MyGuiConstants.FONT_TOP_SIDE_BEARING + line * LineHeight) * scale;

                //  Draw the glyph
                vAt.X += ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing * scale;
                if (ginfo.pxWidth != 0 && ginfo.pxHeight != 0)
                    Rectangle rSource = new Rectangle(ginfo.pxLocX, ginfo.pxLocY, ginfo.pxWidth, ginfo.pxHeight);
                    Color     color   = (((ginfo.nFlags & MyGlyphFlags.ForceWhite) != 0) ? Color.White : currentColor);
                    MyGuiManager.DrawSpriteBatch(m_dictBitmapID2Texture[ginfo.nBitmapID], vAt, rSource, color, 0.0f, vOrigin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, m_fpDepth);

                // update the string width and advance the pen to the next drawing position
                pxWidth += ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth * scale;
                vAt.X   += (ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth - ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing) * scale;

                //  Spacing
                if (i < (text.Length - 1))
                    pxWidth += spacingScaled;
                    vAt.X   += spacingScaled;

            //  Record final pen position and color
            m_vPen  = vAt;
            m_color = cText;

Пример #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the data from the "glyphs" node
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xnl">XML node list containing the "glyphs" node's children</param>
		void LoadFontXML_glyphs(XmlNodeList xnl)
			foreach (XmlNode xn in xnl)
				if (xn.Name == "glyph")
					string strChar = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "ch");
					string strBitmapID = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "bm");
					string strLoc = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "loc");
					string strSize = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "size");
					string strAW = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "aw");
					string strLSB = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "lsb");
					string strForceWhite = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "forcewhite");

					if (strLoc == "")
						strLoc = GetXMLAttribute(xn, "origin");	// obsolete - use loc instead

					string[] aLoc = strLoc.Split(',');
					string[] aSize = strSize.Split('x');

					MyGlyphInfo ginfo = new MyGlyphInfo();
					ginfo.nBitmapID = UInt16.Parse(strBitmapID);
					ginfo.pxLocX = ushort.Parse(aLoc[0]);
                    ginfo.pxLocY = ushort.Parse(aLoc[1]);
					ginfo.pxWidth = Byte.Parse(aSize[0]);
					ginfo.pxHeight = Byte.Parse(aSize[1]);
					ginfo.pxAdvanceWidth = Byte.Parse(strAW);
					ginfo.pxLeftSideBearing = SByte.Parse(strLSB);
					ginfo.nFlags = 0;
					ginfo.nFlags |= (strForceWhite == "true" ? MyGlyphFlags.ForceWhite : MyGlyphFlags.None);

					m_dictUnicode2GlyphInfo[strChar[0]] = ginfo;