/// <summary>
        /// Loads the DT list from excel of recipients to DB
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadToTable()
            if (this.StrEmailsRecipientsDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                MyDbUtils mduForDelete = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);

                foreach (DataRow drX in this.StrEmailsRecipientsDT.AsEnumerable())
                    Dictionary <string, string> recordsX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        ["Email"]          = drX["Email"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["EmailUsername"]  = drX["EmailUsername"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["LastName"]       = drX["LastName"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["FirstName"]      = drX["FirstName"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["IsMandatory"]    = drX["IsMandatory"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["IsAvailable"]    = drX["IsAvailable"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["RecipientGroup"] = drX["RecipientGroup"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty,
                        ["Investigators"]  = drX["Investigators"]?.ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty
                    MyDbUtils mdu = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
                    mdu.CreateEntry(TABLE_NAME, recordsX);
                Console.WriteLine($"[StrEmailsRecipientsHandler] DataTable is empty");
Пример #2
        public void InsertUpdateToDbTests_ShouldInsertUpdateInboundEmailsToDb()
            foreach (List <string> emailX in InboundEmailsList)
                string fileName      = emailX[0];
                string subject       = emailX[1];
                string emailUsername = emailX[2];
                string response      = emailX[3];
                string responseDate  = emailX[4];
                string phase         = emailX[5];
                CreateEntryInboundStrEmails(fileName, emailUsername, "InboundStrEmails", subject, response, responseDate, phase);
            foreach (List <string> emailX in OutboundEmailsList)
                string fileName      = emailX[0];
                string subject       = emailX[1];
                string emailUsername = emailX[2];
                string sentDate      = emailX[3];
                string phase         = emailX[4];
                CreateEntryOutboundStrEmails(fileName, emailUsername, "OutboundStrEmails", subject, sentDate, phase);
            MyDbUtils muForRead     = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
            long      actualCount   = muForRead.CountEntries("InboundStrEmails");
            long      expectedCount = 11;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
Пример #3
 public StrEmailsFixture()
     this.RecipientsFile = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "..", "..", "Inputs", "str_emails_recipients.xlsx");
     this.DbPath         = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "..", "..", "_Db", "StrEmailMonitoring.db");
     LoadRecipientsFromFile();// load to db
     this.DbUtils            = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
     this.OutboundEmailsList = SetOutboundEmailsList();
     this.InboundEmailsList  = SetInboundEmailsList();
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an entry based from a given Username
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="perBatch"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBatch"></param>
        public DataTable LoadFromDbViaUsername(string emailUsername, int perBatch = 50, int currentBatch = 1)
            Dictionary <string, string> criteriaX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                ["EmailUsername"] = emailUsername

            MyDbUtils mdu = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);

            return(mdu.LoadEntries(tableName: TABLE_NAME, orderBy: "EmailUsername", perBatch: perBatch, currentBatch: currentBatch, criteria: criteriaX));
Пример #5
        public void CountEntriesViaSubqueryTests_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            Dictionary <string, string> inCritX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                ["Response"] = "REJECTED",
                ["Phase"]    = "PHASE1"
            Dictionary <string, string> critX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                ["Response"] = "REJECTED",
            MyDbUtils muForRead     = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
            long      expectedCount = 3;
            long      actualCount   = muForRead.CountEntriesViaSubquery("InboundStrEmails", criteria: critX, innerCriteria: inCritX, innerColumn: "FileName", innerTable: "OutboundStrEmails");

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
Пример #6
        public void InsertToDbTest_ShouldInsertEntriesToOuboundStrEmails()
            foreach (List <string> entryX in this.OutboundEmailsList)
                string fileName               = entryX[0];
                string subject                = entryX[1];
                string emailUsername          = entryX[2];
                string sentDate               = entryX[3];
                OutboundStrEmailsHandler outH = new OutboundStrEmailsHandler(this.DbPath, fileName, subject, emailUsername, sentDate);
            MyDbUtils muForRead     = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
            long      actualCount   = muForRead.CountEntries("OutboundStrEmails");
            long      expectedCount = 3;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an entry based from a given Username
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="perBatch"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBatch"></param>
        /// <param name="phaseX">PHASE1 PHASE2 or PHASE3</param>
        public DataTable LoadFromDbIsAvailable(string phaseX, int perBatch = 50, int currentBatch = 1)
            string groupX = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phaseX))
                groupX = phaseX?.Last().ToString().Trim() ?? string.Empty;
            Dictionary <string, string> criteriaX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                ["IsAvailable"]    = "YES",
                ["RecipientGroup"] = groupX

            MyDbUtils mdu = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);

            return(mdu.LoadEntries(tableName: TABLE_NAME, orderBy: "RecipientGroup", perBatch: perBatch, currentBatch: currentBatch, criteria: criteriaX));
        public void InsertToDbTests_ShouldInsertInboundEmailsToDb()
            foreach (List <string> emailX in InboundEmailsList)
                string fileName      = emailX[0];
                string subject       = emailX[1];
                string emailUsername = emailX[2];
                string response      = emailX[3];
                string responseDate  = emailX[4];
                InboundStrEmailsHandler iSEHandler = new InboundStrEmailsHandler(this.DbPath, fileName, subject, emailUsername, response, responseDate);
            MyDbUtils muForRead     = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
            long      actualCount   = muForRead.CountEntries("InboundStrEmails");
            long      expectedCount = 12;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
Пример #9
        private void CreateEntryInboundStrEmails(string FileName, string EmailUsername, string TABLE_NAME, string Subject, string Response, string ResponseDate, string Phase)
            Dictionary <string, string> criteriaX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                ["FileName"]      = FileName,
                ["EmailUsername"] = EmailUsername,
            MyDbUtils mduForCount = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
            long      resultCount = mduForCount.CountEntries(TABLE_NAME, criteriaX);

            if (resultCount < 1)
                Dictionary <string, string> recordsX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["FileName"]      = FileName,
                    ["Subject"]       = Subject,
                    ["EmailUsername"] = EmailUsername,
                    ["Response"]      = Response,
                    ["ResponseDate"]  = ResponseDate,
                    ["Phase"]         = Phase

                MyDbUtils mdu = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
                mdu.CreateEntry(TABLE_NAME, recordsX);
                Dictionary <string, string> recordsX = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    ["Subject"]      = Subject,
                    ["Response"]     = Response,
                    ["ResponseDate"] = ResponseDate,
                    ["Phase"]        = Phase

                MyDbUtils mduForUpdate = new MyDbUtils(this.DbPath);
                mduForUpdate.UpdateEntry(TABLE_NAME, criteriaX, recordsX);
Пример #10
 public void Dispose()
     this.DbUtils            = null;
     this.OutboundEmailsList = null;
 public InboundStrEmailsHandlerTests(StrEmailsFixture seFix)
     this.DbPath            = seFix.DbPath;
     this.InboundEmailsList = seFix.InboundEmailsList;
     this.DbUtilsX          = seFix.DbUtils;