static void OnProviderGUI(string searchBarContents) { MyCustomSettings mcs = Resources.Load("My Settings") as MyCustomSettings; if (!myCustomSettingsProvider) { Editor.CreateCachedEditor(mcs, null, ref myCustomSettingsProvider); } myCustomSettingsProvider.OnInspectorGUI(); }
public override void Preview(Vector3Int closestCell, GridLayout grid) { if (!isDragging) { base.Preview(closestCell, grid); } else { Vector3 size = (mouseStart - mouseEnd); Bounds bounds = new Bounds(mouseStart - size / 2, vecAbs(size)); Handles.color = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings().FindProperty("handleColor").colorValue; Handles.DrawWireCube(, size); } }
public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Settings window for the Project scope. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomUIElementsSettings", SettingsScope.Project) { label = "Custom UI Elements", // activateHandler is called when the user clicks on the Settings item in the Settings window. activateHandler = (searchContext, rootElement) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); // rootElement is a VisualElement. If you add any children to it, the OnGUI function // isn't called because the SettingsProvider uses the UIElements drawing framework. var styleSheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <StyleSheet>("Assets/Unity Attributes Example/43.SettingsProvider/Editor/settings_ui.uss"); rootElement.styleSheets.Add(styleSheet); var title = new Label() { text = "Custom UI Elements" }; title.AddToClassList("title"); rootElement.Add(title); var properties = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column } }; properties.AddToClassList("property-list"); rootElement.Add(properties); var tf = new TextField() { value = settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString").stringValue }; tf.AddToClassList("property-value"); properties.Add(tf); }, // Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet <string>(new[] { "Number", "Some String" }) }; return(provider); }
public override void Preview(Vector3Int closestCell, GridLayout grid) { if (!isDragging) { base.Preview(closestCell, grid); } else { Vector3 size = (mouseStart - mouseEnd); Bounds bounds = new Bounds(mouseStart - size / 2, vecAbs(size)); Handles.color = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings().FindProperty("handleColor").colorValue; Vector2 labelSize = GUIContent("Width")); Handles.Label(new Vector3((bounds.min.x + vecAbs(size).x / 2), 0, bounds.min.z - 2), new GUIContent("Width: " + Mathf.Abs(size.x))); Handles.Label(new Vector3(bounds.min.x - 2, 0, (bounds.min.z + vecAbs(size).z / 2)), new GUIContent("Height: " + Mathf.Abs(size.z))); Handles.DrawWireCube(, size); } }
private void OnDrawGizmos() { bool showDebug = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings().FindProperty("showDebug").boolValue; if (neighbours == null || !showDebug) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Length; i++) { if (neighbours[i] != null && neighbours[i].obj != null) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawCube(neighbours[i].obj.transform.position, new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f)); Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, neighbours[i].obj.transform.position); } } }
public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Project Settings window. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomIMGUISettings", SettingsScope.Project) { // By default the last token of the path is used as display name if no label is provided. label = "Custom IMGUI", // Create the SettingsProvider and initialize its drawing (IMGUI) function in place: guiHandler = (searchContext) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_Number"), new GUIContent("My Number")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), new GUIContent("My String")); }, // Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet <string> (new [] { "Number", "Some String" }) }; return(provider); }
//hack static void drawString(string text, Vector3 worldPos, Color?colour = null) { bool showDebug = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings().FindProperty("showDebug").boolValue; if (Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying && showDebug) { UnityEditor.Handles.BeginGUI(); if (colour.HasValue) { GUI.color = colour.Value; } var view = UnityEditor.SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView; if (view == null || == null) { return; } Vector3 screenPos =; Vector2 size = GUIContent(text)); GUI.Label(new Rect(screenPos.x - (size.x / 2), -screenPos.y + view.position.height + 4, size.x, size.y), text); UnityEditor.Handles.EndGUI(); } }
public override void OnActivate(string searchContext, VisualElement rootElement) { // This function is called when the user clicks on the MyCustom element in the Settings window. m_CustomSettings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); }
public virtual void Preview(Vector3Int closestCell, GridLayout grid) { Handles.color = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings().FindProperty("handleColor").colorValue; Handles.DrawWireCube(GridUtility.GetCellCenter(closestCell, grid), new Vector3(grid.cellSize.x, 0, grid.cellSize.y)); }