Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get top one peptide list from xtandem xml file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">xtandem xml filename</param>
        /// <returns>List of IIdentifiedSpectrum</returns>
        public List <IIdentifiedSpectrum> ReadFromFile(string fileName)
            string sourceFilename = GetSourceFile(fileName);

            List <IIdentifiedSpectrum> result = new List <IIdentifiedSpectrum>();

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            this.xmlHelper = new XmlHelper(doc);

            XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement;

            Match mSource = Regex.Match(sourceFilename, @"(.+)\.(?:RAW)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (mSource.Success)
                sourceFilename = mSource.Groups[1].Value;
                mSource = Regex.Match(sourceFilename, @"(.+?)\.");
                if (mSource.Success)
                    sourceFilename = mSource.Groups[1].Value;

            XmlNode parameters = xmlHelper.GetFirstChildByNameAndAttribute(root, "group", "label", "input parameters");


            int pos = sourceFilename.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '\\' });

            string rawFileName;

            if (pos > 0)
                rawFileName = sourceFilename.Substring(pos + 1);
                rawFileName = sourceFilename;
            rawFileName = FileUtils.ChangeExtension(rawFileName, "");

            List <XmlNode> groupNodes = xmlHelper.GetChildrenByNameAndAttribute(root, "group", "type", "model");

            foreach (XmlNode groupNode in groupNodes)
                Dictionary <string, IIdentifiedPeptide> pepmap = new Dictionary <string, IIdentifiedPeptide>();

                IIdentifiedSpectrum spectrum = new IdentifiedSpectrum();

                List <XmlNode> proteins = xmlHelper.GetChildren(groupNode, "protein");

                foreach (XmlNode proteinNode in proteins)
                    XmlNode domainNode = xmlHelper.GetValidChild(xmlHelper.GetValidChild(proteinNode, "peptide"), "domain");

                    int numMissedCleavages = int.Parse(domainNode.Attributes["missed_cleavages"].Value);

                    string preSeq = domainNode.Attributes["pre"].Value;
                    if (preSeq.Equals("["))
                        preSeq = "-";

                    string postSeq = domainNode.Attributes["post"].Value;
                    if (postSeq.Equals("]"))
                        postSeq = "-";

                    StringBuilder pepSeqSB = new StringBuilder(domainNode.Attributes["seq"].Value);

                    int start = int.Parse(domainNode.Attributes["start"].Value);
                    int end   = int.Parse(domainNode.Attributes["end"].Value);

                    List <XmlNode> modifications = xmlHelper.GetChildren(domainNode, "aa");
                    if (modifications.Count > 0)
                        List <ModificationItem> items = new List <ModificationItem>();
                        foreach (XmlNode modification in modifications)
                            int at = int.Parse(modification.Attributes["at"].Value);
                            if (at < start || at > end)

                            ModificationItem item = new ModificationItem();
                            item.Type     = modification.Attributes["type"].Value;
                            item.At       = at;
                            item.Modified = MyConvert.ToDouble(modification.Attributes["modified"].Value);
                            if (!staticModifications.ContainsKey(item.Type[0]))

                        spectrum.Modifications = "";
                        if (items.Count > 0)
                            items.Sort((m1, m2) => m1.At - m2.At);

                            var mod = "";
                            foreach (ModificationItem item in items)
                                mod = mod + MyConvert.Format(",{0}({1:0.0000})", item.Type, item.Modified);
                            spectrum.Modifications = mod.Substring(1);

                            items.Sort((m1, m2) => m2.At - m1.At);
                            foreach (ModificationItem item in items)
                                var key = GetModifiedKey(item.Modified);
                                if (!dynamicModificationChars.ContainsKey(key))
                                char modificationChar = dynamicModificationChars[key];
                                pepSeqSB.Insert(item.At - start + 1, modificationChar.ToString());

                            spectrum.Modifications = mod.Substring(1);

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append(preSeq.Substring(preSeq.Length - 1));

                    string pepSeq = sb.ToString();

                    if (!pepmap.ContainsKey(pepSeq))
                        IdentifiedPeptide pep = new IdentifiedPeptide(spectrum);
                        pep.Sequence           = pepSeq;
                        pepmap[pepSeq]         = pep;
                        spectrum.TheoreticalMH = MyConvert.ToDouble(domainNode.Attributes["mh"].Value);
                        spectrum.Score         = MyConvert.ToDouble(domainNode.Attributes["hyperscore"].Value);

                        double nextScore = MyConvert.ToDouble(domainNode.Attributes["nextscore"].Value);
                        spectrum.DeltaScore         = (spectrum.Score - nextScore) / spectrum.Score;
                        spectrum.NumMissedCleavages = int.Parse(domainNode.Attributes["missed_cleavages"].Value);

                    var    noteNode    = xmlHelper.GetValidChild(proteinNode, "note");
                    string proteinName = noteNode.InnerText.StringBefore(" ").StringBefore("\t");

                if (spectrum.Peptides.Count > 0)
                    spectrum.DigestProtease = protease;

                    spectrum.Query.QueryId  = int.Parse(groupNode.Attributes["id"].Value);
                    spectrum.ExperimentalMH = MyConvert.ToDouble(groupNode.Attributes["mh"].Value);
                    spectrum.ExpectValue    = MyConvert.ToDouble(groupNode.Attributes["expect"].Value);

                    XmlNode spectrumNode = xmlHelper.GetFirstChildByNameAndAttribute(groupNode, "group", "label", "fragment ion mass spectrum");
                    XmlNode labelNode    = xmlHelper.GetFirstChildByNameAndAttribute(spectrumNode, "note", "label", "Description");
                    string  title        = labelNode.InnerText.Trim();
                    if (title.StartsWith("RTINSECONDS"))
                        var rtvalue = title.StringAfter("=").StringBefore(" ").StringBefore("-");
                        spectrum.Query.FileScan.RetentionTime = double.Parse(rtvalue);
                        title = title.StringAfter(" ").Trim();

                    SequestFilename sf = this.TitleParser.GetValue(title);
                    if (sf.Experimental == null || sf.Experimental.Length == 0)
                        sf.Experimental = sourceFilename;
                    spectrum.Query.FileScan.LongFileName = sf.LongFileName;
                    if (sf.RetentionTime > 0 && spectrum.Query.FileScan.RetentionTime == 0)
                        spectrum.Query.FileScan.RetentionTime = sf.RetentionTime;

                    spectrum.Query.Charge = int.Parse(groupNode.Attributes["z"].Value);
                    spectrum.Query.Title  = title;
Пример #2
 public override string ToString()
     return(MyConvert.Format("SignalToNoise >= {0:0.0}", minSignalToNoise));
        public override List <IIdentifiedSpectrum> ReadFromFile(string fileName)
            var result = new List <IIdentifiedSpectrum>();

            using (var s = new ZipInputStream(new FileInfo(fileName).OpenRead()))
                int      dtacount = 0;
                int      outcount = 0;
                ZipEntry theEntry;
                while ((theEntry = s.GetNextEntry()) != null)
                    var name = theEntry.Name.ToLower();
                    if (name.EndsWith(".out"))
                    else if (name.EndsWith(".dta"))

                if (dtacount != 0 && outcount != dtacount)
                    throw new Exception(MyConvert.Format("Dta file count ({0}) in {1} is not equals to out file count ({2})",
                                                         dtacount, fileName, outcount));

            using (var s = new ZipInputStream(new FileInfo(fileName).OpenRead()))
                Progress.SetRange(1, new FileInfo(fileName).Length);

                long     length = 0;
                ZipEntry theEntry;
                while ((theEntry = s.GetNextEntry()) != null)
                    if (Progress.IsCancellationPending())
                        throw new UserTerminatedException();

                    if (theEntry.IsDirectory)

                    string entryFileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name);
                    if (entryFileName != String.Empty && entryFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".out"))
                        List <string> context = new List <string>();

                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s);
                        while (!sr.EndOfStream)

                        IIdentifiedSpectrum spectrum = this.parser.Parse(context);

                        if (null != spectrum)

                    length += theEntry.Size;

        public override void Update(object sender, UpdateQuantificationItemEventArgs e)
            IQuantificationSummaryOption option = e.Option as IQuantificationSummaryOption;
            IIdentifiedResult            mr     = e.Item as IIdentifiedResult;

            panel.InitGraphPane(title, option.Func.ReferenceKey, option.Func.SampleKey, true, 0.0);
                var pplNormal   = new PointPairList();
                var pplSelected = new PointPairList();
                var pplOutlier  = new PointPairList();

                var groups = (from g in mr
                              where option.IsProteinRatioValid(g[0])
                              select g).ToList();

                foreach (var group in groups)
                    PointPairList ppl;
                    if (group.Selected)
                        ppl = pplSelected;
                    else if (option.IsProteinOutlier(group[0]))
                        ppl = pplOutlier;
                        ppl = pplNormal;

                    double sampleIntensity = option.Func.GetSampleIntensity(group[0]);
                    double refIntensity    = option.Func.GetReferenceIntensity(group[0]);
                    ppl.Add(refIntensity, sampleIntensity);
                    ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag = group;

                    Debug.Assert(ppl[ppl.Count - 1].Tag == group);


                this.panel.AddPoints(pplOutlier, OutlierColor, "Outlier");

                this.panel.AddPoints(pplSelected, GroupColor, "Current Protein");

                this.panel.AddPoints(pplNormal, NormalColor, "Other");

                var pplTotal = new PointPairList();

                if (pplTotal.Count > 0)
                    var maxValue = (from p in pplTotal
                                    select Math.Max(p.X, p.Y)).Max() * 1.1;

                    this.panel.XAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue;
                    this.panel.YAxis.Scale.Max = maxValue;

                    var lrrr = pplTotal.GetRegression();

                    PointPairList line = pplTotal.GetRegressionLine(lrrr.Ratio);

                    var lineItem = this.panel.AddCurve(MyConvert.Format("Ratio={0:0.0000}", lrrr.Ratio), line, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
Пример #5
 public override string ToString()
     return(MyConvert.Format("MinimumEnabledScan >= {0}", minEnabledScan));
Пример #6
        private static XElement PeakListToElement(PeakList <Peak> pkls, string pklName, bool isPeakInWindow)
            var result = new XElement(pklName,
                                      from p in pkls
                                      select new XElement("Peak",
                                                          new XAttribute("mz", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.#####}", p.Mz)),
                                                          new XAttribute("intensity", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0}", p.Intensity)),
                                                          new XAttribute("charge", p.Charge),
                                                          isPeakInWindow ? new XAttribute("tag", p.Tag) : null

            if (isPeakInWindow)
                result.Add(new XElement("Precursor",
                                        new XElement("MasterScan", pkls.Precursor.MasterScan),
                                        new XElement("MonoIsotopicMass", string.Format("{0:0.00000}", pkls.Precursor.MonoIsotopicMass)),
                                        new XElement("IsolationMass", string.Format("{0:0.00000}", pkls.Precursor.IsolationMass)),
                                        new XElement("IsolationWidth", string.Format("{0:0.00}", pkls.Precursor.IsolationWidth)),
                                        new XElement("Charge", pkls.Precursor.Charge),
                                        new XElement("Intensity", string.Format("{0:0.0}", pkls.Precursor.Intensity))));

        public SimplePeakChro ReadFromFile(string fileName)
            var result = new SimplePeakChro();

            var root = XElement.Load(fileName);

            result.Sequence         = root.Element("Sequence").Value;
            result.Mz               = MyConvert.ToDouble(root.Element("Mz").Value);
            result.MzTolerance      = MyConvert.ToDouble(root.Element("MzTolerance").Value);
            result.Charge           = Convert.ToInt32(root.Element("Charge").Value);
            result.MaxRetentionTime = MyConvert.ToDouble(root.Element("MaxRT").Value);

            var chro = root.Element("Chro");

            result.Peaks = (from p in chro.Elements("Peak")
                            let scan = Convert.ToInt32(p.Attribute("s").Value)
                                       let mz = MyConvert.ToDouble(p.Attribute("m").Value)
                                                let intensity = MyConvert.ToDouble(p.Attribute("i").Value)
                                                                let charge = Convert.ToInt32(p.Attribute("c").Value)
                                                                             let rt = MyConvert.ToDouble(p.Attribute("r").Value)
                                                                                      let ioninjectiontime = MyConvert.ToDouble(p.Attribute("t").Value)
                                                                                                             let identified = Convert.ToBoolean(p.Attribute("d").Value)
                                                                                                                              let ppmdistance = MyConvert.ToDouble(p.Attribute("p").Value)
                                                                                                                                                select new ScanPeak()
                Scan = scan,
                Mz = mz,
                Intensity = intensity,
                Charge = charge,
                RetentionTime = rt,
                IonInjectionTime = ioninjectiontime,
                Identified = identified,
                PPMDistance = ppmdistance

Пример #8
        public override IEnumerable <string> Process(string targetFilename)
            Dictionary <string, List <CensusPeptideItem> > peptideMap = new Dictionary <string, List <CensusPeptideItem> >();

            CensusResultFormat crf = new CensusResultFormat(true, isLabelFree);

            Progress.SetRange(1, sourceFilenames.Length + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFilenames.Length; i++)
                string f = sourceFilenames[i];

                Progress.SetMessage("Reading from " + f + "...");
                Progress.SetPosition(i + 1);

                List <CensusPeptideItem> peptides = crf.ReadPeptides(f);
                foreach (CensusPeptideItem cpi in peptides)
                    if (!peptideMap.ContainsKey(cpi.Sequence))
                        peptideMap[cpi.Sequence] = new List <CensusPeptideItem>();


            List <string> sequences = new List <string>(peptideMap.Keys);

            sequences.Sort(delegate(string seq1, string seq2)
                int result = peptideMap[seq2].Count - peptideMap[seq1].Count;
                if (0 == result)
                    result = seq1.CompareTo(seq2);

            Progress.SetMessage("Writing to " + targetFilename + "...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(targetFilename))
                foreach (string seq in sequences)
                    List <CensusPeptideItem> items = peptideMap[seq];
                    double sInt = 0.0;
                    double rInt = 0.0;
                    foreach (CensusPeptideItem item in items)
                        sInt += item.SampleIntensity;
                        rInt += item.ReferenceIntensity;

                    double ratio;
                    if (rInt != 0.0)
                        ratio = sInt / rInt;
                        ratio = 0.0;
                    sw.WriteLine(MyConvert.Format("P\t{0}\t{1:0.00}\t{2:0.0}\t{3:0.0}", seq, ratio, sInt, rInt));

                    foreach (CensusPeptideItem item in items)
            Progress.SetMessage("Write to " + targetFilename + " finished.");
            Progress.SetPosition(sourceFilenames.Length + 1);

            return(new[] { targetFilename });
Пример #9
        } /* _nnls_g1 */



         *  Construction and/or application of a single Householder transformation:
         *           Q = I + U*(U**T)/B
         *  Function returns 0 if succesful, or >0 in case of erroneous parameters.
        private static int _nnls_h12(

            /** mode=1 to construct and apply a Householder transformation, or
             *  mode=2 to apply a previously constructed transformation */
            int mode,
            /** Index of the pivot element */
            int lpivot,
            /** Transformation is constructed to zero elements indexed from l1 to M */
            int l1,
            /** Transformation is constructed to zero elements indexed from l1 to M */
            int m,

            /** With mode=1: On entry, u[] must contain the pivot vector.
             * On exit, u[] and up contain quantities defining the vector u[] of
             * the Householder transformation.
             * With mode=2: On entry, u[] and up should contain quantities previously
             * computed with mode=1. These will not be modified. */
            double[] u,
            /** u_dim1 is the storage increment between elements. */
            int u_dim1,

            /** With mode=1: On entry, u[] must contain the pivot vector.
             * On exit, u[] and up contain quantities defining the vector u[] of
             * the Householder transformation.
             * With mode=2: On entry, u[] and up should contain quantities previously
             * computed with mode=1. These will not be modified. */
            ref double up,

            /** On entry, cm[] must contain the matrix (set of vectors) to which the
             * Householder transformation is to be applied. On exit, cm[] will contain
             * the set of transformed vectors */
            double[] cm,
            /** Storage increment between elements of vectors in cm[] */
            int ice,
            /** Storage increment between vectors in cm[] */
            int icv,

            /** Nr of vectors in cm[] to be transformed;
             *  if ncv<=0, then no operations will be done on cm[] */
            int ncv)
            double d1, d2, b, clinv, cl, sm;
            int    incr, k, j, i2, i3, i4;

            /* Check parameters */
            if (mode != 1 && mode != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Mode should be in {0,1}, now is " + mode);

            if (m < 1 || u_dim1 < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(MyConvert.Format("m and u_dim1 should larger than 1, now is {0} and {1}", m, u_dim1));

            if (lpivot < 0 || lpivot >= l1 || l1 >= m)

            /* Function Body */
            d1 = u[lpivot * u_dim1];
            cl = Math.Abs(d1);
            if (mode == 2)
            { /* Apply transformation I+U*(U**T)/B to cm[] */
                if (cl <= 0.0)
            {     /* Construct the transformation */
                for (j = l1; j < m; j++)
                { /* Computing MAX */
                    d1 = u[j * u_dim1];
                    d2 = Math.Abs(d1);
                    if (d2 > cl)
                        cl = d2;

                if (cl <= 0.0)

                clinv = 1.0 / cl;
                /* Computing 2nd power */
                d1 = u[lpivot * u_dim1] * clinv;
                sm = d1 * d1;
                for (j = l1; j < m; j++)
                    d1  = u[j * u_dim1] * clinv;
                    sm += d1 * d1;

                cl *= Math.Sqrt(sm);
                if (u[lpivot * u_dim1] > 0.0)
                    cl = -cl;

                up = u[lpivot * u_dim1] - cl;
                u[lpivot * u_dim1] = cl;
            if (ncv <= 0)

            b = up * u[lpivot * u_dim1];
            /* b must be nonpositive here; if b>=0., then return */
            if (b >= 0.0)

            b    = 1.0 / b;
            i2   = 1 - icv + ice * lpivot;
            incr = ice * (l1 - lpivot);
            for (j = 0; j < ncv; j++)
                i2 += icv;
                i3  = i2 + incr;
                i4  = i3;
                sm  = cm[i2 - 1] * up;

                for (k = l1; k < m; k++)
                    sm += cm[i3 - 1] * u[k * u_dim1];
                    i3 += ice;

                if (sm != 0.0)
                    sm         *= b;
                    cm[i2 - 1] += sm * up;
                    for (k = l1; k < m; k++)
                        cm[i4 - 1] += sm * u[k * u_dim1];
                        i4         += ice;
        } /* _nnls_h12 */
Пример #10
 public static void Read(this System.IO.Stream s, ref string value, int fixLength)
     value = MyConvert.ToString(Common.Extensions.ReadBytes(s, fixLength));
Пример #11
 public static void Write(this System.IO.Stream s, string value, int fixLength)
     s.Write(MyConvert.ToBytes(value, fixLength));
Пример #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TKM.IO.IIO io;
                Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to console input/output mode");
                Console.WriteLine("Press 0 to exit\n");
                ConsoleKeyInfo kc = Console.ReadKey(true);
                switch (kc.KeyChar)
                case '0':

                    io = new TKM.IO.IOConsole();

                    Function f  = new Function(io.Get());
                    Analyzer ar = new Analyzer(f);
                        "Truth table\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.StringArrayToString(f.Names) + "f\n"
                        + MyConvert.BoolArrayToString(f.Table) + "\n"
                        + "Pascal's triangle\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.BoolArrayToString(ar.Triangle) + "\n"
                        + "Gegalkin Polynom\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.StringArrayToString(ar.GegalkinPolynome, "+") + "\n"
                    io.Set("Derivatives weights");
                    for (int arg = 0; arg < f.Names.Length; arg++)
                            + "|" + f.Names[arg] + "| = " + ar.DerivativesWeights[arg]
                        "\nVariables priority\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.StringArrayToString(ar.VarStek) + "\n\n"
                        + "Values at nodes(in contact circuit)\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.StringArrayToString(ar.Shannon.ValueInNodes, "\n", true) + "\n"
                        + "Adjacency matrix\n\n"
                        + MyConvert.StringArrayToString(ar.Shannon.AMatrix, "  ") + "\n"
                    Console.WriteLine("Press Y to main menu/N to continue");
                    kc = Console.ReadKey(true);
                    if (kc.KeyChar == 'y' || kc.KeyChar == 'Y')
                } while (true);
                Console.WriteLine("Press Y to exit/N to continue");
                kc = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if (kc.KeyChar == 'y' || kc.KeyChar == 'Y')
            } while (true);
 public override void SetProperty(T t, string value)
     t.MolecularWeight = MyConvert.ToDouble(value);
 public override string GetProperty(T t)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.00}", t.MolecularWeight));
Пример #15
 private string GetNameAttributeXPath(string childName, string attributeName, string attributeValue)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0}[@{1}=\"{2}\"]", GetNameXPath(childName), attributeName, attributeValue));
Пример #16
        private void WriteXmlHeader(StreamWriter sw, FileInfo sourceFile, List <int> scans)
             * xml header and namespace info
            sw.Write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>" + lf
                     + "<mzXML" + lf);
            sw.Write(" xmlns=\"http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/schema_revision/mzXML_2.0\"" + lf
                     + " xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" + lf
                     " xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/schema_revision/mzXML_2.0 http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/schema_revision/mzXML_2.0/mzXML_idx_2.0.xsd\">" +

            int    firstScan = this.rawFile.GetFirstSpectrumNumber();
            int    lastScan  = this.rawFile.GetLastSpectrumNumber();
            double startTime = this.rawFile.ScanToRetentionTime(firstScan) * 60;
            double endTime   = this.rawFile.ScanToRetentionTime(lastScan) * 60;

             * begin msRun
            sw.Write(MyConvert.Format(" <msRun scanCount=\"{0}\" startTime=\"PT{1:0.000}S\" endTime=\"PT{2:0.000}S\">" + lf, scans.Count, startTime, endTime));

            string sha1;

                sha1 = HashUtils.GetSHA1Hash(sourceFile.FullName).ToLower();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Exception when calculating sha1 value of file " + sourceFile.Name, ex);

             * parent (raw input) file
            sw.Write("  <parentFile fileName=\"file://" + sourceFile.Name + "\" fileType=\"RAWData\" fileSha1=\"" + sha1 + "\"/>" + lf);

             * mass spec instrument section
            // get the instrument model
            string instModel = this.rawFile.GetInstModel();

            // get acquisition software version
            string instSoftVersion = this.rawFile.GetInstSoftwareVersion();

            sw.Write("  <msInstrument>" + lf
                     + "   <msManufacturer category=\"msManufacturer\" value=\"Thermo Finnigan\"/>" + lf
                     + "   <msModel category=\"msModel\" value=\"" + instModel + "\"/>" + lf
                     + "   <msIonisation category=\"msIonisation\" value=\"ESI\"/>" + lf
                     + "   <msMassAnalyzer category=\"msMassAnalyzer\" value=\"Ion Trap\"/>" + lf
                     + "   <msDetector category=\"msDetector\" value=\"EMT\"/>" + lf);
            sw.Write("    <software type=\"acquisition\"" + lf
                     + "             name=\"Xcalibur\"" + lf
                     + "             version=\"" + instSoftVersion + "\"/>" + lf
                     + "  </msInstrument>" + lf);

             * data processing info
            sw.Write("  <dataProcessing centroided=\"" + (this.doCentroid ? 1 : 0) + "\">" + lf
                     + "    <software type=\"conversion\"" + lf
                     + "              name=\"" + this.dataProcessingSoftware + "\"" + lf
                     + "              version=\"" + this.dataProcessingSoftwareVersion + "\"/>" + lf);

            foreach (string dataProcessingOperationName in this.dataProcessingOperations.Keys)
                sw.Write(MyConvert.Format("    <processingOperation name=\"{0}\"" + lf
                                          + "                         value=\"{1}\"/>" + lf,

             * if (MIN_PEAKS_PER_SPECTRA > 0)
             * {
             * // Note the use of the namevaluetype element!
             * m_fout << "    <processingOperation name=\"min_peaks_per_spectra\"" << lf
             * << "                         value=\"" << MIN_PEAKS_PER_SPECTRA << "\"/>" << lf;
             * // And the comment field to give a little bit more information about the meaning of
             * // the last element.
             * m_fout << "    <comment>Scans with total number of peaks less than min_peaks_per_spectra were not included in this XML file</comment>" << lf;
             * }
            sw.Write("  </dataProcessing>" + lf);
            // end data processing info
Пример #17
        public override void WriteToFile(string fileName, IsobaricResult t)
            var xle = new XElement("ITraqResult",
                                   from item in t
                                   let ions = new XElement("Ions", from def in item.Definition.Items
                                                           select new XElement(def.Name, MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0}", item[def.Index])))
                                              select new XElement("ITraqScan",
                                                                  new XElement("PlexType", item.PlexType),
                                                                  new XElement("Experimental", item.Experimental),
                                                                  new XElement("ScanMode", item.ScanMode),
                                                                  new XElement("Scan", item.Scan.Scan),
                                                                  new XElement("IonInjectionTime", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.000}", item.Scan.IonInjectionTime)),
                                                                  new XElement("PrecursorPercentage", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.000}", item.PrecursorPercentage)),
                                                                  new XElement("RetentionTime", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0}", item.Scan.RetentionTime)),
                                                                  PeakListToElement(item.RawPeaks, "RawPeaks", false),
                                                                  PeakListToElement(item.PeakInIsolationWindow, "PeakInIsolationWindow", true)

Пример #18
        private void WriteXmlScan(StreamWriter sw, int scan, List <Pair <int, long> > scanIndeies)
            scanIndeies.Add(new Pair <int, long>(scan, sw.BaseStream.Position));

            var rcf = new RawScanFilter();

            rcf.Filter = this.rawFile.GetFilterForScanNum(scan);
            double          retentionTime = this.rawFile.ScanToRetentionTime(scan);
            PeakList <Peak> pkl           = this.rawFile.GetMassListFromScanNum(scan, this.doCentroid);

            /* scan header info begin */
            int    numPakets         = 0;
            double RT                = 0;
            double lowMass           = 0;
            double highMass          = 0;
            double TIC               = 0;
            double basePeakMass      = 0;
            double basePeakIntensity = 0;
            int    channel           = 0;
            int    uniformTime       = 0;
            double frequency         = 0;

                ref numPakets,
                ref RT,
                ref lowMass,
                ref highMass,
                ref TIC,
                ref basePeakMass,
                ref basePeakIntensity,
                ref channel,
                ref uniformTime,
                ref frequency);

            sw.Write(MyConvert.Format("  <scan num=\"{0}\"" + lf
                                      + "        msLevel=\"{1}\"" + lf
                                      + "        peaksCount=\"{2}\"" + lf
                                      + "        polarity=\"{3}\"" + lf
                                      + "        scanType=\"{4}\"" + lf
                                      + "        retentionTime=\"PT{5:0.00}S\"" + lf,
                                      retentionTime * 60));
            if (rcf.MsLevel > 1)
                sw.Write("        collisionEnergy=\"{0:0}\"" + lf, rcf.CollisionEnergy);

            sw.Write(MyConvert.Format("        lowMz=\"{0:0}\"" + lf
                                      + "        highMz=\"{1:0}\"" + lf
                                      + "        basePeakMz=\"{2:0.000}\"" + lf
                                      + "        basePeakIntensity=\"{3:0}\"" + lf
                                      + "        totIonCurrent=\"{4}\">" + lf,

            if (rcf.MsLevel > 1)
                this.rawFile.GetPeakListInfo(scan, pkl);
                sw.Write(MyConvert.Format("    <precursorMz precursorIntensity=\"{0:0.#####}\"", pkl.PrecursorIntensity));

                if (pkl.PrecursorCharge > 0)
                    sw.Write(" precursorCharge=\"" + pkl.PrecursorCharge + "\"");

                sw.Write(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.######}</precursorMz>" + lf, pkl.PrecursorMZ));
            /* scan header info end */

            /* peak list info begin */
            sw.Write("    <peaks precision=\"32\"" + lf
                     + "           byteOrder=\"network\"" + lf
                     + "           pairOrder=\"m/z-int\">");
            sw.Write(MzxmlHelper.PeakListToBase64(pkl) + "</peaks>" + lf);
            /* peak list info end */

            //I don't care if this scan is an child of last scan, just close it
            sw.Write("  </scan>" + lf);
Пример #19
        public override string IsValidated()
            var    b = true;
            string validationResult = "";

            var isCityOfToronto = false;

            if (BaseValue.Deadline <= DateTime.Today)
                validationResult += "Lead time is 5 business days  " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;
                var endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(BaseValue.Deadline);
                if (MyDateTime.GetDiffHoursOfWeekday(DateTime.Today, endDate) < 24 * NLeadTime)
                    validationResult += "Lead time is 5 business days  " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    b = false;

            if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(Value.OccupationTimeStart).Length < 3)
                validationResult += "Occupation Start Time Required" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;

            if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(Value.OccupationTimeEnd).Length < 3)
                validationResult += "Occupation End Time Required" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;

            if (Value.TypeOfTruck == 0)
                validationResult += "Please Fill out Type of Truck  " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;

            //Installation Address
            var msc = new MySalesJobMasterListCustomer(BaseValue.JobID);


            if (msc.CustomerID == 0)
                validationResult += "No Installation Company Selected  " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;
                var mc       = new MyCustomer(msc.CustomerID);
                var customer = mc.Value;

                if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(customer.ADDR_1).Length < 5)
                    validationResult += "No Installation Address  " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    b = false;
                if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(customer.CITY).Length < 3)
                    validationResult += "Landlord City Required " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    b = false;
                    isCityOfToronto = GetIsCityOfToronto(customer.CITY);

                if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(customer.ZIPCODE).Length < 4)
                    validationResult += "Landlord Postcode Required " + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    b = false;

            if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(Value.ForemanName).Length < 2)
                validationResult += "Foreman Name Required" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;

            if (MyConvert.ConvertToString(Value.ForemanPhone).Length < 9)
                validationResult += "Foreman Name Required" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;

            //301	Insurance	2	30
            //302	Additional Insurance for City of Toronto	2	30

            //Document Attached
            int docTypeID   = 301;
            var docAttached = _db.PermitDocuments.Where(x => x.BaseAppID == BaseValue.BaseAppID & x.DocType == docTypeID).ToList();

            if (!docAttached.Any( ))
                var docType = _db.PermitDocumentTypes.Find(docTypeID);
                validationResult += "Document Required: " + docType.TypeName + System.Environment.NewLine;
                b = false;
            //302	Additional Insurance for City of Toronto	2	30
            if (isCityOfToronto)
                docTypeID   = 302;
                docAttached = _db.PermitDocuments.Where(x => x.BaseAppID == BaseValue.BaseAppID & x.DocType == docTypeID).ToList();
                if (!docAttached.Any())
                    var docType = _db.PermitDocumentTypes.Find(docTypeID);
                    validationResult += "Document Required: " + docType.TypeName + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    b = false;

            return(b ? "ok" : validationResult);
Пример #20
 public string GetOriginalITraqFileName(string rawFileName)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0}.oitraq.xml", rawFileName));
        public void WriteToFile(string fileName, SimplePeakChro t)
            XElement root = new XElement("SimplePeakChro",
                                         new XElement("Sequence", t.Sequence),
                                         new XElement("Mz", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.00000}", t.Mz)),
                                         new XElement("MzTolerance", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.00000}", t.MzTolerance)),
                                         new XElement("Charge", t.Charge),
                                         new XElement("MaxRT", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000}", t.MaxRetentionTime)),
                                         new XElement("Chro",
                                                      from p in t.Peaks
                                                      select new XElement("Peak",
                                                                          new XAttribute("s", p.Scan),
                                                                          new XAttribute("m", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.00000}", p.Mz)),
                                                                          new XAttribute("i", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.00000}", p.Intensity)),
                                                                          new XAttribute("c", p.Charge),
                                                                          new XAttribute("r", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.000}", p.RetentionTime)),
                                                                          new XAttribute("t", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.000}", p.IonInjectionTime)),
                                                                          new XAttribute("d", p.Identified.ToString()),
                                                                          new XAttribute("p", MyConvert.Format("{0:0.000}", p.PPMDistance))

Пример #22
 public string GetITraqFileName(string rawFileName)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0}.{1}.itraq.xml", rawFileName, minPeakCount));
 public override string ToString()
     return(MyConvert.Format("mz={0:0.0000}, rt={1:0.00}, abundance={2:0.0}", Mz, RetentionTime, Abundance));
Пример #24
        public IsobaricResult GetTraqResult(string rawFileName)
            Progress.SetMessage("Processing " + rawFileName + " ...");

            string experimental = FileUtils.ChangeExtension(new FileInfo(rawFileName).Name, "");

            string originalFileName = GetOriginalITraqFileName(rawFileName);

            string paramFileName = originalFileName + ".param";

            IsobaricResult result = null;

            ITraqFileBuilder builder = new ITraqFileBuilder(itraqReader.PlexType.GetDefinition());

            if (!CheckOriginalFile(originalFileName) || !File.Exists(paramFileName))
                itraqReader.Progress = this.Progress;

                Progress.SetMessage("Reading isobaric tag channels from " + new FileInfo(rawFileName).Name + "...");
                List <IsobaricItem> pkls = itraqReader.ReadFromFile(rawFileName);
                Progress.SetMessage("Reading isobaric tag channels finished.");

                if (pkls.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception(MyConvert.Format("No isobaric tag information readed from file {0}, contact with author.", rawFileName));

                var accs = builder.GetDistances(from pkl in pkls select pkl.RawPeaks);

                if (accs.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception(MyConvert.Format("No isobaric tag information readed from file {0}, contact with author.", rawFileName));

                result      = builder.GetITraqResult(pkls, accs, SigmaFoldTolerance, 1);
                result.Mode = itraqReader.ToString();

                result.ForEach(m => m.Experimental = experimental);

                ITraqResultFileFormatFactory.GetXmlFormat().WriteToFile(originalFileName, result);

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(paramFileName))
                    var ions = builder.Definition.Items;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ions.Length; i++)
                        sw.WriteLine("{0:0.00000}\t{1:0.00000}\t{2:0.00000}\t{3:0.00}\t{4:0.00000}", ions[i].Mass, ions[i].Mass + accs[i].Mean, accs[i].Mean, PrecursorUtils.mz2ppm(ions[i].Mass, accs[i].Mean), accs[i].StdDev);
                Progress.SetMessage("Read xml information from " + originalFileName + " ...");

                var format = ITraqResultFileFormatFactory.GetXmlFormat();
                format.Progress = this.Progress;

                result = format.ReadFromFile(originalFileName);

            result.RemoveAll(m => m.PeakCount() < minPeakCount);

            result.ForEach(m => calc.Correct(m));

            result.RemoveAll(m => m.PeakCount() < minPeakCount);

            result.ForEach(m => m.PrecursorPercentage = m.PeakInIsolationWindow.GetPrecursorPercentage(this.precursorPPM));

            if (NormalizationBuilder != null)
Пример #25
 public override string ToString()
     return(MyConvert.Format("Ratio >= 0"));
Пример #26
        public string GetProteinRatioDescription(IIdentifiedProtein ann)
            var corr = ann.GetQuantificationItem().Correlation;

            return(MyConvert.Format("Ratio = {0:0.0000}; Correlation = {1:0.0000}", GetProteinRatio(ann), corr));
Пример #27
 public override string ToString()
     return(MyConvert.Format("RegressionCorrelation >= {0:0.0}", minCorrel));
Пример #28
 public override string Build <T>(Spectrum.PeakList <T> pkl)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0} Spectrum{1} scans: {1}",
Пример #29
        protected override PeakList <T> DoReadNextPeakList(out bool hasNext)
            var result = new PeakList <T>();

            string        lastLine = "";
            List <string> headers  = ReadHeader(ref lastLine);
            Dictionary <string, string> annotations = ReadAnnotation(ref lastLine);
            List <string> peaks = ReadPeak(ref lastLine);

            hasNext = CheckHasNext(this.reader);

            foreach (string line in headers)
                if (line.StartsWith(MascotGenericFormatConstants.MS_SCAN_TAG))
                    ParseScan(result, line);
                else if (line.StartsWith(MascotGenericFormatConstants.MSMS_SCAN_TAG))
                    ParseScan(result, line);
                else if (line.StartsWith(MascotGenericFormatConstants.FILENAME_TAG))
                    result.Experimental = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(':') + 1).Trim();

            foreach (var de in annotations)
                if (de.Key.Equals(MascotGenericFormatConstants.PEPMASS_TAG))
                    string[] values = Regex.Split(de.Value, "\\s");
                    result.PrecursorMZ = MyConvert.ToDouble(values[0]);
                    if (values.Length > 1)
                        result.PrecursorIntensity = MyConvert.ToDouble(values[1]);
                else if (de.Key.Equals(MascotGenericFormatConstants.CHARGE_TAG))
                    string charge = de.Value;
                    if (charge.Contains("and"))
                        result.Annotations.Add(de.Key, de.Value);

                    if (charge.EndsWith("+"))
                        charge = charge.Substring(0, charge.Length - 1);
                    result.PrecursorCharge = int.Parse(charge);
                else if (de.Key.Equals(MascotGenericFormatConstants.SCAN_TAG))
                    ParseScan(result, de.Value);
                else if (de.Key.Equals(MascotGenericFormatConstants.RETENTION_TIME_TAG))
                    double rtInSecond = 0.0;
                    if (MyConvert.TryParse(de.Value, out rtInSecond))
                        var rtInMin = rtInSecond / 60.0;
                        if (result.ScanTimes.Count == 0)
                            result.ScanTimes.Add(new ScanTime(0, rtInMin));
                            result.ScanTimes[0].RetentionTime = rtInMin;
                    result.Annotations.Add(de.Key, de.Value);

            foreach (string line in peaks)
                string[] values = Regex.Split(line, "\\s");
                    var peak = new T()
                        Mz        = MyConvert.ToDouble(values[0]),
                        Intensity = MyConvert.ToDouble(values[1])
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Format error, cannot read peak info from {0}", line));

Пример #30
 private string GetModifiedKey(double mass)
     return(MyConvert.Format("{0:0.0000}", mass));