public string Apply(int tnum, Bitmap srcimg, double size_ratio, double ang_threshold, bool preprocessing, string outImagePath)
            this.tnum   = tnum;
            this.width  = srcimg.Width;
            this.height = srcimg.Height;
            int iteration = 2;

            this.size_ratio    = size_ratio;
            this.ang_threshold = ang_threshold;
            //input image: white as forground
            srcimg = ImageUtils.ConvertGrayScaleToBinary(srcimg, 128);

            if (preprocessing)
                ConnectLinesWithOnePixelGap cg = new ConnectLinesWithOnePixelGap();
                srcimg = cg.Apply(srcimg);

            //Log.WriteBitmap2Debug(srcimg, "start");
            srcimg = ImageUtils.InvertColors(srcimg);

            minimum_distance_between_CCs_in_string = iteration;

            MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter char_bc = new MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter();

            this.char_blobs  = char_bc.GetBlobs(srcimg);
            this.char_labels = new short[width * height];
            // Log.WriteBitmap2Debug(Printnumb(), "num");

            for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                char_labels[i] = (short)(char_bc.objectLabels[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < char_blobs.Count; i++)
                char_blob_idx_max_size_table.Add(i, Math.Max(char_blobs[i].bbx.Width, char_blobs[i].bbx.Height)); // original size of the character //narges
                connected_char_blob_idx_set_list.Add(new HashSet <int>());

            original_char_labels = char_bc.objectLabels;
            for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                char_labels[i] = (short)(char_bc.objectLabels[i]);
            // first run
            // Log.WriteBitmap2Debug(Print(), "k1_");
            // Log.WriteBitmap2Debug(Print(), "k1_" + 0);
            iteration_counter = 1;
            //   while (expendable_char_blob_idx_set.Count > 1 && iteration_counter < iteration_threshold)
            while (iteration_counter < iteration_threshold)
                // Log.WriteBitmap2Debug(Print(), "k1_" + iteration_counter);
        public List <TextString> Apply(Bitmap srcimg, Bitmap dilatedimg)
            width  = srcimg.Width;
            height = srcimg.Height;
            //  max_width = width / 2;           I commented these two lines
            //   max_height = height / 2;
            srcimg     = ImageUtils.ConvertGrayScaleToBinary(srcimg, threshold: 128);
            srcimg     = ImageUtils.InvertColors(srcimg);
            dilatedimg = ImageUtils.ConvertGrayScaleToBinary(dilatedimg, threshold: 128);
            dilatedimg = ImageUtils.InvertColors(dilatedimg);

            MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter char_bc    = new MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter();
            List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob> char_blobs = char_bc.GetBlobs(srcimg);

            ushort[] char_labels = char_bc.objectLabels;

            MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter string_bc    = new MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter();
            List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob> string_blobs = string_bc.GetBlobs(dilatedimg);

            ushort[] string_labels = string_bc.objectLabels;

            List <TextString> initial_string_list = new List <TextString>();

            int string_count = string_blobs.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < string_count; i++)
                initial_string_list.Add(new TextString());
                initial_string_list.Last().mass_center = string_blobs[i].mass_center;

            for (int i = 0; i < char_blobs.Count; i++)
                if (char_blobs[i].bbx.Width > 1 && char_blobs[i].bbx.Height > 1)
                    char_blobs[i].string_id = string_labels[char_blobs[i].sample_y * width + char_blobs[i].sample_x] - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < initial_string_list.Count; i++)
                if ((initial_string_list[i].char_list.Count == 0) ||
                    (initial_string_list[i].bbx.Width < min_width || initial_string_list[i].bbx.Height < min_height) ||
                    (initial_string_list[i].bbx.Width > max_width || initial_string_list[i].bbx.Height > max_height))
            for (int i = 0; i < initial_string_list.Count; i++)
                PrintSubStringsSmall(char_labels, initial_string_list[i], 0);
 public void NeighborhoodTextDetection(Bitmap Neighborhood)
     MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter ConnectedComponent = new MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter();
        public void IdentifyExpendableCharBlobs()
            Bitmap resultimg = Print();

            resultimg = ImageUtils.InvertColors(resultimg);

            MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter string_bc    = new MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlobCounter();
            List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob> string_blobs = string_bc.GetBlobs(resultimg);

            ushort[] string_labels = string_bc.objectLabels;
            int      string_count  = string_blobs.Count;

            List <List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob> > string_list = new List <List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < string_count; i++)
                string_list.Add(new List <MyConnectedComponentsAnalysisFast.MyBlob>());

            for (int i = 0; i < char_blobs.Count; i++)
                char_blobs[i].string_id =
                    string_labels[char_blobs[i].sample_y * width + char_blobs[i].sample_x] - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < string_list.Count; i++)
                if (string_list[i].Count > 0)
                    int avg_size = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < string_list[i].Count; j++)
                        avg_size += Math.Max(string_list[i][j].bbx.Width, string_list[i][j].bbx.Height);
                    avg_size /= string_list[i].Count;
                    for (int j = 0; j < string_list[i].Count; j++)
                        char_blob_idx_max_size_table[string_list[i][j].pixel_id - 1] = avg_size;
            // recomputing expendable char blob idx
            for (int i = 0; i < char_blobs.Count; i++)
                if (connected_char_blob_idx_set_list[i].Count == 2)
                else // 0 or 1 connecting CC
                    int max_dist = (int)((double)((int)char_blob_idx_max_size_table[i]) / 3);
                    // int max_dist = (int)((double)((int)char_blob_idx_max_size_table[i])/2 );
                    if (max_dist < minimum_distance_between_CCs_in_string * 2)
                        max_dist = minimum_distance_between_CCs_in_string * 2;
                    if (iteration_counter > max_dist)