Пример #1
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Initialize IoT Hub client
            Device = new MyClass();

            // Add the telemetry data
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Temperature", DisplayName = "Temp (C)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Humidity", DisplayName = "Hmdt (%)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);

            // If you are developing and want to avoid having to enter the full connection string on the device,
            // you can temporarily hard code it here. Comment this when done!
            //Device.DeviceId = "[DeviceId]";
            //Device.HostName = "[HostName]";
            //Device.DeviceKey = "[DeviceKey]";

            // Prepare UI elements
            buttonConnect.AccessibilityIdentifier = "buttonConnect";
            buttonConnect.Enabled = false;
            buttonConnect.SetTitle("Press to connect", UIControlState.Normal);
            buttonConnect.TouchUpInside += ButtonConnect_TouchUpInside;

            buttonSend.AccessibilityIdentifier = "buttonSend";
            buttonSend.Enabled = false;
            buttonSend.SetTitle("Press to send telemetry data", UIControlState.Normal);
            buttonSend.TouchUpInside += ButtonSend_TouchUpInside;

            textDeviceId.AccessibilityIdentifier = "textDeviceId";
            textDeviceId.EditingChanged         += TextDeviceId_EditingChanged;
            textDeviceId.Text = Device.DeviceId;

            textHostName.AccessibilityIdentifier = "textHostName";
            textHostName.EditingChanged         += TextHostName_EditingChanged;;
            textHostName.Text = Device.HostName;

            textDeviceKey.AccessibilityIdentifier = "textDeviceKey";
            textDeviceKey.EditingChanged         += TextDeviceKey_EditingChanged;
            textDeviceKey.Text = Device.DeviceKey;

            sliderTemperature.AccessibilityIdentifier = "sliderTemperature";
            sliderTemperature.ValueChanged           += SliderTemperature_ValueChanged;
            sliderTemperature.MinValue = 0;
            sliderTemperature.MaxValue = 100;
            sliderTemperature.Value    = 50;

            sliderHumidity.AccessibilityIdentifier = "sliderHumidity";
            sliderHumidity.ValueChanged           += SliderHumidity_ValueChanged;
            sliderHumidity.MinValue = 0;
            sliderHumidity.MaxValue = 100;
            sliderHumidity.Value    = 50;

            // Check configuration and enable connect button if it looks ok
            buttonConnect.Enabled = Device.checkConfig();
Пример #2
        public MainPage()

            this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required;

            // Initialize IoT Hub client
            Device = new MyClass();

            // Add the telemetry data
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Temperature", DisplayName = "Temp (C)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Humidity", DisplayName = "Hmdt (%)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);

            this.buttonConnect.IsEnabled = false;
            this.buttonConnect.Content   = "Press to Connect";
            this.buttonConnect.Click    += ButtonConnect_Click;

            this.buttonSend.IsEnabled = false;
            this.buttonSend.Content   = "Press to send telemetry data";
            this.buttonSend.Click    += ButtonSend_Click;

            this.textDeviceId.TextChanged += TextDeviceId_TextChanged;
            this.textDeviceId.Text         = Device.DeviceId;

            this.textDeviceKey.TextChanged += TextDeviceKey_TextChanged;
            this.textDeviceKey.Text         = Device.DeviceKey;

            this.textHostName.TextChanged += TextHostName_TextChanged;
            this.textHostName.Text         = Device.HostName;

            this.sliderTemperature.ValueChanged += SliderTemperature_ValueChanged;
            this.sliderTemperature.Value         = 50;

            this.sliderHumidity.ValueChanged += SliderHumidity_ValueChanged;
            this.sliderHumidity.Value         = 50;

            // Set focus to the connect button
            buttonConnect.IsEnabled = Device.checkConfig();
Пример #3
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Initialize IoT Hub client
            Device = new MyClass();

            // Add the telemetry data
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Temperature", DisplayName = "Temp (C)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);
            Device.AddTelemetry(new TelemetryFormat {
                Name = "Humidity", DisplayName = "Hmdt (%)", Type = "Double"
            }, (double)0);

            // If you are developing and want to avoid having to enter the full connection string on the device,
            // you can temporarily hard code it here. Comment this when done!
            //Device.DeviceId = "[DeviceId]";
            //Device.HostName = "[HostName]";
            //Device.DeviceKey = "[DeviceKey]";

            // Prepare UI elements
            buttonConnect         = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.buttonConnect);
            buttonConnect.Enabled = false;
            buttonConnect.Text    = "Press to Connect";
            buttonConnect.Click  += ButtonConnect_Click;

            buttonSend         = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.buttonSend);
            buttonSend.Enabled = false;
            buttonSend.Text    = "Press to send telemetry data";
            buttonSend.Click  += ButtonSend_Click;

            textDeviceId              = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textDeviceId);
            textDeviceId.TextChanged += TextDeviceId_TextChanged;
            textDeviceId.Text         = Device.DeviceId;

            textDeviceKey              = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textDeviceKey);
            textDeviceKey.TextChanged += TextDeviceKey_TextChanged;
            textDeviceKey.Text         = Device.DeviceKey;

            textHostName              = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textHostName);
            textHostName.TextChanged += TextHostName_TextChanged;
            textHostName.Text         = Device.HostName;

            textTemperature = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textTemperature);
            SeekBar seekBarTemperature = FindViewById <SeekBar>(Resource.Id.seekBarTemperature);

            seekBarTemperature.ProgressChanged += SeekBarTemperature_ProgressChanged;
            seekBarTemperature.Progress         = 50;

            textHumidity = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textHumidity);
            SeekBar seekBarHumidity = FindViewById <SeekBar>(Resource.Id.seekBarHumidity);

            seekBarHumidity.ProgressChanged += SeekBarHumidity_ProgressChanged;
            seekBarHumidity.Progress         = 50;

            // Set focus to the connect button
            buttonConnect.Enabled = Device.checkConfig();