Пример #1
        private static bool BuildLineupServices()
            // build a comparison dictionary to determine service id for each channel from XMLTV
            Dictionary <string, string> displayNameChannelIDs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (XmltvChannel channel in xmltv.Channels)
                foreach (XmltvText displayName in channel.DisplayNames)
                        displayNameChannelIDs.Add(displayName.Text.ToUpper(), channel.Id);
                    catch { }

            // find the stationid for each tuner channel for the MXF
            foreach (MxfLineup lineup in Common.mxf.With[0].Lineups)
                foreach (MxfChannel channel in lineup.channels)
                    string match = string.Format("{0}{1} {2}", channel.Number, (channel.SubNumber > 0) ? "." + channel.SubNumber.ToString() : string.Empty, channel.MatchName.ToUpper());
                    if (displayNameChannelIDs.TryGetValue(match, out string serviceid) || displayNameChannelIDs.TryGetValue(match.Split(' ')[0], out serviceid))
                        channel.stationId = GetStationIdFromChannelId(serviceid);
                        MxfService service = Common.mxf.With[0].getService(channel.stationId);

                        channel.Service = service.Id;
                        service.Name    = channel.MatchName;
                        service.mxfScheduleEntries.Service = service.Id;
                        service.isHD = channel.isHD;

            // complete the service information
            foreach (XmltvChannel channel in xmltv.Channels)
                MxfService service = Common.mxf.With[0].getService(GetStationIdFromChannelId(channel.Id));

                // add guide image if available
                if (channel.Icons != null && channel.Icons.Count > 0)
                    service.LogoImage = Common.mxf.With[0].getGuideImage(channel.Icons[0].src).Id;

                // this makes the assumption that the callsign will be first
                service.CallSign = channel.DisplayNames.First().Text;

                //// this makes the assumption that the affiliate will be last
                //string text = channel.DisplayNames.Last().Text.Split(' ')[0];
                //if (!int.TryParse(text, out int dummy1) && !double.TryParse(text, out double dummy2))
                //    service.Affiliate = Common.mxf.With[0].getAffiliateId(channel.DisplayNames.Last().Text);

            // clean up the channels
            foreach (MxfLineup lineup in Common.mxf.With[0].Lineups)
                List <MxfChannel> channelsToRemove = new List <MxfChannel>();
                foreach (MxfChannel channel in lineup.channels)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.match))
                        channel.MatchName = channel.match;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.Service))
                if (channelsToRemove.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MxfChannel channel in channelsToRemove)

Пример #2
        private static bool BuildScheduleEntries()
            foreach (XmltvProgramme program in xmltv.Programs)
                // determine which service the schedule entry is for
                MxfService mxfService = Common.mxf.With[0].getService(GetStationIdFromChannelId(program.Channel));

                // determine start time
                DateTime dtStart   = DateTime.ParseExact(program.Start, "yyyyMMddHHmmss zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUniversalTime();
                DateTime dtStop    = DateTime.ParseExact(program.Stop, "yyyyMMddHHmmss zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUniversalTime();
                string   startTime = dtStart.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                if (dtStart == mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.endTime)
                    startTime = null;

                // prepopulate some of the program
                MxfProgram mxfProgram = new MxfProgram()
                    index            = Common.mxf.With[0].Programs.Count + 1,
                    episodeInfo      = GetProgramEpisodeInformation(program.EpisodeNums),
                    IsPremiere       = (program.Premiere != null) ? "true" : null,
                    IsSeasonPremiere = (program.Premiere?.Text != null && program.Premiere.Text.ToLower().Equals("season premiere")) ? "true" : null,
                    IsSeriesPremiere = (program.Premiere?.Text != null && program.Premiere.Text.ToLower().Equals("series premiere")) ? "true" : null,
                    _newDate         = (program.New != null) ? dtStart.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : null,
                    ActorRole        = new List <MxfPersonRank>(),
                    WriterRole       = new List <MxfPersonRank>(),
                    GuestActorRole   = new List <MxfPersonRank>(),
                    HostRole         = new List <MxfPersonRank>(),
                    ProducerRole     = new List <MxfPersonRank>(),
                    DirectorRole     = new List <MxfPersonRank>()
                                       //IsSeasonFinale = ,
                                       //IsSeriesFinale = ,

                // if dd_progid is not valid, don't add it
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mxfProgram.episodeInfo.TMSID))

                // populate the schedule entry and create program entry as required
                mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.ScheduleEntry.Add(new MxfScheduleEntry()
                    AudioFormat = GetAudioFormat(program.Audio),
                    Duration    = (int)((dtStop - dtStart).TotalSeconds),
                    IsCC        = program.Subtitles.Count > 0 ? "true" : null,
                    IsHdtv      = (program.Video?.Quality != null && program.Video.Quality.ToLower().Equals("hdtv")) ? "true" : mxfService.isHD ? "true" : null,
                    IsLive      = (program.Live != null) ? "true" : null,
                    IsPremiere  = (program.Premiere != null) ? "true" : null,
                    IsRepeat    = (program.New == null && !mxfProgram.episodeInfo.Type.Equals("MV")) ? "true" : null,
                    Part        = (mxfProgram.episodeInfo.NumberOfParts > 1) ? mxfProgram.episodeInfo.PartNumber.ToString() : null,
                    Parts       = (mxfProgram.episodeInfo.NumberOfParts > 1) ? mxfProgram.episodeInfo.NumberOfParts.ToString() : null,
                    Program     = Common.mxf.With[0].getProgram(mxfProgram.episodeInfo.TMSID, mxfProgram).Id,
                    StartTime   = startTime,
                    TvRating    = GetUsTvRating(program.Rating)
                                  //Is3D = ,
                                  //IsBlackout = ,
                                  //IsClassroom = ,
                                  //IsDelay = ,
                                  //IsDvs = ,
                                  //IsEnhanced = ,
                                  //IsFinale = ,
                                  //IsHdtvSimulCast = ,
                                  //IsInProgress = ,
                                  //IsLetterbox = ,
                                  //IsLiveSports = ,
                                  //IsSap = ,
                                  //IsSubtitled = ,
                                  //IsTape = ,
                                  //IsSigned =

                BuildProgram(mxfProgram.episodeInfo.TMSID, program);
Пример #3
        public static XmltvChannel BuildXmltvChannel(MxfService mxfService)
            // initialize the return channel
            var ret = new XmltvChannel
                Id           = $"EPG123.{mxfService.StationId}.schedulesdirect.org",
                DisplayNames = new List <XmltvText>()

            // minimum display names
            // 5MAXHD
            // 5 StarMAX HD East
            ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText {
                Text = mxfService.CallSign
            if (!mxfService.Name.Equals(mxfService.CallSign))
                ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText {
                    Text = mxfService.Name

            // add channel number if requested
            if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelNumbers)
                var numbers = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (var mxfLineup in SdMxf.With.Lineups)
                    foreach (var mxfChannel in mxfLineup.channels)
                        if (mxfChannel.Service != mxfService.Id || mxfChannel.Number <= 0)

                        var num = $"{mxfChannel.Number}" + (mxfChannel.SubNumber > 0 ? $".{mxfChannel.SubNumber}" : "");
                        if (!numbers.Add(num))

                        ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText {
                            Text = num + " " + mxfService.CallSign
                        ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText {
                            Text = num

            // add affiliate if present
            var affiliate = mxfService.mxfAffiliate?.Name;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(affiliate) && !mxfService.Name.Equals(affiliate))
                ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText {
                    Text = affiliate

            // add logo if available
            if (mxfService.extras.ContainsKey("logo"))
                ret.Icons = new List <XmltvIcon>
                    new XmltvIcon
                        Src    = mxfService.extras["logo"].Url,
                        Height = mxfService.extras["logo"].Height,
                        Width  = mxfService.extras["logo"].Width
Пример #4
        private static bool buildLineupServices()
            // query what lineups client is subscribed to
            SdLineupResponse clientLineups = sdAPI.sdGetLineups();

            if (clientLineups == null)

            // determine if there are custom lineups to consider
            if (File.Exists(Helper.Epg123CustomLineupsXmlPath))
                CustomLineups customLineups = new CustomLineups();
                using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(Helper.Epg123CustomLineupsXmlPath, Encoding.Default))
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CustomLineups));
                    TextReader    reader     = new StringReader(stream.ReadToEnd());
                    customLineups = (CustomLineups)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                foreach (CustomLineup lineup in customLineups.CustomLineup)
                    if (!config.IncludedLineup.Contains(lineup.Lineup))
                    customLineup = lineup;

                    clientLineups.Lineups.Add(new SdLineup()
                        Lineup    = lineup.Lineup,
                        Name      = lineup.Name,
                        Transport = string.Empty,
                        Location  = lineup.Location,
                        Uri       = "CUSTOM",
                        IsDeleted = false

                    customMap          = new SdStationMapResponse();
                    customMap.Map      = new List <SdLineupMap>();
                    customMap.Stations = new List <SdLineupStation>();
                    customMap.Metadata = new sdMetadata()
                        Lineup = lineup.Lineup

            // reset counters
            processedObjects = 0; totalObjects = clientLineups.Lineups.Count;

            // process lineups
            Logger.WriteMessage(string.Format("Entering buildLineupServices() for {0} lineups.", clientLineups.Lineups.Count));
            foreach (SdLineup clientLineup in clientLineups.Lineups)
                bool flagCustom = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientLineup.Uri) && clientLineup.Uri.Equals("CUSTOM"));
                ++processedObjects; reportProgress();

                // request the lineup's station maps
                SdStationMapResponse lineupMap = null;
                if (!flagCustom)
                    lineupMap = sdAPI.sdGetStationMaps(clientLineup.Lineup);
                    if (lineupMap == null)

                    foreach (SdLineupStation station in lineupMap.Stations)
                        if (!allStations.ContainsKey(station.StationID))
                            allStations.Add(station.StationID, station);

                if (!config.IncludedLineup.Contains(clientLineup.Lineup))
                    Logger.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Subscribed lineup {0} has been EXCLUDED from download and processing.", clientLineup.Lineup));
                else if (clientLineup.IsDeleted)
                    Logger.WriteWarning(string.Format("Subscribed lineup {0} has been DELETED at the headend.", clientLineup.Lineup));
                else if (flagCustom)
                    foreach (CustomStation station in customLineup.Station)
                        SdLineupStation lineupStation;
                        if (allStations.TryGetValue(station.StationId, out lineupStation))
                            customMap.Map.Add(new SdLineupMap()
                                StationID = station.StationId,
                                AtscMajor = int.Parse(station.Number),
                                AtscMinor = int.Parse(station.Subnumber)
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.Alternate) && allStations.TryGetValue(station.Alternate, out lineupStation))
                            customMap.Map.Add(new SdLineupMap()
                                StationID = station.Alternate,
                                AtscMajor = int.Parse(station.Number),
                                AtscMinor = int.Parse(station.Subnumber)
                    lineupMap = customMap;
                    Logger.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Successfully retrieved the station mapping for lineup {0}.", clientLineup.Lineup));
                if (lineupMap == null)

                int lineupIndex = sdMxf.With[0].Lineups.Count;
                sdMxf.With[0].Lineups.Add(new MxfLineup()
                    index    = lineupIndex + 1,
                    Uid      = clientLineup.Lineup,
                    Name     = "EPG123 " + clientLineup.Name + " (" + clientLineup.Location + ")",
                    channels = new List <MxfChannel>()

                // build the services and lineup
                foreach (SdLineupStation station in lineupMap.Stations)
                    // check if station should be downloaded and processed
                    if (!flagCustom)
                        if ((station == null) || (excludedStations.Contains(station.StationID) && !customStations.Contains(station.StationID)))
                        if (!includedStations.Contains(station.StationID) && !config.AutoAddNew)
                            Logger.WriteWarning(string.Format("**** Lineup {0} ({1}) has added station {2} ({3}). ****", clientLineup.Name, clientLineup.Location, station.StationID, station.Callsign));

                    // build the service if necessary
                    MxfService mxfService = sdMxf.With[0].getService(station.StationID);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mxfService.CallSign))
                        // add callsign and station name
                        mxfService.CallSign = station.Callsign;
                        mxfService.Name     = station.Name;

                        // add affiliate if available
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(station.Affiliate))
                            mxfService.Affiliate = sdMxf.With[0].getAffiliateId(station.Affiliate);

                        // set the ScheduleEntries service id
                        mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.Service = mxfService.Id;

                        // add station logo if available and allowed
                        string logoPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.png", Helper.Epg123LogosFolder, station.Callsign);
                        if (config.IncludeSDLogos)
                            // make sure logos directory exists
                            if (!Directory.Exists(Helper.Epg123LogosFolder))

                            // add the existing logo or download the new logo if available
                            if (File.Exists(logoPath))
                                mxfService.LogoImage = sdMxf.With[0].getGuideImage("file://" + logoPath, getStringEncodedImage(logoPath)).Id;
                                string url = string.Empty;
                                if ((station.StationLogos != null) && (station.StationLogos.Count > 0))
                                    // the second station logo is typically the best contrast
                                    url = station.StationLogos[Math.Min(station.StationLogos.Count - 1, 1)].URL;
                                else if (station.Logo != null)
                                    url = station.Logo.URL;

                                // download, crop & resize logo image, save and add
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                                    stationLogosToDownload.Add(new KeyValuePair <MxfService, string>(mxfService, url));

                        // handle xmltv logos
                        SdStationImage logoImage = (station.StationLogos != null) ? station.StationLogos[station.StationLogos.Count - 1] : station.Logo;
                        if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.ToLower().Equals("url") && (logoImage != null))
                            mxfService.logoImage = logoImage;
                        else if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.ToLower().Equals("local") && File.Exists(logoPath))
                            Image image = Image.FromFile(logoPath);
                            mxfService.logoImage = new SdStationImage()
                                URL    = logoPath,
                                Height = image.Height,
                                Width  = image.Width
                        else if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelLogos.ToLower().Equals("substitute") && File.Exists(logoPath))
                            Image image = Image.FromFile(logoPath);
                            mxfService.logoImage = new SdStationImage()
                                URL    = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.png", config.XmltvLogoSubstitutePath.TrimEnd('\\'), station.Callsign),
                                Height = image.Height,
                                Width  = image.Width

                    // use hashset to make sure we don't duplicate channel entries for this station
                    HashSet <string> channelNumbers = new HashSet <string>();

                    // match station with mapping for lineup number and subnumbers
                    foreach (SdLineupMap map in lineupMap.Map)
                        int number    = -1;
                        int subnumber = 0;
                        if (map.StationID.Equals(station.StationID))
                            // QAM
                            if (map.ChannelMajor > 0)
                                number    = map.ChannelMajor;
                                subnumber = map.ChannelMinor;

                            // ATSC or NTSC
                            else if (map.AtscMajor > 0)
                                number    = map.AtscMajor;
                                subnumber = map.AtscMinor;
                            else if (map.UhfVhf > 0)
                                number = map.UhfVhf;

                            // Cable or Satellite
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Channel))
                                subnumber = 0;
                                if (Regex.Match(map.Channel, @"[A-Za-z]{1}[\d]{4}").Length > 0)
                                    // 4dtv has channels starting with 2 character satellite identifier
                                    number = int.Parse(map.Channel.Substring(2));
                                else if (!int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(map.Channel, "[^0-9.]", ""), out number))
                                    // if channel number is not a whole number, must be a decimal number
                                    string[] numbers = Regex.Replace(map.Channel, "[^0-9.]", "").Replace('_', '.').Replace('-', '.').Split('.');
                                    if (numbers.Length == 2)
                                        number    = int.Parse(numbers[0]);
                                        subnumber = int.Parse(numbers[1]);

                            string channelNumber = number.ToString() + ((subnumber > 0) ? "." + subnumber.ToString() : null);
                            if (channelNumbers.Add(channelNumber + ":" + station.StationID))
                                addLineupChannel(lineupMap.Metadata.Lineup, mxfService.StationID, mxfService.Id, number, subnumber, lineupIndex);

            if (stationLogosToDownload.Count > 0)
                stationLogosDownloadComplete = false;
                Logger.WriteInformation(string.Format("Kicking off background worker to download and process {0} station logos.", stationLogosToDownload.Count));
                backgroundDownloader                            = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
                backgroundDownloader.DoWork                    += BackgroundDownloader_DoWork;
                backgroundDownloader.RunWorkerCompleted        += BackgroundDownloader_RunWorkerCompleted;
                backgroundDownloader.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;

            if (sdMxf.With[0].Services.Count > 0)
                Logger.WriteMessage("Exiting buildLineupServices(). SUCCESS.");
                Logger.WriteError(string.Format("There are 0 stations queued for download from {0} subscribed lineups. Exiting.", clientLineups.Lineups.Count));
                Logger.WriteError("Check that lineups are 'INCLUDED' and stations are selected in the EPG123 GUI.");
Пример #5
        public static XmltvChannel buildXmltvChannel(MxfChannel mxfChannel)
            // determine what service this channel belongs to
            MxfService mxfService = sdMxf.With[0].Services.Where(arg => arg.Id.Equals(mxfChannel.Service)).Single();

            // initialize the return channel
            XmltvChannel ret = new XmltvChannel()
                Id           = mxfService.xmltvChannelID,
                DisplayNames = new List <XmltvText>()

            // minimum display names
            // 5MAXHD
            // 5 StarMAX HD East
            ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText()
                Text = mxfService.CallSign
            if (!mxfService.Name.Equals(mxfService.CallSign))
                ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText()
                    Text = mxfService.Name

            // add channel number if requested
            if (config.XmltvIncludeChannelNumbers)
                if (mxfChannel.Number > 0)
                    string num = mxfChannel.Number.ToString();
                    num += (mxfChannel.SubNumber > 0) ? "." + mxfChannel.SubNumber.ToString() : string.Empty;

                    ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText()
                        Text = num + " " + mxfService.CallSign
                    ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText()
                        Text = num

            // add affiliate if present
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mxfService.Affiliate))
                ret.DisplayNames.Add(new XmltvText()
                    Text = mxfService.Affiliate.Substring(11)

            // add logo if available
            if (mxfService.logoImage != null)
                ret.Icons = new List <XmltvIcon>()
                    new XmltvIcon()
                        src    = mxfService.logoImage.URL,
                        height = mxfService.logoImage.Height.ToString(),
                        width  = mxfService.logoImage.Width.ToString()
Пример #6
        private static bool getMd5ScheduleEntries(string[] dates, int start)
            // build request for station schedules
            sdScheduleRequest[] requests = new sdScheduleRequest[Math.Min(sdMxf.With[0].Services.Count - start, MAXQUERIES / dates.Length)];
            for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; ++i)
                requests[i] = new sdScheduleRequest()
                    StationID = sdMxf.With[0].Services[start + i].StationID,
                    Date      = dates

            // request schedule md5s from Schedules Direct
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, sdScheduleMd5DateResponse> > stationResponses = sdAPI.sdGetScheduleMd5s(requests);

            if (stationResponses == null)

            // build request of daily schedules not downloaded yet
            IList <sdScheduleRequest> newRequests = new List <sdScheduleRequest>();

            foreach (sdScheduleRequest request in requests)
                Dictionary <string, sdScheduleMd5DateResponse> stationResponse;
                if (stationResponses.TryGetValue(request.StationID, out stationResponse))
                    // if the station return is empty, go to next station
                    if (stationResponse.Count == 0)
                        MxfService mxfService = sdMxf.With[0].getService(request.StationID);
                        string     comment    = string.Format("Failed to parse the schedule Md5 return for stationId {0} ({1}) on {2} and after.", mxfService.StationID, mxfService.CallSign, dates[0]);
                        if (checkSuppressWarnings(mxfService.CallSign))
                        processedObjects += dates.Length; reportProgress();

                    // scan through all the dates returned for the station and request dates that are not cached
                    IList <string> newDateRequests = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string day in dates)
                        sdScheduleMd5DateResponse dayResponse;
                        if (stationResponse.TryGetValue(day, out dayResponse) && (dayResponse.Code == 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dayResponse.Md5))
                            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Helper.Epg123CacheFolder, safeFilename(dayResponse.Md5)));
                            if (!file.Exists || (file.Length == 0))
                                ++processedObjects; reportProgress();
                            scheduleEntries.Add(dayResponse.Md5, new string[] { request.StationID, day });

                    // create the new request for the station
                    if (newDateRequests.Count > 0)
                        newRequests.Add(new sdScheduleRequest()
                            StationID = request.StationID,
                            Date      = newDateRequests.ToArray()
                    // requested station was not in response
                    MxfService mxfService = sdMxf.With[0].getService(request.StationID);
                    Logger.WriteWarning(string.Format("Requested stationId {0} ({1}) was not present in schedule Md5 response.", mxfService.StationID, mxfService.CallSign));
                    processedObjects += dates.Length; reportProgress();

            // download the remaining daily schedules to the cache directory
            if (newRequests.Count > 0)
                // request daily schedules from Schedules Direct
                IList <sdScheduleResponse> responses = sdAPI.sdGetScheduleListings(newRequests.ToArray());
                if (responses == null)

                // process the responses
                foreach (sdScheduleResponse response in responses)
                    ++processedObjects; reportProgress();
                    if (response == null || response.Programs == null)

                    // serialize JSON directly to a file
                    if (scheduleEntries.TryGetValue(response.Metadata.Md5, out string[] serviceDate))
Пример #7
        public static bool BuildMxfFromSliceGuide(List <HDHRDiscover> homeruns)
            // scan each device for tuned channels and associated programs
            foreach (HDHRDiscover homerun in homeruns)
                HDHRDevice device = Common.api.ConnectDevice(homerun.DiscoverURL);
                if (device == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.LineupURL))
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Processing {0} {1} ({2}) with firmware {3}.", device.FriendlyName, device.ModelNumber, device.DeviceID, device.FirmwareVersion));

                // get channels
                List <HDHRChannel> channels = Common.api.GetDeviceChannels(device.LineupURL);
                if (channels == null)

                // determine lineup
                string    model       = device.ModelNumber.Split('-')[1];
                string    deviceModel = model.Substring(model.Length - 2);
                MxfLineup mxfLineup   = Common.mxf.With[0].getLineup(deviceModel);

                foreach (HDHRChannel channel in channels)
                    int startTime = 0;
                    List <HDHRChannelGuide> programs = Common.api.GetChannelGuide(device.DeviceAuth, channel.GuideNumber, startTime);
                    if (programs == null)

                    // build the service
                    MxfService mxfService = Common.mxf.With[0].getService(programs[0].GuideName);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mxfService.CallSign))
                        mxfService.CallSign  = programs[0].GuideName;
                        mxfService.Name      = channel.GuideName;
                        mxfService.Affiliate = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(programs[0].Affiliate)) ? Common.mxf.With[0].getAffiliateId(programs[0].Affiliate) : null;
                        mxfService.LogoImage = (!Common.noLogos && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(programs[0].ImageURL)) ? Common.mxf.With[0].getGuideImage(programs[0].ImageURL).Id : null;
                        mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.Service = mxfService.Id;

                    // add channel to the lineup
                    if (int.TryParse(channel.GuideNumber, out int iChannel) || double.TryParse(channel.GuideNumber, out double dChannel))
                        string[] digits    = channel.GuideNumber.Split('.');
                        int      number    = int.Parse(digits[0]);
                        int      subnumber = 0;
                        if (digits.Length > 1)
                            subnumber = int.Parse(digits[1]);

                        // add the channel to the lineup and make sure we don't duplicate channels
                        var vchan = mxfLineup.channels.Where(arg => arg.Service == mxfService.Id)
                                    .Where(arg => arg.Number == number)
                                    .Where(arg => arg.SubNumber == subnumber)
                        if (vchan == null)
                            string matchname = null;
                            switch (deviceModel)
                            case "US":      // ATSC
                                matchname = string.Format("OC:{0}:{1}", number, subnumber);

                            case "DT":      // DVB-T
                                matchname = string.Format("DVBT:{0}:{1}:{2}", channel.OriginalNetworkID, channel.TransportStreamID, channel.ProgramNumber);

                            case "CC":      // US CableCARD
                                matchname = mxfService.Name;

                            case "IS":      // ISDB
                            case "DC":      // DVB-C
                                matchname = mxfService.Name;

                            mxfLineup.channels.Add(new MxfChannel()
                                Lineup    = mxfLineup.Id,
                                lineupUid = mxfLineup.Uid,
                                stationId = mxfService.CallSign,
                                Service   = mxfService.Id,
                                Number    = number,
                                SubNumber = subnumber,
                                MatchName = matchname
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("--Processing station {0} on channel {1}{2}.",
                                                            mxfService.CallSign, number, (subnumber > 0) ? "." + subnumber.ToString() : string.Empty));

                    // if this channel's listings are already done, stop here
                    if (!Common.channelsDone.Add(mxfService.CallSign))

                    // build the programs
                        foreach (HDHRProgram program in programs[0].Guide)
                            // establish the program ID
                            string programID = program.SeriesID;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(program.EpisodeNumber))
                                programID += "_" + program.EpisodeNumber;
                            else if (!programID.StartsWith("MV"))
                                programID += "_" + program.GetHashCode().ToString();

                            // create an mxf program
                            MxfProgram mxfProgram = new MxfProgram()
                                index = Common.mxf.With[0].Programs.Count + 1
                            mxfProgram.programId = programID;

                            // create the schedule entry and program if needed
                            string start = program.StartDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                            if (program.StartDateTime == mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.endTime)
                                start = null;
                            mxfService.mxfScheduleEntries.ScheduleEntry.Add(new MxfScheduleEntry()
                                Duration  = program.EndTime - program.StartTime,
                                IsHdtv    = channel.HD ? "true" : null,
                                Program   = Common.mxf.With[0].getProgram(programID, mxfProgram).Id,
                                StartTime = start

                            // build the program
                            BuildProgram(programID, program);

                            startTime = program.EndTime;
                    } while ((programs = Common.api.GetChannelGuide(device.DeviceAuth, channel.GuideNumber, startTime)) != null);