/// <summary>
        /// Creates a Single Mutation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">Account affected by this mutation</param>
        /// <param name="previousEventNr">The Event Number of the previous Event.</param>
        /// <param name="counterAccount">The Counter Party Account for this mutation</param>
        /// <param name="mutationType">Type of mutation example Deposit of Withdrawal</param>
        /// <param name="entryType">Credit of Debit</param>
        /// <param name="prevBalance">Previous balance of the Account</param>
        /// <param name="amount">The Amount mutated</param>
        /// <param name="currency">Asset type ex USD</param>
        /// <param name="descr2"></param>
        /// <returns>Mutation object</returns>
        private static Mutation CreateMutation(Mutation lastAccountEvent, Mutation LastCounterAccountEvent, MutationTypes mutationType, MutationEntryTypes entryType, decimal amount, string currency, string descr2 = "", string descr3 = "")
            // the amount credited will be calculated by the MutationEntryType
            var CreditAmount = 0m;

            // the amount credited will be calculated by the MutationEntryType
            var DebitAmount = 0m;

            // New balance will be calculated by the MutationEntryType Dr + and Cr -
            var newBalance = 0m;

            //this old balance is the new Balance of the previous mutation
            var oldBalance = 0m;

            // Find the Old Currency balance. If cussency is not there the balance is 0.00
            foreach (Balance b in lastAccountEvent.AccountBalances)
                if (b.Currency == currency)
                    oldBalance = b.NewBalance;

            // generate the default description (goes to descr1)
            var descr1 = ($"{mutationType.ToString().Replace('_', ' ')}  {entryType.ToString()} {amount} {currency}.");

            //Calucate the balance and Debit and Credit amount
            switch (entryType)
            case MutationEntryTypes.Cr:
                CreditAmount = amount;
                newBalance   = oldBalance - amount;


            case MutationEntryTypes.Dr:
                DebitAmount = amount;
                newBalance  = oldBalance + amount;

            // Create counterAccount Information
            CounterAccount counterAccount = new CounterAccount
                AccountHolder       = LastCounterAccountEvent.Account.AccountHolder,
                AccountNumber       = LastCounterAccountEvent.Account.AccountNumber,
                AccountType         = LastCounterAccountEvent.Account.AccountType,
                PreviousEventNumber = LastCounterAccountEvent.EventNumber,
                EventNumber         = LastCounterAccountEvent.EventNumber + 1,

            var mutation = new Mutation
                MutationId          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Account             = lastAccountEvent.Account,
                CounterAccount      = counterAccount,
                PreviousEventNumber = lastAccountEvent.EventNumber,
                EventNumber         = lastAccountEvent.EventNumber + 1,
                MutationType        = mutationType.ToString(),
                Currency            = currency.ToUpper(),
                AccountBalances     = UpdateBalance(lastAccountEvent.AccountBalances, oldBalance, newBalance, currency.ToUpper()),
                Cr           = CreditAmount,
                Dr           = DebitAmount,
                Description1 = descr1,
                Description2 = descr2,
                Description3 = descr3

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new posting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lastAccountEvent"></param>
        /// <param name="LastCounterAccountEvent"></param>
        /// <param name="mutationType"></param>
        /// <param name="entryType"></param>
        /// <param name="amount"></param>
        /// <param name="currency"></param>
        /// <param name="descr2"></param>
        /// <param name="descr3"></param>
        /// <returns>Posting object</returns>
        public static Posting CreatePosting(Mutation lastAccountEvent, Mutation LastCounterAccountEvent, MutationTypes mutationType, MutationEntryTypes entryType, decimal amount, string currency, string descr2 = "", string descr3 = "")
            Posting result = new Posting();

            Mutation accountEvent = CreateMutation(lastAccountEvent, LastCounterAccountEvent, mutationType, entryType, amount, currency, descr2, descr3);

            // Swap CR to DR and Vsa versa before creating a CounteraccountEvent.
            MutationEntryTypes CounterEntryType;

            if (entryType == MutationEntryTypes.Cr)
                CounterEntryType = MutationEntryTypes.Dr;
                CounterEntryType = MutationEntryTypes.Cr;

            Mutation CounteraccountEvent = CreateMutation(LastCounterAccountEvent, lastAccountEvent, mutationType, CounterEntryType, amount, currency, descr2, descr3);

            // Set the mutation id's in the counterAccounts.
            CounteraccountEvent.CounterAccount.MutationId = accountEvent.MutationId;
            accountEvent.CounterAccount.MutationId        = CounteraccountEvent.MutationId;

            result.Mutations[0] = accountEvent;
            result.Mutations[1] = CounteraccountEvent;
