/// <summary>
        /// Prepares the layout execution.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitializeLayout()
            // prepare undo/redo
            oldClearRect = clearRect.ToRectD();
            layoutEdit   = Graph.BeginEdit("Clear Area", "Clear Area");

            resetToOriginalGraphStageData = CreateGivenCoordinateStageData();
            executor = CreateDraggingLayoutExecutor();
Пример #2
        private void ImageExportToPreview()
            Image image = ImageExport();

            ImageVisual imageVisual = new ImageVisual(image);

            if (previewCanvas.RootGroup.First != null)
            previewCanvas.RootGroup.AddChild(imageVisual, CanvasObjectDescriptors.Visual);
            previewCanvas.ContentRect = exportRect.ToRectD().GetEnlarged(20);
            private void Update()
                if (!invalid)

                rectangle.Width  = -1;
                rectangle.Height = -1;
                rectangle.X      = 0;
                rectangle.Y      = 0;

                foreach (var node in nodes)
                    rectangle.SetToUnion(rectangle, node.Layout);
                tightRect = rectangle.ToRectD();

                rectangle.X      -= margins.Left;
                rectangle.Y      -= margins.Top;
                rectangle.Width  += margins.Left + margins.Right;
                rectangle.Height += margins.Top + margins.Bottom;

                invalid = false;
        private void PreparePrinting()
            GraphControl control = graphControl;
            // check if the rectangular region or the whole viewport should be printed
            bool  useRect = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, PRINT_RECTANGLE);
            RectD bounds  = useRect ? exportRect.ToRectD() : graphControl.ContentRect;

            // check whether decorations (selection, handles, ...) should be hidden
            bool hide = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, HIDE_DECORATIONS);

            if (hide)
                // if so, create a new graph control with the same graph
                control = new GraphControl {
                    Graph = graphControl.Graph, FlowDirection = graphControl.FlowDirection, Projection = graphControl.Projection

            // read CanvasPrintDocument options
            printDocument.Scale              = (double)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE);
            printDocument.CenterContent      = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, CENTER_CONTENT);
            printDocument.PageMarkPrinting   = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, PAGE_MARK_PRINTING);
            printDocument.ScaleDownToFitPage = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE_DOWN_TO_FIT_PAGE);
            printDocument.ScaleUpToFitPage   = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE_UP_TO_FIT_PAGE);
            // set GraphControl
            printDocument.Canvas = control;
            // set print area
            printDocument.PrintRectangle = bounds;
Пример #5
        private void printButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GraphControl control = graphControl;
            // check if the rectangular region or the whole viewport should be printed
            bool  useRect = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, EXPORT_RECTANGLE);
            RectD bounds  = useRect ? exportRect.ToRectD() : control.Viewport;

            // check whether decorations (selection, handles, ...) should be hidden
            bool hide = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, HIDE_DECORATIONS);

            if (hide)
                // if so, create a new graphcontrol with the same graph
                control = new GraphControl {
                    Graph = graphControl.Graph, Projection = graphControl.Projection

            // read CanvasPrintDocument options
            printDocument.Scale              = (double)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE);
            printDocument.CenterContent      = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, CENTER_CONTENT);
            printDocument.PageMarkPrinting   = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, PAGE_MARK_PRINTING);
            printDocument.ScaleDownToFitPage = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE_DOWN_TO_FIT_PAGE);
            printDocument.ScaleUpToFitPage   = (bool)Handler.GetValue(DOCUMENT_SETTINGS, SCALE_UP_TO_FIT_PAGE);
            // set GraphControl
            printDocument.Canvas = control;
            // set print area
            printDocument.PrintRectangle = bounds;
            printDocument.Projection     = graphControl.Projection;

            // show new PrintPreviewDialog
            PrintPreviewDialog dialog = new PrintPreviewDialog {
                Document = printDocument
            DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(this);

            if (result == DialogResult.Cancel || result == DialogResult.Abort || result == DialogResult.No)
            // print
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a callback function as decorator that provides a custom
        /// <see cref="INodeSizeConstraintProvider"/> for each node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This callback function is called whenever a node in the graph is queried
        /// for its <see cref="INodeSizeConstraintProvider"/>. In this case, the 'node' parameter will be set
        /// to that node.
        /// </remarks>
        public void RegisterSizeConstraintProvider(MutableRectangle boundaryRectangle)
            // One shared instance that will be used by all blue nodes
            var blueSizeConstraintProvider = new BlueSizeConstraintProvider();

            var nodeDecorator = graphControl.Graph.GetDecorator().NodeDecorator;

                node => {
                // Obtain the tag from the node
                object nodeTag = node.Tag;

                // Check if it is a known tag and choose the respective implementation.
                // Fallback to the default behavior otherwise.
                if (!(nodeTag is Color))
                else if (Color.RoyalBlue.Equals(nodeTag))
                else if (Color.Green.Equals(nodeTag))
                    return(new GreenSizeConstraintProvider());
                else if (Color.Orange.Equals(nodeTag))
                    return(new NodeSizeConstraintProvider(
                               new SizeD(50, 50), new SizeD(300, 300), boundaryRectangle.ToRectD()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares the rectangle that is actually used to limit the node
 /// position, besides the base functionality. Since a position handler
 /// works on points, the actual rectangle must be a limit for the upper
 /// left corner of the node and not for the node's bounding box.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnInitialized(IInputModeContext context, PointD originalLocation)
     base.OnInitialized(context, originalLocation);
     // Shrink the retangle by the node size to get the limits for the upper left node corner
     boundaryPositionRectangle = boundaryRectangle.ToRectD() + new InsetsD(0, 0, -node.Layout.Width, -node.Layout.Height);
Пример #8
        private ImageSource ImageExport()
            GraphControl control = graphControl;
            // check if the rectangular region or the whole viewport should be exported
            bool  useRect = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, EXPORT_RECTANGLE);
            RectD bounds  = useRect ? exportRect.ToRectD() : control.Viewport;

            // get the format
            string formatChoice = (string)Handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, FORMAT);
            string format       = Formats[formatChoice];
            // check whether decorations (selection, handles, ...) should be hidden
            bool hide = (bool)handler.GetValue(OUTPUT, HIDE_DECORATIONS);

            if (hide)
                // if so, create a new graph control with the same graph
                control = new GraphControl {
                    Graph         = graphControl.Graph,
                    FlowDirection = graphControl.FlowDirection,
                    Background    = graphControl.Background,
                    Projection    = graphControl.Projection
            IImageExporter      exporter;
            ContextConfigurator config = GetConfig(bounds, !useRect);

            var transparentBackground = (bool)Handler.GetValue(PNG, TRANSPARENT);

            if (format.Equals("XPS"))
                // create the exporter
                XpsExporter xpsExporter  = new XpsExporter(config);
                string      tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                using (var fileStream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) {
                    xpsExporter.Export(control, fileStream);

                documentViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                previewCanvas.Visibility  = Visibility.Hidden;
                documentViewer.Document   = new XpsDocument(tempFileName, FileAccess.Read).GetFixedDocumentSequence();
                // create the exporter
                PixelImageExporter pixelImageExport = new PixelImageExporter(config);
                AddExportParameters(pixelImageExport, format);
                pixelImageExport.OutputFormat = format;
                // check if the format is transparent PNG
                if ((!format.Equals("image/png") || !transparentBackground))
                    // if not, set the background color
                    pixelImageExport.Background = control.Background ?? Brushes.White;
                exporter = pixelImageExport;
                var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                try {
                    exporter.Export(control, memoryStream);

                    // reset the stream
                    memoryStream.Position = 0;
                    // and read back the image for display
                    var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                    bitmapImage.StreamSource = memoryStream;

                    if (previewCanvas.RootGroup.First != null)
                    documentViewer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    previewCanvas.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
                    var image = new Image {
                        Source = bitmapImage, Width = bitmapImage.Width, Height = bitmapImage.Height
                    image.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height));
                    previewCanvas.RootGroup.AddChild(image, CanvasObjectDescriptors.Visual);
                    previewCanvas.ContentRect = new RectD(0, 0, bitmapImage.Width, bitmapImage.Height).GetEnlarged(20);

                } catch (IOException exception) {
                    MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "I/O Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);