public static FrameOptions GetIntervallTime(int optionNumber)
            double timeDuration = MusicalStorage.SongDurationInMS();

            double physDuration = MusicalStorage.CalculateSongDuration();

            double delta = physDuration / timeDuration;

            if (optionNumber == 0)
                double interval = 1.0 / delta;
                var    options  = new FrameOptions();
                options.frameInterval  = interval;
                options.numberOfPixels = 1;
            else if (optionNumber == 1)
                var options = new FrameOptions();
                options.frameInterval  = 1;
                options.numberOfPixels = delta;
                throw new Exception("invalid optionNumber");
        private static Song GetSongModel()
            var song = new Song();

            song.SongTitle    = SongTitle;
            song.BPM          = BpmValue;
            song.SongDuration = MusicalStorage.SongDurationInMS();
            song.Notation     = new List <INote>();

            int    beatCounter   = -1; //2 strokes in the beginning, but we want to start with value 1
            double strokeCounter = 0;

            foreach (var musicalNote in MusicalStorage.Melodie)
                if (musicalNote is MusicalNote_Stroke)
                    beatCounter++; if (strokeCounter >= 4)
                        strokeCounter -= 4;
                else if (musicalNote is MusicalNote_Chord)
                    var chord         = musicalNote as MusicalNote_Chord;
                    var notationChord = new Chord();

                    notationChord.ID           = chord.NoteID;
                    notationChord.Duration     = chord.GetMusicalDuration();
                    notationChord.BeatNumber   = beatCounter;
                    notationChord.StrokeNumber = strokeCounter;
                    notationChord.Name         = chord.ChordName;
                    song.Notation.Add(new INote(notationChord));

                    strokeCounter += notationChord.Duration;
                    var notationNote = new Note();
                    notationNote.ID           = musicalNote.NoteID;
                    notationNote.Name         = MusicalCalculator.GetNameFromPosition(ClassicalGuitar.ObjToEnum(musicalNote.StringOfNote), musicalNote.NoteValue);
                    notationNote.Duration     = musicalNote.GetMusicalDuration();
                    notationNote.BeatNumber   = beatCounter;
                    notationNote.StrokeNumber = strokeCounter;
                    song.Notation.Add(new INote(notationNote));

                    strokeCounter += notationNote.Duration;